torsdag 20. juli 2023

Når de moralsk overlegne vil ødelegge en sivilisasjon

 Tate has a point. Britain (and other Western countries) are in free fall, with little or no efforts to preserve its own heritage and history. The core values of the Judeo-Christian ethic have largely been discarded. Biblical values are now deemed to be outdated and “white supremacist,” even though Christianity originated in the Middle East.

In large part due to the subversion of the Christian ethic in the West, particularly under the influence of Islam and wokeism, instability is on the rise. The rule of law, including the freedom of speech, is under attack. In such situations, the most zealous entities generally prevail. Islam and Communist China are now the most dominant forces worldwide. Unless there is a strong Judeo-Christian resurgence in the West, the West is finished.her

Og: De som mest tar avstand fra islamkritikk, alltid på servilt emosjonelt korrekt grunnlag, er også de som mest vil tvinge landet Israel på havet, (ja, til og med tilintetgjøre Israel – og jødene). Tar jeg feil? Neppe.(Se lenkene).

De sier f eks at de ikke hater jøder, eller til og med at de elsker jøder, men de vil ikke at jødene skal ha sitt eget land, og dermed også en nødvendige evne til å forsvare seg. De sier at de elsker jødene, men støtter krefter som vil ha bort landet Israel fra kartet. (Jfr Jostein Gaarder).

As Churchill wrote in My Early Life, “I was a child of the Victorian era, when the structure of our country seemed firmly set, when its position in trade and on the seas was unrivalled, and when the realisation of the greatness of our Empire and of our duty to preserve it was ever growing stronger. In those days the dominant forces in Great Britain were very sure of themselves and their doctrines. They thought they could teach the world the art of government, and the science of economics”.

Kommentar: Noen vil si at Churchill hadde et mer selvsikkert selvbilde enn et sant selvbilde og at han var altfor breial på seg selv, og svært kynisk i politikk og krig mange ganger.  Mange vil i dag ha noe å kritisere «viktoriatiden» for, en tid mange vil le av eller forskrekkes over (i moralsk hovmod) i dag.

I dag har de fleste på venstresiden eller derom kring et altfor stort selvbilde, på egne vegne. Vi har ingen «viktoriatid», å være stolt av eller «sprunget ut av». Men vi har narsissistenes selvbilde: de som tror at de langt overgår Viktoria og alt som har med Vestens og kapitalismens alminnelige moral å gjøre, de som tror at siden vi vant over nazistene og klarte å gjøre «folk» av tyskerne etter krigen, og «vi» som vant over kommunismen – og kristendommen, virkelig er de i all forstand moralsk overlegne og avgjort mest snille eller emosjonelt korrekte.  

Folk som «har det sånn», mener også at vi kan «vinne over islam» på samme måte. At vi uten problemer kan vinne over muslimene til oss, bare vi gir dem litt mer tid, stadig mer tid, alltid mer tid. Dette vitner ikke bare om vanvidd, men om et kollektivt hysteri av (selvdestruktiv og kontraproduktiv) megalomani, av strengt intransigent karakter.  

Det dreier seg om hypermagi, i stor stil, overalt, for å si det enkelt. «Vi» er – føler oss - uslåelige fordi vi har nedkjempet alle undergangskrefter og vil fortsatt gå av med seieren: Det gjelder bare å få has på islamkritikerne, så er er seieren sikret, tror disse avsindige. Disse folka forstår ikke at de er identiske med dem man kritiserer for islamofobi, dvs sine stråmenn. De forstår ikke at det er de som er islamofobe, som gjør seg servilt betinget emosjonelt korrekte, fordi de underlegger seg, i den tro at «vi» allerede har seiret og fordi vi ikke kan slås – sønder og sammen, undergravd innenfra. De har med andre ord ingen reell selvinnsikt og heller ingen innsikt i islam per se. De ser ikke at å være «fob» ikke er å være forrykt, de ser ikke at de selv er forrykte.

Det må nå her sies at en demonstrant i nærheten Speakers Corner i London ble arrestert av politiet for noen år siden da han bar på en plakat med en påskrift skrevet av Winston Churchill i sin tid, og der Churchill beskrev islam med noen få fyndige setninger, (de finnes på nettet).

I Norge ble statuen av Churchill på Solliplass i Oslo «angrepet» på det verst mulig verbale for bare noen få år siden. En statue av Ludvig Holberg ble forlangt flyttet bort fra folks blide åsyn og Holberg selv anklaget for rasisme i og med at han visstnok skulle ha hatt noen aksjer i et slavekompani. Ja, over hele Vesten, ble statuer av historiske revet og druknet. (At man vurderer fortiden på vår tids egen emosjonsstyrte historie og menneskeoppfatning og verdigrunnlag, kalles «presentisme» - en av de farligste kollektive logiske og emosjonelle feilslutninger man kan begå).

Det Churchill skrev om islam, ble for mye for politiet og noen av britene, og de «moderne» britiske myndigheter, som omtrent på samme tid nektet Robert Spencer og Pamela Geller innreise til England og opphold der, samtidig som daværende statsminister Theresa May inviterte «rabiate» islamistiske foredragsholdere. (Logikken eller rasjonaliteten i alt dette? – spør jeg).

Om Spencer, Geller og May:

Hva med hva disse store personlighetene:

Umberto Eco, Carl Jung, Karl Barth and Hitler on Islam and Nazism, Jul 17, 2023 1:00 pm By Ibn Warraq

Jeg spør: Når skal disse dras ned av det mange breiale kaller pidestallene? Dvs når vil de som hater det de kaller islamofobi – paret med tendenser til tyrannisk intoleranse og narsissisme - går løs på disse personene og forsøker å detronisere dem en gang for alle, ved å gjøre sitt «beste» for å kvele alle saklig islamkritikk?

Nå til denne;

… Let’s not slide right past Warren’s use of the words “purported Western values.” “Purported” means that Warren (-en selvopptatt aktør-) doubts that there is any such thing as the West, and, if the West really does exist, it does not have distinctive values. Anything distinctive about the West is probably bad, and not a real “value” that anyone should cherish ....

Warren continues. Trump’s “‘Judeo-Christian values’ are about protecting Christians at the exclusion of others … It is only now that a new demographic of Muslim immigrants … have reached the West that Jews are being included … on someone else’s terms.”

… The Woke ignore that reality, and insist that Jews are “settlers” and Muslims are “indigenous.” There is no factual support for this position. Judaism predates Islam by a thousand years. The ancestors of today’s Palestinians were relatively recent arrivals. Historical revisionism is used to justify the call for Israel to cease to exist. Warren, a Woke woman who, ahistorically, condemns the phrase “Judeo-Christian” as intolerant of Jews, uses a Woke, anti-Semitic dog whistle, “settler,” that is used to justify a racist ideology, a false history, and a genocidal agenda against Jews living in Israel. …

President Eisenhower referred to the Judeo-Christian tradition as a necessary foundation for Western values, the values that were at odds with communism.

Richard Dawkins, one of the leading New Atheists, typified this approach when he wrote “The God of the Old Testament is … jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

Kommentar: Her ser vi en høyt aktet og vel også ganske intelligent vitenskapsmann uttale seg om noe han overhodet ikke forstår og noe som han derfor må presse inn i sin «vitenskapelige» tenkemåte og hans sneversyn, en blindvinkel som faktisk og ironisk nettopp får ham til å redusere teologi til idioti.

Han begår det som kalles et kategorimistak, et gigantisk feilgrep idet han forsøker å nærme seg realitetene, som alltid er fullstappet av ironi og reell dramatikk, eller tragedie, viktige menneskelige dimensjoner ved livet og eksistensen selv. Han tror kanskje at han er vittig: i grunnen er han vanvittig, fordi han utelukker at han selv kan ha illusjoner og fordi han anser kun sine egne vinkler som de eneste mulige. Ham makter ikke å tenke det jeg kaller juridico-religico og dermed gjør han seg faktisk – ikke helt ulikt vår «elite» på så mange områder i dag - helt avhengig av egne følelser og emosjoner – som ikke er der! Korrekte skal de også være! Han ser da også selvfølgelig ikke at han driver hypermagi med stråmenn som motstandere og distributør av det han selv oppfatter som lykkepiller for folket:

Don Quixote  med andre ord. Livet som en kamp mot vindmøller. Reduserer man Gud slik Dawkins gjør, reduserer man også mennesket – til å bli den guden han ser for seg, en gud som ikke er en gud, men en antigud og derfor nihilistisk maktesløs.

Slike som Dawkins, som vi i dag finner på saå mange samfunnsfelt, - kan de - om man vil - ha det vi kaller empati, og er empatien en fremtredende evne hos dem? Kan den som ikke forstå Gud forstå mennsker? 

Douglas Murray, who identifies as an atheist, said, “The more atheists think on these things, the more we may have to accept that the concept of the sanctity of human life is a Judeo-Christian notion which might very easily not survive Judeo-Christian civilization.”

In Woke environments, being a white, heterosexual, cis-gendered, American, Christian male is the lowest possible life-form.

Pompeo as saying that “America’s understanding of human rights” emerges from “fundamental moorings of the Judeo-Christian tradition on which this country was founded.” Loeffler scoffs. “That tradition never existed”! Loeffler insists. It’s “mythical.” It’s just a “political invention”! “

Christianity accepts Jewish scripture. From the Vatican: “The sacred scriptures of the Jewish people are a fundamental part of the Christian bible … A perennial manifestation of this link [between Christians and Jews] to their beginnings is the acceptance by Christians of the Sacred Scriptures of the Jewish people as the Word of God addressed to themselves as well. Indeed, the Church has accepted as inspired by God all the writings contained in the Hebrew Bible.” This complete acceptance of another faith’s scripture is remarkable. It isn’t reflected in other world religions. Hinduism does not accept the Qur’an. Buddhism doesn’t accept the Bible. Islam does not accept the Rig Veda. ...

Christians believe in the truth of the Old Testament. Christians feel themselves to be bound by the Ten Commandments. Jesus was a Jew. His followers were Jews. The authors of the New Testament were Jews, with the possible exception of Luke, who may or may not have been a Hellenized Jew. The New Testament authors wrote in the tradition of the Old Testament. The New American Bible, like other Bibles, is replete with footnotes connecting New Testament texts with parallels in the Old Testament. See, for example, Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount, a central Christian text.

Protestants and Catholics managed to kill between four and twelve million people during the Thirty Years War. That slaughter does not change the fact that Protestants and Catholics share significant portions of their cultural heritage. To subsume Protestants and Catholics under the one word “Christian” is no attempt to rewrite history, to sweep historic wrongs under the carpet, to turn Protestants into Papists or to wrest rosaries from Catholics. It is merely culturally accurate.

Christians and Jews share Genesis. Given that Genesis is so well known, it may be assumed to be a standard creation text, similar to other creation texts around the world. Cultural relativists insist on this; Genesis is just like various Pagan creation stories. This is nonsense. Genesis is unique, argued the late Bible scholar Yehezkel Kaufmann. Kaufmann pointed out that Pagan creation stories include a feature that is absent from Genesis, that is, “a realm of being prior to the gods and above them, upon which the gods depend, and whose decrees they must obey.” Genesis gives us something found in no other creation myth: an omnipotent, omniscient, all-loving God who creates everything that exists ex nihilo and declares his creation “good.This God creates the ancestors of all human life on earth. Jewish commentators on the Adam and Eve story insist that it renders all humans equally dignified. Nathan Ausubel paraphrases that interpretation thus,

“Why did God create only one Adam and not many at a time? He did this to demonstrate that one man in himself is an entire universe. Also He wished to teach mankind that he who kills one human being is as guilty as if he had destroyed the entire world. Similarly, he who saves the life of one single human being is as worthy as if he had saved all of humanity. God created only one man so that people should not try to feel superior to one another and boast of their lineage in this wise: ‘I am descended from a more distinguished Adam than you.’ He also did this so that the heathen should not be able to say that, since many men had been created at the same time, it was conclusive proof that there was more than one God. Lastly, He did this in order to establish His own power and glory. When a maker of coins does his work he uses only one mould and all the coins emerge alike. But the King of Kings, blessed be His name, has created all mankind in the mould of Adam, and even so no man is identical to another. For this reason each person must respect himself and say with dignity: ‘God created the world on my account. Therefore let me not lose eternal life because of some vain passion!'”

Further, God, alone among all his creations, created the human being in His own image. Genesis gives us the roots of individuality and human rights. The rest of the Old Testament reflects this emphasis on the value of each individual human person, as a unique individual, not merely a resource for his or her tribe, or a representative of an archetype.

There is no other ancient literature that so consistently respects and captures the lives of named, average men and women. Greek literature gives us individuals, but they tend to be beautiful, powerful royalty. In the Old Testament, even a slave woman, Hagar, has a name and a personality, as does a starving widow, Ruth, and a mother, Hannah, who misses her absent son and makes him a little garment every year, guessing what size will fit him as he grows out of her sight. As a woman I am especially amazed by Leah, a woman less attractive than her sister, who is identified as the first person in history to praise and thank God. These are average women, and they have names and personalities. In other ancient material, women are archetypes, like Corn Mother, or royalty, like Sita from the Ramayana.

 If you turn back the clock and erase the Old Testament, Western Civilization never develops. What would replace it? Myths like the foundational creation myth of Hinduism. In the Rig Veda, Parusha, the Primal Man, is sacrificed. From his mouth, the Brahman is created. From his arms, the warrior caste. From his thighs, the merchants. From his feet, the servants. Untouchables did not emerge from this body; they are outside of the human moral universe, and are subjected to uncounted abuses.

The individualism so typical of the West is not a feature of Hinduism or Buddhism. In those beliefs, individualism is an illusion and the goal is to overcome that illusion and to lose the self as a droplet loses its individuality when it enters the ocean. In Hinduism, the route to that liberation is dharma, carrying out the tasks assigned to a given caste. In Buddhism, the route is meditation. In simple language, the Judeo-Christian tradition is different from the Hindu-Buddhist tradition.

Anyone objecting to the term “Judeo-Christian tradition” would benefit from reading the Twenty-Four Filial Exemplars. Confucian-influenced tales prize the self-sacrifice of children to their parents, including abusive step-parents. A naked boy lays on a frozen river to melt the ice and acquire carp to feed an abusive step-parent. This is virtue. A man quits his job, travels to his birthplace, and consumes his father’s excrement as part of health care for his ill father. He prays to the gods, offering to die in his father’s place. This is virtue. Other children slice off bits of their own flesh and feed it to their parents to improve their parents’ health. This is called gegu and in Confucian literature it is virtuous. Confucian values contribute to ordered, law-abiding societies in China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. Confucianism is very different from the Judeo-Christian tradition. …

Some advance the term “Abrahamic” as a Woke-approved replacement for “Judeo-Christian.” They like it because it is “inclusive.” Note that they do not like it because it is accurate, because it is not. In response to a question from me, Islam expert Robert Spencer wrote to me in July, 2023, “‘Abrahamic’ is misleading and useless as a classification for Judaism, Christianity and Islam because Islam lays claim to exclusivity and claims that the teachings of Judaism and Christianity constitute twisting and adulteration of the original faith of Abraham. In the Qur’an (60:4), Abraham says that there will be enmity and hatred between him and his people forever until they worship Allah alone. This enmity applies to the Jews and Christians who fondly assume they can achieve some accord with Muslims based on their shared Abrahamic origins.”

Se her hvordan norske debattaktører kan lure seg til å «forbanne» all kritikk av «de abrahamittiske religioner», i f eks Vårt Land, en mann ved navn Johannessen f eks, går langt i å være dirkete uredelig eller løgnaktig:

 Om en iman i Drammen og jødene:

I dag finner vi denne overskriften:

Europa tømmes for jøder: – Ekkoet av tidligere tiders hat gjenlyder i Europa, her

Om dette har jeg skrevet mye tidligere, her om Mona Levin. Lindstad og jødene, Israel bl a:

Om Luther og mange andre:

Rousseau, Percey, Arendt:




Om manglende tragedieforståelse – og dermed mennskeforståelse - i islam og dets motstykke i  Bibelen:




Luther ser trusselen mot Wien som et religiøst spørsmål: "En kristen skal være den første til å gå med i denne hæren (Karl den 5.'s). Han må i sannhet begynne med å gjøre bot og vi må forbedre våre liv; ellers kommer vi til å kjempe forgjeves. Hvor mye skulle jeg ikke ønske at Karl slår tyrkerne til marken. Om dette ber jeg med den største iver. Men når jeg ber, faller min bønn tilbake på meg, for våre synder er store". Ellers var Luther mer opptatt av pavedømmet som Anti-Krist”. Antikrist er Paven og Turken. Et levende beist må ha både kropp og sjel. Antikrists sjel eller ånd er Paven, og Turken er hans kjøtt og kropp".

Han anser muslimene for å være irrasjonelle og ute av stand til å bli omvendt med rasjonelle argumenter. "Turkens" fremgang de siste hundre årene viser ikke at de har Guds støtte. De bare bekrefter profetien om at Jesus blod må utgytes fra tidens begynnelse til dens slutt.  (Fra Nasir Kahn i Klassekampen 27. juni 2006).

NK s 334: Luther om forholdet til de opprørske bøndene: They must be knocked to pieces, strangeled and stabbed, covertly and overtlys, by everyone who can, just as one must kill a mad dog! Therefore dear sirs, help here, save there, stab, knock strangle them everyone who can, and should you lose your life, bless you, no better death can yhou ever attain. There should be no false mercy for the peasants. Whoever hath pity on those whom God pities not, whom He wishes punished and destroyed, belongs among the rebels himself. Later the peasants themselves would learn to thank God when they had to gide up one cow in order to enjoy the other in peace, andt the princes would learn thorugh the uppheaval the spirit of the mob that must be ruled by force only. The wise man says: cibum, onus et virgam asino, ( food, pack and lash to the ass). The peasants must have nothing but chaff. They do not harken to the Word, and are foolish, so they must harken to the rod and the gun, and that serves them right. We must pray for them that they obey. Where they do not there should be not much mercy. Let the guns roar among them, or else they will do it thousand times worse.

(Min teori: Dette er som tatt ut av Muhammeds allahianske påbud om å forfølge og drepe vantro hvor hen de troende finner dem … Luthers forhold til jødene lar jeg stå ubehandlet her).

Marx om Luther: Even historically, theoretical emancipation has spesific practical significans for Germany. For G’s revolutionary past is theoretical, it is the Reformation. As the revolution then began in the brain of the monk, so now it begins in the brain of the philosopher. Luther, we grant, overcame bondage out of devotion by replacing it by bondage out of conviction. He shattered faith in authority because he restored the aythority of faith. He turned priests into laymen because he turned laymen into priests. He freed man from outer religiosity because he made religiosity the inner man. He freed the body from chains because he enchained the heart.

Koranen blir den gang forresten trykket for første gang.  Luther skriver forordet i flere utgivelser av Koranen …

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