onsdag 22. september 2021

Stadig flere kuffar - ateister - i de muslimske landene?

Et stadig større antall muslimer blir ateister. Det skulle bety mer og mer arbeide og flere muligheter for kristne organisasjoner som misjonerer for å verne trosfriheten i de muslimske landene. At slike organisasjoner hittil har jobbet for å beskytte muslimer mot muslimer, kan plutselig komme som en sekundær oppgave. Vil dette dempe lysten til å jobbe for god trosfrihet - for alle - i disse landene?

Vel, man kan lure. Man kan faktisk få seg til å frykte for at hjelpebidragene helst vil gå til muslimer som fortsatt vil velge å være muslimer – med manglende «muslimsk trosfrihet». For hvem er vel mest ivrig etter å beskytte den «muslimske trosfriheten» her i landet en visse kristen?

Se f eks følgende fra en kristen redaktør og en forsker og humanist som velger å utestenge en kristen debattant – fra et viktig «åpent» debattforum - fordi denne kritiserer islam på kristent grunnlag? Og som synes å lide av fobi for å kritisere høytstående herværende muslimer i dagens debatt, nettopp fordi de er muslimer?


Posteringen over viser hvor betent og hysterisk visse «godhetsapostler» kan oppføre seg og hvor feige disse menneskene kan være.

Men nå til vårt hovedoppslag i dag:

Fler og fler muslimer blir ateister i fler og fler muslimske land og fler og fler tar f eks avstand fra Det muslimske broderskapet.

Linkene i det følgende er bakgrunnsmateriale:



Se om muslimer som forfølger «muslimer» i et muslimsk land, Egypt, for noen år siden,

om Muhammad Ahmad Khalafallah var hjelpelærer ved Cairo University i 1947, og

Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd søkte jobb som professor ved Cairo University. Zayd var en ivrig kritiker av fundamentalistene, (se nederst på siden).


Utviklingen kan innebære at muslimer er begynt å bli mer nysgjerrig og reflekterte over egen ideologiske forankring og tenke mer selv og tenke mer selvstendig, men det kan også tenkes at Vesten har klart å kjøre inn en – nødvendig og frigjørende - kile i den muslimske verden som denne muslimske verden ikke helt har fattet og forstått innebyrden av. Mange – og stadig flere og forhåpentligvis mer og mer innflytelsesrike – muslimer kan nå forholdsvis lett – kan vi håpe å tro - komme til å velte hegemonier i den muslimske verden. Nye tankeforutsetninger og en ny verdensanskuelse kan komme til å forandre verden og dette vil ha en avgjørende betydning for verdensfreden og den øvrige utvikling på «det globale torget».

Et viktig spørsmål: Har islamkritikk i Vesten fått muslimer til å forlate islam? Kan islamkritikere og islamkritikken etter f eks 9.11 få æren for at den muslimske verden nå skjelver i sine grunnlover og grunnvoller og at det foregår en vestliggjøring av den muslimske verden som ingen kristen misjon – isolert sett - noen gang har klart å skape eller forme?

Tenk på Wafa Sultan, Nonie Darwish, Mark Gabriel, Ayan Hirsi Ali og Ibn Warraq som vi har nevnt flere steder her på bloggen. Og ta for eksempel om Nabeel Quereshi:


Quereshi har skrevet en bok som ingen kristen, vestlig organisasjon i dag ville ha turt hverken å skrive, for det første, eller markedsføre og bruke i sin «misjon», selv om Quershi nettopp begrunner sin overgang fra islam til kristen tro med kristne grunnsetninger.

Men se her hva muslimer som fortsetter å være muslimer, men som forsøker å fjøre islam til noe mye mer vestlig enn islam i sitt vesen er, og som derfor forsøker å forføre og manipulere folk:


Hva har vel ikke de bidratt med? De kjenner islam innenfra og forlot den med lettet hjerte, en lettelse vi bør føle selv, og en takknemlighet:

Se om «klodens ild» her:





Ville en norsk psykiater kunne uttale dette:


Samtidig skjer det noe alvorlig i Kina. Kina er som kjent ateistisk fundert, men det har vært kjent lenge at Kina beundrer kristendommen og undersøkelser kineserne selv har foretatt, konkluderer med at Vestens suksess beror på kristendommens avgjørende betydning.


En viktig person i Åpne dører, Ron Macmillan, mener nå at Kina kan være en kristen supermakt rundt 2050:


Men litt kaldt vann i ansiktet, er kanskje fortjent her:


I tillegg til dette skal kristendommen ha stor fremgang i land som Iran og det meldes om mange omvendelser og «vekkelser» som går som ild i tørt gress.

Folk i Iran, en nasjon der majoriteten av befolkningen er muslimer, flykter fra islam i hopetall. Å komme til tro og bøye kne for Jesus innebærer å støtte Israel, ifølge dokumentaren “Sheep Among Wolves Volume II.”

“Hva om jeg fortalte deg at moskeene i Iran er tomme?” fortsetter han. “Hva om jeg fortalte deg at ingen følger islam i Iran? Vil du tro meg? Dette er akkurat det som skjer inne i Iran. Gud beveger seg kraftig i Iran.”

Pastoren legger til: “Hva om jeg fortalte deg at den beste evangelisten for Jesus var Ayatollah Khomeini? Ayatollahene brakte islams sanne ansikt frem i lyset, og folk oppdaget at det var en løgn… 40 år under islamsk lov har vært en katastrofe i Irans 5000-årige historie.»


Men ser her:

A Once Prevalent Christian Presence All But Gone

  • Turkey — just one hundred years ago, Christians made up 20-25% of Turkey’s population. During 1915-1916, Armenians, Syriacs and Christians in general were subjected to a genocidal campaign at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Today Christians in Turkey number a mere 150,000, or 3% of the population.
  • Lebanon — Maronite Christians represented 53% of the population in the mid-20th century., but after the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990), approximately 670,000 Christians (compared to 157,000 Muslims), resulting in Christians today making up just 20% of Lebanon’s population.
  • Iraq — Prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, there were still well over 1.5 million Christians in the country; today that number has fallen to less than 500,000 Christians due to persecution at the hands of ISIS and other Islamists. Iraqi Christians living in Mosul, one of the countries largest cities, found themselves under the control of Islamic State in 2014. Their homes, and they themselves, were marked with the Nasrani sign, the Arabic letter “n”, marking them for their faith. Forced to pay additional taxes, convert, or be exterminated, many fled.
  • Egypt — after the deposition of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, more than 100,000 Christians immigrated to the United States, Europe and Australia. Most were from the economic and scientific elite. More and more are leaving all the time in the face of escalating Islamic terrorism.

The Cause For A Decline In Numbers

Jihads or “holy wars” against Christians has been part of the problem. In Nigeria, for example, since 2009, “not less than 32,000 Christians have been butchered to death by the country’s main Jihadists.”

The falling demographic figures, however, as explained by the Jordanian writer and Christian convert (from Islam) Rami Dabbas, are not just the result of physical persecution but political and economic discrimination. 


Og hva vil skje i bitte lille Norge? Se «komedien» her:


I England øyner vi et omriss fra 2011:

The Christian population of England and Wales has fallen by four million to 33.2 million in the past decade, the 2011 census reveals.

It comes as the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, says English cathedral congregations have grown in recent years.

The number of people describing themselves as having no religion rose from 15% to 25% of the population.

Se også denne:



Men, hei, var ikke kristendommen på vei ut? Noen ser at den er på vei inn:

Trodde du kanskje at kristendommen var død?

*Kristendommen er den raskest voksende religionen i hele verden!
Buddhismen vokser med 1,7%, hinduismen med 2,3%, islam med 2,7% - og antall bibeltroende kristne med 6,9% per år!
Verdens befolkningsvekst er ca. 1,75%.

*Hver dag får over 325 000 mennesker høre det kristne budskapet for første gang!

*Hver dag bestemmer ca. 174 000 mennesker seg for å ta imot Jesus, og ca. 3500 kristne menigheter startes hver uke over hele verden!

*Ca. 1,7 milliarder mennesker hører på kristen radio eller ser på kristnent TV regelmessig.

*Kristne bruker tilsammen 388 000 000 000 arbeidstimer hvert år på å fortelle andre om Jesus.

*I mange land som Korea, Chile og Indonesia har over 10% av befolkningenvendt til kristendommen bare i løpet av det siste året.

*Etter 70 år med kommunistisk regime hare den tidligere Sovjetunionen nå over 100 millioner kristne - fem ganger så mange som kommunistpartiet hadde på høyden av sin popularitet!
Kilde: Global Evagelization Movements webside

Så til utgangspunktet I dag:

Why Arabs No Longer Trust the Muslim Brotherhood

by Khaled Abu Toameh, September 20, 2021 at 5:00 am




  • The people of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Sudan, who gave the Muslim Brotherhood a chance to rule, discovered that the organization is as corrupt and incompetent as the secular Arab regimes and heads of state.
  • As with the Islamists in Tunisia, many Arabs are now also celebrating the downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated party in Morocco.
  • [O]ne of the main reasons for the downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood is related to the ideological component of the organization's groups, including lack of separation between religion and politics, their alleged monopoly over the absolute truth, and their claim to represent the true Islam. — Amr Al-Shobaki, a researcher at the Egyptian Al-Ahram Center for Studies, Al-Hurra TV, September 12, 2021.
  • Al-Shoqiran continued: "After a decade of the rule of the Islamists in Tunisia and Morocco, the Muslim Brotherhood only contributed to the spread of corruption, disregard for the state and its institutions, and the theft of people's lives and money." — Ashraq Al-Awsat, September 16, 2021.
  • "[T]he Muslim Brotherhood parties.... rule without providing those they govern with any services other than illusory victories and corruption." — Hafez Barghouti, Palestinian columnist and editor, Al-Khaleej, September 17, 2021
  • Tunisia got rid of the Islamists because they destroyed the economy and "stole the people's money." In Morocco...the Muslim Brotherhood was in power for many years, plunging the country into an economic and social crisis. — Hafez Barghouti, September 17, 2021
  • "The great fall of the Muslim Brotherhood, politically and intellectually, began in Egypt, then Sudan followed Tunisia and finally Morocco. Due to their spectacular failure in those countries, they are expected to fall also in Libya during the upcoming legislative and presidential elections." — Mounir Adib, Egyptian expert on Islamic movements and international terrorism, Elbalad, September 10, 2021.
  • The question, therefore, remains: Will Western apologists for Islamists also wake up to this fact and cease dealing with them as though they are good guys who seek to improve the living conditions of Arabs and Muslims?


Since its establishment in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood's main motto has been "Islam is the solution" (to all problems). The organization's followers have used this slogan over the past decade to rise to power in a number of countries, including Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Sudan.

The past few weeks, however, have shown that many Arabs and Muslims no longer believe in the Muslim Brotherhood's ability to govern or in the claim that "Islam is the solution."


As Moroccan writer Saeed Nashed said, "The Muslim Brotherhood took Morocco into a decade of darkness." …

The people of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Sudan, who gave the Muslim Brotherhood a chance to rule, discovered that the organization is as corrupt and incompetent as the secular Arab regimes and heads of state.

In the past two months, the Muslim Brotherhood suffered two major setbacks, first in Tunisia, and more recently, in Morocco.

The ouster of Tunisia's Islamist Ennahda (Renaissance) Party from power in July was welcomed not only by Tunisians, but by many other Arabs who accused the Islamists, specifically the Muslim Brotherhood, of spreading chaos and instability in the Arab world. …

… The Arabs are saying that the Islamists have brought nothing but corruption and misery on the countries they ruled. The Arabs are also saying that they have learned the lesson and will not trust the Islamists and their "empty slogans" anymore.

The scale of this defeat shows that the Islamists who ruled after the "Arab Spring" period have failed: they have nothing to offer but slogans and religious statements.

… "They failed on all levels," Brahem said. "This is also a political and moral failure. They associated themselves with corrupt parties."

… the Arabs "rejected the idea of ​​guardianship over them in the name of religion, and they began to distinguish between the sacred religion and the programs of political parties and their ability to achieve their interests."

… one of the reasons for the failure of the Islamists was that, in the wake of the so-called Arab Spring, they were telling people that they had tried the socialist and capitalist system, and now it was time to implement the Islamic project to solve all problems.

"After 10 years, however, the [Islamic] project failed and they did not succeed in solving people's economic and social problems," Al-Shobaki added.

… they adopted the same policies and tactics of the governments and regimes they replaced.

… the defeat of the Islamists in Morocco as "an earthquake that will break the back of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Islamic world."

… finally enabled them "to discover the falseness of the populist slogans that the Justice and Development Party exploited to infiltrate the government."

… Arabs who voted in the past for the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated parties may have made a mistake, "they know how to punish those who disappointed them."

"The Muslim Brotherhood in North Africa did not take care of their people. They carried out the most heinous acts … The people sometimes make mistakes in their choices due to the lack of clarity of vision, and the candidates providing false information, but they will certainly correct their mistake at the first opportunity. …

Saudi writer and political analyst Fahd Al-Shoqiran said that the downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Morocco is attributed to "the outrageous spread of corruption, which sparked popular anger."

… the writer warned that if Muslims to do not learn from the "deadly experiences" of the Muslim Brotherhood, the experience of failure will be repeated every few decades.

… the Muslim Brotherhood only contributed to the spread of corruption, disregard for the state and its institutions, and the theft of people's lives and money."

… the Islamists of Morocco were harshly punished after spending 10 years in government without producing good things for their people. …

… "The Muslim Brotherhood parties have always claimed that they did not have the opportunity to rule in order to implement their programs. But they took over the government in Morocco for ten years and did not make any achievements for the Moroccans, who were only deceived by the religious slogans."

… the Muslim Brotherhood parties are skilled in demolishing, not building, and the evidence is that they rule without providing those they govern with any services other than illusory victories and corruption."

… Tunisia got rid of the Islamists because they destroyed the economy and "stole the people's money." In Morocco, he added, the Muslim Brotherhood was in power for many years, plunging the country into an economic and social crisis.

The Islamist parties, Barghouti wrote, think that their rule is just as long as they raise religious slogans. "But they focus on their partisan interests first, and serve their supporters only," he said. "This is the reason for the rapid downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group without a history of building and tolerance."

… the fall of the Islamists in Morocco is a reflection of the organization's collapse in Egypt, Tunisia and other Arab countries.

"This downfall is not political, but rather the collapse of the ideology of the group, which has become undesirable in Arab countries. The great fall of the Muslim Brotherhood, politically and intellectually, began in Egypt, then Sudan followed Tunisia and finally Morocco. Due to their spectacular failure in those countries, they are expected to fall also in Libya during the upcoming legislative and presidential elections."

The downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood in a number of Arab countries does not mean that the organization is likely to disappear anytime soon. ..Will Western apologists for Islamists also wake up to this fact and cease dealing with them as though they are good guys who seek to improve the living conditions of Arabs and Muslims?

Khaled Abu Toameh is an award-winning journalist based in Jerusalem.


Daniel Pipes: September 19, 2021: Atheism Among Muslims is “Spreading Like Wildfire”

Ex-Muslims are publicly flaunting their rejection of Islam as never before: a steamy tell-all memoir tops the country’s best-seller lists. One video (with 1.5 million views) shows a copy of the Koran ripped into pieces; another video shows a woman in a bikini cooking and eating bacon; and blasphemous cartoons of Muhammad.

Behind these individuals stand Western-based organizations of ex-Muslims that encourage Muslims to renounce their faith, provide support to those who have already taken this step, and lobby against Islam with the knowledge of insiders and the passion of renegades.

Together, these phenomena point to an unprecedented shift: The historically illegal and unspeakable actions among Muslims of open disbelief in God and rejection of Muhammad’s mission has spread to the point that it shakes the Islamic faith. …

To non-Muslims, this shift tends to be nearly invisible and therefore is dismissed as marginal. When it comes to Arabs, Ahmed Benchemsi notes, Westerners see religiosity as “an unquestionable given, almost an ethnic mandate embedded in their DNA.” … “By no rational standard can Saudi Arabia, say, be said to be moving in secular directions.”

Two main factors make it difficult to estimate the number of ex-Muslim atheists.

… First, some of them prefer to stay within the bounds of Islam to retain a voice in the religion’s evolution and especially to participate in the fight against Islamism, something they lose on leaving the faith. There is a phenomenon whereby Muslims “make a tactical decision not to break with religion completely, presenting themselves as secularists, ‘progressive’ Muslims or Muslim ‘reformers.’ They feel more can be achieved by challenging oppressive religious practices than by questioning the existence of God, since they are unlikely to be listened to if they are known to be atheists.”

The path of reform, however, is fraught with dangers.

… Second, overtly declaring oneself an atheist invites punishments that range from ostracizing to beating, to firing, to jailing, to murder. Families see atheists as blots on their honor. Employers see them as untrustworthy. Communities see them as traitors. Governments see them as national security threats. The idea of an individual atheist as a threat seems absurd, but authorities realize that what starts with individual decisions grows into small groups, gathers force, and can culminate in the seizure of power.

In the most extreme reaction, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia promulgated anti-terrorist regulations on March 7, 2014, that prohibit “Calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based.” In other words, free thinking equates to terrorism. …

Indeed, many Muslim-majority countries formally punish apostacy with execution, including Mauritania, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Afghanistan, Malaysia, and Brunei. Formal executions tend to be rare but the threat hangs over apostates.

 “the Middle East would be significantly more secular if it was not for heavy-handed religious government enforcement or the power mosques are given to monitor communities.” Fearful of trouble, more than a few ex-Muslims hide their views and maintain the trappings of believers, making them effectively uncountable.

 . . . Even deeply conservative countries with strict anti-apostasy regimes like Pakistan, Iran and Sudan have been hit by desertions.” That tale, however, is now more public: “I know at least six atheists who confirmed that [they are atheists] to me,” noted Fahad AlFahad, a marketing consultant and human rights activist in Saudi Arabia, in 2014. “Six or seven years ago, I wouldn’t even have heard one person say that. Not even a best friend would confess that to me,” but the mood has changed and now they feel freer to divulge this dangerous secret.

… Professor Amna Nusayr of al-Azhar University states that four million Egyptians have left Islam. Todd Nettleton finds that, by some estimates, “70 percent of Iran’s people have rejected Islam.”

Turning to survey research, a WIN/Gallup survey in 2012 found that “convinced atheists” make up 2 percent of the population in Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan; 4 percent in the West Bank and Gaza; and 5 percent in Saudi Arabia. Revealingly, the same poll found “not religious” persons are more numerous: 8 percent in Pakistan, 16 percent in Uzbekistan, 19 percent in Saudi Arabia, 29 percent in the West Bank and Gaza, 33 percent in Lebanon, and 73 percent in Turkey. Conversely, a GAMAAN poll found that just one-third, or 32.2 percent, of born Shi’ite Muslims in Iran actually identify as such, plus 5 percent as Sunnis and 3.2 percent as Sufis.

… atheists tripled from 1 to 3 percent between 2008 and 2018, while non-believers doubled from 1 to 2 percent. Arab Barometer polls show a substantial increase in the number of Arabic-speakers who say they are “not religious,” from 8 percent in 2012-14 to 13 percent in 2018-19, a 61 percent increase in five years. This trend is even stronger among people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-nine, among whom the percentage went from 11 to 18 percent.

It is particularly striking to note that about as many Tunisian youth (47 percent) as Americans (46 percent) call themselves “not religious.” …

… As recently as twenty years ago, atheism among Muslims was nearly undetectable. But no longer. Atheism has turned into a significant force with the potential to affect not just the lives of individuals but also societies and even governments ….


Hvilke planer har “brorskapet”? Noe av metodene kan være og er påstått å være følgende:

Etablere nettverk som koordinerer islamistorganisasjoner med sammenfallende syn.

Unngå åpne allianser med kjente terrororganisasjoner og individer for å bli opprettholde en fasade som «moderate».

Infiltrere og ta over eksisterende muslimske organisasjoner for å samordne deres aktiviteter slik at de støtter opp om Det muslimske brorskapets kollektive mål.

Komme med villedende uttalelser for å kamuflere intensjonene bak islamistiske aksjoner, dog innenfor rammene av sharia-lovgivningen.

Unngå sosiale konflikter med vestlige innbyggere på lokalt, nasjonalt og globalt nivå som kan skade islamistenes langsiktige evne til å utvide deres maktbase i Vesten eller provosere frem mottiltak mot muslimene.

Etablere finansielle nettverk for å finansiere arbeidet med å konvertere Vesten, inkludert arbeidet til heltidsansatte funksjonærer.

Drive overvåkning, samle inn data og etablere tekniske systemer for lagring av data.

Etablere systemer for å overvåke vestlige medier for å kunne advare muslimer mot «internasjonale komplotter mot dem».

Stimulere til etablering av islamistiske intellektuelle grupper, blant annet tankesmier og frontorganisasjoner, publisere «akademiske» rapporter for å legitimere islamist-standpunkter og nedtegne historikken til islamistiske bevegelser.

Utferdige en omfattende 100-års plan for spredning av islamistisk ideologi verden over.

Veie internasjonale mål mot lokal fleksibilitet.

Bygge ut omfattende sosiale nettverk av skoler, sykehus, veldedige organisasjoner tilegnet islamistiske ideer slik at muslimer i vesten vil ha stadig kontakt med bevegelsen.

Deltagelse av ideologisk bevisste muslimer i demokratisk valgte institusjoner på alle nivåer i Vesten, herunder i politikken, private organisasjoner og fagforeninger.

Utnytte vestlige institusjoner inntil de kan konverteres og settes i tjeneste for islam.

Utferdige islamske grunnlover, lover og fremgangsmåter som skal implementeres på sikt.

Unngå interne konflikter i islamist-bevegelsen på alle nivåer, det må utvikles prosesser for konfliktløsning.

Etablere samarbeid med vestlige «progressive» organisasjoner som har sammenfallende mål

Etablere autonome «sikkerhetsstyrker» som skal beskytte muslimer i Vesten.

Anspore til vold for å sørge for at muslimer i Vesten vil leve «i jihadistisk sinsstemning».

Støtte «jihadbevegelser» i Den muslimske verden gjennom prekener, propaganda, personell, økonomisk støtte og teknisk og operasjonell støtte.

Gjøre palestinernes sak til et globalt strids-spørsmål for muslimer.

Gjøre total frigjøring av Palestina fra Israel og opprettelsen av en islamsk stat til et hovedpunkt i planen for global isamsk dominans.

Egge til en vedvarende kampanje for å egge muslimene til å hate jødene og avvise en hver diskusjon om forsoning eller sameksistens med dem.

Arbeide for å etablere jihadistiske terrorceller i Palestina.

Koble terror aktivitetene i Palestina med den globale terrorbevegelsen.

Samle inn tilstrekkelige midler til å videreføre og støtte jihad verden over i all evighet.

Når man leser «Prosjektet» er det viktig å huske at notatet ble skrevet i 1982 da spenningene og terrorismen i Midt-Østen fremdeles var i sin spede begynnelse. På mange måter gir «Prosjektet» en utrolig fremsynt skisse av hovedtyngden av de islamistiske handlinger vi har sett de siste tiår. Dette gjelder både de «moderate» islamistbevegelsene og rene terrororganisasjoner.

Det meste av det som er kjent om «Prosjektet» er resultat av Sylvian Bessons gravejournalistikk. Temaet er omtalt i hans bok «L'islamisme à la conquête du monde» (Islamisme og erobringen av verden). Minst en egyptisk avis, Al-Mussawar, publiserte hele den arabiske teksten i november 2005.

Qaradawi: Muslimene vil erobre Europa. Qaradawi hyller Holocaust her. Islamsk Råd Norge tar ikke avstand fra Qaradawis hyldest av Holocaust

(Ovenstående er en oversettelse av dokumentet av Arne Tumyr pga en artikkeli i FrontPageMagazin, en artikkel som nå ikke fins lenger, uvisst av hvilken grunn).

Kommentar: Dokumentet kan være «løse» tanker fra en enkelts eller en liten gruppe muslimes side, en form for ønsketekning, rene fantasier om en mulig storslagen konspirasjon.








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