onsdag 15. mars 2023

Verdienes sammenbrudd - eller bare litt av dem?


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Når feminisme blir sammenlignet med høyreekstremisme, Erling Marthinsen   13.03.2023 17:48

Kellie-Jay Keen er feminist og kritisk til transideologioen. Derfor blir hun anklaget for å ha tilknytning til høyreekstreme grupper.

I følge britiske «Hope Not Hate» gjør det å stå opp for kvinners rettigheter deg til en farlig ekstremist. Det samme gjelder foreldre som misliker seksualisering av barna sine.

Hope not Hate er en britisk organisasjon som arbeider mot rasisme, fascisme og hatideologier. Det høres jo fint ut, men de har flere ganger blitt utsatt for sterk kritikk.

Vanligvis hvis man hører om høyreekstremisme, så tenker normale folk på Hitler, nazister, nynazister. Få tenker vel på feminister som kjemper på kvinners rettigheter, eller foreldre som protesterer mot seksualiseringen av barna på skolen eller i bibliotekene.

Men for Hope Not Hate (HNH) er det annerledes, skriver Joanna Williams i Spiked.  For utrolig nok beskrives begge disse gruppene som høyreekstreme i en ny rapport fra kampanjegruppen HNH.

State of Hate 2023: Rhetoric, Racism and Resentment is promoted as ‘the most comprehensive and analytical guide to the state of far-right extremism in Britain today’.

Foreldre som protesterer mot Drag Queen Story Hour for barn på biblioteker bedriver med ytre høyre agitasjon, mener HNH. …

«The far right sees trans rights as a fundamental challenge to their belief in traditional gender roles and family structures».

Det er jo innlysende at transhysteriet er en trussel mot den klassiske familien, …

Kellie-Jay Keen har til og med fått massiv kritikk for å sitere ordboka, da hun hang opp en plakat med teksten «woman: adult human female». …

Guilt by association, altså. Jeg kan tenke meg utallige diktatorer som også anser at to kjønn er nok, uten at dette gjør meg til en diktatorspire. Her i Vesten ledes vi av folk som ikke klarer å definere hva en kvinne er. …

… And yet those who want to defend sex-based rights, rights that feminists fought so hard for, are today dismissed as transphobic bigots.

Dette er ikke risikofritt for slike som Kellie-Jay Keen. Hun har fått besøk av politiet, og blitt trakassert av demonstranter for å beskytte kvinners rettigheter. Å tro på den biologien alle trodde på for kort tiden blir ansett som thoughtcrime.

Keen har også fått kritikk av andre feminister, selv feminister som er kritisk til LGBTQ-ideologien. I 2018 ble hun anklaget for å være rasist fordi hun ikke likte at muslimske barn gikk rundt med hijab.

… De egentlige ekstremistene er disse transaktivistene. Det er de som begrenser kvinners rettigheter og trakasserer alle som ikke er 100 prosent enige med dem. …


Welcome, Christians, to the ‘Negative World’, Wokeness, not Christianity, is the reigning mainstream religion. March 14, 2023 by Mark Tapson 19 Comments

Another week, another spate of demonizing accusations against Christians for their heinous crimes against humanity such as the adoption of non-white children, the refusal to lie to children’s parents about their school’s anti-family agenda, and perhaps most egregiously, the thought crime of being “biblically-minded.”

First up: Minnesota state Rep. Heather Keeler, a Democrat and member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe, blasted “white Christians” in a recent Facebook post for perpetuating the “genocide” of Native Americans. Of what were these white Christians guilty? Infecting Native Americans with smallpox-laced blankets? Getting them addicted to tobacco and firewater and gambling? No, it’s much more insidious than those antiquated conspiracies.

“I’m sick of white Christians adopting our babies and rejoicing,” Keeler complained. “It’s a really sad day when that happens. It means the genocide continues.” … White saviors are the worst!”

… But because Democrats in our current cultural climate never face consequences for openly expressing bigotry toward white people and Christians, Keeler later doubled down on her professional Facebook page where she wrote that whites adopting Native American babies strips them of their “identity,” a process she again described as a “form of genocide.”

Meanwhile, Arizona’s Washington Elementary School District in the Phoenix and Glendale areas recently dissolved its partnership with Arizona Christian University over the biblical values to which its students commit themselves. …Why did the district break off the contract? The board told Fox News Digital, The board’s decision to discontinue its partnership with Arizona Christian University was based on the board’s commitment to create a safe place for our LGBTQ+ students, staff, and community. …

“While I full-heartedly believe in the religious freedom and people being able to practice whatever faith that they have, I had some concerns regarding looking at this particular institution,” she said. Translation: I wholeheartedly support the First Amendment until someone’s faith and morality might pose a challenge to my Alphabet Agenda.

… “Part of their values is… [to] ‘transform the culture with truth by promoting the Biblically-informed values that are foundational to Western civilization, including the centrality of family, traditional sexual morality, and lifelong marriage between one man and one woman,’” she said.

… At some point, we need get real with ourselves and take a look at who we’re making legal contracts with and the message that is sending to our community. Because that makes me feel like I could not be safe in this school district.

It’s unclear how Valenzuela thinks student teachers from a Christian university make her literally unsafe, but some of her compatriots were similarly freaked out. …

… Second, let’s not pretend that Valenzuela, Clayton, and the members of other left-dominated school boards across the country reject proselytizing in the classroom; they’re perfectly happy to proselytize for the biological incoherence of gender ideology, the Marxist lies of Critical Race Theory, the black supremacy of Black Lives Matter, the wealth distribution of socialism, the cult of climate change, and the racism of anti-racism. Indeed, awakening students to social justice activism is their primary aim as woke educators.

And they’re perfectly willing to lie to their students’ parents about all of it. A California teacher who lost her job recently after refusing to comply with the district’s gender policies, citing her Christian beliefs, told Fox News Digital recently about the pressure she felt as a teacher to hide students’ gender transitions from parents, lying to them if necessary.

… we are supposed to keep that info from parents in case the parent doesn’t know…

“We’re talking [about] 12, 13, 14, 15-year-olds. …

Based on your religious beliefs, you cannot be dishonest with parents… If asked about a student’s gender identity by a parent, you cannot refer the parent to a counselor, defer the inquiry and suggest they speak with a student…, or otherwise deflect the parent’s inquiry…

… The takeaway from all these recent examples of open, anti-Christian bigotry is that Christians in America today occupy a stage of Christianity that the Protestant thinker Aaron Renn has labeled “negative world.” It is a period of decline in which society has come to have a negative view of Christianity. … Christian morality is expressly repudiated and seen as a threat to the public good and the new public moral order. Subscribing to Christian moral views or violating the secular moral order brings negative consequences.

This is the reality which writers like Renn and Rod Dreher (The Benedict Option, Live Not By Lies) have been warning that Christians must recognize – that anti-Christian wokeness is now the dominate worldview among our cultural elites. …

Wokeness, not Christianity, is the reigning mainstream religion, and its rainbow banner of diversity, inclusion, and tolerance is a cover for its lethal hostility toward Christians and their “unsafe” morality. These hate-filled totalitarians want to abolish free speech and religious freedom, and drive Christians first from the public square, then exterminate them from the private sphere as well – make no mistake.

The soft persecution already underway against Christians in America and the West is going to accelerate and intensify. We must gird ourselves with every tool and weapon we still have at our disposal: the law, government policy, cultural messaging, and most importantly, the full armor of God.


Wokes Can’t Beat the Culture They’re Destroying, They want to rewrite old books because they can’t equal them. March 14, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

The recent controversies over politically correct rewrites of James Bond novels and Roald Dahl’s children’s books highlights just how dependent a woke culture industry is on the works of dead white men, like Dahl, Fleming and Tolkien, who were anything but politically correct.

Or even living, but currently politically incorrect white women, like J.K. Rowling.

Woke culture has filled every school with graphic sexual books like Beyond Magenta and Lawn Boy which describe 8 and 10-year-olds having sex, but can’t generate any of its own classics. That’s why Netflix bought the Roald Dahl Story Company for $686 million, Amazon paid $8.5 billion for MGM, whose crown jewel is James Bond, and has spent over $1 billion to make its own woke version of Tolkien’s mythos. (New woke Lord of the Ring movies are also coming.)

… Woke culture is the parasitism of the creatively untalented and politically authoritarian. It runs on monopolies reprocessing the works of all the retroactively canceled talented artists and writers, blending the splendid feasts of the past into differently branded cans of woke cultural spam.

The massive intellectual properties that serve as the profit engines for woke companies are the works of the unwoke. And the woke haven’t figured out how to replace them. …

Totalitarian leftist regimes have a history of this sort of thing. Both the Soviet Union and Communist China removed any mention of the bible from Robinson Crusoe. …

“Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime,” Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart had argued. Woke culture has no confidence. Like most censors, it is incapable of creating, only destroying because it is wholly political. …

Political censorship pursues and subverts escapism in particular because it offers a measure of freedom in a society whose culture controllers have turned it into one giant political prison. …

Once that power is achieved, subversive creativity becomes authoritarian censorship.

When the Left’s grip on the culture became total, it ceased to produce, to publish or to even think subversively. Its idea of subversion, in fiction or in comedy, is, like ‘Manhunt’ or SNL, limited to the humiliation and destruction of enemies. …

… Censors have the right politics, but no creativity. Their rewrites, remakes and reinventions are tiresome. This has been the apolitical criticism of woke reinventions like Paramount+’s Star Trek Discovery or Amazon’s Rings of Power. Invention requires vision, but the woke vision is directed at taking over. Once they’ve seized power, the vision ends and the tedious conformity begins. That’s why woke culture is politically regimented, yet creatively disordered. …

History, to the woke censors, is a litany of the failures of the past while the future will be an even more glorious xerox of the present with no further dissent, opposition or even questions. And yet it is that very past that holds the treasures of imagination, art and ideas that they appropriate. …

Censors have no creativity and therefore no culture. Despite woke claims that they love diversity, what they actually want is sameness in thought, in speech and in all things. When they censor, they try to make works that were once very different feel the same. Stories that moved millions are reduced to intellectual property, to brands, styles and costumes, and then swapped interchangeably in the same handful of plots that can only ever add up to one thing.

… America is becoming Soviet Russia and Communist China. And just as Russians and Chinese were drawn to American movies because they tasted of freedom, so westerners are drawn to their own past.


Stanford Law School Descends Into Barbarism, These people will soon be lawyers, and then, God help us.March 14, 2023 by Robert Spencer 6 Comments

America, these are your lawyers of tomorrow. When the Federalist Society at Stanford Law School, one of the nation’s most elite law schools, invited Fifth Circuit appellate judge Stuart Kyle Duncan to speak, the budding attorneys could have had a thoughtful discussion of controversial issues with someone who doesn’t share their point of view. Duncan drew Leftist ire in 2020 when he refused to pretend that a male sex offender was a woman, as he had claimed to be…. Instead of engaging Duncan in lively debate, however, Stanford’s future lawyers became a howling, slavering mob, refusing to allow Duncan to speak as the school’s associate dean of diversity (yes, really) lectured him for daring not to be a Leftist. …

… when Leftists speak about “inclusion,” they mean the inclusion of people of all races (except whites), all genders (all 73 of ‘em), and all beliefs that are thoroughly Leftist and in line with contemporary Leftist sensibilities. …

And so when Duncan, facing the mob of alleged law students, asked Steinbach to restore order, she then took to the podium and began lecturing the judge, saying: “Your opinions from the bench land as absolute disenfranchisement” of the rights of students. When Duncan tried to respond, the mob screamed, “Let her finish,” a courtesy they never accorded to Duncan himself. Steinbach went on to repeat, “Your work has caused harm.”

Steinbach even accused Duncan of “tearing the fabric of this community” and asked him, “Do you have something so incredibly important to say about Twitter and guns and COVID that that is worth this impact on the division of these people, who have sat next to each other for years, who are going through what is the battle of law school together?” About the mob’s refusal to let Duncan speak, Steinbach declared, “I look out and I don’t ask what is going on here, I look out and I say, I’m glad this is going on here.” She then left, to tumultuous applause, and the students walked out behind her….

What’s more, Martinez’s claim that Stanford has a commitment to the freedom of speech is risible.

“If enough of these kids get into the legal profession, the rule of law will descend into barbarism.” Oh, yes.



White Man Down, Frustration might just not be racism. March 14, 2023 by Larry Elder

…The Washington Post wrote: “On his Feb. 22 episode of ‘Real Coffee With Scott Adams,’ the creator of the comic strip ‘Dilbert’ decided to riff on a much-criticized Rasmussen poll and promote a type of segregation. He declared that Black Americans are part of a ‘hate group’ and urged White people to ‘get the hell away from Black people.'”

… About the “much criticized” Rasmussen Poll, it asked American adults the following question: “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: ‘It’s OK to be white.'” Eighty-one percent of white of American adults strongly or somewhat agree, 7% strongly or somewhat disagreed and 13% responded, “not sure.” As for blacks, 53% strongly or somewhat agree, 26% strongly or somewhat disagree and 21% of blacks responded, “not sure.”

In interpreting the poll, Adams confusingly said, “If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with white people… that’s a hate group.” Twenty-six percent of blacks strongly or somewhat disagreeing is not “nearly half.” Also, Adams made no comment on the nearly 20% of whites who either strongly or somewhat disagree or are not sure whether “it’s OK to be white.” Presumably, Adams would not want them as neighbors either.

… Do you really think Adams, a former Bernie Sanders supporter, is the only white person who feels this sense of frustration? After all, we have had affirmative action or race-based preferences now for over 50 years. And some black students want separate dorms and graduation ceremonies. How is that different from what Adams said?

Nearly every major city from New York to Los Angeles has or has had a black mayor, with many having or having had black police chiefs. Yet, when a black suspect was mistreated recently in Memphis, the black mayor of Los Angeles suggested the cops would have reacted differently had the suspect not been black.

… Yet despite all these black players and decision-makers, the Department of Justice announced a civil rights investigation.

… Some blacks complain about “microaggressions.” … If in response to “Black Lives Matter,” a white person says, “All Lives Matter,” all hell breaks loose.


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