Altfor mange mennesker i dag viser en tydelig – og tragisk - manglende age for ord og tekster, det være seg poesi eller trosbekjennelser, eller mer ordinære eller trivielle dokumenter, det være seg pakter eller avtaler. Slike mennesker mangler respekt både for mennesker og ord. Man går rundt i halvsvime og tror at virkeligheten, hvis den blir for hard eller oppsiktsvekkende og følelsesmessig skremmende, skal innordne seg etter deres følelser eller emosjoner, deres emoveringer og deres hypermagi, (se artikler andre steder på bloggen, det er flust av dem). De tror at det som er det viktigste, er å forandre ved å føle, ikke ved å analysere eller tolke og heller ikke ved å implisere f eks logiske førsteprinsipper, eller marxisme eller noen annen ideologi. For ikke å snakke om TRO. Bare de færreste skjønner det gedigne i at det finnes ord samtidig som det finne ORDET, (og at dette er personlig, for å si det sånn).
Det er slike mennesker jeg kaller servilt betinget emosjonelt korrekte mennesker og de er farligere enn vi tror, farligere, ja, fordi vi – både dem og vi andre - ikke skjønner de mentale mekanismene som er innbakt i alle disse for oss her relevante medmenneskelige relasjoner, og disse relasjonenes relasjon til ordene (pluss de inkorporerte eller presupposisjonelle konsepter og kontrualer etc).
Andre mennesker begynner å hyperventilere over visse ord og disse kalles ofte snøfnugg e l; disse tror at ord bokstavelig talt kan drepe og disse krever derfor «safe spaces» og «disclaimere» på fag og bøker man kunne lære noe av på universitetene, (men som visse studenter altså bør beskyttes fra å lese eller forholde seg til overhodet).
De som forstår disse ordforakterne hjelpes ofte frem at de jeg kaller hypermagikere, - som utøver en høyst moderne form for magi - folk som elsker å fremstille ofre som de selv kan suge magisk kraft fra, ofre som gjerne ikke har bedt dem om det, og som de ikke har fullmakt fra, - alt for å kunne fremstille seg selv som bedre enn noen, som de beste blant de beste, selv om noen «engasjerte tilskuere» skulle ha gjennomskuet dem for lengst for ikke å være annet en elendige og høys uedle «godhetsposerører». De klarer ikke å frigjøre seg fra eller gjøre seg uavhengige av dette deliret og denne mentale og fysiske «addiction». Disse tror at deres illusjoner skal få virkeligheten til å rette seg nettopp etter deres illusjoner, og deres egne forkvaklede og overflatiske emosjonsliv. De spreller som sprellemenn styrt av krefter de ikke aner eksisterer, fordi de ikke har noen kontakt med «dypet av seg selv», simpelt hen fordi de ikke har respekt hverken for ord og tekster og derfor heller ikke for varme mennesker av kjøtt og blod.
Dagens postering taler for seg selv. (Den er lang, av nødvendighet, vil jeg si, i håp om å få sagt mest mulig på kortest mulig tid om både ord og mennesker, på grunnplanet, på det essensielle planet … ). Den er lang, ja, men vil gi et etter vår mening meget relevant og adekvat uttrykk for dagens situasjon og dens begredelighet, en begredelighet som vil følge oss, og forsterke seg, langt inn i fremtiden, en fremtid som selvsagt vil omfatte og kanskje til og med oppsluke våre etterkommere, om ikke mange tiår. Og da vil vi se at det ikke nytter, at alt arbeid for å varsle og advare var til ingen nytte, fordi ingen ville se og ingen ville lytte til ordene og de menneskene som ytret dem, i den alle beste tro, med de aller beste intensjoner o og med den aller beste forstand og evne til empati både teoretisk og praktisk.
Vi skrev følgende for mange år siden, jeg tror det var i 2006, ifbm Karikaturstriden: Tvang i hvilken religion?
Forfatteren Edvard Hoem trekker frem noen muslimer på tv som er redde og som enda en gang ber om at vi ikke må krenke islamsk religion med utspill som kan ødelegge (den lenge etterlengtede?) dialogen. Han påstår at noen forfattere sier at ingenting er hellig lenger. Men at for dem er ytringsfriheten det. Nå skal endelig muslimene bli som oss! "Med fanatismens usvikelige blindskap ser dei berre ein ting: Vår heilage rett til å krenke andre".
Denne retten fører ikke til demokrati, mener han, men til barbari. Hvordan kan vi tro at vi kan føre en dialog når vi har krenket profeten?
Hoem er redd for fremveksten an ny antisemittisme. En ytringsfrihet som er uten toleranse er i seg selv totalitær, sier han. Diktatoriske regimer har nå fått hjelp til sine provokasjoner mot verdenssamfunnet!
Skriver altså Edvard Hoem, en mann mange beundrer for sin skrivekunst, men et menneske som i sin tid preket voldelig revolusjon og som neppe hadde tolerert en fri presse hvis revolusjonen hadde lyktes og hans kolleger kom maktposisjon. Ikke rart at Hoem er for å binde ytringsfriheten. Han var jo ikke redd for å få blod på hendene nettopp for å risikere at den ble fjernet. Og det er nettopp dette han nå forsøker å gjenta. Bare man er imot kapitalismen, så er visst allting greit. Alle metoder tillat. Og det vakre er: En næringsdrivende, (en kapitalist), som intervjues forleden i Aftenposten, er helt enig med Hoem i at det er uklokt og dumt å fornærme folks tro. (Det er ikke bra for bisniss!!).
Fyren har ikke lært noe, ikke forstått noe og fortjener i grunnen å ties i hjel. Han oppfører seg akkurat slik noen muslimer gjør i Danmark og som en minister avviste forleden fordi det nettopp ikke nytter med dialog med slike fastlåste sinn og posisjoner. Det er en beklagelig tragedie at Norge ikke klarer å frembringe større intellektualitet enn dette.
"Islam er en dum religion" skrev en fransk skribent for et par år siden. For denne ytringen ble han anklaget og stilt for retten. For noen uker siden kom frikjennelsesdommen. Slike uttalelser var det full lovlig å komme med i offentligheten i Frankrike. Men ifølge Hoem er nå Frankrike et skrekkeksempel på et barbari. Man lurer på om det hadde blitt frifinnelsesdom i Norge med Hoem (som martyr og blodvinte) som medlem av juryen. Ut fra hans uttalelser å dømme, ville det neppe ha forundret noe om han hadde dømt skribenten for sine krenkende uttalelser, i full offentlighet og overfor 1,3 milliarder muslimer.
Men ville Hoem har dømt Ajaan Hirsi Ali, som er vokst opp som muslim, for å si, - allerede under de første muslimske demonstrasjonene mot karikaturene -, at disse demonstrasjonene
var "både tåpelige og latterlige"? De krenket jo muslimer over hele verden de også?
På Dagsrevyen den 10. 2. 2006 får vi så høre lederen for Muslimsk Råd i Norge, Muhammed Hamdan, gå ut på Al Jazzera og sier at "dessverre så setter de, (altså nordmennene, ikke alle vi eller oss nordmenn, men bare nordmennene, altså), ytringsfriheten høyere enn vi setter Allah … og de vil kjempe for den … ! Pressefriheten er dessverre deres gud! …
Fra vår egen postering:
For å illustrere det åndelige forfall eller det åndelige klima eller det åndelige fravær i Vesten i dag, kan vi ta en titt på disse, og får et visst sjokk, for de som ennå lar seg sjokkere:
Med Morken i Nigeria:
Psykologen Soeren Kern er et menneske og en mann for sin hatt:
De dagene man kunne si og skrive at "islam er den
dummeste religionen ... " etc, ser ut til å være forbi. Da en journalist
ble stevnet for retten en tid før 2006 for å ha skrevet dette, ble han av
høyeste instans frikjent for beskyldninger om hatefull tale, for krenkelser e
l. I dag er det neimen ikke sikkert at han ville ha blitt frikjent, snarere
tvert imot. En domstol i Nord-Tyskland skal for et par år siden ha sluttet at
en plakat med påskriften "Nei til islam" var en rasistisk ytring.
Nå våger noen altså å skrive at det å rope "Allah hu achbar" for en muslim faktisk i noen tilfeller kan føre til innleggelse og anklager om mental forstyrrelse. Spørsmålet om hvordan hvermannsen skal klare å holde tingene fra hverandre og forstå det som foregår i dag i et litt større perspektiv, kan snart bli et spørsmål om å være eller ikke være, for mange. Både lek og lærd.
… Ikke noe rart da i at de aller fleste muslimer som har bodd her en stund fremholder spesielt den nordiske modellen som et enestående muslimsk ideal, som allerede nesten er realisert til perfeksjon (og helt uten muslimenes hjelp). Det eneste som gjenstår for å gjøre den helt perfekt er at islam får større gjennomslagskraft, slik at den nordiske modellen ikke lenger skal oppfattes som den mest naive og dummeste modellen som fins på verdensarenaen i dag.
Forstå det den som kan. Det er meget lett.
Se også alltid aktuelle:
Først et lite konkret stykke, midt I alt mylder av de altfor mange andre horrible stykker i dette dramaet:
UK: Muslims demand that Franklin Graham be banned from the country for criticizing Islam,
Sep 9, 2018
5:03 pm By Robert Spencer :
Would anyone be calling for the banning of Graham from the UK if he had called Christianity “evil”?
said: “We would expect the government to apply its criteria here. If it does
not, it will send a clear message that it is not consistent in challenging all
forms of bigotry.”
The British
government is already inconsistent: it bans foes of jihad terror and critics of
Islam, while letting in jihadis. The Home Office recently banned Martin
Sellner, Brittany Pettibone, Lauren Southern and Lutz Bachmann from entering, all
for the crime of opposing jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and thereby made
it clear that it is more authoritarian and unwilling to uphold the freedom of
speech than ever – at least when it comes to criticism of Islam, Muslim rape
gangs, and mass Muslim migration.
Even worse,
the bannings of Sellner, Pettibone, Southern, and Bachmann were just part of a
long pattern. Pamela Geller and I were banned from entering Britain in 2013,
apparently for life, also for the crime of telling the truth about Islam and
jihad. Just days after Geller and I were banned, the British government
admitted Saudi Sheikh Mohammed al-Arefe. Al-Arefe has said: “Devotion to jihad
for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls, and to
sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is,
undoubtedly, an honor for the believer. Allah said that if a man fights the
infidels, the infidels will be unable to prepare to fight.”
And Syed
Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline
that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed
him into Britain.
The UK Home
Office also admitted Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact
that he has said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five
things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest.
Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down
a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination of the above.”
May’s relentlessly appeasement-minded government also admitted two jihad
preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.
One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Meanwhile, the UK
banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are
persecuted from entering the country.
So if the British government is consistent in this case, it will ban Graham and let in a few jihadis.
Muslims Want Preacher Franklin Graham Banned for Spreading Anti-Islam Hate
Speech,” by Tom Porter, Newsweek, September 9, 2018:
The leading Muslim organisation in the U.K.
has urged authorities to ban preacher Franklin Graham, who is set to speak in
the country later this month.
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), an
umbrella organisation for hundreds of Muslim groups, has lent its support to
calls from three members of parliament and thousands of members of the public
to deny the preacher a visa for spreading hate speech.
Graham—son of the late Billy Graham—is
scheduled to speak at an event in Blackpool, in the northwest of England, later
in September.
Opponents say that he has incited hatred of
Muslims and the LGBTQ community, and ought not to be allowed into the country.
The MCB in a statement to The Guardian
said: “In the past the government has banned individuals whom they claim are
‘not conducive to the public good’. Mr Graham’s remarks are on record and
clearly demonstrate a hatred for Muslims and other minorities.
“We would expect the government to apply
its criteria here. If it does not, it will send a clear message that it is not
consistent in challenging all forms of bigotry.”
A supporter of President Donald Trump,
Graham has described Islam as “evil” and a “religion of war,” claimed that
Barack Obama was “born a Muslim,” claimed that Satan is behind the movement for
LGBTQ rights. He has praised Russian leader Vladimir Putin for opposing the
“homosexual agenda” in his country and his controversial “gay propaganda” ban ...
Fra alltid våkne, elegante og relevante HRS I dag,
Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen (EMD) har en ren ytringsfrihetssak i hendene. Den 20. desember skal EMD avsi dom i saken "Zemmour mot Frankrike", der Zemmour hevder sin rett til ytringsfrihet om muslimsk innvandring, etter å ha blitt dømt for å «oppfordre til religiøst hat» i 2017. Uttalelsene som skal vurderes er blant annet omtale av muslimsk innvandring som «invasjon», «kolonisering» og «kamp for å islamisere et territorium».
Julie Dahle, Publisert: 16.12.2022 - 12:13
Den franske journalisten og polemikeren Éric Zemmour har stor popularitet blant «vanlige folk» i Frankrike, og etter å ha vært en svært frittalende stemme i den franske offentligheten, stilte han også til valg som presidentkandidat for partiet Reconquête …
Mange anser han for å være den eneste som forteller sannheten: at en «stor befolkningsutskiftning» finner sted på det franske territoriet. Hans tilhengere på folkemøtene sier rett ut at opplysningstidens Frankrike er i ferd med å «dø», og at valget neste år, i 2022, kan bli siste sjanse til å redde republikken.
Zemmour peker på dem som kaller han «rasist» og «fascist» og parerer med at islam er ingen rase, og at fascister er fiender av demokratiet, mens hans mål er å redde demokratiet.
Når EMD skal uttale seg fire dager før julaften, handler spørsmålet rett og slett om hvorvidt det var et menneskerettighetsbrudd da Zemmour ble dømt for å «oppfordre til religiøst hat» i 2017, etter å ha kommet med krasse uttalelser om muslimsk innvandring i 2016.
Hatefulle ytringer
… Han fordømte «invasjonen», «koloniseringen» og «kampen for å islamisere et territorium» og erklærte «Jeg mener at de burde få valget mellom islam og Frankrike». På grunn av disse kommentarene ble Zemmour dømt for å ha provosert religiøst hat i 2017.
Det var organisasjonen Koordinering av oppfordringer om en rettferdig fred i Midtøsten (CAPJPO) som anmeldte Zemmour … De hevdet uttalelsene var straffbare, og viste til artikkel 24, paragraf 7, som minner om den norske hatparagrafen.
Zemmour har siden dommen vært tydelig på at han mener dommen krenker hans «rett til ytringsfrihet», og det er dette spørsmålet han vil ha avklart av EMD.
Som Valeurs Actuelles avslørte, hadde franske styresmakter sendt sine argumenter til EMD midt under presidentkampanjen i 2022. Ifølge analysen til Nicolas Bauer, forsker ved European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), hadde «franske styresmakter hevdet at en realitetsbehandling av denne saken var unødvendig. Ifølge Frankrike hadde Zemmour misbrukt ytringsfriheten i en slik grad at han hadde mistet fordelen av denne friheten. Avklaringen baserer seg på artikkel 17 i den europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjonen, som forbyr «misbruk av rettigheter» (…), noe som betyr at demokratiet ble satt i fare av Éric Zemmour.» …
EMD skriver at de skal ta stilling til følgende: «Var det brudd på saksøkerens rett til ytringsfrihet, og spesifikt hans rett til å formidle informasjon eller ideer, i henhold til artikkel 10?»
Zemmour har anket saken sin gjennom det franske rettssystemet, og har blitt gitt delvis rett i at ikke alle uttalelsene hans kunne tolkes som oppfordringer til religiøst hat, men franske domstoler har vært tydelige på at noen av uttalelsene var straffbare …
Zemmours videre anke ble avvist, men skal altså realitetsbehandles i EMD, ifølge Valeurs Actuelles.
For å oppsummere, i den fremtidige dommen av 20. desember, vil EMD i realiteten finne svar på følgende spørsmål: «I hvilken grad har stater rett til å sensurere ytringer som er fiendtlige til arabisk-muslimsk innvandring?“
Man må helt til kjernen i ytringsfrihetsspørsmålet, ikke i krenkelsesspørsmålet, for å forstå hvorfor Zemmour ønsker at EMD skal uttale seg. Skal det være lov å argumentere for det man selv anser å være observasjoner av «islamisering av territoriene», skal det være lov å si at muslimsk innvandring «truer sosialt samhold», skal det være lov å mene høyt at «alle muslimer som forholder seg passive til muslimsk vold også utfører jihad»? Er det «oppfordring til hat» eller er det holdninger som bør omfattes av ytringsfriheten? Ifølge Zemmour utgjør lovpålagt taushet om disse temaene en trussel mot samfunnet, mens fransk rett mener Zemmour utgjør trusselen.
... Det er interessant å få vite hvilke rettigheter som anses viktigst; religiøs frihet eller ytringsfrihet.
på en skrekkfilm? Følgende er muligens
oversatt og lagt ut på, men nå bak betalingsmur, og skrevet av Judith Bergmann:
Med andre ord er OIC ute etter støtte fra de ikke-valgte
byråkratene ved EUs hovedkvarter i Brussel til å sette ut i livet europeiske
“hate speech”-lover for å begrense hva 500 millioner europeiske innbyggere –
inklusive demokratisk valgte politikere – kan og ikke kan si om islam.
For sikkerhets skyld har enkelte europeiske land som mangler
“First Amendment”-type beskyttelse av frie ytringer som i USA, allerede
implementert hate speech-lover som i virkeligheten fungerer som erstatning for
den overordnede blasfemi-lovgivningen som OIC forsøker å tvinge fram i hele EU.
For eksempel i Østerrike, der en appellrett i desember 2011
fastholdt den politisk korrekte dommen over Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff,
anti-jihadist og husmor fra Wien, for “hets mot religion” etter at hun holdt en
rekke seminarer om farene ved radikal islam. Dommen viser at mens jødedommen og
kristendommen kan fornærmes uten strafferettslige konsekvenser i det
postmoderne multikulturelle Østerrike, vil det å si sannheten om islam
resultere i hurtige og strenge juridiske straffereaksjoner.
Også i Østerrike, ble parlamentarikeren Susanne Winter dømt
i januar 2009 for “forbrytelsen” å ha sagt at “i dagens system” ville islams
profet Muhammed bli ansett som en “barnemishandler”, i forbindelse med
ekteskapet med Aisha. Winter ble også dømt for “oppvigleri” for å ha sagt at
Østerrike står overfor en “islamsk immigrasjons-tsunami”. Winter ble dømt til
en bot på 24 000 euro og betinget fengsel i tre måneder.
I Danmark ble Lars Hedegaard, formann i
Trykkefrihedsselskabet, dømt for rasisme i mai 2011 for å ha uttalt i et opptak
at det er en høy forekomst av barnevoldtekter og familievold i områder dominert
av muslimsk kultur.
Hedegaards uttalelser som rettet oppmerksomheten mot de
elendige leveforholdene til millioner av muslimske kvinner, brøt mot Danmarks
beryktede artikkel 266b i straffeloven, en altomfattende lov brukt av dansk
elite til å tvinge gjennom et politisk korrekt språk. Hedegaard har anket
dommen til dansk høyesterett hvor saken nå avventer behandling.
Også i Danmark ble den danske parlamentarikeren Jesper Langballe funnet skyldig i rasisme i desember 2010 for å ha sagt at æresdrap og seksuell mishandling forekommer hos muslimske familier.
Langballe ble nektet muligheten å bevise sine uttalelser
siden det er likegyldig for dansk lov om en uttalelse er sann eller ikke. Alt
som trengs for en dom er at noen føler seg fornærmet. Langballe ble summarisk
dømt til en bot på 5000 danske kroner eller ti dagers fengsel.
I Finland ble politikeren og bloggeren Jussi Kristian
Halla-aho stilt for retten i mars 2009 anklaget for “hets mot en folkegruppe”
og “krenking av en religion” for å ha sagt at islam er en pedofili-religion. En
domstol i Helsinki frafalt senere anklagene om blasfemi, men dømte Halla-aho
til en bot på 330 euro for å ha krenket islam. Den finske statsadvokaten ble
svært opprørt over frifinnelsen for blasfemi og anket saken til finsk
høyesterett hvor den nå er til vurdering.
I Frankrike ble forfatteren Michel Houellebecq stevnet av
islamske myndigheter i Paris og Lyon for å ha kalt islam “den dummeste
religionen” og for å ha sagt at Koranen er “dårlig skrevet”. I retten fortalte
Houellebecq dommerne at selv om han aldri har foraktet muslimer føler han
forakt for islam. Han ble frikjent i oktober 2002.
Også i Frankrike ble den tidligere skuespilleren, nå
dyrevernsaktivisten, Brigitte Bardot dømt i juni 2008 for rasisme etter å ha
forlangt at muslimer bedøver dyrene før de slakter dem.
I Nederland ble Geert Wilders, leder for Frihetspartiet som
hadde advart mot trusselen uintegrerte muslimske immigranter utgjør mot
vestlige verdier, nylig frikjent fra fem anklager for hets mot muslimer for å
ha kommet med kritiske kommentarer mot islam. Den historiske kjennelsen satte
punktum for en to års svært offentlig juridisk prosess.
Også i Nederland ble Gregorius Nekschot, et psevdonym for en
tegner kjent for sin uttalte kritikk av islamsk kvinnelig omskjæring og som
ofte gjør narr av nederlandsk multikultur, arrestert i sitt hjem i Amsterdam i
mai 2008 for å ha laget tegninger som ble ansett som fornærmende mot muslimer.
Nekschot, som bokstavelig talt betyr nakkeskudd, ble løslatt etter 30 timers
avhør av høytstående representanter for nederlandsk politi.
Nekschot ble tiltalt for åtte tegninger som “uttrykte
negative kvaliteter om visse grupper av befolkningen”, og som sådan er
fornærmende, diskriminerende og hatefulle i henhold til artikkel 137c og 137d i
nederlandsk straffelov.
I et intervju i den nederlandske avisa “de Volkskrant” sa
Nekschot at dette er den første gangen på 800 år i historien om Nederlandsk
satire at en kunstner har blitt fengslet. (Intervjuet har siden blitt fjernet
fra avisas websider.) Selv om saken mot Nekschot ble avvist i september 2010,
avsluttet han sin karriere som tegner den 31. desember 2011.
I Italia ble den nå avdøde forfatteren og journalisten
Oriana Fallaci stilt for retten for å skrive at islam “fremmer hat istedet for
kjærlighet og slaveri istedet for frihet”. I november 2002 utstedte en
sveitsisk dommer en arrestordre på henne for brudd på artikkel 261 i sveitsisk
straffelov, på bakgrunn av et søksmål fra Islamsk Senter i Geneve. Dommeren
anmodet den italienske regjeringen om enten å anklage eller utlevere henne. Det
italienske justisdepartementet avviste anmodningen med begrunnelse i at den
italienske grunnloven beskytter ytringsfrihet.
Men i mai 2005 saksøkte Foreningen av Islamske Samfunn i Italia (UCOII), med forbindelser til det Muslimske Brorskapet, Oriana Fallaci med anklager om at “noe av det hun sa i boken ‘Fornuftens Styrke’ er fornærmende mot islam.” En italiensk dommer beordret Fallaci til å møte ved retten i Bergamo anklaget for “hets mot islam”. Fallaci døde av kreft i september 2006, bare måneder etter rettsaken hadde startet.
The Islamization of Britain in 2017 «I think we are heading towards disaster.»
Av: Soeren Kern 2. januar 2018, 11:48, fra Gatestone Institute:
Se også denne:
The Muslim
population of Britain surpassed 4.1 million in 2017 to become around 6.3% of
the overall population of 64 million, according to a recent study on the growth
of the Muslim population in Europe. In real terms, Britain has the
third-largest Muslim population in the European Union, after France, then
The rapid
growth of Britain’s Muslim population can be attributed to immigration, high
birth rates and conversions to Islam.
Islam and
Islam-related issues, omnipresent in Britain during 2017, can be categorized
into several broad themes: 1) Islamic extremism and the security implications
of British jihadists; 2) The continuing spread of Islamic Sharia law in
Britain; 3) The sexual exploitation of British children by Muslim gangs; 4)
Muslim integration into British society; and 5) The failures of British
January 1.
Hundreds of adult asylum seekers lied about their age in order to enter Britain
«as teenagers,» according to official data provided under the Freedom of
Information Act. Figures obtained by Mail on Sunday show that social workers
carried out 2,028 age tests between 2013-2016, during which almost one in four
of the claimants — 465 — were found to be over 18. By concealing their real
age, migrants hope to improve their chances of being granted asylum.
January 1.
Reports of alleged links between Islamic charities and terrorism or extremism
surged to a record high, according to the Charity Commission, a charity
watchdog. The number of times the Commission shared concerns about links
between charities and extremism with police and other agencies nearly tripled,
from 234 to 630 in just three years.
January 4.
Jamshid Piruz, a 34-year-old Afghan-born Dutch citizen declared guilty of
murder in the Netherlands, pled guilty to attacking two British police officers
with a hammer. Piruz entered the UK unchallenged, despite being convicted of
decapitating a Chinese woman in Amsterdam. He was sentenced to 12 years in
prison for the murder, but released early. As a Dutch resident, Piruz was allowed
to travel freely across the EU. «Britain has got to have tougher border
controls,» said MP Henry Smith.
January 6.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow featured a reading from the Koran
which denied the divinity of Jesus Christ. The Koran reading, aimed at
«reaching out to Muslims,» was held on Epiphany, a festival which celebrates
the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus Christ. One of the Queen’s
chaplains, Gavin Ashenden, referred to the Koran reading as «blasphemy» and
said the decision showcased the limits of interfaith dialogue. He resigned on
January 23 in order to «speak more freely» about the struggle of Christianity
in British culture.
January 7.
Tanveer Ahmed, a 32-year-old jihadist serving a 27-year prison sentence for the
murder in Glasgow of Asad Shah, an Ahmadi Muslim shopkeeper, issued a recording
from Scotland’s Barlinnie prison in which he called for the «elimination» of
the enemies of Islam.
January 8.
MI5 launched a manhunt for a Syrian scientist posing as a refugee and plotting
a chemical attack on a British seaside town.
January 9.
Inspectors from Ofsted, the schools regulator, concluded that Darul Hadis
Latifiah, an all-boys school in East London, was not preparing pupils «for life
in modern Britain.» Many of the students at the school could not name the
British prime minister. Inspectors also found books which «promoted
inappropriate views» on how females should behave, and found a closed-circuit
television (CCTV) camera in the bathroom.
January 15.
Twelve of Britain’s most dangerous Islamic terrorists were to be placed in
containment units in three prisons at a cost of about £1 million ($1.34
million) a year, according to The Sunday Times. The aim is to prevent them from
radicalizing other inmates.
January 17.
Cambridge Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett called on Britons to learn languages
such as Polish, Punjabi and Urdu to make immigrant families feel more at home.
She said that English speakers should think of immigration as a «two-way
street» and be able to communicate in another language to aid integration and
social cohesion.
January 18.
Manchester United appointed a counter-terrorism manager to protect against
jihadist attacks. It was believed to be the first Premier League football club
to do so.
January 20.
Gloucester Cathedral invited Imam Hassan of the local Masjid-e-Noor mosque to
perform the traditional Muslim invocation to worship at the launch of a
multicultural Faith Exhibition. A video of the call to prayer was posted on the
cathedral’s Facebook page. One commenter wrote: «My ancestors built this
cathedral and to allow a practicing Muslim to pray to another god is insanely
naive. What did you think it would do? Encourage them to convert?»
January 22.
Hani al-Sibai, a 55-year-old Islamic extremist, was granted £123,000 ($165,000)
in public money to help him fight deportation, even though he is alleged to be
a «key influencer» of the Ansar al-Sharia movement, a terror group which
murdered 30 British tourists at a Tunisian beach resort. Al-Sibai, whose
three-story housing association home in West London is worth £1 million, is
also said to have radicalized Mohammed Emwazi, the Islamic State executioner
known as «Jihadi John.»
January 24.
St. Clare’s School, a Roman Catholic School in Handsworth, founditself at the
center of a social media storm after telling the parents of a four-year-old
Muslim girl that she could not wear the hijab, a traditional Islamic headscarf,
in class. The school has a strict uniform policy and asked the girl’s parents
to respect it. The girl’s father refused and asked Birmingham City Council’s
Labour cabinet member Waseem Zaffar to intervene. Zaffar said: «I’m insisting
this matter is addressed asap with a change of policy.»
January 25.
Abandi Kassim, a 44-year-old taxi driver in Leicester, was fined for breaching
equality laws when he refused to carry a guide dog because he claimed it was
against his religion. Kassim turned away Charles Bloch, 22, who is legally
blind, and his dog in Leicester in July 2016. He pled guilty to refusing to
convey a guide dog, an offense under the Equality Act 2010, and was fined £340
($450) plus £200 costs and a £50 victim surcharge.
January 26.
The City of Edinburgh invited citizens to vote for projects designed to create
a city «free from Islamophobia.» Some £40,000 ($54,000) were made available for
projects «to help local people deliver innovative projects which reduce
prejudice and foster positive relationships between diverse communities.»
January 28.
Changing of the Guard ceremonies at Windsor Castle were cancelled amid fears of
jihadist attacks. Police said jihadis could target soldiers and the thousands
of tourists who gather to watch the time-honored military tradition.
February 1.
Prime Minister Theresa May told the House of Commons that women should feel
free to wear the hijab, a traditional Islamic headscarf. Several European
countries have imposed bans on parts of Muslim religious dress. «What a woman
wears is a woman’s choice,» May said.
On February
1 («world hijab day»), UK Prime Minister Theresa May said that women should
feel free to wear the hijab, a traditional Islamic headscarf, stating: «What a
woman wears is a woman’s choice.» Pictured above: Theresa May (then Home
Secretary) wears a headscarf while attending an interfaith event at Al Madina
Mosque in East London, in February 2015. (Image source: Imams Online video
February 2.
Six Muslim men shouted «Allahu Akbar» as they were sentenced at Sheffield Crown
Court for a total of 81 years for sexually abusing two girls — including one
who became pregnant at age 12 — in Rotherham.
February 5.
Muslim pupils outnumber Christian children in more than 30 church schools,
including one Church of England primary school that has a «100% Muslim population,»
according to The Sunday Times. St. Thomas in Werneth, Oldham, is reported to
have no Christian pupils, while at Staincliffe Church of England Junior School
in Batley, West Yorkshire, 98% of pupils «come from a Muslim background.» The
Church of England estimated that about 20 of its schools had more Muslim pupils
than Christians and 15 Roman Catholic schools had majority Muslim pupils.
February 7.
Zakaria Bulhan, a 19-year-old Norwegian national of Somali origin, was
sentenced to indefinite confinement at Broadmoor Hospital after he admitted to
killing American tourist Darlene Horton and wounding five others in a rampage
in central London on August 3, 2016. Bulhan, from Tooting, South London, pled
guilty at the Old Bailey to «manslaughter by diminished responsibility» on the
grounds that he was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the
attacks. He had been charged with murder and attempted murder, but the court
accepted his plea. During his arrest, Bulhan repeatedly muttered «Allah, Allah,
Allah,» and police found a Muslim prayer book, «Fortress of the Muslim,» in his
pants pocket. The court, however, decided that Islam was not a factor in
Bulhan’s behavior.
February 7.
A Chatham House survey of more than 10,000 people from ten European countries
found that an average of 55% agreed that all further migration from mainly
Muslim countries should be stopped. Majorities in all but two of the ten states
agreed, ranging from 71% in Poland, 65% in Austria, 53% in Germany and 51% in
Italy to 47% in the United Kingdom and 41% in Spain.
February 9.
A 44-year-old man from Hertfordshire was arrested at Gatwick Airport on
terrorism charges after he disembarked from a flight from Iraq. He was charged
under Section 5 of the 2006 Terrorism Act: suspicion of preparation of
terrorist acts.
12. A National Health Service (NHS) project based on research by Leeds
University claimed that Muslims with mental health issues could be helped by
re-embracing Islam. Lead researcher Ghazala Mir helped to create a new
treatment: Patients are asked if faith was part of their life when they were
well. Those who stopped being religious are re-introduced to Islam by means of
a self-help booklet.
14. Clayton McKenna, a 22-year-old Briton who converted to Islam while in
prison, appeared at Newcastle Crown Court after he carried an axe through the
streets of Boldon Colliery. Apparently, he had planned to confront his
Christian father over «religious differences.» McKenna allegedly told police
that he was on his way to his father’s home «to ask him to bow down to me.»
Judge Penny Moreland told McKenna: «I am concerned that there is no real
explanation for your confused thinking that morning, nor for those threats
15. Faisal Bashir, a 43-year-old father of two from Ilford, was forced to move
out of his home after he renounced Islam and stopped attending a mosque. Bashir
said he was subject to harassment, but police dismissed his pleas for help as
«just a nuisance.» The Chairman of the Ilford-based British Pakistani Christian
Association (BPCA), Wilson Chowdhry, said: «Police and councils up and down the
country just don’t understand the level of animosity people choosing to leave
Islam can face.»
16. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe urgedMuslim scholars to
step up efforts to counter the Islamic State. He said he believed that IS
fighters were «political criminals» who were carrying out «horrific violence»
which had no justification in Islam. In an interview with the Evening Standard,
Hogan-Howe repeated the politically correct dogma that the Islamic State is not
18. Britain’s first-ever «modest» fashion event was held in London with more
than 40 designers displaying garments that comply with Muslim values. Event
organizer Romanna Bint-Abubaker, founder of modest fashion website Haute Elan,
told Sky News: «The fastest growing global consumer is at the moment the Muslim
market. By 2030, one in three people will be a Muslim in the world — that is a
huge population.»
19. Counter-terrorism police launched an investigation into claims that Trish
O’Donnell, head of Clarksfield Primary School in Oldham, was being forced to
work from home after death threats from Muslim parents opposed to her Western values.
O’Donnell reportedly was subject to «harassment and intimidation» in the form
of «aggressive verbal abuse» and «threats to blow up her car» from parents
pushing conservative Muslim ideals. The school is mostly filled with Pakistani
pupils who do not speak English as a first language.
20. Members of Parliament debated U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s state visit
to Britain. Left-wing MPs called for the invitation to be withdrawn to protest
Trump’s travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries. Conservative
Party MPs accused their opponents of hypocrisy and insulting the American
21. Rezzas Abdulla, a 33-year-old man from South Shields, was sentenced to
eight months in prison. The sentence was then suspended so that he could
receive treatment for mental health problems, for assaulting a woman and her
nine-month old baby. Rebecca Telford, 25, and her daughter were strolling in
South Shields in January 2016 when Abdulla leaned into the baby carriage and
spat into the baby’s mouth, and allegedly said, «white people shouldn’t breed,»
before launching into a tirade of racial abuse.
22. Jamal al-Harith, a 50-year-old British convert to Islam, blew himself up at
an Iraqi army base in Mosul. He had received £1 million (€1.1 million; $1.2
million) in compensation from the British government after being freed from
Guantánamo Bay in 2004. Al-Harith, originally named Ronald Fiddler, was born in
Manchester to parents of Jamaican origin and took the name Jamal al-Harith when
he converted to Islam. He was also known more recently as Abu-Zakariya
al-Britani. Captured in Afghanistan in early 2002, and released from Guantánamo
Bay after two years, he later joined IS.
23. The BBC paid «very substantial» libel damages and broadcast a full apology
to Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, founder member of the Muslim Council of Britain, who
was falsely accused of calling for the lynching of author Salman Rushdie.
26. Shahriar Ashrafkhorasani, a 33-year-old Iranian-born convert from Islam set
to be ordained as a Church of England priest, accused Oxford University of
discrimination and bias after he was told he could not ask a professor
questions about Islam. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, a former senior fellow at
Wycliffe Hall, said that a «politically correct» atmosphere is «very widespread
in the university as a whole.» He added: «If people are taking money from these
[Muslim] sources, then that can limit the critical approach to the study of
Islam and Muslim civilization generally.»
27. A spokesman for the West Midlands Police wrote on social media that parents
caught practicing female genital mutilation (FMG) on their children should not
be prosecuted. He revealed that the force is opposed to «prosecuting/jailing»
parents for FGM because it would be «unlikely to benefit» children who fall
victim to the crime.
February 28. Patrick Kabele, a 32-year-old convert to Islam, was found guilty of preparing terrorist acts — namely attempting to travel to Syria — contrary to the 2006 Terrorism Act. During his trial, jurors at Woolwich Crown Court heard how Kabele, from Willesden in North London, tried to join the Islamic State in Syria, where he wanted to buy a «nine-year-old virgin, the younger the better.» He added that if he had enough money, he would buy four wives. Kabele, who was born in Uganda and became a British citizen, told police after his arrest that he did not «owe an oath of allegiance» to the United Kingdom.
MARCH 2017
March 1. A
Channel 4 documentary series called «Extremely British Muslims» showed the
inner workings of a sharia court inside Birmingham’s Central Mosque. In the
first episode, viewers witnessed the case of mother-of-four Fatima, 33, as she
sought permission to divorce her drug dealer husband whom she says has abused
her throughout their 14-year marriage. According to sharia law, Muslim women
must plead their divorce cases in court, while Muslim men need only to say the
words «I divorce you» three times to obtain a divorce. Birmingham Central
Mosque said it allowed the sharia proceedings to be filmed in an effort to
«break down misconceptions about Islam.» Some 100 sharia courts in Britain are
now dispensing Islamic justice outside the remit of the British legal system.
March 2.
English actor Riz Ahmed warned that the lack of Muslim faces on British
television was alienating young people, driving them towards extremism and into
the arms of the Islamic State. Delivering Channel 4’s annual diversity lecture
in Parliament, Ahmed said that television had a pivotal role to play in
ensuring that Muslims felt heard, and valued, in British society.
March 3.
The Amateur Swimming Association changed its swimsuit regulations to allow
Muslim women to wear full body outfits, after a request from the Muslim Women’s
Sport Foundation. The rule was changed to encourage more Muslim women to take
part in the sport.
March 4.
Ryan Counsell, a 28-yeara-old jihadist from Nottingham who left his wife and two
small children to fight with the Abu Sayyaf Islamist group in the Philippines,
blamed his behavior on the Brexit vote. He told the Woolwich Crown Court that
increased tension within the local Muslim community after Brexit sparked his
decision to leave. He said that he wanted to escape Britain’s political climate
and seek an «idyllic life» under sharia law.
March 5.
Homegrown terrorism inspired by the Islamic State poses the dominant threat to
the national security of the United Kingdom, according to a comprehensive new
report on violent Islamism in Britain. The 1,000-page report — «Islamist
Terrorism: Analysis of Offenses and Attacks in the UK (1998–2015)» — was
published by the Henry Jackson Society, a foreign policy think tank based in
March 6.
British security services prevented 13 potential terror attacks since June
2013, according to Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, the UK’s most senior
counter-terrorism police officer. He also said that there were 500 live
counter-terror investigations at any given time, and that investigators have
been arresting terror suspects at a rate of close to one a day since 2014. The
official threat level for international terrorism in the UK has stood at severe
— meaning an attack is «highly likely» — for more than two years.
March 7.
The National Health Service (NHS) revealed that there were 2,332 new cases of
female genital mutilation (FGM) in Britain between October and December 2016.
That statistic brought the total of new cases in 2016 to nearly 5,500.
March 7.
The managers of the cash-strapped Sandwell General Hospital near Birmingham
said they would consider building a special kitchen for preparing halal meals
for Muslim patients and staff. The move followed complaints about the quality
of halal meals that the hospital has outsourced from local vendors.
March 10.
The BBC announced that it would begin outsourcing production of Songs of
Praise, a Sunday worship program that has been produced in-house for 55 years.
Critics of the move said they feared that Songs of Praise will lose its
Christian focus in favor of Islam. Anglican priest Lynda Rose said a recent
Songs of Praise episode featuring a segment about the Muslim faith, including
Church of England children visiting a mosque, exemplified the «Islamization of
the BBC.» More than 6,000 people signed an online petition calling for MPs to
investigate the BBC after it appointed Fatima Salaria as the BBC’s head of
religious programming — the second Muslim in a row to hold the post.
March 11.
Britain’s foreign aid budget was accused of funding at least two dozen
Palestinian schools, some of which are named after terrorists and murderers,
openly promote terrorism and encourage pupils to see child killers as role
models. A Mail on Sunday investigation found pictures of «martyrs» posted on
school walls, revolutionary slogans and symbols painted on premises used by
youngsters, sports events named after teenage terrorists and children
encouraged to act out shooting Israeli soldiers in plays.
March 11. Islamic
preachers may be asked to begin delivering their sermons in English under
measures being prepared to rid Britain of hate preaching. The Telegraph
reported that the government’s counter-extremism taskforce is working on the
plans amid concern that preaching in foreign languages enforces divisions
between Islam and mainstream British society.
March 12.
An Islamic bookstore in Alum Rock, a predominately Muslim suburb of Birmingham
that has produced 10% of all of Britain’s convicted terrorists, was found to be
openly selling books promoting jihad.
March 14. A
father who described himself as «Anglo-Saxon» lost a legal battle to prevent
his Muslim ex-wife from sending their 10-year-old son to an Islamic secondary
school. The man, who was not named for legal reasons, said he wanted to prevent
his son from attending a «school inside a mosque» on the grounds that he would
be «marginalized» by his son if he enrolled at the London-based school. The
man’s lawyer said that the mother and father had «different world views» and
that it was client’s wish that his son be educated in a «neutral» environment.
The man had converted to Islam but renounced his faith following the
separation. A High Court judge dismissed the man’s appeal, ruling that the man
would not be marginalized by his son.
March 17.
The former owners of a bookstore in Bradford apologized after copies of the
Koran and other Islamic literature were found in a garbage dumpster outside the
store. Police were called to the store after a group of Muslim males began
abusing the staff. The imbroglio began after the bookstore’s 80-year-old owner
decided to close down his business, and the new owners gave him a month to move
out the stock, which included a number of Korans and other Islamic books.
March 17.
Zameer Ghumra, a 37-year-old Leicester pharmacist, was arrestedafter showing a
beheading video to two young children. He was charged with distributing
terrorist publications under section two of the Terrorism Act 2006.
March 18.
The BBC apologized after a tweet from the BBC Asian Network account asked,
«What is the right punishment for blasphemy?» The tweet provoked criticism that
the BBC appeared to be endorsing harsh restrictions on speech. In an apology
posted on Twitter, the network said it had intended to debate concerns about
blasphemy on social media in Pakistan. «We never intended to imply that
blasphemy should be punished,» a spokesperson said.
March 19. A
British jihadist reportedly used social welfare payments to move his family to
Syria to join the Islamic State. Shahan Choudhury, 30, who was radicalized at
Belmarsh Prison while serving an 18-month sentence for stabbing to death a
17-year-old hospital worker over an alleged £15 ($18) drug debt, vanished from
his apartment in London and has since used social media to urge other British
Muslims to carry out terror attacks in the UK.
March 20.
Mohammed Karamat, 45, an imam at a mosque in Coventry who assaulted four
children as young as nine, was spared jail time. Magistrates watched footage of
Karamat twisting a child’s arm, slapping a child, and using a pen to stab a
child and pricking a child’s hand with the lid of a pen. He was filmed
attacking the children during a six-day period. Karamat, who admitted to four
counts of assault by beating, was ordered to do 100 hours unpaid work.
March 21.
Minister for Higher Education, Jo Johnson, ordered British universities to
include a clear commitment to freedom of speech in their governance documents
to counter the culture of censorship and so-called safe spaces. Johnson said
that universities had a «legal duty» to ensure as far as practicable that
freedom of speech is secured for «members, students, employees and visiting
speakers.» University premises should therefore not be «denied to any individual
or body on any grounds connected with their beliefs or views, policy or
March 22.
Khalid Masood, 52, drove a car at pedestrians on London’s Westminster Bridge
and, armed with two knives, stormed the parliamentary estate. He killed five
people and injured more than 50 before he was shot dead by police. Masood, a
convert to Islam, was born in Kent as Adrian Elms. He was unemployed at the
time of the attack and had been living on social welfare benefits. Masood, who
had previous convictions for assaults, including grievous bodily harm,
possession of offensive weapons and public order offenses, was reportedly
radicalized in prison.
March 23.
The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Westminster attack. «The
perpetrator of the attacks yesterday in front of the British parliament in
London is an Islamic State soldier and he carried out the operation in response
to calls to target citizens of the coalition,» the group’s Amaq news agency
said in a statement.
March 23.
Prime Minister Theresa May said that it would be «wrong» to describe the
jihadist attack on Westminster Bridge and Parliament as «Islamic terrorism.»
Instead, she said, it should be referred to as «Islamist terrorism» and «a
perversion of a great faith.»
March 25.
Police investigating the Westminster attack concluded that Khalid Masood acted
entirely alone for reasons that may never be known. «We must all accept that
there is a possibility we will never understand why he did this,» deputy
assistant Metropolitan police commissioner Neil Basu said. Meanwhile, British
security services reportedly do not like the term «lone wolf» because they feel
it glamorizes an attacker. They prefer using «lone actor» instead.
March 25.
An estimated 400 home-grown jihadis have returned to the United Kingdom after
fighting in Syria, but only 54 of those have been prosecuted, according to a
Mail on Sunday investigation, which also discovered that some returned jihadis
are roaming free on the streets of Britain.
March 28.
Kevin Lane, a convicted murderer who spent 20 years in British prisons,
including HMP Woodhill and HMP Frankland, told the BBC that he saw many inmates
pressured to convert to Islam and carry out attacks on other prisoners. «One
man boiled fat and poured it over someone’s head because of an insult to
Islam,» he said. A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice said: «The allegations
put forward by the former prisoner are historic.»
March 31. A new biography of Prince Charles revealed that the heir to the British throne tried to halt the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan to «honor» Ramadan. He made the plea in an «urgent call» to William Farish, the American ambassador to London, four weeks into the huge military operation launched after the 9/11 terror attacks. Farish recalled: «Prince Charles asked me if it would be possible to stop the invasion to honor Ramadan, and if I could convey that request to President Bush.» The ambassador replied that it would be difficult to halt a military invasion already in full swing, but the prince allegedly protested: «But Americans can do anything!» Farish asked: «Sir, are you really serious?» Prince Charles replied: «Yes I am.»
APRIL 2017
April 1.
The British Home office stripped Sufiyan Mustafa, 22, of his UK passport after
he traveled to Syria to fight with jihadists. Mustafa is the youngest son of
the cleric Abu Hamza, who was sentenced to life in prison in the United States
after being convicted of terrorism charges. Mustafa complained that he is now
stateless and stranded in Syria.
April 1.
Frankland Prison in County Durham became the first of its kind to open«a prison
within a prison» to isolate Islamic extremists. Convicted terrorists are to be
moved to a «jihadist prison block» to reduce the risk of other inmates being
April 5. A
BBC investigation found that online services in Britain are charging divorced
Muslim women thousands of pounds to take part in «halala» Islamic marriages.
Halala involves the woman marrying a stranger, consummating the marriage and
then getting a divorce, after which she is able to remarry her first husband.
Some Muslims believe that halala is the only way a couple who have been
divorced, and wish to reconcile, can remarry. The BBC reported that women who
seek halala services are at risk of being financially exploited, blackmailed
and even sexually abused. One man, advertising halala services on Facebook,
told an undercover BBC reporter posing as a divorced Muslim woman that she
would need to pay £2,500 ($3,250) and have sex with him in order for the
marriage to be «complete» — at which point he would divorce her. The man also
said he had several other men working with him, one who he claims refused to
issue a woman a divorce after a halala service was complete.
April 5.
The Salafi Independent School, an Islamic private school in Small Heath, was
found to have placed an advertisement for a male-only science teacher. Although
the advertisement, which breached the Equalities Act, was retracted, the
headmaster claimed that the role must be occupied by a male teacher because of
«religious observance reasons.» The decision prompted calls for the school to
be investigated, amid fears it promotes «gender-based discrimination» and
threatens to «undermine British values.»
April 6.
Ummariyat Mirza, a 21-year-old from Birmingham, was charged with planning to
carry out a jihadist attack with a knife. He was also charged with possessing a
bomb-making guide, the Anarchist Cookbook, and an extremist document called the
Mujahideen Poisons Handbook. Police also charged Zainub Mirza, a 23-year-old
from Bordesley Green, Birmingham, with sending Islamic State propaganda videos
and executions to others to encourage jihadist attacks.
April 7.
The Food Standards Agency launched an investigation into the Malik Food Group,
one of Britain’s largest halal slaughterhouses, over allegations of animal
cruelty after an undercover video showed a slaughterman repeatedly sawing at
the necks of sheep with a knife as they passed down a conveyor belt. The
animals appeared not to have been killed instantly and some were seen heaving
and jumping as they went down the line. More than 100 million animals are
killed in the UK every year using the halal method, which forbids stunning
animals prior to having their throats cut.
April 10.
Walsall Council backed out of a pilot project to introduce voter identification
measures at elections amid concerns over how staff would handle Muslim women
wearing veils. Conservative leader Mike Bird said the idea was «more trouble
than it’s worth» and may lead to «confrontation» at polling stations. The
government is planning to run the pilot schemes at local elections in 2018.
April 10.
Azad Ali, an Islamist who has said that he supports killing British soldiers,
was named a director of Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend), a
controversial Muslim pressure group which advises the British government. Ali
said that the jihadist attack at Westminster on March 22, 2017 was not an act
of terrorism.
April 11. The Charity Commission, which regulates charities in England and Wales, asked Islamic Relief to explain why it invited a hardline Muslim preacher to star in a fundraising tour of Britain. Yasir Qadhi, a Saudi-educated American academic, has been recorded telling students that killing homosexuals and stoning adulterers was part of Islam. Qadhi, who featured in an eight-city tour, described Islamic punishments such as cutting off the hands of thieves as «very beneficial to society.»
April 13.
Twenty-nine people, facing more than 170 charges relating to the sexual
exploitation of 18 children, appeared at Huddersfield Magistrates Court. The 27
men and two women were charged with offenses including rape, trafficking,
sexual activity with a child, child neglect, child abduction, supplying drugs
and making indecent images of children.
April 14.
Sainsbury’s and Asda, two of Britain’s largest supermarket chains, refused to
sell Easter eggs that tell the story of Christianity. Both chains, however,
sold eggs that are not specifically Christian, including a halal version made
by the Belgian firm Guylian. Stephen Green, of the lobby group Christian Voice,
said: «You are whitewashing the Christian message out of Christian holidays.
It’s difficult to find any explicitly Christian products, like Christmas cards,
in supermarkets.»
April 15.
Pupils at the Kilmorie Primary School in Lewisham, London were taken on a
school trip to the Lewisham Islamic Centre where they met Shakeel Begg, an imam
whom the High Court recently described as an «extremist» who «promotes and
encourages religious violence.» Mr. Justice Haddon-Cave warned that Begg’s role
as imam put him in a position to «plant the seed of Islamic extremism in a
young mind.» Begg praised the children for their desire to learn about Islam.
April 22.
Mohammed Aslam, an independent candidate for mayor of Greater Manchester,
caused controversy after he delivered his election manifesto completely in Urdu
on the BBC. Janice Atkinson, an independent member of the European Parliament,
tweeted: «If you can’t/won’t speak English you have no right to stand in
elections. You cannot represent our people, culture and values. Stand down.»
April 22.
Nadir Syed, a 24-year-old jihadist serving life in prison for plotting to
behead someone in a jihadist attack, won a High Court case which ruled that his
human rights were breached after he was placed in solitary confinement. Syed
was placed in isolation at the top-security Woodhill Prison after he led other
Muslim inmates in chanting «Allahu Akbar» («Allah is Greatest»), banging on
cell doors and threatening to decapitate wardens.
April 23.
Ahmadi Muslims in Cardiff said they were facing discrimination from other
Muslims in the city. The Ahmadi branch of Islam believes Mohammed was not the
final prophet, a view considered blasphemous to other Muslims.
April 24.
The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), in its new general election
manifesto, pledged to ban the burka from being worn in public. The manifesto
also proposed to outlaw Sharia law and make it a legal obligation to report
female genital mutilation to police.
April 25.
Prime Minister Theresa May was accused of ignoring Muslim voters after she
scheduled the general election in the middle of Ramadan. Muslim politicians
from Labour and the Scottish National Party said they feared reduced voter
turnout among Muslims on June 8, during Ramadan, which took place between May
16 and June 14.
April 26.
Wealthy Pakistani asylum seekers with £250,000 ($325,000) in savings, who
claimed asylum in Britain before taking £40,000-a-year in benefits, were each
sentenced to ten months in prison. Syed Zaidi, 41, and his wife Rizwana Kamal,
40, claimed they were being persecuted at home so flew to Britain with their
family asking the Home Office for food and shelter. The couple, who have three
children, were given free accommodation and other welfare payments worth
£150,000 over four years at taxpayers’ expense, despite having more than
£250,000 saved in seven different bank accounts. They then bought two cars and
moved into a Victorian house near Manchester, but were prosecuted after a
whistleblower called the Home Office.
April 27.
The Church of England said that British children should be required to learn
about Islam. Derek Holloway of the Church of England’s education office said
that Christian parents who do not want their children to learn about Islam
should not be allowed to withdraw their children from religious education
lessons. At present, parents can insist that their children take no part in
religious education lessons and do not have to provide a reason. Holloway said
that parents with «fundamentalist» Christian beliefs, who did not want their
children to learn about other world views, risked leaving pupils with little
understanding of Islam and without the skills to live in a modern and diverse
Britain. Holloway did not say whether Muslim children should be required to
learn about Christianity and Judaism.
April 27.
Khalid Mohamed Omar Ali, 27, was arrested on suspicion of preparing a jihadist
attack near the British Parliament. He was detained with a backpack full of
knives just five weeks after six people were killed in a jihadist attack in the
same area.
April 27.
Haroon Syed, 19, from Hounslow, West London, pled guilty to plotting a jihadist
attack on an Elton John concert in Hyde Park on September 11, 2016. The court
heard how Syed tried to obtain weapons online, including explosives and a bomb
vest, and surfed the web to find a busy area in London to launch a
mass-casualty attack.
April 28.
Jade Campbell, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from West London, was sentenced
to 18 months in prison for possessing materials likely to be useful to a person
planning or committing an act of terror and making a false statement to obtain
a passport. Police searching her mobile phone found a copy of the al-Qaeda
article, «Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom,» which contained step-by-step
instructions on how to make a homemade bomb. Another article concerned sending
and receiving encrypted messages. Internet searches found on her phone
included, «How to join ISIS» and «How to marry someone from ISIS,» as well as
searches for flights to Istanbul and border crossings between Turkey and Syria.
April 29.
Mohamed Amoudi, 21, was arrested on charges of planning a jihadist attack on a
crowded tourist area of central London. Born in Yemen, Amoudi has been linked
to a controversial human rights group, Cage, which campaigns against what it
says is oppressive counter-terrorism policing against Muslims.
April 30. Cardiff Crown Court sentenced Mohsin Akram, a 21-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan, to 15 months in prison for attacking his wife, Mariam Hussain, with a hammer when she forgot to cook his dinner.
MAY 2017
May 1. Army
cadets in Scotland were warned not to wear their uniforms in public because
they could be targeted by jihadists.
May 1.
Three female teenagers were arrested in East London on terrorism charges. The
arrests related to an anti-terror operation in London on April 27 in which a
woman wearing a burqa was shot by police. Police said that an active terror
plot had been foiled.
May 2.
Samata Ullah, a 34-year-old jihadist from Cardiff, was sentenced to eight years
in prison for five terror offenses, including membership of the Islamic State.
Ullah, a British national of Bangladeshi origin, was a key member of a group
calling itself the «Cyber Caliphate Army;» she gave other members of IS advice
on how to communicate using encryption techniques.
May 3.
Damon Smith, a 20-year-old convert to Islam, was found guilty of making a bomb
filled with ball bearings and leaving it on a subway train in London. Jurors at
the Old Baily court were told that Smith had downloaded the al-Qaeda article,
«Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom.» The court also heard that Smith had a
keen interest in Islam, guns and explosives, and had collected pictures of
extremists, including the alleged terrorist behind the 2015 Paris terror
attacks. Smith, who suffers from autism, admitted to making the device but
claimed he only meant it as a prank.
May 3. The
trial began of four Muslim men who gang-raped a 16-year-old girl in Ramsgate,
Kent. The girl was attacked when she got lost after a night out and asked for
directions at a Kebab shop. Restaurant owner Tamin Rahani, 37, Rafiullah
Hamidy, 24, Shershah Muslimyar, 20, and an unnamed teenager are accused of
taking turns raping the girl in an apartment above the restaurant.
May 9. Aine
Davis, a 33-year-old British convert to Islam, was sentenced to
seven-and-a-half years in prison by a court in Turkey for being a member of the
Islamic State. The BBC reported that Davis was one of a four-man IS cell
nicknamed «The Beatles» responsible for beheading more than two dozen hostages
in Syria. Davis, the only one of the group to face a trial, denied the charges
against him.
May 11. A
mother and daughter, along with another woman, appeared at Westminster
magistrates’ court on charges of plotting a jihadist attack near the British
Parliament. Mina Dich, 43, her daughter Rizlaine Boular, 21, and Khawla
Barghouthi, 20, are accused of plotting a random knife attack. Dich and Boular
appeared in court wearing burkas covering their faces. Chief Magistrate Emma
Arbuthnot asked them to lift their veils to reveal their eyes when they were
identified in the dock.
May 12.
Female drivers in Stockport were warned about a gang of young Muslim males who
have been attempting to get into cars stopped at intersections. Several women
in the area reported that they had been approached by the men while waiting for
traffic lights to change.
May 13. A
divorce practice that allows Muslim men instantly to terminate an Islamic
marriage simply by repeating the word talaq, meaning divorce, three times to
his wife, has been described as «really common» among Muslims in Britain,
according to The Sunday Times. Women cannot use the method, known as «triple
talaq.» Under civil law in Britain, Islamic marriages are not acknowledged,
leaving women with little power to escape an unhappy or abusive marriage, or to
defend their interests in court when a marriage breaks down.
May 14.
Mohan Singh, founder of the Sikh Awareness Society, said that Muslim grooming
gangs have been allowed to prosper in Britain because the authorities are
afraid they will be labelled racist if they speak out.
May 17. The
first episode of the BBC’s drama on Muslim rape gangs in Rochdale called «Three
Girls» was broadcast with widespread approval by the mainstream media. The
program did not, however, reveal that the perpetrators were Muslim or that
Islamic doctrine sanctions such treatment of non-Muslim women, according to a
review published by Breitbart London.
May 17.
Muhammad Rabbani, the international director of Cage, a controversial group
critical of British anti-terrorism laws, was charged with willfully
obstructing, or seeking to frustrate, a search under Schedule 7 of the
Terrorism Act 2000, which gives border officials sweeping search powers.
Rabbani was detained at Heathrow Airport under counter terrorism
stop-and-search powers; he refused to give police his computer passwords.
Rabbani said he intends to fight the charge, which he regards as a test case of
privacy versus surveillance.
May 18. The
Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), an umbrella group with 500 affiliated mosques
and Islamic bodies, released a list of key issues affecting Muslims before the
election. It also circulated a suggested sermon for imams to deliver during
Friday prayers. It read: «Muslims need to be more politically active.» An Ipsos
MORI poll found that 53% of eligible Muslims did not vote at the 2010 general
May 19.
Khalid Mohammed Omar Ali, 27, a jihadist arrested with a backpack full of
knives on April 27 near the Houses of Parliament, told the Old Bailey court
that he does not need a lawyer because he is represented by Allah.
May 22. Salman
Ramadan Abedi, a 22-year-old British-born jihadist of Libyan descent, detonated
a suicide bomb at an Ariana Grande music concert in Manchester. Twenty-three
people, including Abedi, were killed in the attack and more than 100 others
were injured. The attack was the deadliest on British soil since the London
bombings on July 7, 2005. The American FBI had warnedBritish authorities in
January 2017 that Abedi was planning an attack in the UK, but he was evidently
not judged to be a threat.
May 23.
Prime Minister Theresa May announced after the Manchester bombing that the
armed forces would be deployed on British streets to boost security. May said
that military personnel would be positioned at key sites to free up police for
May 23. The
Manchester-born singer Morrissey criticized British politicians for their
reaction to the bombing in his hometown, saying they were too politically
correct to admit that the concert bombing was the work of an Islamist
extremist. «In modern Britain, everyone seems petrified to officially say what
we all say in private,» the singer wrote on his Facebook page. «Politicians
tell us they are unafraid, but they are never the victims. How easy to be
unafraid when one is protected from the line of fire. The people have no such
May 24.
Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham said that Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was «a
terrorist, not a Muslim.»
May 26.
MI5, Britain’s domestic security agency, revealed that it had identified 23,000
jihadist extremists living in the country. About 3,000 people from the group
are judged to pose an immediate threat. They are under investigation or active
monitoring in 500 operations being run by police and intelligence services. The
20,000 others have featured in previous inquiries and are categorized as posing
a «residual risk.» The number was more than seven times higher than previously
May 27.
Manchester bomber Salman Abedi used taxpayer-funded student loans and benefits
to bankroll his terror plot, according to the Telegraph. Abedi is believed to
have received thousands of pounds in state funding in the run-up to the attack,
even while he was overseas receiving bomb-making training.
May 28. A
23-year-old Libyan «trainee pilot» was arrested in Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex, as
part of the investigation into the jihadist network behind Manchester bomber
Salman Abedi.
May 29.
Didsbury Mosque, the mosque attended by Manchester bomber Salman Abedi and his
family, admitted to the BBC that it did not report him to British authorities
for being a suspected Islamic extremist. The mosque was also reported to have
hosted hate preachers who called for British soldiers to be killed and
non-believers to be stoned to death.
May 30.
Five senior school leaders accused of involvement in the «Trojan Horse»
controversy in Birmingham were allowed to return to the classroom, after the
government’s case against them was found to involve an «abuse of justice» by
government lawyers. The teachers had been accused of allowing undue Islamist
influence in running three Birmingham state schools, but an independent
disciplinary panel, citing a repeated failure on the part of government lawyers
to share crucial evidence, discontinued the proceedings against them.
May 31. A new book, «Talking about Terrorism,» urges schoolchildren as young as seven to «write a letter to a terrorist» to help understand their motives. The book describes the indiscriminate mass murder of innocent members of the public as a «type of war.» It tells children of primary school age that terrorists kill people because they believe they are being treated «unfairly and not shown respect.»
May 31. The findings of an investigation commissioned by former Prime Minister David Cameron into the foreign funding and support of jihadi groups may never be published, according to the Guardian. The inquiry into revenue streams for extremist groups operating in Britain is thought to focus on Saudi Arabia. The Home Office confirmed that the report would not necessarily be published because the contents are «very sensitive.»
JUNE 2017
June 3.
Khuram Shazad Butt, a 27-year-old Pakistani-born British citizen, Rachid
Redouane, a 30-year-old who claimed to be Libyan and Moroccan and Youssef
Zaghba, a 22-year-old Moroccan-Italian, murdered eight people and injured 50
others in a jihadist attack on and around the London Bridge. The three
assailants were shot dead by police. It was the third major jihadist attack in
Britain in as many months.
June 3.
Khalid Al-Mathkour, chairman of Kuwait’s sharia council, and Essam Al-Fulaij, a
Kuwaiti government figure known for his anti-Semitic diatribes, were listed as
trustees of a UK-registered charity that is building a mosque in Sheffield,
according to the Telegraph. They have helped channel almost £500,000 ($650,000)
into the project from Kuwait. Another £400,000 ($525,000) has been donated to
the charity, the Emaan Trust, by a Qatari organization. The stated aim of the
new mosque, which will have a capacity for 500 worshippers, is to «promote and
teach Islamic morals and values to new Muslim generations.»
June 4.
Prime Minister Theresa May, after the London Bridge attack, said there was «far
too much tolerance of extremism» in Britain and promised to step up the fight
against Islamic terrorism. «Enough is enough,» she said. May also asserted that
the jihadists held to an ideology that was a perversion of true Islam: «It is
an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human
rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam [Correct]. It is an ideology
that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth [Incorrect].»
June 6.
Khuram Shazad Butt, one of the London Bridge attackers, was known to British
authorities, according to the Telegraph. He had appeared in a Channel 4 documentary
about British extremists called «The Jihadis Next Door.» Butt was also filmed
at events attended by questionable Islamic preachers, and had tried to go to
Syria to become a jihadist there.
June 7.
Three «Asian girls» shouting «Allah will get you» slashed a woman near a
nursery in Hermon Hill, London. The victim, named as Katie, was walking along
the street when she was ambushed from behind. Police said they were not
treating the attack as a terrorist incident.
June 10.
Police increased patrols at local mosques in Cambridge after strips of bacon
were left on four cars parked at the Omar Faruque Mosque. A 19-year-old man was
arrested and charged with religiously aggravated criminal damage.
June 13.
Mak Chishty, who retired as the most senior Muslim police officer in Britain,
said it was time for British Muslims to stop «skirting around the issues» and
to start denouncing extremism.
June 13.
Lugman Aslam, 26, was sentenced to five years in prison for plowing his van
into five men in Leicester after an argument during Ramadan. Aslam admitted to
dangerous driving and attempting to inflict intentional grievous bodily harm.
June 14.
Shamim Ahmed, a 24-year-old Bangladeshi from Tower Hamlets, East London, was
sentenced to six years in prison for trying to join the Islamic State in Syria.
During his trial, Ahmed pointed his finger at Judge John Bevan QC and warned
him that he, Ahmed, would continue to «wage jihad»: «Give me 20 years, I will
come out the enemy.»
June 15.
New statistics showed that during the year up to March 2017, 304 people were
arrested for terrorism-related offenses — a 20% increase compared to the
previous 12 months. Combined with those people held since March, total arrests
in 2017 were expected to top the previous record of 315, set in 2015.
June 19.
Darren Osborne, a 47-year-old unemployed father of four, drove a van into a
group of worshippers close to the Finsbury Park Mosque in North London. One
person was killed and eight others injured in the attack, which police said was
premeditated. Osborne was «self-radicalized into his extremist hatred of
Muslims,» according to the Guardian.
June 20.
Armed police were deployed to the Neolithic Stonehenge to protect thousands of
pagans, who were celebrating the summer solstice, from jihadist attacks. David
Spofforth of the Pagan Federation said it was «very sad» that armed police were
necessary: «I am not saying I am welcoming this, I sadly accept it. But you
just have to look at the events such as at Finsbury Park, a peaceful religious
gathering where people suffered so much by the actions of one hate-filled
June 22. A
Muslim woman sued her former employers after allegedly being ordered to remove
her black headscarf because the garment had «terrorist affiliations.» The
estate agent had been working for Harvey Dean in Bury for almost a year when
she says managers took issue with her hijab. The woman said she felt «singled
out» as the only Muslim woman in the office and claimed the company
discriminated against her on the basis of both religion and gender.
June 23.
Amanda Spielman, the head of Ofsted, the schools regulator, vowed to crack down
on Islamic extremism in British schools. She said that school children must be
equipped with the «knowledge and resilience» required to combat the violent
rhetoric «peddled» by hate preachers who «put hatred in their hearts and poison
in their minds.»
June 24.
More than 40 foreign jihadists have used human rights laws to remain in
Britain, according to an unpublished report delayed by the Home Office. The
study, a copy of which was leaked to the Telegraph, describes how lawyers,
funded by legal aid, have successfully prevented foreign-born terror suspects
from being sent back to their home countries.
June 25.
Michael Adebolajo, who together with Michael Adebowale murdered British soldier
Lee Rigby outside Woolwich barracks in south-east London in May 2013, is now
regarded as the most dangerous prisoner in the British penal system, according
to prison sources. A prison officer described him as «violent, unpredictable
and a major danger to other prisoners.» He has also radicalized dozens of
inmates, including non-Muslim prisoners who are said to have converted to Islam
and sworn allegiance to the Islamic State.
June 27.
Muslims launched an online petition to oppose a new «veil policy» at John
Thursby Community College, in Burnley, Lancashire. The school announced plans
for a universal-length headscarf that some Muslims said is too short and not
sufficiently modest. Previously, girls were free to choose any length they
pleased. Some feel that the move is aimed at deterring girls from wearing
headscarves at all.
June 28. A
trial began in London of four jihadists — Naweed Ali, 29, Tahir Aziz, 38,
Khobaib Hussain, 25, and Mohibur Rahman, 32 — for allegedly plotting a knife
rampage on British soil. The men, who called themselves «The Musketeers,» were
accused of sharing «the same radical belief in violent jihad.» Prosecutors said
the terror plot involved a samurai sword and a meat cleaver with the word
«Kafir» (unbeliever) scratched onto the blade. The four men were arrested after
weapons, ammunition, and a pipe bomb were found in Ali’s car during a
counter-terrorism operation in Birmingham.
June 29.
Three men were arrested in the Armagh and Coalisland areas of Northern Ireland
for displaying anti-Muslim posters and stickers. Police said the material —
which included the slogan «Rapefugees Not Welcome» — was likely to stir up
«racial hatred.»
June 30. Tarik Chadlioui, a 43-year-old Moroccan cleric living in Birmingham with his wife and eight children, was accused of recruiting jihadists for the Islamic State. Chadlioui, a Salafist, is believed to be the spiritual leader of an Islamic State cell in Spain and is wanted in several European countries. Chadlioui, also known as Tarik ibn Ali, is said to have formed links with jihadist groups that aim to impose Sharia law in Europe.
JULY 2017
July 1. Two
men, both aged 21, one from Leicester and one from Birmingham, were arrested at
Heathrow Airport on suspicion of terrorism offenses after arriving on a flight
from Turkey. Two days earlier, a 21-year-old woman was arrested, also on
suspicion of terrorism offenses, as she arrived at the same airport on a flight
from Istanbul. In May, a 30-year-old man was arrested at Heathrow, on suspicion
of preparing for terrorist acts after he stepped off a plane from Istanbul.
July 2. Sahnoun Daifallah, a 50-year-old Algerian chemist, sentenced to nine years in prison for contaminating supermarket food with his own excrement, avoided deportation for seven years. Daifallah came to Britain in 1999 and was granted refugee status two years later. In May 2008, he used a weed killer spray bottle to contaminate food with a mixture of urine and feces at several supermarkets in Gloucestershire. Damage to the businesses was estimated at £700,000 ($900,000). Daifallah was told he would be deported in 2010, but he remains in Britain, apparently due to bureaucratic incompetence.
July 2. A
new report — «The Missing Muslims: Unlocking British Muslim Potential for the
Benefit of All» — concluded: «It is of great importance that British-born
imams, who have a good understanding of British culture and who fluently speak
English, are encouraged and appointed in preference to overseas alternatives.»
Imams were told they must take a «stronger stance» against persecution of
others, including Jews, Christians and other Muslims.
July 3. BBC
One broadcast a documentary, — «The Betrayed Girls» — about the Rochdale
child-exploitation ring, in which dozens of underage girls were raped and
trafficked by a gang of men from Pakistan and Afghanistan. In the 90-minute
film — which featured interviews with individuals from the case — former
Detective Constable Maggie Oliver and Chief Prosecutor Nazir Afzal provided
insights into the failings of police and other official bodies to investigate
the large-scale sexual abuse, which occurred between 2008 and 2009.
July 3.
Haroon Syed, 19, from West London, was sentenced to sixteen-and-a-half years in
prison for plotting to attack an Elton John concert in London on the 15th
anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Syed admitted to researching potential
targets on the internet, including an Elton John concert in Hyde Park and
Oxford Street, a busy shopping district. He also used the internet to try to
obtain weapons to use in a possible attack, and used social media to approach
people he believed were supporters of Islamic State. In one message, he wrote:
«So after some damage with machine gun then do martyrdom…that’s what im
planning to do.»
July 3.
Armed police swooped down on a Megabus from London after a «disruptive» man,
shouting «praise Allah» and «something’s about to happen,» caused a driver to
pull over and evacuate worried passengers. A Warwickshire Police and West
Mercia Police spokesman said: «The bus stopped on Central Park Drive where a
47-year-old man from Manchester was detained under the Mental Health Act. He
will now undergo a mental health assessment.»
July 3.
Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, MI5, deployed agents to Ireland to
monitor jihadists there. A source interviewed by the Irish Star said: «The
British think our security here is too lax and MI5 are here to try and spot any
problems in Dublin before they get to England.»
July 4. The
National Health Service (NHS) recorded 5,391 new cases of female genital
mutilation (FGM) during the past year. Almost half the victims were women and
girls living in London. One-third were women and girls born in Somalia, while
112 cases were UK-born nationals. Although FGM was banned in the UK in 1985,
not a single person has been convicted of the crime.
July 4.
Northern Ireland’s lead prosecutor, Barra McGrory, said he has no regrets about
charging Pastor James McConnell for hate speech for making «grossly offensive»
remarks during a May 2014 sermon in which he said that Islam is «satanic» and
«heathen.» McConnell was acquitted of the charges in January 2016. McGrory
said: «There are laws which control and limit free speech in certain contexts.
It’s a prosecutor’s nightmare trying to make these finely balanced decisions on
whether or not such comments do or do not stray across the line.»
July 5. A
new report — «Foreign Funded Islamist Extremism in the UK» from the Henry
Jackson Society — highlighted the need for a public inquiry into the
foreign-based funding of Islamist extremism. The report’s conclusions include:
«The foreign funding for Islamist extremism in Britain primarily comes from
governments and government-linked foundations based in the Gulf, as well as
Iran. Foremost among these has been Saudi Arabia, which since the 1960s has
sponsored a multimillion dollar effort to export Wahhabi Islam across the
Islamic world, including to Muslim communities in the West.»
July 7. A
17-year-old boy who grew up in a Christian family and converted to Islam
allegedly plotted a «lone wolf» attack on a Justin Bieber concert in Cardiff.
Counter-terrorism police said the boy, who was not identified because of his
age, became radicalized online. The attack was to take place on June 30 as more
than 40,000 fans descended on the Principality Stadium for the concert. The boy
was arrested during a raid on his rural home hours before the performance.
July 8.
Nazim Ali, a director of the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), claimed
that the victims of the fire at the Grenfell Tower «were murdered» by
«Zionists» who fund the Conservative party.
July 9.
Zohair Tomari, 20, was sentenced to 12 years and nine months years in prison
for raping a 17-year-old girl and sexually assaulting two other girls, aged 13
and 14. Tomari, who claims to be from Morocco but is believed to be from Syria,
raped the 17-year-old after plying her with alcohol. After he was granted bail,
he went on to attack the two younger girls.
July 12.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd said that the government would not publish the
much-delayed report, commissioned by former Prime Minister David Cameron in
November 2015, into the funding of Islamist extremism in Britain. Opposition
parties condemned the government for not publishing the report. They said that
the decision appeared to be intended to bury any criticism of Saudi Arabia.
July 12.
British Transport Police released a CCTV image of an elderly Muslim man
suspected of having sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl on a train between
Preston and Blackburn. A police spokesman said: «We do not tolerate any form of
unwanted sexual behavior and we are working to identify and trace the
July 14.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, Britain’s senior police
officer, said that a «very large number of plots» have been foiled during the
last few years. «Some of them were very close, we would say, to an attack, very
close.» Pressed on exactly how many attacks have been thwarted, she said that
five had been averted in «just the last few weeks.»
July 14.
Jahed Choudhury, 24, thought to be one of the first British Muslims to be in a
same-sex marriage, said that since his wedding, he had received death threats
online and abuse on the streets: «The worst messages say, ‘the next time I see
you in the streets, I’m going to throw acid in your face.’ Even if I walk down
the streets, I have people spitting on me and calling me pig.» He added: «I’ve
been brought up Muslim and the Koran mentions you cannot be gay and Muslim. But
this is how I have chosen to live my life. I will never get rid of my faith.»
July 16.
Aniso Abulkadir, 18, from Harrow, London, claimed that she and her friends were
racially assaulted at the Baker Street Tube station. After reporting the
incident to police, Abulkadir shared a photo of the alleged attacker online and
described how he attempted to remove her headscarf before hitting her. When the
picture went viral, the man in the image identified himself on Twitter and
refuted the allegations. Pawel Uczciwek, 28, from London, said he was
protecting his girlfriend and attempting to defuse what he called a «racist
attack from three random females.» Uczciwek wrote: «The police are fully
cooperating with me and will be able to obtain CCTV footage showing the three
women attempting to attack my partner because we are in an interracial
July 19.
Jihadists linked to the Islamic State called on supporters to carry out «lone
wolf» attacks on Jewish businesses and places of worship in Britain. The
threat, posted on a pro-ISIS social media site called Lone Mujahid, included a
list of every synagogue in Britain, as well as a list of Jewish shops and
delicatessens across the country.
July 20.
Rachida Serroukh, 37, a single mother of three, filed a lawsuit against her
daughter’s school, the prestigious Holland Park School, dubbed the «socialist
Eton,» after being told she could not wear a face veil on its premises. The
school said it is a safety issue to be able to identify all of those on school
premises. Serroukh’s lawyer said it was a «straightforward» test case of
religious discrimination. «The government constantly talks about British
values,» he said. «To me, those values include diversity and multiculturalism.»
July 21. The
British government lacks reliable immigration statistics and has no way to
track who is entering or leaving the country, according to a report released by
the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee.
July 22. A
freedom of information request revealed that Anjem Choudary, an Islamist
serving a five-and-a-half year sentence for urging support of the Islamic
State, has received more than £140,000 ($180,000) in taxpayer-funded legal aid
for his unsuccessful bid to avoid prison. As his lawyers continue to file
claims, the figure is set to rise. The father-of-five has claimed up to
£500,000 ($640,000) in benefits, to which he has referred as a «Jihad seeker’s
July 22.
Zana Hassan, a 29-year-old Iraqi who has been living illegally in Britain for nine
years, avoided deportation after he stormed into a Methodist church and
threatened churchgoers. «I will kill you and kill all the English,» he shouted.
The Crown Prosecution Service deemed the offense a «low-level disorder,» which
allowed Hassan to avoid time in jail. Hassan walked free after Home Office
officials failed to seek a deportation order.
July 25.
Mujahid Arshid, 33, was charged with kidnapping, raping and murdering Celine
Dookhran, a 19-year-old Indian Muslim, in a suspected «honor killing» in
London. Prosecutor Binita Roscoe told the Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court that the
teenager was of Indian Muslim heritage and had started a relationship with an
Arab Muslim man.
July 25. An
inmate at a prison in Norfolk shouted, «This is for Allah» before slashing the
throat of a guard. After being moved to another prison, the man attacked a
second officer. An official source said that the suspect was not serving a
sentence for a terror-related offense, a statement that raised the possibility
that he had been radicalized in prison.
July 26. A
15-year-old girl was raped at a railway station in Birmingham. She was then
raped again by the driver of a passing car she flagged down to help her. Police
described the first attacker as an «Asian» man in his early 20s and of a skinny
build. Police said the second man was also «Asian,» in his 20s and of a large
July 27. Victoria Wasteney, a Christian NHS worker, lost a protracted legal battle, for having shared her faith at work with a Muslim colleague, Enya Nawaz. Wasteney, the former Head of Forensic Occupational Therapy at St. John Howard hospital in East London, was suspended in June 2013 for «gross misconduct» after Nawaz complained that Wasteney had been attempting to convert her to Christianity. Wasteney said she was surprised by the allegations because she thought she and her colleague had become friends during the 18 months they worked together.
July 27. An
official report revealed that Omar Deghayes, a former detainee at Guantánamo
Bay who was paid £1 million ($1.3 million) in compensation by the British
Government for the time he spent at the detention center, passed some of the
money on to teenage jihadists who later died fighting in Syria. Deghayes is
alleged to have paid young Muslim boys to attend a gym where children were
«vulnerable to radicalization.» The Serious Case Review revealed that police
and other authorities were warned about a network of teenage jihadists
attending the gym, but that those concerns were ignored.
July 27.
Four members of the Rochdale sexual grooming gang received£1million ($1.3
million) in taxpayer-funded legal aid to fight their deportation to Pakistan.
Lawyers for Shabir Ahmed, Abdul Aziz, Adil Khan and Abdul Rauf, pedophiles who
raped and abused girls as young as 13, are leveraging Article 8 of the European
Convention on Human Rights: «Everyone has the right to respect for his private
and family life, his home and his correspondence.»
July 28.
Iman FM, a radio station in Sheffield, was taken off the air by Ofcom, the
media regulator, after it broadcast 25 hours of lectures by Anwar al-Awlaki, a
former leader of al-Qaeda who was killed in an American drone strike. Ofcom
said Iman FM was guilty of «extremely serious breaches» of the broadcasting
code by airing material that «was likely to incite or encourage the commission
of crime or to lead to disorder.»
July 30.
Mubarek Ali, the ringleader of sexual grooming gang in Telford, was told he
would be released from prison just five years into a 22-year sentence. Ali was
one of seven men convicted at Worcester Crown Court in 2013 for preying on
girls as young as 13. Telford MP Lucy Allan condemned the decision, which could
allow Ali back into a community where his victims continue to live.
July 31. Amin Mohmed, 24, Mohammed Patel, 20, and Faruq Patel, 19, were sentenced to between 18 and 42 weeks at a young offenders’ institution after rampaging through Liverpool city center and attacking strangers because they were white «non-Muslims.» One of the men stopped Gary Bohanna and said, «I’m a Muslim, what are you?» When Bohanna answered, «I’m a Christian,» the attacker shouted, «Why aren’t you a Muslim?» before punching him twice. The group then encountered St. Helens councilor Paul Lynch and his girlfriend. Faruq filmed Mohmed punching Lynch with a «sickening blow» that could be «seen and heard.» The judge said: «References to the fact he was not a Muslim were made and you appeared to justify your actions because of certain beliefs you held.»
August 9.
Seventeen men and one woman were found guilty of involvement in a sex grooming
network in Newcastle upon Tyne that plied vulnerable women and girls with drink
and drugs before assaulting them. In a series of four trials at Newcastle crown
court, juries found the men guilty of nearly 100 offenses — including rape,
human trafficking, conspiracy to incite prostitution and drug supply — between
2011 and 2014. The victims, all females between 13 and 25, were targeted
because they were vulnerable and less likely to complain about their
circumstances, the prosecution argued. The court heard accounts of young women
who were drugged before waking up to find themselves undressed, having been
sexually assaulted.
August 9.
Referrals by members of the public to the British government’s
counter-terrorism scheme doubled since the jihadist attacks in London and
Manchester. Police received around 200 referrals to the strategy known as
«Prevent» from members of the public since March, when Britain suffered the
first of four deadly attacks, according to Simon Cole, the National Police
Chief Council’s lead spokesman on deradicalization efforts.
August 10.
Ken Macdonald, a former Crown Prosecution chief, said there was «a major
problem in particular communities» of men viewing young white girls as «trash»
and available for sex. He admitted that Muslim grooming gangs were not
investigated «rigorously» enough because of political correctness. Speaking on
the Today program on BBC Radio 4, he said there had been «past reluctance» to
look into Muslim men who had been targeting white girls.
August 10.
More than 700 women and girls were identified as potential victims of sexual
grooming in the North East of England and authorities expected the figure to
rise following the conviction of a high-profile grooming gang. «I think there’s
every likelihood that this is happening in every town and city across the
country,» Chief Constable Ashman said.
August 11.
The former head of MI5, Jonathan Evans, warned that Britain is likely to face
an Islamic terror threat for the next 30 years. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today
program: «I think on the terrorism side we are at least 20 years into this. My
guess is that we will still be dealing with the long tail in another 20 years’
time…. I think that we are going to be facing 20, 30 years of terrorist threats
and therefore we need absolutely critically to persevere and just keep doing
August 17.
Labour shadow minister Sarah Champion resigned after criticism over a newspaper
article she wrote about grooming gangs. The Rotherham MP wrote that «Britain
has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.»
She apologized for her «extremely poor choice of words.»
August 23.
Nadeem Muhammad, a 43-year-old Pakistani national with an Italian passport, was
sentenced to 18 years in prison for attempting to carry a pipe bomb onto a
flight at Manchester Airport. Muhammed, who lives in Greater Manchester, was
arrested on January 30 but was later released and allowed to travel because
officers did not believe the device was real. He was re-arrested when he
returned to Britain on February 11 and charged with possessing an improvised
explosive device. «Despite extensive investigation, Nadeem Muhammad’s motive
for attempting to take this device on to a plane remains unknown,» said Sue
Hemming, the head of the special crime and counter-terrorism division in the
Crown Prosecution Service.
August 25.
Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, a 26-year-old Uber driver from Luton, attacked police
officers with a four-foot sword while shouting «Allahu Akbar» outside
Buckingham Palace. Three police officers suffered minor injuries before taking
the suspect into custody.
August 28.
Teachers concerned about extremism in schools reported up to three warnings a
day with a government terrorism hot-line. Staff raised 1,180 alerts with the
Department of Education in two and a half years, making 741 phone-calls and
sending 439 emails. The concerns included pupils being vulnerable to
radicalization and staff members influencing their classes.
August 29.
Ricardo McFarlane, a 30-year-old convert to Islam accused of preaching sharia
law in central London, refused to stand for the judge at Southwark Crown Court.
Defense attorney Roy Hedlam said: «Because of his religious belief he believes
there is only one person who he should bow to.» Judge Martin Beddoe responded:
«That may be, but this is not a court of religion, this is a secular court and
it expects to be treated with respect.» McFarlane complied.
August 29. Sadia Malik, a 36-year-old primary school teacher from Wales, was charged with disseminating terrorist materials after she shared links to YouTube videos featuring Omar Bakri Mohammed, an Islamic extremist. She was accused of promoting a banned hate group and encouraging Muslims to sacrifice all their money to help establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate. Her husband, Sajid Idris, 34, had previously been charged with four counts of disseminating terrorist publications as part of the same investigation.
1. Britain is home to up to 35,000 «Islamist fanatics,» more than any other
country in Europe, according to European Union’s counter-terrorism coordinator,
Gilles de Kerchove.
1. Mike Adamson, Chief Executive of the British Red Cross, wrote: «There is a
risk that…an organization with the words ‘British’ and ‘Cross’ in its title is
confused with a Christian, establishment organization.» He added: «We are
nowhere near as diverse as we need to be in our volunteer base, our staffing or
our leadership…that is why, as CEO, I am personally leading our inclusion and
diversity strategy.»
1. Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, 26, was charged with a terror offense after he
attacked police outside Buckingham Palace with a sword and «ranted» that the «Queen
and her soldiers will all be in hellfire.» The British-born suspect, who is of
Bangladeshi heritage, was accused of one charge of preparing terrorist acts,
which carries a maximum charge of a life sentence.
2. A Christian church in Wales was accused of a «lack of unity» after it
rejected a Muslim group’s request to hold Koran studies in its hall. The
Muslims wanted to use the hall in the Feed My Lambs Church for «Koran and
cultural studies.» Reverend Roger Donaldson said: «We are not against Islam; no
way. Everybody has the right to worship as they please. Feed My Lambs is used
for Christian worship.»
2. Rabar Mala, a 32-year-old illegal immigrant from Iraq, was charged with
supplying hundreds of SIM cards to Islamic State jihadists to set up social
media accounts. Mala allegedly provided 437 cards and phone numbers to
jihadists in Iraq and Syria so that they could have a platform to post
propaganda online.
2. Sarah Champion, a former Labour MP, who had said that the British left was
turning a blind eye to Muslim sexual grooming gangs for fear of being branded
racist, also said that many Labour members and politicians based in London had
«never been challenged by a reality that’s different» from their «multicultural
world.» She resigned under pressure after she wrote in an op-ed: «Britain has a
problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.»
3. Thousands of schools in Britain are allowing girls as young as five to wear
religious headscarves as part of their uniform policies, according to The
Sunday Times. The growing trend has been criticized by campaigners who pointed
out the headscarf is supposed to be worn by a girl when she reaches puberty,
not as a child.
4. Robbie Travers, a 21-year-old law student at Edinburgh University, was
investigated for a hate crime after he allegedly mocked the Islamic State on
social media. After the U.S. Air Force attacked an Islamic State stronghold in
Afghanistan in April, Travers wrote on Facebook: «I’m glad we could bring these
barbarians a step closer to collecting their 72 virgins.» A fellow student,
Esme Allman, claimed that Travers breached the student code of conduct with his
comments. Travers ultimately was exonerated.
5. Three members of a Muslim sex gang, who used drugs to turn abuse victims
into addicts and forced them to have sex if they wanted more drugs, were
sentenced to a total of 56 years in prison. Seventeen men and one woman from
Newcastle were sentenced for crimes including rape, sexual assault, inciting
girls into prostitution and dealing drugs. They were part of a network of
nearly 40 men, including Pakistani, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Bangladeshi and
Turkish nationals, who preyed on approximately 100 girls. Prosecutor John
Elvidge said the victims, who gave evidence in court, were white and British,
and the male defendants were «all of Asian extraction;» but he insisted
nevertheless that the crimes were not racially motivated.
8. Michael Adebolajo, 32, who murdered the fusilier Lee Rigby, 25, in Woolwich,
London, in 2013, demanded £100,000 ($133,000) after he lost his two front teeth
when staff at Belmarsh Prison tried to restrain him. «The public will be
rightly outraged at the thought of this offender claiming compensation from the
taxpayer,» a Ministry of Justice spokesman said.
9. Kamal Hanif, a counter-extremism expert appointed by the British government
to rehabilitate schools involved in the «Trojan Horse» scandal, saidthat some
teachers, particularly those who work in schools with a high proportion of
Muslim students, are afraid of teaching about 9/11 because they fear a backlash
from Muslim parents for being «Islamophobic.»
10. The Ministry of Justice revealed that Muslim inmates at HMP Prison Send, a
female prison in Surrey, will be provided with special outfits for when they
are checked by sniffer dogs. The overalls will be given to female prisoners who
follow Islam because many Muslims believe that dogs are «impure.»
11. A Freedom of Information request revealed that Sammy Woodhouse, a woman
sexually abused as a child by a grooming gang, was told by the Criminal
Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), a government body, that she was not
entitled to compensation because she «consented» to the sexual abuse. Woodhouse
was 14 when she met 24-year-old Arshid Hussain, who was jailed in 2016. Hussain
was one of three brothers behind the grooming and sexual abuse of more than 50
girls, including Woodhouse. He was jailed for 35 years for 23 offenses
including indecent assault and rape. Woodhouse appealed the decision: «If an
adult can privately think that it’s a child’s fault for being abused, beaten,
raped, abducted, I think you’re in the wrong job.»
11. TheCityUK, London’s top lobby group, urged the British government to
prioritize Islamic finance to retain its status as Europe’s financial hub ahead
of Brexit negotiations to exit the country from the European Union. A 32-page
report showed that assets of British firms offering Islamic finance services
surpassed $5 billion (£3.8 billion) in 2016, up 11% in two years. Britain was
the first non-Muslim country to sell a bond that can be bought by Islamic
12. British Muslims are twice as likely to espouse anti-Semitic views,
according to a survey produced by the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy
Research. «The prevalence of negativity towards Jews and Israel is, on average,
twice as high among Muslims than the general population,» said the 85-page
14. A Dundee woman on a city bus found a handwritten note pledging: «Sharia law
will be for all human beings with Islam. The sword will be used to reach this
goal.» The woman said that she believed the message to be «some sort of call to
Jihad.» She added: «We just didn’t expect to find something saying that on a
bus in Dundee.»
15. A homemade bomb exploded during rush hour on a train at the Parsons Green
tube station in West London and injured 30 people. The bomb, which failed to
detonate properly, had been packed with knives, screws and shrapnel, as well as
hundreds of grams of a homemade explosive known as TATP. The Islamic State
claimed responsibility for the attack. Ahmed Hassan, an 18-year-old refugee
from Iraq, was charged with attempted murder.
18. Online jihadist propaganda attracts more clicks in Britain than in any
other European country and the main internet companies are failing to curb it,
according to the Policy Exchange think tank. The report, «The New Netwar,» said
that the Islamic State, despite big military defeats in Syria and Iraq, is
still producing, at a conservative estimate, about 100 items of new content
each week, including execution videos and bomb-making instructions. The report also
said that the jihadist online «ecosystem,» the core of which is rooted in the
Telegram app, is resilient and reaches an audience of, at a minimum, tens of
thousands of users in the UK.
20. Muhammad, with variations in spelling, was the top name for baby boys in
England and Wales in 2016. The name Muhammad was given to 7,084 boys in 2016,
compared to 6,623 boys with the second-most popular name, Oliver.
20. Shabir Ahmed, a 64-year-old inmate at Wakefield prison, was found guilty of
repeatedly stomping on an elderly fellow inmate’s face and head after an
argument about the March 2016 Brussels terror attacks, which left 32 victims
dead and 340 injured. Ahmed flew into a rage when he heard 71-year-old James
Palmer say that the bombers should be «eradicated.» Ahmed, a former taxi
driver, is currently serving a 22-year-prison term for leading a sexual
grooming gang in Rochdale. He was sentenced to a further 12 months in prison on
top of the term he is already serving.
22. Hussain Yousef, a 21-year-old fast food restaurant worker who arrived in
Britain from Afghanistan in 2010 and lived in London, was sentencedto
six-and-a-half years in prison for recruiting jihadists for the Islamic State.
Yousef had six Facebook accounts from which he posted Islamist propaganda and
execution videos. He also shared a list claiming to be details of U.S. military
personnel, including their addresses. Kingston Crown Court heard how Yousef,
before becoming an enthusiastic supporter of the Islamic State, had been a
gifted student who excelled at school.
25. London Mayor Sadiq Khan revealed that since March 2017, police had foiled
seven jihadist plots in the British capital. Those seven plots were in addition
to the four successful attacks at Westminster, Borough Market, Finsbury Park
and Parsons Green. Khan also criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for his
«Muslim travel ban» and his «ignorant» views about Islam. Khan accused Trump of
adopting the language of the Islamic State: «They say that there is a clash of
civilizations, it is not possible to be a Muslim and a westerner, and the west
hates us. And you are inadvertently playing their game, you are helping them.»
25. Muhammad Rabbani, the director of Cage, a Muslim advocacy group critical of
British anti-terrorism laws, was convicted of an offense at Heathrow Airport.
Rabbani, 36, was stopped on November 20, 2016 after returning home from a
wedding in Doha. He refused, citing privacy and civil rights, to give his pin
number or the password to his laptop. Westminster Magistrates’ Court convicted
him of one count of willfully obstructing a stop-and-search under Section 7 of
the Terrorism Act. Schedule 7 gives officers their right to stop and search
people «with or without suspicion.» Rabbani was sentenced to one year
conditional discharge; he plans to appeal.
25. Most British voters believe that Arabs have failed to integrate into
British society, and that their presence has not been beneficial, according to
a YouGov poll commissioned by the Council for Arab-British Understanding and
the Arab News newspaper. Only 28% believe that migration from the Arab world
has been beneficial to the UK, and 64% believe Arabs have failed to integrate.
26. Zameer Ghumra, a 38-year-old pharmacist from Leicester, was accused of
showing beheading videos to young boys and telling them that they «had to kill»
anyone who insulted Islam. Nottingham Crown Court heard that Ghumra believed in
a «very, very, very extreme» form of Islam. He used a rented house to teach
children about jihad and told them that they were not allowed to have
non-Muslim friends. Ghumra also asked them to choose between going to Iraq or
Syria, or staying in the UK and encouraging others to support the Islamic State.
26. Police launched a probe into an alleged sexual grooming ring targeting
teenagers in Glasgow. Girls as young as 14 are thought to have been targeted by
men in the city center. A social worker told the Evening Times that the area is
«rife» with child exploitation problems. One of the victims, a 17-year-old
girl, is understood to have been taken to houses in Govanhill and Dennistoun
for sex with multiple men. A relative said: «This really is just our worst
nightmare, it’s this Rochdale and Rotherham-type stuff but it’s happening here
in Glasgow in a big way. Nobody seems to be doing anything to stop it, all the
girls have been made to believe these men are their boyfriends. It is white
females they are hitting on, aged 14 to 19.»
26. The Wolsey Infant and Junior Academy, a school in New Addington, announced
that it would only serve halal meat in the canteen. The move sparked outrage
among parents, who insisted that halal should be optional.
26. The National Secular Society (NSS) reported that girls in dozens of schools
in England were being made to wear the hijab or a headscarf as part of their
official uniform policy. NSS research found that out of 142 Islamic schools
that accepted girls, 59, or 42%, had uniform policies that suggested a
headscarf or another form of hijab was compulsory. Ishtiaq Ahmed, spokesman for
the Council for Mosques, said: «We have to accept that Britain, and a city like
Bradford, is a multi-faith society, and faith is an important part of people’s
identity. It is about tolerance and respect, and making efforts to understand
people’s different way of life. People should have choices without the fear of
being criticized.»
27. A crowd of men wearing Islamic dress gathered outside a church in East
London and repeatedly shouted «Allahu Akbar!» into a microphone while playing a
recording of gunshot sounds at top volume on a loudspeaker. A video of the
incident can be viewed here. A witness said: «I was alarmed, I did not know
what was going on. When someone shouts Allahu Akbar while playing gunshot
sounds on a speaker it is deliberately trying to alarm.» Another witness said:
«I was alarmed at first but you come to expect things like that, it’s become
common place in East London.» London police said they were unaware of the
28. Kamran Hussain, a 40-year-old imam at a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent, was
sentenced to six-and-a-half years in prison after being found guilty of two
charges of supporting the Islamic State and six charges of encouraging
terrorism. An undercover officer secretly recorded the Pakistan-born Hussain
giving a series of sermons in which he told children as young as ten that
martyrdom was better than academic success. «When you don’t fulfill the command
of Allah, I’m coming to remove your head,» he said.
28. Soruth Ali, a 42-year-old restaurant owner in Manchester, was sentenced to
14 months in prison for beating his 17-year-old daughter and her secret
boyfriend. Bolton Crown Court heard how Ali, a devout Muslim, went into a rage
and grabbed a hammer when he found the two in bed together. The daughter said
she had been forced to live «two lives» at home and was forced to wear a
headscarf in front of her father and that she wanted to «live her own life.»
29. Henry Bolton, a former army officer, was elected to lead the United Kingdom
Independence Party (UKIP). Bolton, the party’s fourth leader in a year, beat
the two favorites, Anne-Marie Walters, an anti-Sharia activist, and Peter Whittle,
who has publicly spoken of his opposition to boycotts of Israel. Bolton pledged
to take a softer line on Islam: «I absolutely abhor the rhetoric that says we
are at war with Islam.» He also promised to review UKIP’s «integration agenda,»
which calls for a ban on full-face veils in public. The policy changes were
likely to reduce UKIP’s role as the primary opposition party resisting the
Islamization of Britain.
September 30. British universities hosted 110 events featuring extremist speakers in the last academic year, 2016/17, with the highest proportion taking place in London institutions, according to a report by the Henry Jackson Society. The extremist events were overwhelmingly organized by Islamic societies and groups; speakers included former Guantánamo Bay detainees and Islamists.
October 8.
The integration of Pakistani women living in Britain is «shockingly bad,»
according to a Cabinet Office report. The findings of the UK’s first disparity
audit was aimed at understanding how people from different backgrounds are
treated regarding access to healthcare, education, employment and the criminal
justice system. «Other communities have integrated very well, but the audit
shows that Pakistani women who don’t speak English or go out to work are living
in an entirely different society and are shockingly badly integrated,» a source
close to the Cabinet Office told The Sunday Times.
October 9.
The trial began of ten Muslim men accused of operating a «cynical and
predatory» child sex ring on a «massive» scale across Oxford. The six alleged
victims were all from Oxford and aged between 13 and 15 at the time.
Prosecutors said the men plied the girls with alcohol and drugs as part of what
prosecutors called the «grooming process» and took part in «sex parties» at a
number of addresses across Oxford, including at guest houses, in cars, and at
local parks, involving groups of men.
October 10.
Hasan Alkhabbaz, a 22-year-old Syrian refugee, sexually assaultedsix women in a
subway in Paddington, London. The attacks occurred one month after he was
granted asylum. Alkhabbaz, who admitted to six counts of sexual assault, said
he was suffering from PTSD from the conflict in his homeland.
October 11.
David Wood, a former director-general of immigration enforcement, told the
House of Commons Home Affairs Committee that there were «enormous difficulties»
in removing illegal migrants from Britain: «There are probably over a million
foreigners here illegally at the moment. There’s a large number, so no one could
ever remove those really.»
October 12.
Sally Jones, a former punk rocker from Kent who became the leading female
recruitment officer for the Islamic State, was killed in a U.S. airstrike.
October 16.
Abdel-Aziz Al-Shamary, a 21-year-old Kuwaiti who entered Britain illegally, was
convicted of raping a stranger on a riverbank in Darlington. The attack
occurred just weeks after he was granted legal status in the UK.
October 17.
The director general of MI5, Andrew Parker, revealed that MI5 and police had stopped
seven attacks by Islamists in the past seven months. Twenty major acts were
detected in the past four years and 379 suspects were arrested in the first six
months of 2017. He said there currently were 500 live operations under way
targeting 3,000 people with 20,000 more who have been on the counter-terrorism
radar and others who are not even known to the law agencies.
October 20.
Naive jihadists who return to Britain after fighting for the Islamic State
should be allowed to reintegrate rather than face prosecution, according to Max
Hill, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation. «The authorities have
looked at them and looked at them hard and have decided that they do not
justify prosecution, and really we should be looking towards reintegration and
moving away from any notion that we are going to lose a generation due to this
travel,» he said on BBC radio.
October 22.
Mubashir Jamil, a 22-year-old from Luton obsessed with martyrdom, was found
guilty of trying to join the Islamic State. He was arrested after he told an
undercover police officer that he wanted to wear a suicide vest and «press the
October 23.
More than 100,000 Muslims registered on a website offering to help men find a
«second wife.» Azad Chaiwala of Sunderland told BBC Inside Out: «The second
wife website came about from my need, and thinking there’ll be other people in
my situation. There are other deceiving ways of doing it — affairs,
prostitution — those are not necessarily good for relationships. Here it’s more
honorable.» In Britain, polygamous marriages are only recognized if they took
place in countries where they are legal. British law does not, however, prevent
unregistered religious ceremonies from taking place.
October 26.
The Lancashire County Council Cabinet banned unstunned halal meat in meals
served at its 600 schools. It was the first council to do so. Council leader
Geoff Driver said: «In my view, it is abhorrent to kill an animal without
stunning it because of the distress it causes.» The Lancashire Council of
Mosques (LCM) advised Muslim families to boycott all such meat because it was
not Sharia-compliant.
October 27. Steve Bailey, vicar of St Peter’s Church in Oadby, Leicestershire, banned the hymn «Onward Christian Soldiers» from a Remembrance Sunday service «in case it offends non-Christians.»
October 31. A Muslim advocacy group that works closely with police forces, politicians and councils was accused of promoting Islamist views. Mend (Muslim Engagement and Development) was described as a group of «Islamists masquerading as civil libertarians» according to a report from the Henry Jackson Society.
November 2.
The Home Office lost track of 56,000 foreign nationals, including convicted
criminals and illegal immigrants, who were told they were liable to be deported
from the country, and there is little evidence the government is trying to find
them, according to reviews by the Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration.
Around 80,000 foreign nationals are currently required to check in regularly at
police stations or immigration centers while officials prepare for them to
leave the country. But by the end of 2016, there were a total of 55,974
«declared absconders» who had failed to keep appointments and «whose
whereabouts are unknown and all mandatory procedures to re-establish contact
with the migrant have failed.»
November 2.
The British government and the UN are discriminating against Christians and
other minorities in their refugee programs, according to Home Office statistics
seen by Barnabas Fund, an aid agency that works for persecuted Christians.
Barnabas Fund obtained figures proving that the UN has only recommended tiny
token numbers of Syrian Christians, Yazidis and other minorities for
resettlement in the UK. The overwhelming majority of refugees recommended by
the UN have been Sunni Muslims who form the majority in Syria. But Christians,
and other minorities have been repeatedly targeted for attack by Islamist
groups such as IS. British officials tried to prevent the release of this
November 3.
Four members of a Kurdish sexual grooming gang in Newcastle were sentenced to
33 years in prison for trafficking girls as young as 13. The four men, all
asylum seekers who entered Britain illegally and were allowed to stay, may face
November 6.
Farhana Ahmed, a 40-year-old mother of five from Wembley who urged others to
launch jihadist attacks in Britain, was handed a two-year suspended sentence
after a judge took pity on children. Ahmed shared a «prolific quantity» of
Islamic State propaganda on a Facebook group whose aim was to support jihadists
worldwide. Judge Christopher Moss said he was «moved» by a letter from her
daughter and ruled that she could return to her children.
November 7.
Mohammed Sawalha, a trustee at Finsbury Park Mosque, one of London’s best-known
mosques, is a senior member of Hamas, a designated terrorist organization,
according to the Times of London. His role was revealed when it was announced
that he was part of a Hamas delegation to Moscow in September which held a
meeting with Mikhail Bogdanov, President Putin’s Middle East envoy, and a
deputy foreign minister.
November 7.
Only 5% of honor crimes reported to police are referred to the Crown
Prosecution Service, according to Sky News. Although more than 5,000 honor
crimes were reported to police in 2016-17, only 256 such crimes referred to the
CPS by the police in 2016-17, resulting in 122 convictions. This comes despite
a large increase in the number of cases being detected and growing political
awareness of the practice in recent years.
November 8.
A Muslim father who forced his 17-year-old daughter to drink bleach for being
«too Westernized» was sentenced to a nine-month community order and 15 days of
rehabilitation activities aimed at addressing his offending behavior. The girl
asked magistrates to show leniency toward her father as she wished for them to
mend their relationship.
November 9.
Students at the Kepier School in Sunderland were required to write a letter to
their family about converting to Islam. Mark McLachlan refused to allow his
12-year-old stepdaughter to complete the assignment. He explained: «I know as
part of the national curriculum they have to learn about all religions. I just
don’t see why they should ask a child to write a letter addressed to their
family about converting to another religion…. Like every parent, it is our
decision on how we raise them and once they are old enough to make decision,
then it is their choice.»
13. Tesco, the supermarket giant, faced a social media backlash after it
released a Christmas advertisement featuring a Muslim family but no Christians
celebrating the holiday. Tesco said the adverts aim to promote diversity.
17. The trial began of Akshar Ali for murdering Sinead Wooding, a 26-year-old
mother or four from Leeds. She had converted to Islam and had married Ali in an
Islamic ceremony in February 2015. Ali is accused of murdering Wooding in a
knife and hammer attack after she continued to see a friend he had forbidden
her to visit.
17. Gangs in Birmingham were said to be tasering underage girls and gang-raping
them, according to Councilor Des Flood. He said that Birmingham was facing a
«tsunami of child sexual exploitation» and that schools and parents are being
kept in dark about menace.
19. Luqman Aslam, a 26-year-old delivery driver who deliberately drove his van
into pedestrians in Leicester had his prison sentence reduced on appeal. He was
sentenced to five years in prison at Leicester Crown Court in June after
admitting to dangerous driving and attempting to inflict intentional grievous
bodily harm. He appealed his sentence, saying it was too long, because at the
time of the incident he had been fasting through Ramadan for 20 days. Judge
Jeremy Carey cut Aslam’s sentence from five to four years.
20. A Channel 4 survey revealed that almost two-thirds of Muslim women married
in Britain are not in legally recognized marriages, as they have not had a
civil ceremony alongside their Nikah religious ceremony. Many of these women
are unaware that they therefore do not have the same rights and protections
afforded to couples who are married in the eyes of the law. The survey also
found that the vast majority of women questioned did not wish to be in a
polygamous relationship, and more than a third of those who were in such a
relationship had not agreed to it.
22. Imran Qureshi, a 44-year-old Pakistani doctor who sexually assaulted a
student nurse at a hospital in Manchester was allowed to keep his job after
blaming the incident on «cultural norms.» Qureshi, a married father of two,
admitted he made a mistake but said «cultural norms» were different in Britain
compared to his native Pakistan and he failed to spot a «red light» warning him
to make no advances towards the victim.
27. A 17-year-old convert to Islam from South Wales was found guilty of
planning an Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack on a Justin Bieber concert
in Cardiff. Jurors were told the boy had written a note with bullet points
including «run down the non-believers with a car» and «strike the infidels who
oppose Allah in the neck.»
November 28. The General Secretary of the Union for Borders, Immigration & Customs, Lucy Moreton, said that Britain has «no way» of ever tracking down the hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants working on the black market. «If you are here illegally you can survive very well, you access medical services your child can go to school the chances of us catching you are very, very slim,» said Morten. «If you don’t break the law we are not going to get you as we don’t have the resources. We can’t catch you.»
December 3.
The All Saints Church in Kingston upon Thames held a joint birthday celebration
for Jesus and Mohammed. The «Milad, Advent and Christmas Celebration» was aimed
at «marking the birthday of Prophet Mohammed and looking forward to the
birthday of Jesus.» The hour-long service included time for Islamic prayer and
was followed by the cutting of a birthday cake. The prominent Christian blog
«Archbishop Cranmer» rebukedthe church for its lack of discernment: «Every time
a church accords Mohammed the epithet ‘Prophet,’ they are rejecting the
crucifixion, denying the resurrection of Christ, and refuting that the Word was
made flesh and dwelt among us, for Mohammed denied all of these foundational
tenets of the Christian faith.»
December 5.
Aliou Bah, a 28-yer-old Guinean migrant who served two sentences for sex
crimes, was awarded £110,000 ($148,000) after a bureaucratic mix-up caused him
to spend an extra 21 months in prison. Judge Madge ruled that Bah was entitled
to justice.
December 6.
Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, a 20-year-old Bangladeshi-Briton, was charged with
plotting to assassinate Prime Minister Theresa May. The alleged plan involved
detonating a suicide bomb vest at the security gates outside 10 Downing Street,
the official residence and the office of the British Prime Minister, before
stabbing May.
December 6.
Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson told the Daily Mail that he was prepared to
hunt down and use air strikes against the remaining 270 UK passport holders who
have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight with the Islamic State. «I do not
believe that any terrorist, whether they come from this country or any other,
should ever be allowed back into this country,» he said. «We should do
everything we can do to destroy and eliminate that threat.» His comments
sparked outrage from many on the political left.
December 7. Husnain Rashid, a 31-year-old British citizen from Lancashire, was arrested for encouraging jihadists to attack Prince George at his primary school. He was also accused of calling for attacks on the Jewish community, and on British sports stadiums, in a series of encrypted messages.
December 7.
Abdourahman Amadeo, a 24-year-old Somali refugee, was sentenced to nine years
in prison for his «animalistic» attempt to rape a drunken student. Amadeo, who
was born in Somalia, fled to Italy as a refugee. He moved to Britain after
obtaining Italian citizenship.
14. The British government refused to say whether telling people about
Christianity could be a hate crime. Lord Pearson of Rannoch said that when he
raised a question on the issue in the House of Lords, the government failed to
state clearly whether Christians can be prosecuted just for stating their
beliefs. Speaking to Premier Christian Radio, Lord Pearson said the refusal to
comment was «pretty unique» and «makes one very worried.» He also said there is
a double standard in how hate crime laws are applied to Christianity and Islam:
«You can say what you like about the Virgin Birth, the miracles and the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but as soon as you say, ‘come on, is Islam really
the religion of peace that it claims to be,’ all hell breaks loose.»
16. Mohamed Qoomaall, a 72-year-old Somalian refugee, was sentenced to 15
months in prison for pocketing £39,000 ($52,000) in welfare benefits after
secretly returning to his homeland because he «missed the sunshine.» Qoomaall
forged an immigration stamp on his British passport and had pension credit
payments sent to him for two-and-a-half years as a friend enjoyed rent-free living
in his council-funded home.
19. Four men were arrested in raids in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire on
suspicion of planning an imminent jihadist attack.
20. Mohammed Awan, the 24-year-old brother of an Islamic State suicide bomber,
was sentenced to ten years in prison for terror offenses.
21. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims, a parliamentary group
composed of members of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, issued
a report, «A Very Merry Muslim Christmas,» aimed at drawing attention to the
«humanity» of Muslims during Christmas.
December 22. Bradford Councilor Arshad Hussain warned that there were «many areas in this city» where people were afraid to go, depending on their ethnicity. He made the comments after «Asian» youths attacked three pubs in the city. «These were the only white businesses in the area,» he said. «No Asian businesses were attacked. They were targeted because they were white…. There are so many areas in this city where white people are scared to go into…. I think we are heading towards disaster.»
December 22. Scotland’s International Development Minister, Alasdair Allan, pledged nearly £400,000 ($535,000) to fund 23 events for ethnic minorities during the winter months. He described them as «key dates in our national calendar» and said the «exciting and diverse» program would help Scots «celebrate everything great about our wonderful country during the winter months.» None of the events, however, had any connection to Christmas.
23. St. Thomas Werneth, a church in Oldham, announced that it would remove its
pews to make room for local Muslim community events. The church serves a
«predominantly Muslim» area. Vicar Nick Andrewes said he wanted to «extend a
welcome» to a wider flock.
28. Metropolitan Police (Met Police) Service in London, Britain’s biggest
force, has not improved its safeguarding of children at risk of sexual
exploitation and rape since a report found systemic failings a year ago. Met
Police improperly handled 90% of child protection cases, according to
inspection results leaked to The Times.
29. Vast areas of East, North and South London have been declared«no-go zones»
by delivery drivers because of an epidemic of acid attacks. London has more
acid attacks per capita than any other city in the world, according to Labour
MP Stephen Timms.
December 31. Security Minister Ben Wallace accused internet giants, including Facebook, Google and YouTube, of being «ruthless profiteers» that cost the government a fortune by failing to assist the security services in identifying jihadists and stamping out extremism online. In an interview with The Sunday Times, Wallace said the internet had become «an anarchic violence space» which was being leveraged by jihadists and rogue states to threaten the UK: «That’s what keeps me awake at night. We are more vulnerable than at any point in the last 100 years.»
Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
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