mandag 11. mars 2024

Vi overveldes av sjokk og lidelse – håpet er hvor? Og fra hvem vil det komme?

Se først disse og unn deg en slags hvile og styrke:


Vi må forstå tiden for å kunne sette nevn på det, og våre fiender, derfor denne posteringen, som i så mange andre posteringer her, i håp om helbredelse i all ondskapsfull, fordervet og undergravende forvirring:

Biden, Kamala Send Ramadan Message Empathizing With Hamas Supporters

Utdrag: To commemorate the Islamic period of Ramadan, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris reached out to Muslims to express sympathy for the pain they’re feeling at having failed to kill all the Jews.

“The sacred month is a time for reflection and renewal. This year, it comes at a moment of immense pain. The war in Gaza has inflicted terrible suffering on the Palestinian people,” Biden messaged those Muslims who are deeply upset at their failure to wipe out the Jews in the months since Oct 7.

While Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and other Islamic terrorist groups have tried hard, Biden acknowledged that they had fallen short of their highest aspirations.

“As Muslims gather around the world over the coming days and weeks to break their fast, the suffering of the Palestinian people will be front of mind for many. It is front of mind for me,” he added, assuring Muslims who are very unhappy that since Oct 7, more Islamic terrorists than Jews have been killed in the fighting.

“To Muslims across our country, please know that you are deeply valued members of our American family,” Biden also assured Muslims worried that their blatant support for terrorism might have alienated some Americans. “To those who are grieving during this time of war, I hear you, I see you.”

Vice President Kamala Harris also made a point of reaching out to Muslims deeply upset at the fairly small number of Jews who had been killed.

“I know that there is great pain in the community. What we are seeing every day in Gaza is devastating,” Kamala empathized with Muslims upset at the catastrophic defeat suffered by Hamas.

“President Biden and I will continue to work to ease the suffering in Gaza and support the right of the Palestinian people to dignity, freedom, and self-determination,” Kamala assured those Muslims still hoping that Hamas will win and the Jews will die.

Utdrag: The break went even more public when Kamala visited the United Arab Emirates and attacked Israel, implicitly accusing it of violating “international humanitarian law” and claiming that “the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating”.

Then she warned Israel that there could be “no forcible displacement, no reoccupation, no siege or blockade, no reduction in territory”.

At the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Kamala hijacked the civil rights commemoration to rant that “the Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid… No excuses. They must open new border crossings. They must not impose any unnecessary restrictions on the delivery of aid.”

“No excuses,” she barked….

Kamala has been signaling to Hamas supporters and leftists that she would be friendlier to their cause than her boss. And there’s really no reason to be doing that in a normal election year. However Kamala appears to be betting that this may not be a normal election year. She’s hedging her bets by publicly pushing the administration closer to the anti-Israel side, while privately her media leaks emphasize that she could be doing so much more if it wasn’t for Joe.

Biden had promised to pick a black woman as his number two. Picking Kamala was either his dumbest or his smartest move. Kamala’s unpopularity made it unlikely that anyone would try to force him out because then they would be stuck with her. Her presence in the White House was 25th Amendment insurance and a guarantee that he wouldn’t be pushed off the ticket in 2024.

But Biden had been warned by his allies that she was treacherous and would stab him in the back. Some insiders had bad memories of the time when Kamala had accused him of racism. The accusations began again in the first year of being in office when Kamala became obsessed with the idea that she was being undermined and would be displaced by Buttigieg in 2024.

One particular red flag for Biden insiders had come during the VP search interviews when she was asked about accusing her future boss of being a racist. “She laughed and said, ‘that’s politics.’ She had no remorse.” Some of those insiders worried that she would do it again.


It Takes a Morally Confused World to Be Anti-Israel, Dennis Prager

Hele artikkelen: The moral confusion of our time is not new. 

Almost 3,000 years ago, the Prophet Isaiah lamented, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

But at the start of the 20th century, a new form of moral confusion was introduced. While there were always those who called good evil and evil good, shortly after Einstein discovered relativity in the natural order, Western civilization applied relativity to the moral order. As the late historian Paul Johnson wrote in "Modern Times": "At the beginning of the 1920s the belief began to circulate, for the first time at a popular level, that there were no longer any absolutes: of time and space, of good and evil,  of knowledge, above all of value" (italics added).

Until then, though often poorly applied or simply ignored, there was the belief in the West that moral truths exist. Then, as Johnson writes, "Mistakenly but perhaps inevitably, relativity became confused with relativism."

Everything became relative -- you have your values, I have mine; what I think (or more accurately, what I feel) is good isgood, and what I think/feel is bad is bad. This is even true with regard to truth: As the increasingly popular saying goes, I have "my truth" and you have "your truth."

Instead of good and evil, we now have a set of other "moral" categories: rich and poor, white and black, colonizers and colonized, strong and weak, oppressors and oppressed. Those in the latter groups -- the poor, people of color, the colonized, the weak and the oppressed (real or alleged) -- are, by definition, good, while those in the former categories are, by definition, bad. To cite one widely held example, blacks cannot be racist. I was taught that nonsense in graduate school in the 1970s, and it has become a truism among the well-educated.

This explains the widespread sympathy for the Palestinians and antipathy toward Israel. 

In a morality-based world, Israel would be universally supported. But we don't live in such a world; we live in the world of substitute-categories, and Israel falls into every one of the "bad" categories. Israel is perceived as rich, strong, white, a colonizer and an oppressor.

This is morally backward. 

Israel is a modern liberal democracy. It has a robust free press, vibrant opposition and an independent judiciary. Two million Israelis -- a fifth of the country's population -- are Arabs, who, in the words of the Council on Foreign Relations, "have the same legal rights as Jewish Israelis have." They have their own political parties, with 10 seats in Israel's parliament. Arabic, as any tourist to Israel sees, is, alongside Hebrew, Israel's official language. There have even been Arab supreme court justices.

In fact, Arabs in Israel are, even now, considerably more pro-Israel than the New York Times, most Democrats and, of course, the United Nations. Reuters, which leans left, reported in November that "The Gaza war has dramatically increased the sense of solidarity with Israel among its 21% Arab minority." And The Economist reported in mid-January, "Even as war rages in Gaza, Israel's Arabs are feeling more Israeli ... Two-thirds of Israeli Palestinians say they identified with their state, up from half before the war."

Israel treats a vast number of Palestinians in its hospitals. During 2005 alone, approximately 123,000 Palestinians were treated at just one institution, Hadassah Hospital, in Jerusalem. Israel treated more than 4,000 victims of the Syrian Civil War in civilian hospitals at Israeli government expense.

Two weeks ago, the chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point, John Spencer, wrote in Newsweek that, during Israel's war on Hamas, the country "has implemented more measures to prevent civilian casualties than any other military in history. ... As someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Israel provided days and then weeks of warnings, as well as time for civilians to evacuate multiple cities in northern Gaza before starting the main air-ground attack of urban areas. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) employed their practice of calling and texting ahead of an air strike as well as roof-knocking, where they drop small munitions on the roof of a building notifying everyone to evacuate the building before a strike.

"No military has ever implemented any of these practices in war before," Spencer concluded.

In contrast to decent, humane, democratic and moral Israel, Hamas, which is supported by the majority of Palestinians, is the moral equivalent of the Nazis. It routinely tortures Palestinian opponents of its tyrannical regime and is dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and its Jews. It takes pride in burning Jewish families alive and the sexual torture, rape and mutilation of Jewish women.

Regarding Hamas' cruelty, Amnesty International reported in 2015 the case of Atta Najjar, a former police officer under the Palestinian Authority:

"[Najjar] was serving a 15-year prison term imposed by a military court after he was arrested in 2009 and subsequently convicted of 'collaborating' with Israel. On 22 August 2014, he was taken out from the prison and executed.

"There were marks of torture and bullet shots on his body. His arms and legs were broken ... his body was as if you'd put it in a bag and smashed it. ... His body was riddled with about 30 bullets. He had slaughter marks around his neck, marks of knives. ... And from behind the head, there was no brain. Empty ... It was difficult for us to carry him. ... He was heavy, like when you put meat in a bag; no bones. His bones were smashed. They broke him in the prison,' said his brother, who retrieved the body from al-Shifa hospital morgue on 22 August 2014."

But Israel's decency and Hamas' cruelty mean nothing to much of the world, especially the Left, the universities and the media. Because who is good and who is evil doesn't matter. Only who's rich and who's poor, who's white and who's black, who's strong and who's weak, who colonizes and who's colonized, and who oppresses and who is oppressed.

Litt på siden, men like vel direkte på: Vårt Land-kommentator «innrømmer» at venstresiden lyver: Men har de noe valg?

 Hvilken "godhetspsostel" rager høyest på himmelen over helvete her?

Trudeau har forvandlet Canada til en autoritær smeltedigel

Canadas statsminister Justin Trudeau og hans super-woke regime vil nå straffe folk for «precrime». Ideen er som hentet rett ut av dystopien The Minority Report av Philip K Dick. …

når myndigheter erklærer krig mot slemme ord på nettet, er det loven selv som blir drakonisk. Hvis loven blir vedtatt, vil den tillate folk å melde inn klager (eller tyste) til den beryktede Human Rights Commission hvis de oppdager «hatprat» på nettet.

Dette kan medføre bøter opp mot 20.000 dollar. Man kan også bli plassert i husarrest hvis noen frykter at du kan komme til å begå en forbrytelse.

HRS, utdrag: Et intenst Israelhat og åpenlys antisemittisme møtte gruppen som skulle delta i 8. mars-toget i Oslo. De ble fysisk stoppet fra å gå i toget av propalestinere, både blant de øvrige deltakere og blant organisatorer i rosa vester. Politiet måtte beskytte gruppen ved å danne en jernring rundt dem. - Det verste var hatet, de var helt ville i blikket, forteller en av deltakerne til HRS.

Politibombe: Lammende berøringsangst overfor muslimer og æreskultur


Utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide sendte den 7. mars ut en pressemelding der han frarådet norske selskaper å drive handel og næringsvirksomhet som bidrar til å opprettholde det som omtales som de folkerettsstridige israelske bosetningene. Men hvordan kan han begrunne en boikott av varer og tjenester fra de delene av dagens Israel som ble overtatt fra nabolandene som angrep Israel i 1967? Og hva mener han om Tyrkias okkupasjon av Nord-Kypros?


Lørdag kom det frem at pave Frans, under et intervju med sveitsiske RSI, oppfordret Ukraina til å sette seg ved forhandlingsbordet med Russland. Han uttrykte at de ikke burde føle skam over å inngå forhandlinger.

Erdogan: Tyrkia støtter Hamas «fullt ut»

I en tale i Istanbul lørdag gjorde Tyrkias president Recep Tayyip Erdogan det klart at landet «fullt ut» støtter Hamas, og nekter å kalle dem en terrororganisasjon, skriver NTB.

– Ingen kan få oss til å betegne Hamas som en terrororganisasjon, sa presidenten.

Erdogan har vært en skarp kritiker av Israel fra starten av krigen i Gaza 7. oktober. Hamas-angrepet krevde rundt 1140 liv, og konflikten pågår stadig brutalt og blodig den dag i dag.

– Tyrkia er et land som snakker åpent med Hamas’ ledere, og støtter dem fullt ut.

Hamas er oppført som en terrororganisasjon av blant annet USA, Israel, Storbritannia, Den europeiske union, Canada, Japan, Australia og New Zealand.

Statslederen har hevdet at «Netanyahu og hans administrasjon, med deres forbrytelser mot menneskeheten i Gaza, skriver sine navn ved siden av Hitler, Mussolini og Stalin, som dagens nazister.»

I desember kalte Erdogan Netanyahu «verre enn Hitler». Han uttalte at den systematiske massakren av seks millioner jøder i Holocaust ikke var like ille som Israels krig med Hamas i Gaza, og sammenlignet Israels behandling av palestinere i Gaza med jøder som ble samlet i konsentrasjons- og dødsleire.

Erdogans har valgt å ikke offentlig fordømme Hamas sine massakre av israelske sivile.

 Våre egne, med mange relevante linker til «Erdogan» (pluss):


Vi skrev i linken over, og hadde rett, ja vi hadde rett, har rett og vil stadig få mer rett – dessverre – men verre kommer det til å bli, og da vi skreve det, sto det 2010 på kalenderen: 

Kommentar til Lindstad:

Lindstad: «Norge deltar i kriger og det pågår i dag en stilltiende krig rettet mot folk i Gaza og deltar i å sulte ut Gazas befolkning».

Nei til islam: Dette er et forvarsel om hva som skal komme. Muslimer kommanderes til ikke å tenke selv eller gjøre seg opp en personlig og uhildet mening om konflikten i Midtøsten. 

Dette er en påminnelse om at konflikten mellom arabere og israelitter og jøder før eller senere vil måtte føres mer og mer konkret på norsk jord i tillegg til i Midtøsten som følge av at muslimer anser å være forhåndsprogramert for hvilket standpunkt de skal ta. 

Dette vil sammenfalle med at det vil bli stadig færre jøder i landet mens muslimenes antall vil bare øke. De fleste av oss - muslimer som ikke-muslim - innser nå at jo lenger tid som går, jo mindre blir sjansen for at Israel skal kunne opprettholde seg selv som stat i nåværende form og at de stadige nålestikksangrepene på Israel vil utmatte landet over sikt samtidig som den demografiske utvikling både i Israel og i Vesten generelt taler for at islam med stadig større tyngde skal kunne intensivere kampen for islam i Midtøsten på norsk og vestlig territorium. 

Midtøsten- konflikten vil slik sett brukes av muslimer for alt den er verdt for å få gjennomført stadig mer islamsk jurisdiksjon (sharia) her i landet, - samtidig som Israel skal bekjempes både på kort og på lengre sikt - men dette tror ikke politikerne folk forstår og derfor soper de bare det virkelig voksende problemet lenger under teppet jo nærmere de virkelig store konfrontasjonene kommer. 

Verdiplakatens ord gjøres til skamme og følgende blir bare mer og mer umulig å handheve i praksis, slik (verdi) plakaten intenderer:

Alle har et ansvar for å gjøre Oslo til en trygg og åpen by. Trusler, mobbing og vold aksepteres ikke.


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