mandag 10. juli 2023

Tapte ror i kjølvannet av Paris

Les først denne om hva Frankrike har gitt opprørene og hva de ikke har fått igjen:

 Ting blir bare tydeligere og tydeligere, bortsett fra for «eliten» og etablissementene.

Vi skrev om Macron for noen år siden, og så det så klart at vi ble litt redd.

Nå er vi mer selvsikker.

Om karikaturstriden som ikke er over, på langt nær:

Hvor kommer truslene fra? Innenfra eller utenfra? Kanskje begge deler fra?

Europa og mye av Vesten ligger i forvirring og vantro. Mange innvandrere er kristne; de utgjør Europas salt, en viktig del av saltbeholdningen i Europa. Selv tørster europeerne etter utløsning og tilfredsstillelse. For de kan ikke annet nå, tomheten eller meningsløsheten gjør dem tørstere enn noen gang før og tørsten kan drepe, det har alle sett og forstått. For tro det eller ei: Vi er tørste. Hvor er kilden med det rennende og levende vannet? (Jeg spøker ikke om Selters, dagen derpå eller saltvannsoppløsning dagen før).

Kommer den største trusselen fra naturen? Kommer nå naturen til å hevne seg på oss, for alt vanstell vi har stelt i stand?

La oss fokusere på det bloggen handler om – vårt forhold til islam.

La oss ta en titt på «de indre forhold» først, aller kortest:

They Are Whatever They Say They Are, Ours Is Not to Reason Why

Jul 9, 2023 2:00 pm By Hugh Fitzgerald

… “Paul Murphy: We don’t want to limit our baby by saying you’re a boy or you’re a girl. Let them decide,” by Jen Hogan, Irish Times, March 14, 2023:

An Irish lawmaker has said he doesn’t want to limit his newborn baby by labeling them as a boy or a girl, wanting them to have the freedom to decide their own gender. …

“Regardless of whether it was male or female, it was going to be Juniper. I think it’s a gender-neutral name,” Murphy told the newspaper.

Juniper is a male, but Murphy insists the couple is not labeling the baby as a boy.

“We’re not gendering it. So we’re not describing Juniper as a boy, we’re describing Juniper as a baby, but it is male.

No, no need to “gender it.” Or for that matter, “gender them.” That would be very bad. It would give the baby ideas. And they shouldn’t have ideas. …


Kommentar: Foreldre bestemmer seg altså for at de ikke kan eller vil bestemme, hva barnet skal hete, barnet selv skal bestemme seg når det blir stort nok til å bestemme seg for noe foreldrene ikke har bestemt, noe de inemlig ikke kunne ha bestemt, kjønnet, som altså nå barnet skal "tvinges" til å bestemme.

Mer heslig eller forfengelig kan det ikke bli. Men slik tenker det servilt betinget emosjonelt korrekte menneske. Til applaus, til og med …

Les: Jalving

Og så:

… Then I recalled the writings of and life of Albert Camus, the novelist and essayist born in French Algeria and a pioneer in the fight for Algerian independence. Ironically, Camus always believed that Algeria should remain a part of France. It is for this reason, perhaps, that his legacy in Algeria has all but been forgotten.

In Algeria, Camus is known as a “colonialist” and not a freedom fighter.

As one article in The Smithsonian has stated:

“Despite Camus’ monumental achievements and deep attachment to his native land, Algeria has never reciprocated that love. Camus is not part of the school curriculum; his books can’t be found in libraries or bookshops. Few plaques or memorials commemorate him.”

The cancel culture/Muslim mindset in Algeria has erased Camus.

In 2020, “Death to France” was the rallying cry of tens of thousands of Muslims in France when President Macron spoke out against the dangers of “Islamist separation.” The leftist ‘Guardian’ wrote about the protest with a piece entitled, “Anger Towards Macron grows in Muslim World.”

Oriana Fallaci reported on Muslim migration in books like ‘The Rage and The Pride’:

“…We cannot bear a migratory wave of people who have nothing to do with us. Who are not ready to become like us, to be absorbed by us like ….Who, on the contrary, aim to absorb us. To change our principles, our values, our identity, our way of life…. I am saying that in our culture there is no room for the muessins, for the minarets, for the phony abstemious, for the humiliating chador, for the degrading burkah…”

Pew Research states that with no migration, the Muslim population of Europe by 2050 will be 7.4%, while with migration that percentage will climb to 14.0%.

Some militant Muslim leaders in France, however, see a fully Islamist nation by 2050.

Contrast this to a New York Times piece in 2022, “The Quiet Flight of Muslims From France,” in which Muslim residents cited “a feeling of not belonging,” and “nagging questions about their security.”

The Times also quoted fears among Muslims about the rise of conservative political leaders like Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour.

‘The Times of Israel,’ reporting on the Paris riots, mentioned new found fears among Jews  in France that “they will become targets of violence.”

The soul of France belongs to Christianity. It belongs to the countryside of Jeanne d’Arc, Avignon, the Palace of the Popes (sans Francis), St. Therese of Lisieux, the shrine of La Salette in the French Alps, the shrine of Lourdes, Mont St. Michel, and to the great cathedrals like Chartres and Notre Dame.

In May of this year, a record breaking 20,000 young traditionalist Catholic pilgrims under the sponsorship of The Remnant, made their way on foot from Paris to the cathedral of Chartres in homage to the Blessed Virgin.

Chartres, the cathedral that Henry Adams called “Our Lady’s Play House,” where pilgrims in the Middle Ages who couldn’t afford a trip to the Holy Land once visited in droves, where Jeanne d’Arc once prayed, holds the key to France’s spiritual future.

This is the France of the ages, the France that must replace the endless procession of gem-studded chadors on the Champs-Elysees.


Jeg har sitert fra Diane Weber Bedermann her:

Ndgj deen, se spesielt denne (med oversettelse fra Bederman):

Bedermann beskriver noe som bare ytterst få folk i Europa forstår eller få noe ut av. Det er frivillig eller påtvunget glemsel her. Det skal mer enn bare noen timers kurs for innvandrere til – for nordmenn - på statens bekostning å håpe på å forstå hva de få og enkle ordene fra Bedermann sier her:

For those unaware, Democracy is based on the teachings of the Hebrew Bible: all people are born with equal intrinsic value, all life is sacred and we have free-will. It is free-will that makes freedom possible but can also take it/give it, away.

I am suggesting, or rather stating, that the “democratic” policies based on extreme tolerance, inclusion, accommodation, equity and diversity are leading us down the path to suicide-by-democracy.

Mange har skrevet om vårt og Vestens selvmord, men her har vi en jødinne som sier det som det er, mer enn de andre, kanskje. Her aner vi konturene av det jeg har skrevet om tidlige mange ganger: Islam er et PARTI, (se linkene over)

What do I mean when I say suicide-by-democracy? What is suicide?

… Let’s take a look at America, Israel, France, and then Hungary.

Suicide-by-democracy in America

In America, the home of the brave and the land of the free, there are people in government who are religious Muslims. Why does that matter, you ask?

Because Islam is not compatible with Western Values. How do I know?

Because Islam says so.

ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) Canada shares in the book, Riyad us Saliheen

“The political system of Islam is totally incompatible with western democracy. The concept of government party and the opposition is alien to Islam. All belong to one Ummah with only one goal and pursue the same aims and objects of Islamic guidelines.”

But in our desire to be accommodating, inclusive, tolerant, diverse and equitable we allow people who are against our values to rule over us.

Nothing like electing people calling for your demise. Who needs a tyrant to take over?

And in Minneapolis the government has said “yes” to the Muslim call to prayer, ADHAN, which means, listen. It is shared five times a day; 365 times a year for all to hear.

Silly me. I thought Religious Freedom in the West is the right to follow one’s religious beliefs, at home or in their House of Worship, and never impose it on others.

What are they praying?

Allahu Akbar – God is Great

Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah – I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.

Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah – I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God

Hayya ‘ala-s-Salah – Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)

Hayya ‘ala-l-Falah – Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)

Assalatu khairum-minan-naum – Prayer is better than sleep (This part is only recited for morning prayers.)

Allahu Akbar – God is Great

La ilaha illa Allah – There is no god except the One God

Muslims also repeat the following prayer, 5 times a day which talks about Christians and Jews. In Canada Muslims are permitted prayer rooms during school.

Verse no. 7 of-of Al-Fatiha.

The following are excerpts from the book (p. 338-340):

“All commentators are agreed that those who incurred Divine wrath and those who went astray are the Jews and Christians respectively. A prayer to be safeguarded against these mischiefs, not to be included among those who went astray, nor among those who incurred Divine wrath, has been taught. This must be repeatedly offered in the five daily Prayer services. It is thus clear that this is the biggest and most serious mischief which must be safeguarded against. It should be called the mother of mischiefs… Those who incurred Divine displeasure are the Jews, and those who went astray are the Christians…”

It’s OK to demean and denigrate Christians and Jews in the West because we are tolerant, inclusive, and accommodating.

But, hey it’s a democracy…right?

 Suicide-by-democracy in Israel

Israel, the only Jewish nation in a world of 195 countries, is coerced to open its doors to those who call for her extinction. These calls are made by the UN and the EU and America. 

Although there are 50 Muslim countries, where Jews are not permitted, Muslims must be accommodated in Israel. And now, in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel for 3000 years, nearly four in 10 Jerusalemites are Muslim. Some 371,000 Muslims live in Israel’s capital, making up 38% of residents.

Let me repeat that. The CAPITAL of Israel: by decree of King David 3,000 years ago,

How odd that the most prominent building in Jerusalem is a Mosque – not a Temple- a mosque where people aggregate to call for the death of Jews. ...

The previous government to the current one, led by Lapid and Bennett, included members of a an Islamist Muslim party, Ra’am, the political wing of the Southern Islamic Movement, an organization inspired by the Muslim Brotherhoodwhose platform calls for the destruction of Israel. It urges a right of return for Palestinian refugees, says “there can be no allegiance” to Israel, and deems Zionism a “racist, occupying project.”

You allow people to run for government who have declared their desire to kill all of you because they know you, as a country, have no right to exist. So you let them form a government with you despite their call for your death.

But, hey it’s a democracy…right?

Can you imagine a Muslim country with people in government who call for the death of Islam?
OK. Never.

And just because Israel is the only Jewish country in the world, that’s no reason to stop missionaries – Right? I mean Israel is a tolerant, inclusive, accommodating country and of course it is imperative that she allow people to come into the country and try to get Jews to give up Judaism for the sake of Jesus. Why not? Why should Jews have any safe place in this world to be Jews?

But, hey it’s a democracy…right?

But, today, the prize goes to France: home to the five basic ideas of the Enlightenment: reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty; the most important of which was the doctrine of Liberty.

Here is France, today after opening its doors to unlimited, unregulated immigration. ...

And then this. “We are going to make a Shoah”. Yes, indeed. Muslims in France, upset that a police officer (not Jewish as far as I am aware) shot a Muslim, so they decided to molest the Holocaust Memorial to the Martyrs of the Deportation. The memorial commemorates 200,000 Jews who were deported from France to Nazi concentration camps during World War II. What do the Jews have to do with any of this? Does it matter?

We have refused to learn the lesson that appeasement (inclusion, accommodation, tolerance, diversity, equity) breeds contempt for the appeasers.

Each time a democracy bends the knee to the appeaser, the appeaser grows stronger; his testosterone levels go higher, his roar becomes louder and so we appease, again, until we are eaten.

The lesson to be learned:

Don’t be fooled by offers of friendship from a creature on the hunt for an easy meal.

While this is taking place, countries which do not promote the religion of tolerance, inclusion and accommodation are often attacked for being racist or far right. Like Hungary. The elected leader, Orban, is accused of being authoritarian. Why? Is it that he won’t tolerate, include and accommodate values that are anathema to freedom? He is accused of being an anti-Semite for standing up to George Soros; a man who embraced the Nazis and looted Jewish homes. A man now at the head of the WEF: an unelected group of elites who are deciding for the 8 billion inhabitants of the earth how they will live and what they will eat.

Hungary believes in protecting the freedom of all who accept her values; based on the Hebrew Bible. Simple. There are billions of people around the world who yearn for freedom, from tyrants and tyrannical ideologies: ideologies that refuse to accept that all people are born with equal intrinsic value, all life is sacred and we have free will-the right and obligation to choose. Hungary has been attacked for having the unmitigated gall of promoting and protecting these ideals.

I leave you with this interview from NPR. Read the “Horrible” actions taken by Orban regarding family, faith and freedom.

You decide.

And then ask yourself, “Are we in the West, committing suicide by democracy?

Robert Spencer, alltid klar:

Bønn er ikke “ute”, den er tvert om inne:

 To-statsløsning I Frankrke?

 Så, om: Den anti- intellektuelle - eller den servilt betinget emosjonelle korrekthets elite:

 The maghrébins all over France went on the rampage. Frenzied mobs in Paris, Marseille, and Bordeaux and hundreds of other cities and towns, pillaged and destroyed stores, choosing judiciously to hit the luxury-goods emporia on the rue de Rivoli, as well as Apple stores, the famed department store La Samaritaine, and high-end sneakers stores, making off everywhere with armfuls of loot. In one southern city, the Swarovski store was emptied, with everything smashed or stolen. So, too, was the optician’s store on the same block, where thousands of pairs of glasses were taken or destroyed, and next to it, a computer-and-phone store emptied of everything. And so on, store after store, destroyed and its merchandise stolen or smashed, all to express “the rage” of young Muslims over the death of the “angelic” Nahel Merzouk. By Sunday, Muslim mobs have torched many thousands of cars, and hundreds of buses all over the country. They tried to burn down the largest library in Marseille, the Alcazar, and as they did in so many other places, those mobs shouted “Allahu akbar.”

Are the French police too aggressive with drivers during traffic stops? Hardly. In the three years since 2020, there have been 21 fatalities among drivers. That comes to seven drivers a year who are shot. In the U.S., in the five years between 2017 and the beginning of 2022, there were a total of 600 fatalities, or 120 a year. 120 a year in the U.S., 7 a year in France.

There are now 45,000 police on the streets of France.

“French Riots Begin to Abate Even as Economic Costs Mount,” by Tara Patel, Bloomberg, July 2, 2023:

The economic costs of the unrest are also mounting. On July 1, Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said some 10 shopping malls, more than 200 supermarkets, 250 tobacco shops and 250 bank outlets had been attacked or looted in just the previous night. When this is all over, the total damage will be much much higher — thousands of shops have been destroyed.

All types of businesses have been targeted, especially those with valuable merchandise,” Jean-Luc Chauvin, head of the Chamber of Commerce of Aix Marseille Provence, told France Info. A first estimate by insurers put damages at more than €100 million ($109 million), a number that will undoubtedly rise, he said.

“French riots: French-Algerian teenager killed by police was ‘no angel,’ while those who protested migrant rape and murder of 12-year-old Lola were branded ‘racist’ and ‘fascist,’ says Éric Zemmour,” by John Cody, Remix News, June 30, 2023:

Many media reports are excusing the mass riots that are destroying France over the last three days due to “rage” over the police shooting that killed a 17-year-old teen. However, that same media labeled those who protested the rape and murder of 12-year-old schoolgirl Lola by an Algerian migrant in 2022 as “fascists” and “racists,” according to Reconquête party leader Éric Zemmour.

 Media outlets outside France, their needle stuck at “racism,” with all sorts of idiotic invocations of Black Lives Matter, have said very little about Nahel Merzouk’s extensive criminal record. It would only get in the way of properly understanding Nahel’s death as the act of a “French racist” policeman killing an innocent young Arab. And of course, the only way to protest against “racism” is to burn down buildings, set thousands of cars on fire, steal iPhones, computers, and Swarovski crystal.

The officer in question is a greatly respected police officer, several times honored for his bravery. No matter. He is French, Nahel was Arab. Therefore he was the “racist” and Nahel a little angel. The President of the Republic, who ought to have said that the judiciary will examine the conduct of the policeman, instead condemned him in advance, calling the policeman’s action “inexplicable” and “unforgivable.” The Prime Minister, Elizabeth Borne, and the Minister of Security, Gerald Darmanin, also issued statements condemning the policeman – whatever happened to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty? — in their craven attempt to quell the Muslim mobs.

Of course, the UN human rights office took time off from bashing Israel to express its “concern,” but that concern was not about the mobs attacking and destroying stores, often after emptying them of their contents, not about the attacks on shopping malls and medical buildings, the pillage, the looting, the vandalism, not about libraries sacked or set on fire, not the attempts to murder people.

No, what the UN human rights office was concerned about was not this countrywide mayhem, the pillaging, the mass thefts, the antisemitic scrawls, the burning of automobiles and buses, the attempted murder of a mayor. The UN office was, as France 24 pointed out, “concerned” about police racism following the shooting.

“This is a moment for the country to seriously address the deep issues of racism and racial discrimination in law enforcement,” spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said.

In contrast, when 12-year-old Lola was raped and killed by an Algerian migrant already scheduled for deportation, the same media went into damage control mode, claiming migrants were “threatened” by growing anger over the issue. Those who marched in Lola’s honor were branded as racist and fascist, even though they conducted peaceful demonstrations and did not resort to widespread looting and violence.

Because Lola’s rapist and murderer was an Algerian, those who expressed sympathy for her had to be dismissed as “racists.”

“These riots are much more serious than those of 2005. Why? Because at the time we used 10,000 to 12,000 police officers, today we are at 40,000 [now 45,000]. And clearly that is not enough Because today all of France is affected and not just the suburbs [where most Muslim migrants live]. Small towns are also affected because for 20 years immigrants have been distributed there,” wrote Zemmour on Twitter.

Some lecture or hector the French and call for greater “integration.” What are they talking about? Every third government office seems to be about programs encouraging “integration.” How do you integrate people who despise you, whose holy book tells them that the French are, like all Infidels, “the most vile of created beings”? Maghrébins do not come to France to become French. They come to live off the what the French state provides, supplemented what they can obtain through crime. Muslims are less than 10% of the population in France, but comprise 70% of the prison population.

Eventually, the Muslim mobs will have hauled away enough loot to feel temporarily sated, and the riots will stop, though only until the next excuse comes along, something to “spark” an “explosion of anger.” That could be a verdict in favor of the officer, or a prison sentence that Muslims deem insufficient. In an interview with French television, the police officer’s lawyer, Laurent-Franck Lienard, said his client had aimed at the driver’s leg but was bumped when the car took off, causing him to shoot towards his chest. “Obviously (the officer) didn’t want to kill the driver,” he said according to the report.

Can the officer get a fair trial? Not in much of the media, but possibly in a French court. Already a crowdfunding effort has raised nearly $700,000 for the officer’s defense. Let us hope.

Subversion in the USA?

After the Riots in France, Jul 10, 2023 10:00 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 6 Comments

The indigenous French are disgusted with the government’s response to the Muslim riots. There was fury at President Macron’s remark about the policeman, Florian M., that his act was both “inexplicable” and “unforgivable.” Whatever happened, many wondered, to the presumption of innocence? And why was Macron’s remark echoed by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and Minister of the Interior Gerard Darmanin? The lawyer for the policeman explained that his gun had been aimed at Nahel Merzouk’s leg, but when the car suddenly accelerated, he was jolted and the gun was pointed higher up when he fired, hitting Nahel in the chest. 

More on the French reaction to the riots can be found here: “French riots: 71% of French back reduction in immigration, 78% want financial sanctions on rioters’ parents,” by Denes Albert, Remix News, July 7, 2023

Following a week of rioting and looting across several French cities, the majority of French citizens want stricter migration controls and sanctions against the families of those who participated in the vandalism, a poll conducted by Odoxa-Backbone Consulting for Le Figaro newspaper revealed.

Although the French government has claimed that the rioting had nothing to do with immigration, a point widely mocked. 71 percent of those polled say they want a reduction in migratory flows in response to the riots. A majority also supported two proposals put forward by the right-wing Les Républicains party and the National Rally: the abolition of the “excuse of minors” (78 percent) and an introduction of “financial sanctions” against the parents of delinquents (77 percent).

A whopping 75 percent of respondents said for those rioters convicted of crimes should have their French citizenship stripped if they are dual nationals.

Some 59 percent of respondents are calling for a tougher immigration bill this autumn. They see recent events as “the consequence of the failings of our migration policy.” This contrasts with Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin’s statement that “there were a lot of Kévins and Mattéos” among those arrested, who were “90 percent French.” This led to Darmanin claiming that “the issue today is young delinquents, not foreigners.”

Darmanin’s remark about “a lot of Kevins and Matteos” was greeted with contempt. Everyone who saw videos of the riots, heard the Allahu-akbaring, saw the interviews with boys from the “bled” (the hood), knew that almost all of the rioters were Muslims, which has been confirmed by the identities of the more than 3,200 rioters taken into custody., There were a scarcely discernible handful of ”Kevins and Matteos.” Not “a lot” as Darmanin claims. A handful.

However, as has been noted numerous times, many of those arrested were second- and third-generation migrants, and much of the video captured of the rioting showed that people of non-European ancestry were participating in the majority of looting incidents and violence caught on film.

Darmanin claims that the issue is one of “young delinquents, not foreigners.” He seems to think that once these Muslims become citizens, either through naturalization, or because they are second or third-generation migrants, and thus citizens by birth, they are no longer a problem. It’s only “foreigners” who rioted. But with or without citizenship, the Muslims are permanent “foreigners” because they continue to reject both France as their country, and the French who, as Infidels, are “the most vile of created beings.” Neither he nor any other member of Macron’s administration has dared to discuss the ideology of Islam that feeds the anti-French rage.

The survey found that while popular support for the forces of law and order remains high (64 percent), faith in the French government is dwindling — only 27 percent of respondents considered the government’s response to the crisis to be either good or adequate. On the contrary, the French are expecting tougher measures to be introduced from the government, particularly on immigration.

In its own analysis of the polling data, Odoxa identified the main sentiments of the French population towards the riots as confusion (77 percent), anger (84 percent), and fear for the future of the country (89 percent).

The “confusion” of the French is caused by what their government keeps assuring them – how can they not be confused when Islam is never mentioned, when they are told by their government two things, both of them false,that the rioters were “mostly ‘foreigners’” and, at the same time, that there were “a lot of Kevins and Matteos” among them. And how can they not be angry when they see the more than one billion euros of destruction, the 6000 torched cars, the 500 busses burned, the thousands of shops pillaged and then set on fire, the offices of mayors destroyed, the attempt to murder a mayor and his family, the famed Alcazar Library in Marseille set aflame? And all this monstrous destruction was inflicted despite the tens of billions of euros spent very year on Muslims by the French government, to provide housing, medical care, schooling for the children, family allowances, unemployment benefits, and more? That is why 89% are fearful for the future of their country. In 2022, Muslim migration to France reached an all-time high.The government deliberately tries to mislead the public about the composition of the rioters. Macron, Borne, and Darmanin all denounce the policeman before he has had a trial. 71% of the French public now want to curb immigration, but the government still remains silent on the matter, and Macron, hated by so many for his failure to deal with the Muslim problem, still has four years to remain in office as President of the Republic.

Yes, the French people are right, after these riots, to be overwhelmingly confused, angry, and fearful for the future of their country.


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