lørdag 16. september 2023

Artiklene som for alvor vil kunne forandre både ditt ytre og indre liv

Denne posteringen er en «tangle of confusing clues». Som avspeiler virkeligheten i dag, for et øyeblikk, siden, bortsett fra «den globale oppvarming», som dagens zeloter og entusiaster tar seg av – før vi opplever den fatale sammentreff av alle motsetninger. Muligens. Spesielt et muslimsk muligens. Kaos og klarhet er alltid like langt unna, det gjelder å ha og finne roen samtidig. 

Du kan gjerne fortsette å tro at alt vil gå seg til, at alle alltid og overalt vil klare brasene, at hver enkelt av oss på broen nå og i fremtiden vil gå ned med skuta heroisk, rolig, uten panikk, og kollektivt frelst, når alt håp like vel er ute.

Jovisst er det forvirring, og livets omskifteligheter og viderverdigheter er ikke over. De vil bare tilta. Det kan skape mye mer kreativ angst, på sikt, og lokale frustrasjoner vil bli avløst av fred og fordragelighet, uten speed, men ikke uten kamp. Hvem har «the clue»? Noen liker kaos, javel?

Ok, let’s get started:   

Oil and Islam: What made Saudi Arabia course correct to become ‘moderate’, and why ‘old school’ Islamists in Indian subcontinent are upset with Crown Prince MBS

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman said in his interview to Al Arabiya, "When we commit ourselves to following a certain school or scholar, this means we are deifying human beings. God Almighty did not put a barrier between himself and his people. He revealed the Quran and the Prophet PBUH implemented it and the space for interpretation is open permanently."

Kommentar: Ovenstående krever en viss åpenhet, en viss fleksibilitet i sinn og hjerte, visse forhåndskunnskaper, visse sunne fordommer og et visst mot, en viss optimisme, og en viss tålmodighet å lese; den er lang, men desto mer innholdsrik og fruktbar, for den som kan og vil og tør. Den vil gi den iherdige noe å tenke på. Den bornerte noe å bli vekket av. Radikale muslimer går i harnisk og fistel. Verden over. Men: Hva gjør man ikke for «penga»? Er Saudi på vei ut av tvangstrøyen, eller inn i den? Jeg har selv hørt på privaten at muslimer tror han vil bli drept, velg selv … det kan bli en overraskelse i seg selv å se hva som nå vil skje av etterdønninger i Libya og Morokko ...

Salman kan vise som verdens modigste mann. Obs: det er ikke modig å gå inn for forbud mot kranbrenning.

Og imens tror vi at Dovre fremdeles står så støtt, så søtt, så søtt og støtt. 


Se våre egne bidrag om akkurat dette, bygget på andre bidrag:





In Germany, More Statuary and Artwork Will Need to Be Removed

Can you guess why?



Austria: Islamic moral guardians spit in girl’s face, beat her because she wasn’t wearing hijab

Sep 16, 2023 3:00 pm By Robert Spencer 1 Comment

A glimpse into the future of Austria, and all of Europe



Salman Rushdie, Who Is Alive Today Because of the Values of the U.S. and UK, Denounces the U.S. and UK …




World Caliphate as a Business Project

Sep 11, 2023 1:00 pm By Alexander Maistrovoy 8 Comments

Of the past let us wipe the slate clean
Slave masses, arise, arise
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be everything
(“The Internationale”)

It was a dream come true. What the communists could not do, the globalists did.

Of the past let us wipe the slate clean

  • There is no gender identity

There are no women, and one can’t use the word “ladies.” There are no pregnant women, but “pregnant people” only.

There are no men, but there are  “X,” nonbinary, they/them. Baby boys are “they,” too.

There are LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP+++: Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Pansexual, Gender Fluid, Affectugender (gender affected by fluctuating emotions), Zodiacgender (gender related to a Zodizc sign), Digigender (digital gender: a virus, mp3, .txt etc), Egogender (individual gender), Anongender (I don’t know what gender I am), Pangender (versatile, the most convenient), etc.

One in four children in UK and 38% Of Brown University Students identify with LGBTQ+ community.

There are beauty queens – young men.

There are children identifying themselves as cats, dogs, horses or dinosaurs.

Children decide which gender to choose already in kindergartens.

There are secret gender transition closets in public schools.

In Germany, it will be possible to change gender once a year.

  • There is no family 

There are polyamorous families, homosexual, transgender and queer families. Now it is not about a courageous prince saving a beautiful princess. It is a love story of two princes.

  • There is no Judaism and Christianity 

There are beliefs of the New Age: a crazy eclectic mixture of mystical practices, occultism, esotericism, theosophy, astrology, spiritualism, anthroposophy, mesmerism, magic, kabbalah, hermeticism, Sufism, sacred geometry, meditation, mediumship, cults of the ancients, shamanism (what else have I forgotten?).

There are lizard people, aliens, Satanism, Wicca rituals.

Mankind is waiting for Zombie Apocalypse. Quite seriously.

Judaism has a “range of genders.”

Christianity has “gender-neutral language.” God is queer, or “transgender.”

Instead of Christian dogmas of faith, there is the cult of sexual minorities. Jesus, as we knew him, is  now a “white supremacist” and “racist.” The true Jesus now is George Floyd, and the Nashville transgender shooter. It is believed now that Jesus Christ was transvestite and “non-white.”

Good old Catholics with their “canon vision of marriage” are nothing but white supremacists.

As Chesterton said, “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything.” 

  • There is no science 

Humanity is returning to the concept of a “flat earth.” Gone are the days of Darwin and Linnaeus, botanist Sir Joseph Banks. They were colonialists, racists and imperialists. The the steam train is a symbol of colonialism.

There isn’t even room left for a little “gypsy moth.”

  • There is no place for morality and ethics

To save the earth from global warming, we must return to cannibalism.

Pedophiles are “people with a sexual interest in children.”  They are “stigmatized group,” and do not try to oppress them.

  • There is no culture

There is no classical music. Mozart, Beethoven and Handel were racists and supremacists.

There is no ballet and no art. There are “dead sharks,” and “cows in boxes.”

  • There is no chess

The game of chess is a reflection of the white supremacy concept.

  • There is no history 

The Romans were barbarians, and the Vikings were Muslims.

King Solomon was an Egyptian Pharaoh, and Jesus was the fourth king of Manu, ruler of Edessa.

There is no place for pyramids  – they were built by “black slaves.”

Books on the history of Canada are burned by the Canadian authorities.

The Battle of Dunkirk was fought by people of color and blacks.

British nobility of the eighteenth century practiced cannibalism and produced a potion from the “fat of the dead.” (OMG!)

There are no lessons of Holocaust and the Crusades in British schools.

Anne Boleyn and a Viking queen were black.

  • There are no national traditions

French culture doesn’t exist in and of itself (Emmanuel Macron).

Swedes must talk to each other with an Arabic accent.

Christmas became “Winterval.” The Christmas tree was replaced by an eclectic monster with glowing cubes “Xmas-3”; UK supermarkets don’t stock Easter eggs, because this doesn’t follow halal norms.

The Christian market on the Champs Elysees in Paris was closed.

Goodbye forever to “The Three Little Pigs,” Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. They offend Muslims. (It is fortunate for A. A. Milne that he did not live to see such a disgrace.)

There are no pictures with puppies and no guide dogs: dogs are considered “unclean animals” in Islam.

And there is no place for crosses, either. Especially the “British Cross.” Not to mention the cross on the Pope John Paul II statue and a cross on the coat of arms of Real Madrid.

Instead of the Day of the Patron Saint of England, St. George’s Day, the British celebrate Ramadan. Moreover, Saint George was a “Turkish,” “Arab,” and “a migrant worker.”

  • There is no place for monuments

Not only is there no place for Columbus and Confederate generals, but also for Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Washington, Thomas Jefferson. All of them are “Potentially Offensive.”

  • There is no philosophy

No place for Plato, Descartes and Kant. Like Aristotle, Roger Bacon, Voltaire, Locke and Mill, they are “Dead White European Males” (DWEM).

  • There is no classical literature…

 No more Gone with the Wind, or Pippi in the South Seas of Astrid Lindgren, Huckleberry Finn, the original novels of Agatha Christie and Ian Fleming, Chaucer, Milton and even Shakespeare. And, of course, Orwell. All of them are carriers of racist, homophobic, chauvinist stereotypes.

Anna Karenina was a black woman.

Farewell, Macbeth, Lord of the Flies, Of Mice and Men and To Kill a Mockingbird. We only need them to “explore ideas about the effects and inherent problems of colonialism” and “the patriarchal system.”

  • …and no classic children’s movies

Goodbye forever, Tom and Jerry, Dumbo, Peter Pan and Jungle Book. The Little Mermaid was turned into a black girl.

  • There is no women’s sport

There are men participating as female runners, as female cyclists and as powerlifters.

  • There is no place for traditional food

Eat yellow mealworms, crickets and locusts.

Rice is killing the planet.

Cheese is synonymous with racism.

Alcohol should also be banned, in the name of cultural sensitivity.

There is practically nothing. This is, according to modern philosopher Ulrich Beck, a society of “substantial emptiness.”

“The world is about to change its foundation”

So, what’s remains? Islam only.

  • Islam is a religion of peace

Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people.” (Hillary  Clinton).

“I also know civilization’s debt to Islam. It was Islam – at places like al-Azhar University – that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment.” (Barack Obama).

In other words, without Islam there would be no Petrarch, Dante, Goethe, Leonardo de Vinci, Edison, Diderot, Montesquieu.

“Islam preaches unity, justice and peace” (Carter Malkasian, a senior advisor to General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff).

Britain has to accept Sharia law (The Archbishop of Canterbury). Islamic law could benefit society (the President of the Supreme Court of the UK, Lord Phillips).

  • Islam is tolerant and pluralistic

“Beauty is in diversity as freedom is in the hijab.”

Long live the unisex hijab!  A veiled woman is the Commissioner for Gender Equality in Belgium.

There is Islamic “rainbow inclusiveness.”

Islam is the protector of the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP+ community.

“Homophobia goes against the spirit of Prophet Muhammad’s teachings.”

  • Islam is the great past of mankind…

Europeans already know that “Islam is our history.”

Islam has always been part of the American fabric,” and Muslims have been part of American cultures for more than 500 years.” (That is, twice as long as the US itself has existed.) “Muslim Americans have enriched our country since our founding” (Joe Biden).

The Syrian refugees are like the first American pilgrims on the Mayflower (Barack Obama).

The bloody conquest of the Hagia Sophia by the Ottoman Empire is a triumph of civilization.

  • … and mankind’s no less great future

Long live animal sacrifice, Ramadan celebration in Europechildren’s Islamic literature, halal lunches in schools, Sharia legalized pedophilia in Germany and Sweden,  and of course polygamous marriages! “Grandfather has four wives”…in Sweden. 

Some Belgian women already wear the Muslim abaya in the EU capital.

  • Muslims are victims

 Islam is the religion of the persecuted, the oppressed, the suffering people. All other religions and peoples ruthlessly persecute Islam: Christian Supremacists, Jewish Zionists, Orthodox Serbs, Hindus with their leader Narendra Modi, cruel Nigerian Christians.

  • Islam and terror are incompatible, like ice and fire

 “Al Qaeda’s cause is not Islam – it’s a gross distortion of Islam” (Barack Obama). “Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” (Hillary  Clinton)

Terror or distortion of Islam, or the result of global warming.

“Muslim terrorism does not exist,”  “Global economy, not Islam, inspire terrorism.” (Pope Francis).

All terrorists are mentally unstable people. Mass Muslim violence in France was the result of the influence of “video games” (Emmanuel Macron).

On the contrary, the main victims of 9/11 were Muslims. Terrorists responsible for 2015 and 2016 attacks in Paris and Brussels and Mohamed Atta were martyrs.

Somali pirates were environmentalists (Prince Charles). ISIS is a fashion brand.

Swedes opened SNIPER TRAINING courses for Muslim migrants to let them protect themselves.

It seems simple, a genius move.

First, destroy the basic structure of civilization.

Secondly, create in its place a chaotic giant swamp of thoughtless consumers.

Thirdly, cement this formless “consumer plankton” with strict Sharia norms.

Masses of greedy, superstitious, devoid of critical thinking and moral guidelines people, suspicious and hostile to all new, but restrained within the frames of archaic patriarchal laws – no doubt, this is an ideal society, from the point of view of global financiers, tycoons, and of course, Arab sheikhs.

The society that consumes but is easily controlled and manipulated. This will be the world of Islamic globalism, which will have to establish itself in the Western Hemisphere.

Alexander Maistrovoy is the author of Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger), available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


Church of Sweden forms ‘wall of love’ outside mosque against criticism of Islam

Sep 16, 2023 8:00 am By Robert Spencer 11 Comments

“The priest attacked critics of Islam and stated that Koran burnings are ‘terrible’ and ‘an abuse of freedom of speech.'”


Ok. Dette var noen smakebiter. Enjoy. For now.


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