onsdag 2. november 2022

Når demografi og islamofobi blir rasisme, er noe grunnleggende sykt

Denne posteringen tar for seg betente temaer som Demografi og Islamofobi. Frem til i det siste, har «professorene» og media eller «eliten» og sogar «etablissementet» hatt et overtak på sanne, saklige og fornuftige islamkritikere - og helt normale, vanlige folk - på dette området. De har trodd at de har sittet på og forvaltet sannheten, men sannheten er selvsagt helt annerledes. De har brukt stempling, utfrysing og hypermagi for å bevise sine egne påstander, påstander som aldri har holdt mål, og påstander de samme har vegret seg inntil det sykelig for å undersøke for virkelig å få grunngitt eller bekreftet - like fullt har disse hold på dine illusjoner i den hensikt å berolige befolkningen, uten å tenke på den prisen folket nå vil måtte betale for dette, både materielt og åndelig. 

Det sier seg selv at når man – de nordmenn som altså elsker alt muslimsk og vil ha mer av alt islamsk - forbinder bare dette å ta opp spørsmålet om demografi blir ansett som et bevis på at man er rasist, eller islamofob, da har vi et stort problem, et samfunnsproblem. Da er man inne i en sykdom det vil ta mer tid fremover å helbrede eller lege enn den tiden det har tatt å etablere denne sykdommen i vår lille elites kropper (og i befolkningen for øvrig) frem til nå, en elite som altså har drevet hypermagi mer enn realpolitikk, fordi man har begitt seg inn i en cul-de-sac hvor dette å være servilt betinget emosjonelt korrekt har blitt regnet for en dygd, mens denne strategien selvsagt hele tiden har vært en stadig mer graverende last, - en ren umoral, med andre ord. (PS: Jeg snakker her ikke om «sykdom» i klinisk mening, slik de virkelig islamofobe snakker om dem de kaller islamofobe på, men desto verre blir det … ).  

Først – (vi kommer til demografien under linkene nedenfor):

For long, the powers that be have insisted that Islamophobia—defined as “unfounded fear of and hostility towards Islam”—is the root of all problems between Muslims and non-Muslims in the West. Speaking last May, Joe Biden lamented that “so many Muslims [are] being targeted with violence. No one, no one should [be] discriminated against or be oppressed for their religious beliefs…. Muslims make our nation stronger every single day, even as they still face real challenges and threats in our society, including targeted violence and Islamophobia that exists.”

The accusation is that, based on a number of negative stereotypes concerning Muslims—for example, that they are violent, hostile, and uncivilized—Americans have come to dislike and fear Muslims; and this, in turn, makes Muslims resentful and eventually lash out.

Hva viser nå vitenskapelig forskning om «islamofobi», en forkninge dertil utført av «islamske krefter»? Jo, følgende, at:

… they who know Islam more than anyone else—are more Islamophobic than non-Muslims in America; they are more, not less, prone to believing that fellow Muslims are violent, hostile, and uncivilized.

 “over time, Islamophobia has declined among other groups but has increased among Muslims.”

… Muslims, themselves, are by far the most Islamophobic group when it comes to the false notion that Muslims are more prone to violence than others. 24%  er enige om dette …

In comparison, 9% of Jews, 8% of Catholics, 11% of Protestants, 12% of white Evangelicals, 13% of the nonaffiliated, and 9% of the general public agree with the idea that Muslims are more prone to violence than others….  Roughly one-quarter of Arab Muslims (23%) agree that Muslims are more prone to violence than others …

American Muslims (19%) are more likely to agree with this idea [that “most Muslims living in the US are hostile to the US”] than are Jews (4%), Protestants (10%), the nonaffiliated (7%), and the general public (8%) …

[Then there is] the erroneous idea that most Muslims living in the United States are less civilized than other groups. Again, we find that Muslims exhibit higher levels of endorsement of this trope with American Muslims nearly three times more likely than white Evangelicals to do so. Nearly one in five Muslims (19%) agree with this trope, compared with 5% of Jews, 6% of Catholics, 5% of Protestants, 7% of white Evangelicals, 5% of the nonaffiliated, and 5% of the general public. The 19% of Muslims who agree with this idea includes 11% who ‘strongly agree’ compared with 1-2% of all other groups surveyed.

“These findings are eye opening to say”, skriver Ibrahim.  Remember, the entire premise of Islamophobia is that, in their ignorance of “true Islam,” xenophobic Americans are prone to stereotyping Muslims as violent, hostile, and uncivilized.  Yet, behold the truth: no one segment of the American population sees Muslims as violent, hostile, and uncivilized as much as those who are best acquainted with everything to do with being Muslim—that is, Muslims themselves.

… When, on August 5, 2022, a fourth Muslim man was killed in Albuquerque, Biden rushed to exploit these murders in furtherance of his narrative, tweeting: “These hateful attacks have no place in America,” thus implying American “Islamophobia” was the driver of these murders.

Then reality hit: the murderer was himself a Muslim—and thus one more reminder why Muslims are so Islamophobic, rightly fearing fellow Muslims.

We are always being admonished to listen to Muslims.  When it comes to evaluating which aspects of Islam are “tropes” and which are not, perhaps we should start.


Se også denne hjerteskjærende her:

Western authorities appear committed to discriminating against Christian, while welcoming Muslim, asylum seekers.

Most recently, Germany—which has taken in millions of refugees from the Muslim world, including un-vetted ones from Afghanistan—denied refuge to an Iranian convert to Christianity, even though his brother-in-law was imprisoned, tortured, and killed after converting in their native Iran.  Known by the initials “H.H.,” according to one report,


Og denne, hvis britene ser ut for å innrømme at de har forsøkt å få befolkningen til å leve på en løgn:

UK government drops plan to use official definition of ‘Islamophobia’ to combat anti-Muslim hatred:

In a move that should be cheered, the British government “has dropped work on an official definition of Islamophobia that was promised more than three years ago.”

In May 2019, the UK government made a U-turn and refused “to adopt a working definition of ‘Islamophobia’ proposed by an all-party Parliamentary group (APPG). The definition, as put forward by the British Muslims APPG in December, determined that Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.

But what does “Muslimness” even mean? A hint may have been provided in Canada back in 2017, when the Toronto District School Board guidebook for Islamic Heritage Month was designed with support from the National Council of Canadian Muslims, formerly known as CAIR-CAN. The guidebook defined Islamophobia, in part, as “fear, prejudice, hatred or dislike directed against Islam or Muslims, or towards Islamic politics or culture.” It was opposed by B’nai Brith:

The group says the broad definition could lead to students or staff being punished for expressing dislike for the Republic of Iran’s persecution of LGBTQ people or restrictions placed on women in Saudi Arabia.

B’nai Brith Canada says fighting bigotry against Muslims can’t be pretext for tolerating human rights violations.

In Britain, opposition to the broad definition of “Islamophobia” prevailed. In a letter to then-Prime Minister Theresa May, the leader of Britain’s police chiefs, Martin Hewitt, warned that “anti-terrorist operations would be hampered” if May bowed to the pressure to accept the definition. Hewitt further warned that the definition “risked exacerbating community tensions and undermining counter-terrorist policing powers and tactics“ – a risk that would certainly be expedient for Islamic supremacists.

Britain has seen pervasive Muslim rape gangs, jihad attacks, Islamic hate preachers and an ongoing, steady surge of unvetted illegal Muslim migrants coming into the country across the English Channel. Back in 2016, Equalities Chief Trevor Phillips, “who popularised the term ‘Islamophobia,’” in a stunning admission, revealed that he “thought Muslims would blend into Britain” and that he “should have known better.” Phillips “admitted he got almost everything wrong on Muslim immigration” in a damning report on “integration, segregation, and how the followers of Islam are creating ‘nations within nations’ in the West.”

The Labour Party isn’t pleased about the decision to officially drop “Islamophobia” as reflected in the article below, which presents a one-sided view of Muslims in Britain. “Labour MP Afzal Khan is to raise a point of order asking why successive prime ministers have not responded to any of his letters concerning the matter for two years.” Recall Labour MP Naz Shah (who remains with the party) retweeting that the victims of Muslim rape gangs should “shut up for the good of diveristy.” Shah was actually promoted to Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion, a job for which she is singularly unfit. Aside from giving this slap in the face to Muslim rape gang victims, she has also stated that “the world is waking up to Israel’s actions, and all those who want to see lasting peace in the region know that to achieve such peace we must end the occupation, injustice and oppression.” On another occasion, she declared that Israel has a “‘perverted’ understanding of the right to self-defence.”

The issue of forcing the term “Islamophobia” on Britain continued to haunt the country. Last year, Parliament was again burdened with the issue to hold a general debate on the definition of “Islamophobia.”

Finally, the UK government is doing what every Western country should be doing. It will combat anti-Muslim hatred, as any government that ascribes to the idea of equality of rights for all should be doing, and is dropping the term “Islamophobia,” which protects Islam from scrutiny, thus placing it above all other religions. Islam should be criticized for the human rights abuses it inspires. The fact that people are in danger of physical harm if they choose to mock Islam proves this point …


Fra vår hjemlige «lekegrind»: Muslimer kan alltid noe mer om islam enn ikkemuslimer kan:


 Pluss alle disse:






Surer muslimer nok frykter, - men som ikke utløser islamofobi?



Med mange linker:


Om bl a Strømmen:


Om bl a THE:





 Om hijab og Hodne:






Se denne:

Britain’s former equality tsar Trevor Phillips OBE has warned the sweeping new definition of “Islamophobia” is a “bullies’ charter” for Muslims inclined to censor criticism of Islam and Islamic practices.

Phillips, a former Labour politician and son of African-heritage migrants from British Guiana — now Guyana — who served as head of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) quango and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) which succeeded it from 2003 to 2012, warned that the definition would “make it illegitimate to criticise anyone who uses the fact that they are a Muslim or defending Muslims to make it impossible to contest their point of view”.














Bl a om hypermagi og ”fobi” som malignent trylleformular og «speach code»:

















Og så kommer vi til demografi, en trope som mange i våre uvitenskapelig akademia og media ofte assosieres med rasisme, der temaet bringes på bane.

Her noen fakta det er umulig for vår lille, «store» elite:



Storhaug er inspirert av følgendeGatestone:

  • Fewer babies will be born in all of Europe than in Nigeria alone.
  • More than half the increase of the global population projected by 2050 will be concentrated in just eight countries, mostly in Africa, according to The Economist: Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Tanzania. Nigeria will have more inhabitants than Europe and the United States.
  • This crisis is not a projection, it is happening right now. By 2050, 60% of Italians will have no brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles or aunts. The Italian family, with the father who pours the wine and the mother who serves the pasta to a table of grandparents, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, will be gone, as extinct as dinosaurs.
  • Yemen, on the other hand, a failed country in the middle of a terrible civil war, will show a population increase that is double Italy's.
  • "In 1887 there was only one Muslim registered in Melilla, he was originally from Casablanca and worked as a servant; today Muslims exceed 40 percent of the population and are approaching the majority", reported the newspaper El Pais.... Ceuta and Melilla are what most of Europe's cities will look like in 20-30 years. Melilla is now the first Spanish city that has surpassed a 50% Muslim population due to immigration, family reunification and a high birth rate.
  • The Western world has provided more wealth and convenience to more citizens than any other civilization in history. We are practically inundated with resources, but we are running out of people, the only truly indispensable resource.
  • "Islam to become Russia's predominant religion by 2050?" — Pravda, July 21, 2008.
  • In addition, Islam will have overtaken Christianity as the largest religion in the world. The Islamic population of the European Union, depending on the migratory flows, could reach 75 million within a generation -- like an entire Muslim Germany or, if one prefers, like Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Belgium, Holland, Portugal and Sweden combined. Does that sound better?
  • "They have not managed to change us. It is we who will change them. Look at the development of the population in Europe, where the number of Muslims increases like mosquitoes. Each Western woman in the E.U. produces, on average, 1.4 children. Each Muslim woman in these same countries produces 3.5 children. By 2050, 30% of the European population will be Muslim... Our way of thinking in Islam stands in opposition to the Western way of thinking. Today it is our way of thinking that comes in and shows itself stronger than theirs...." — "Mullah Krekar", Norwegian imam, Dagbladet, March 13, 2006.
  • The population of Birmingham will soon be half Muslim.... [The Birmingham Mail reveals that] the number of Muslim children in the city has surpassed the number of Christian children. "In addition to Birmingham, Islam is now the dominant religion among children in Leicester, Bradford, Luton, Slough and the London boroughs of Newham, Redbridge and Tower Hamlets." — Quote from business-live.co.uk, September 21, 2014.
  • Do we fantasize that immigration at this rate will be able to integrate happily into host societies and that the migrants will become like us? Do we hope that before long, Europeans will return to having more children? What if we are wrong and these projections become reality? Are we resigned to the disappearance of our civilization?
  • "Great demographics, great power", Nicholas Eberstadt, the American political economist summed up in Foreign Affairs. Crumbling demographics, crumbling powers ...

Se mer her, (skrevet av Julio Meotti):



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