tirsdag 17. mai 2022

Hvor lenge skal Vesten være dårligere enn resten?

 Nylig sa en meget viktig person følgende:

In just a few years after the death of the prophet Muhammad (Allah pray on and grant him peace), the Islamic conquests [literally, “openings,” futuhat] caused the two most powerful empires that divided and controlled every corner of the Middle East to collapse, and their lands in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and North Africa to become Islamic lands to this very day.


These [Muslim] conquests were not conquests of colonization that rely on the methods of plunder, oppression, control, and the policies of domination and dependency, [all of which] which leave nations in ruin.

Spørsmål: Hvem sa dette? En muslim, eller kanskje nåværende pave? En lektor eller amanuensis på et norsk universitet? En stortingspolitiker fra talerstolen i Stortinget?

Hvis du stusser med svaret, har du kanskje rett. Hva hvis fortsettelsen lyder slik:

… Christian and Zoroastrian peoples living under the Eastern Roman and Sassanian empires were happy to be “liberated” by the sword of Islam, and that—seeing that Islam was a religion of “knowledge, justice, freedom, and equality”—they eagerly responded by converting in droves.

Kommentar: Kan du være hundre prosent sikker på at det var en kristen som sa dette? Vel, da er du utrolig nok ikke langt fra sannheten, men sannheten er at dette ble sagt av en av de meste betydningsfulle eller mest innflytelsesrike muslimske lærde i verden i dag, al-Tayeb: Se for bekreftelse:

Pope Francis’s closest Muslim ally.


Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West

Se her hvordan norske historikere kan skrive bok om hvor tolerant islam var i Spania:


Og se her om den «frafalne» nonnen Karen Armstrong skriver om Cordoba:


Og ser her om angrep på Vesten:


Hvem har så sagt følgende?: – Muhammed var en tolerant politisk leder 

Spørsmål: Du ville kanskje tro at det er en høytstående muslim som sier dette, men nei, da tar du feil, selv om mange høytstående muslimer ville ha vært enig med påstanden, og i tillegg lagt til at Muhammed er en rollemodell for alle mennesker, til alle tider.

Den som sa det, går lengre:

– USA, Nato og Norge overlot i august i fjor makten i Afghanistan til en ekstrem muslimsk bevegelse, Taliban, som mener de forsvarer islam mot «de vantro». Men gjør virkelig Taliban det? Svaret er nei. For profeten Muhammed var forut for sin tid, og i virkeligheten en moderne politisk leder – mer til felles med Raymond Johansen enn Taliban.

– På samme måte som i moderne vestlige samfunn, var gjensidig respekt for andres religioner en forutsetning for politiske kompromisser i profetens Arabia. I Saudi-Arabia i dag, der islam nå er eneste lovlige religion, var på det profetens tid en smeltedigel mellom jøder og kristne, samt den voksende tilhengerskaren av den nye religionen islam, skriver han. …


Kommentar: Helge Lurås i Resett forsøker å tilbakevise diplomatens påstander, men argumentasjonen hans er langt fra fullgod, slik jeg ser det, (uten at jeg skal elaborere mer på det her, bortsett fra at det står klart at diplomaten ser Muhammeds liv og konkrete militære og politiske praksis der og da helt isolert fra islams «materielle» sider, islams innhold og virkningshistorie som totalitær ideologi og tror. Den samme feilen begår mange når det f eks påpekes av Saladin var en meget tolerant statsmann og militær leder fordi han kanskje behandlet tilfangetatte kristne på en mer skånsom måte enn kristne behandlet muslimske fanger). Se Lurås’s kritikk her:


Videre: Kan det være sant at Frankrike nå begynner å deportere muslimer? Kan det virkelig være sant? Er ikke dette islamofobt, i verste fall «nazistisk»?

Følgende er kanskje mer oppsiktsvekkende enn noen skulle tro. Vi her i Norge opprøres når vi hører ordet «deportere» og «deportasjon» og vi vet alle hva det primært assosieres med: Holocaust. Man tenker umiddelbart på ondskap.

Her et par artikler fra min side, som kanskje kan nyansere litt:




Så til artikkelen: France Deports Imam for Quoting Qur’an, Wait a minute. What do they think the rest of them are quoting?Mon May 16, 2022Robert Spencer:

The French news site Fdesouche reported Tuesday that Ahamada Mmadi, an imam from Comoros who has been deported from France, has no regrets: “I have nothing to regret and nothing to apologize for as long as I have spoken the word of Allah. If I repent, I am no longer a Muslim.” Fair enough, Mmadi, but France’s action in deporting this Muslim cleric is curious. If he was really deported for speaking the word of Allah, what do French authorities think the other imams in the country are teaching?

Mmadi added: “I don’t have to apologise for the moment I spoke the word of Allah …. Our sisters live a nightmarish life….and we call it a land of freedom.” Mmadi was claiming that women in France live a “nightmarish life” because they aren’t subject to the restrictions on women’s freedom that Islamic law entails. The good imam was apparently criticizing the status of women in France, as compared to the status of women in states that enforce Islamic law (Sharia), during a sermon at the Saint-Chamond mosque in the Loire department. During that sermon, he quoted a passage from the Qur’an that French authorities thought was unacceptably misogynistic.

According to the Islamic news site 5 Pillars UK, Mmadi and his family were “deported from France after he recited a verse from the Quran and quoted a Hadith which encouraged women to be chaste, stay at home and obey their husbands.” He was accused of making “comments incompatible with the principles and laws of the Republic.”

5 Pillars UK says that Mmadi quoted this passage from the Qur’an: “And stay in your houses. Do not display yourselves with the display of the time of ignorance. Be regular in prayer, and give alms, and obey Allah and his messenger.” (Qur’an 33:33),

 “Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend of their property. So good women are obedient, guarding in secret what Allah has guarded. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, give them a warning and banish them to separate beds, and beat them.” (Qur’an 4:34) But it doesn’t seem as if Mmadi even quoted that verse; the other one, calling for women to cover themselves and stay at home, was bad enough in itself for French authorities.

According to 5 Pillars UK, however, Mmadi did go a bit farther: “He also told worshippers at the mosque about an authentic Hadith in which Abu Huraira (ra) reported: ‘The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ‘If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter Paradise from any gate she wishes.’” This was the basis upon which “French authorities in the Loire region deemed his sermon, which was made at Eid prayers last year, ‘discriminatory.’

Mmadi was defiant: “I don’t regret anything. These are not my words, they are the words of the Prophet and of God. All I did was repeat what was in the holy books.”



I USA sammenligner nå en av “førstedamene» seg med Jesus, i kampen for å “elimenere” Donald Trumf og hans “farlige og fæle tilhengere” som tror på og lever på  en “Big Lie”:

What Would Jesus Do? Just Ask Nancy: When a House Speaker gets religion.

Mon May 16, 2022, Robert Spencer

… Pelosi doesn’t hesitate to invoke her religion when it seems useful to her to do so, that is, when she thinks it can help her advance her far-Left agenda. Last week, she pulled out the Gospel of Matthew to justify sending $40 billion to Ukraine during a time of steeply rising inflation, astronomical gas prices, and a baby-formula shortage.

 “So when you’re home thinking, ‘What is this all about?,’ just think about ‘When I was hungry, you fed me,’ in the Gospel of Matthew

… Pelosi had never sponsored a comparable payout for the hungry and homeless on the streets of her district in San Francisco.

… Pelosi has even situated her staunchly pro-abortion stance within the context of her alleged religious commitment. In September 2021, touting her pro-abortion bill that would circumvent the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Pelosi reminded us, “I come to this as a Catholic and a mother of five, in 6 years and 1 week, and the joy that all that meant to us.” Then in March 2022, arguing that Roe should be upheld, she said it again: “I am a devout Catholic …

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) tweeted, “I voted NO to send $40 Billion American tax dollars to Ukraine. That bill does things we should not be doing. Americans are suffering from a baby formula crisis, a border crisis, skyrocketing inflation and fuel crisis, and they are fed up with America last politicians.” It’s refreshing to see that at least some politicians in


Men I USA kritiseres også president Biden for å ha et naivt forhold til virkeligheten, som her, når Biden nærmest karakterisere s som en god muslim, (i så fall ligner han kanskje på mange norske politikere, han er, som Pelosi, katolikk, på sitt vis):

Biden’s Peculiar Eid al-Fitr Speech, Who are all these Muslims facing famine, violence, conflict, and disease? Mon May 16, 2022, Hugh Fitzgerald

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr at the White House, our dangerously elder statesman, Joe Biden, made a series of claims that deserve to be examined. We have already discussed in yesterday’s post his inclusion of the Muslim Rohingyas as innocent victims of persecution in Myanmar, and why that “persecution” was not quite so simple, but forms part of a much more complicated story, one that includes Rohingya massacres of Buddhists in the 1940s, and a separatist insurrection by the Rohingyas that erupted in the 1970s, then again in the 1990s, and again in 2016-2017, that led finally to attacks by the Burmese army and most of the Rohingyas in Myanmar fleeing into Bangladesh, from whence their ancestors had come in the 19th and early 20th century.

Here is the offending sentence where the Rohingyas appear:

“Today, we also remember all those who are not able to celebrate this holy day, including Uyghurs and Rohingyas and all those who are facing famine, violence, conflict, and disease,” Biden said.

Who are “all those [Muslims] who are facing famine, violence, conflict, and disease”? And who is to blame? Biden makes it sound as if these terrible conditions have been inflicted on Muslims by others – that is, non-Muslims.

There are certainly Muslims facing famine, violence, conflict, and disease in many parts of the world. Almost all of them, however, live in Muslim-majority countries. Here’s a rundown on a few of them. In Yemen, one group of Muslims, the Shi’a Houthis, backed by Iran, have been fighting other Muslims since 2015. The Houthis are trying to overturn the national government in San’a, which is backed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The ferocity of the fighting has done great harm to the economy, and led to mass starvation and the “worst humanitarian disaster” in the world. Nota bene: in Yemen, none of the violence, nor the consequences of that violence, has had anything to do with non-Muslims. All along it has been a Muslim-against-Muslim conflict, with both sides being backed by other, non-Yemeni Muslims.

The same holds true in Libya, where, long after Muammar Qaddafi was deposed and killed — sodomized by a rifle and then shot — in 2011, Libyans are still slaughtering one another in attempts to grab power and the money that comes with it. For now, the forces of General Khalifa Haftar, based in Tobruk in eastern Libya, have been fighting the Government of National Accord (GNA) based in Tripoli, in western Libya. But even within both of these camps, there are smaller factions that persist in fighting each other. In Tripoli, last September, fighting broke out that pitted the 444 Brigade against the Stabilisation Support Force, two of the main groups in the GNA. Another half-dozen factions have been fighting with one another, off and on, mostly within the GNA, but also including fissiparous forces that are nominally under the control of General Haftar, and yet still jostle for power with one another for power. Outside forces involved in Libya are also Muslim. The GNA is supported mainly by Turkey, which has now built a base in western Libya, while General Haftar’s main supporters are Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt. Everyone involved on either side, whether Libyan, or foreign supporters of the GNA or General Haftar, is Muslim.

Then there is Syria, which is now in the eleventh year of its civil war, that pits Muslims against Muslims. Iran’s Shiites support the Alawite Bashar al-Assad, while the Gulf Arabs – Sunnis all – support the Syrian opposition. Save for help extended to Assad by the Russian Air Force, this civil war, too, is purely a Muslim-against-Muslim affair.

Besides these three civil wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen, there is all kinds of violence that racks the Muslim world. In west Africa, the Islamic terror group Boko Haram and Fulani jihadis, operating mainly in northern Nigeria, has been steadily mass-murdering – hundreds at a time – Nigerian Christians. The Nigerian army is unable to stem this violence, which has spread from the northeast into central Nigeria, So far, about 45,000 Christians have been killed in Nigeria. Thousands of other Christians have been killed by Boko Haram in Chad, Niger, and northern Cameroon. And scarcely a day goes by without news of another group of Christian villagers being killed, or girls kidnapped, by Boko Haram, with no letup in sight.

Elsewhere in Africa, Muslim violence continues in Somalia, where the terror group Al-Shebab has been executing Christians as well as moderate Muslims. Muslims connected to ISIS have carried out terror attacks in Uganda, including two suicide bombings in the capital Kampala, and a series of murderous attacks on pastors. These Islamic terrorists manage to keep one step ahead of the Ugandan army, even in a country that is 82% Christian.

Christians are persecuted as well in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt. Apostates from Islam are subject to long prison terms, and sometimes executed by members of their own families, who are only following Muhammad’s command “If someone changes his [Muslim] religion, kill him.” In Egypt, Coptic churches have been subject to frequent bombings by Islamic militants; Copts have been killed in their houses and at their businesses, while Coptic women and girls have been kidnapped by Muslims, forced to convert, and then “married” to their kidnapper.

Since the 1980s, there have been attacks by Muslim terror groups — including Palestinian groups — on Kenyan targets and Israeli properties in Kenya. Al-Shebab has also become more active in the country, recruiting Kenyans to its ranks, and carrying out raids on Christians in northern Kenya.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban has attacked both the Shi’a Hazara – whom they regard as not being real Muslims — and the handful of Christians who remain in the country. In Pakistan, Hindus and Christians have been the targets of Muslim violence, and their percentages of the Pakistani population have been greatly reduced since Partition in 1947. The state does little to protect them from attacks by Muslims. Sunnis in Pakistan also routinely attack, and kill, members of the Ahmadi sect, claiming they are not real Muslims but the “worst kind of Infidels.” Pakistani Sunnis also target the Shi’a minority. One Sunni group, Sipah-e-Sahaba, exists for one purpose: to attack Shi’a, especially the educated — engineers, doctors, lawyers – who because of their status and wealth are seen as a threat to Sunni dominance.

All of this is offered as evidence that it is not Muslims who are being persecuted or killed by non-Muslims, as Biden implied in his Eid al-Fitr remarks, but almost everywhere it is Muslims who are persecuting and killing other Muslims. Muslims also persecute, and in some cases kill, non-Muslims – overwhelmingly their victims are Christians, but Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists are also targeted. If Biden wants to talk about “violence, famine, conflict, and disease,” let him examine who is responsible for those four horsemen of the apocalypse, and where, and whom, they plague. Let him investigate the situation in the Muslim countries where endless civil wars continue (Libya, Syria, and Yemen), in the countries where Sunni Muslims attack and murder Hindus Sikhs, Christians, Ahmadis, and Shi’a Muslims (Afghanistan and Pakistan), in the countries where Sunni Muslims persecute and sometimes kill Christians (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Somalia). This is just the briefest of overviews — a tour d’horizon — of what has been happening in the Muslim lands. But even that was apparently too much for Joe Biden to grasp, our president who wants us to believe that Muslims suffer from “violence, famine, conflict, and disease” that non-Muslims inflict on them, when the greatest source of misery, by far, for Muslims, is other Muslims. But since it would have been impolitic to recognize that truth, why did Biden have to say anything at all? Why not just a quick greeting to his Muslim guests that evening, along the lines of: “Jill and I are very glad to welcome you to the White House to share an Eid el-Fitr dinner, where we can break bread together and celebrate the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Let this be an occasion when we can put aside our anxieties about the state of the world and contemplate, with gratitude, the freedom that this country — our country — secures for all of us.”

There. That’s enough. That’s more than enough.


Spørsmål: Går det an å holde Koranen ansvarlig for hva visse muslimer gjør – når det ikke forbys i Koranen selv?

Why the Koran Is Responsible for the Slaughter of a Christian Priest, Especially by way of these three verses. Fri May 13, 2022, Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

On April 7, 2022, in Egypt, a Muslim man lunged at and viciously stabbed a Christian priest thrice in the neck with a knife; Fr. Arsenius Wadid died soon thereafter.  Although the murderer was instantly apprehended by passersby—the crime was committed on a crowded street—Egyptian authorities initially tried to do what their Western counterparts often do: portray the murderer as “insane,” an aberration of society.

… of all the people he could have “randomly” murdered he targeted the one openly professing his Christian faith by wearing a large crucifix around his neck—prosecution finally confirmed that he would be tried as sane and cognizant of his actions.

Why both Westerners and non-Westerners constantly seek to portray Muslim murderers of non-Muslims as “insane” should be clear by now: the alternative—that Islam somehow promotes such behavior—would open a massive can of worms that no one wants to deal with.

But can one really say that Islam promotes even the unprovoked slaying of a Christian clergyman, Fr. Arsenius, who was peacefully engaged in a public charitable activity with the youth of his church when he was slaughtered?

Three Koran passages would seem to answer this question in the affirmative: 1. “Kill the polytheists wherever you find them (9:5); 2. “Fight the leaders of disbelief [kufr] (9:12); 3. “When you meet the disbelievers, strike [with your blades at their] necks (47:4).

Consider how these three verses apply to the current case: A Muslim man comes across a “leader of disbelief”—that is, a clergyman, a visible representative of Christianity, as demarcated by the cross around Fr. Arsenius’s neck.  It did not matter that he came across him on an open and crowded street, since Allah also commands the believers to “kill the polytheists”—and Islam categorizes Christians as polytheists due to the Trinity—“wherever you find them.”  Finally, the murderer took his deity’s advice by striking directly at the neck, the jugular, which he repeatedly stabbed with a knife.

Should this rather straightforward interpretation still seem farfetched or not “nuanced” enoughkeep in mind that Muslims recite the aforementioned three and many more hate-filled and violent Koran verses every single day; these scriptures are highlighted, praised, and expounded in countless books, on countless televised programs, and all throughout the mosques of the world, especially Egypt’s.  In other words, these verses are ingrained in the minds of pious, observant Muslims.

Even so, one may object that, if such verses are so influential, why aren’t their more such attacks?  ,,,

In Egypt alone—where a Coptic clergyman once complained that attacks on Christians happen “every two or three days”—a murder nearly identical to that of Fr. Arsenius took place in 2017: then, a Muslim man wielding a butcher’s knife was seen and videotaped chasing a Coptic bishop in broad daylight; when he finally cornered him, the Muslim repeatedly stabbed the Christian in his neck and head, murdering him.  Finally, to underscore that his handiwork was religiously (Islamicly) motivated, the murderer used the bishop’s own blood to draw a cross on his forehead.

… Such murderous assaults are hardly limited to Coptic clergymen who, as the saying goes, wear their faith on their sleeves.  Everyday Christians are also targeted and killed in what Egyptian media present as “random attacks” (with the only constant being the religion of the murderers, Islam, and the religion of their victims, Christianity).

As just two examples, in 2020 a Muslim man crept up behind a Christian woman walking home with groceries, grabbed her hair, pulled her head back, and slit her throat with a knife.  Two days later, another Muslim man went for the jugular of a Christian man with a box-cutter; he only managed to sever an ear.  On being questioned concerning his motive, this Muslim confessed that he did not know the Copt, but that he simply “hates Christians.” There are many more such examples from Egypt alone (to say nothing of the rest of the Muslim world); see herehereherehereherehere, and here.

Such attacks are even spilling into the West.  As one example, in 2016, two Muslim men marched into a church in France during mass and slit the throat of its 85-year-old priest, Fr. Jaques Hamil, killing him.

One may still protest: if certain Koran verses call for the outright butchery of infidels, “wherever you find them,” and if at least ten percent of Egypt’s population is Christian, shouldn’t there be many more—indeed, daily—murders? …


 Spørsmål: Er Spania begynt å se lyset?

Spain: Five Muslim migrants arrested for promoting the killing of critics of Islam, May 15, 2022 5:00 pm By Robert Spencer 

Critics of Christianity are in no danger. In fact, they’re celebrated as heroes. Critics of Islam, however, are not only the targets of jihad plots, but of opprobrium and ostracism as “racists” and “Islamophobes.”

“‘Heroes of Islam”: five young people who praised the beheading of ‘infidels are investigated,” translated from “‘Héroes del islam’: investigan a cinco jóvenes que ensalzaban decapitaciones de ‘infieles,'” by Pablo Gabilondo, El Confidencial, May 7, 2022:

“All these people were linked to the radical Tehreeke-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) party, with the aim of maintaining the blasphemy law in Pakistan,” explains the National High Court.

The beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty outside his school in October 2020 shocked the whole world. Police shot dead his killer, Chechen-born refugee Abdouallakh Anzorov, the same day, but the attack soon found its echo in the jihadist networks of various countries. In the case of Spain, the Audiencia Nacional is investigating five young men believed to belong to the radical Tehreeke-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) party founded by Pakistani fundamentalist Khadim Hussain Rizvi.

“The terrorists who were glorified included Zaheer Hassan Mahmood, who attacked two people with a knife outside the editorial office of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris, France, on September 25, 2020, and Abdullah Abuyedovic Anzorov, who beheaded French teacher Samuel Paty outside the Bois d’Aulne school in Conflans Sainte-Honorine, north-east Paris, France, on October 16, 2020.” The suspects were arrested on February 24, according to a warrant leaked to El Confidencial. By posting on Tik Tok, Facebook or Instagram, they were portrayed as “heroes of Islam,” according to investigators.

… In addition to its publications on social networks, the decision also highlights the evidence found in the seized devices: “a photo showing several machetes”, pictures of “assault rifles and light weapons”, a snapshot of the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, combined with the English word “headshot,” … “The risk of a repetition of the offense cannot be excluded, since the detainee cannot be denied the possibility of accessing social networks if fanatical and radical expressions have been identified which, taking into account the circumstances, could lead to terrorist actions”.

… From these accounts, the accused allegedly shared “a large number of videos” by a Pakistani preacher, characterized by their content, “in which he repeatedly calls for the beheading or killing of people who, in his opinion, blaspheme or insult the Prophet Mohamed.” …

In its ten pages, the court order describes the radical party Tehreek e-Labbaik Pakistan, which was founded by the above-mentioned preacher “with the aim of enforcing the blasphemy law in Pakistan and punishing it with death anywhere in the world.” Together with the preacher’s son, Saad Hussain Rizvi, they “worked hard to attract new followers and support” for which “they often exploit and manipulate the religious sentiments of their followers.”

The magistrate compared them to “other terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda or Daesh,” In the absence of further investigation, the investigation led to the arrest of the five young men: “All of them alleged …  posted videos on the internet (via social networks) with messages, speeches or parts of speeches by Khadim Hussain Rizvi and tributes to the ‘heroes of Islam.’”


NBC National Security Analyst: Hey, Everybody, Trump Supporters Are Just Like ‘Violent Jihadists’, By Robert Spencer May 13, 2022 12:48 PM ET

… But like so many Obama/Biden appointees, he seems more interested in playing partisan politics and smearing the administration’s opposition as terrorists than in assessing actual threats to national security. On Wednesday, Figliuzzi went into full Big-Lie mode on MSNBC, even as he denounced the Big Lie that he claimed Trump supporters were spreading.

“Where we are right now,” Figliuzzi told Nicolle Wallace, is a “cult-like scenario.” The cult wasn’t, however, the group that insists that men such as Rachel Levine and Lia Thomas are women, …

Raw Story reports that Figliuzzi explained that “Trumpism” (it was unclear if this word came from Raw Story or Figliuzzi) had “gone way beyond a political ideology. It is now the identity of a party. But it’s more than that because it’s now become a personal identity for those who consume the ‘Big Lie’ that the grand deception – and I can’t help because of my national security lens that I look at things through, to compare this to what we see in violent jihad.” … “What do I mean by that?” Apparently he meant that both Trump supporters and violent jihadis were chasing an illusion:

Yes, you have the purveyors and perpetrators of a ‘Big Lie.’ You become a martyr. You get this level of paradise. You go to Valhalla – here’s what happens: Those people are infidels. Yes, there are gurus and cultists and violent jihadists who preach that, but there’s also consumers who have to buy it and at the point where we’re at now, that supply and demand, the demand side of this are people who are consciously disregarding truth and reality.

… It’s certainly true that violent jihadists preach that paradise is guaranteed to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (Qur’an 9:111) and thereby attain Islamic martyrdom. But where is this concept in “Trumpism”? What is martyrdom in a Trumpian context? What is Trump’s paradise? …

Figliuzzi went on to warn: “So this is a much harder nut to crack for us as a society. We not only need to hold accountable those who continue – like [Republican Senator] Ted Cruz Monday night on Fox – saying that January 6 was a ‘peaceful protest.’ He said it Monday night on Fox, it’s not only holding them accountable, it’s now figuring out what to do with those who consume deliberately by choice, the Big Lie, knowing that it’s wrong.” …


 Nigeria: Last words revealed of Christian woman Muslims burned alive for ‘blasphemy’,

May 16, 2022 9:00 am By Robert Spencer 

… Deborah Samuel, a student of Shehu Shagari College Education, Sokoto, who was killed on Thursday for allegedly “making blasphemous statements about Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had pleaded for mercy and called out for help before she died.

One of Deborah’s coursemates, identified simply as Rakia, told Vanguard that the last word of the deceased was ‘what do you hope to achieve with this?’

Narrating the incident, she said Deborah was flogged, killed, and burnt and it was the most horrible thing she has ever witnessed.

… ”It was her own coursemates that started it. One of them said Deborah dared them by refusing to apologise when she was asked to. It all started with a debate on the upcoming examination on a general WhatsApp platform created for our coursemates. One of the students asked her how she passed the last semester’s examination and in response, she said it was ‘Jesus o.’

“Immediately, about three other chats came in from two Muslims and one Christian, telling her to retract the statement. …


The Killing of Nigerian Christian Student Has Everything to Do With Religion By Leo Igwe

The brutal killing of Ms. Yakubu is not an isolated incident. Many Muslims and non-Muslims adjudged to have insulted Islam or its prophet have suffered a similar fate in the region. In 2007, some Muslim students in Gombe lynched their female Christian teacher for desecrating the Quran. There have been other violent attacks and murders of alleged blasphemers in Muslim-dominated areas in Kano, Niger, and other parts of Islamic Northern Nigeria. Persons accused of blasphemy have been sentenced to death by sharia courts in Kano. Others like Nigerian Humanist, Mubarak Bala, have been given long prison sentences. Muslim clerics and state officials have openly and publicly endorsed the execution of blasphemers.

… by Leo Igwe May 15, 2022:

Humanists are outraged by the gruesome murder of a female college student in Sokoto in Northern Nigeria. Such a horrific act is a sordid reminder of the threat of Islamic extremism in Nigeria. … The brutal killing of Ms. Yakubu is not an isolated incident. … In 2007, some Muslim students in Gombe lynched their female Christian teacher for desecrating the Quran. … For instance, in 2015, Islamic theocrat, Bashir Ahmad tweeted this comment after a sharia court sentenced nine persons for blasphemy: "I cannot pretend or keep silent. I support the death penalty for blasphemy. That is my belief and I will never support #SaveKanoNine".

… So it is patently untrue and misleading for anyone to say that the brutal murder of Ms. Yakubu and other blasphemy-related attacks, sanctions, and bloodletting in Northern Nigeria have nothing to do with religion. No, they do …

… Boko Haram militants are not only in the Sambisa forest. Islamic extremists exist and operate in several mosques, courts, police, and army stations. Boko Haram jihadists and their sympathizers are not a small minority as some people claim. They populate government houses, schools, colleges, and universities.
… Muslim leaders should stop deceiving the world and saying that blasphemy killings and attacks have nothing to do with religion, in this case, Islam. No, these killings have everything to do with Islam as practised in Northern Nigeria. … Nigerian authorities should monitor the activities of Muslim clerics because these religious actors use their preaching and Quranic indoctrination programmes to radicalise young Muslims and turn them into merchants of hate, violence, death, and destruction.



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