tirsdag 30. august 2022

Alle ser, men få vil forstå - når skal det bli tydelig hvilken pris vi har betalt og fortsatt skal betale?

Kan det noen gang bli slutt på eller nok av å snakke om islam, drøfte islam, kritisere islam - søke sann islam?

Mange er lei av alt «pratet» om islam. Men å slutte å ta opp islam, er ikke noen løsning på noe som helst, og de aller fleste i Vesten i dag vet det, men de gjør ikke noe med det. For hva skal vi gjøre med islam? Viser vi i det hele tatt holdning? Nei, foreløpig er det relativt få brave som våger. De fleste setter imidlertid pris på at noen går foran, men det sitter langt inne å si det høyt. Vi går faktisk og skuler på hverandre, og verre skal det bli. Denstore tausheten og feigheten har sin pris og det er alle dem som ikke tør som må betale prisen, på sikt. Bare at det skjønner de ikke. Ikke foreløpig. Det er visst alltid et "inntil videre" ... for øyeblikksmennsker og naive og opportunistiske øyentjernere, som gjør seg underdanige i den tror at de alltid kommer til å være overlegne. 

Ikke godt å si. (Der er lettere å se og forstå hva islam vil gjøre med oss).

Islam er kommet for å bli og visse tegn tyder på at vi blir mer like islam enn islam blir lik oss. Det synes å være et desperat behov for en over-gud i vestens befolking i dag. All statistikk tyder på at kristentroen er på vei ut for godt. Hva skal vi klamre oss til i stedet? Islam advarer mot avgudsdyrkere eller ateisme. For ikke å bli betraktet som ateist, vil mange vestlige kle sine innerste religiøse behov og lengsler i ord og (servilt emosjonelt korrekte) tilnærminger som nærmer seg eller tilpasser seg islams store narrativer og grunnforestillinger. Og slik vil islam bare få befestet sin plattform etter hvert som tiden løper. Islam vil gis stadig mer innflytelse, ikke mindre. Det vil bli langt fler som konverterer til islam enn de som forlater islam og bli exmuslimer.

Det ligger an til bråk. Mer bråk enn vi kan forestille oss. Som politikeren og kunstneren André Malraux sa: «En sivilisasjon er alt som samler seg rundt en religion». Og når en religion faller, tar en annen dens plass».

Vi legger i det følgende ut visse utdrag fra artikler av det jeg anser som meget dyktige kommentatorer i Europa i dag som kan belyse og beskrive situasjonen. De bygger ikke på bare på fakta og vitenskap, og ikke bare på kjølig distansering, men på et levende og aktivt engasjement sett gjennom et nødvendig menneskelig temperament, noe som ofte fattes i diskursen forøvrig, særlig i MSM, som har valgt selvsensur i den tro at man ikke er islamofob, men som viser i praksis at det er nettopp islam de (så irrasjonelt) frykter, inntil grov og uerkjent angst, og som de nå underlegger hver på sin egen subtile måte, over en lav sko, for å si det sånn, og som ikke kan beskrives på annen måte enn som en (uuttalt, men likevel reell) servilitet som manifisterer seg i både «korrekte emosjoner» og «korrekt» politikk. Hvilket fremstår som både patetisk og respektløst overfor egen tro og tradisjon med forankring i det judeokristne store paradigme.  Påvirkningen fra islam er for så vidt allerede altoppslukende og bestemmer det viktigste av det vi tenker og føler, ja, av hvem vi er og vil bli.  

"Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize Islam as well. All those who do not commit attacks or violent acts are, in principle, protected in a state of law. Islamism thus immediately finds itself in a conquered terrain. It is necessary to fight Islamism from the beginning. Because it is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble. When you realize it is too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. France is at the stage where it has just discovered that Islam is eroding her home".

This is how Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal, in L'Express, recently described the level of Islamization in France.


I am afraid that France has fallen: My fear for France is grounded in its lack of courage to fight for its civilization and the right of its people to speak their minds. Op-ed. Giulio Meotti‏ ,Feb 21, 2021,

I am worried about France, because it is the cradle of European culture.

I love its writers and ideas, Henry James in his 1903 masterpiece "The Ambassadors" speaks of Paris as the epitome of civilization, it is the country that has given so much and to which we owe so much as Europeans, the country that gives us the only intellectuals in Europe to reflect on our world.

But it is the country that no longer knows how to defend that culture.

I am worried about France, because it is the "eldest daughter of the Church", because my favorite pontiff (Benedict XVI) was at home there and now its churches are burning, these are sold, converted, demolished, abandoned and its priests and faithful sacrificed in front of the altars.

I am worried about France because its Jews have been physically attacked for twenty years, they are fleeing that country, they have to hide their symbols, they have buried their children as in Toulouse and then in many other massacres, and we know that Jews are the canaries of the coal mine.

I am worreied about France because its failures in integration and its short-sightedness have created a black hole of Islamic fascism and fanaticism in its bosom, entire areas lost to the state and to the law, and this poses a threat to all of Europe. France did not have the courage to act even after the 100 deaths of the Bataclan.

I am worried about France when a high school student receives 50,000 threats for "offending Islam" on social media and now has to go into hiding, change schools twice, be protected by the police and no civil rights organization, feminist or leftist, does it out loud.

I am worried about France because, in the face of this massive assault on our freedoms and our culture, an army of "useful idiots" has formed there to side with the enemies of civilization, anti-racists, indigenists, anti-colonialists ...

I am worried about France because one of its professors was beheaded just four months ago in broad daylight and now another has to resign following death threats for bravely doing his duty and not only were no real measures taken afterwards. after what happened, but the affair did not become an opinion campaign in Europe.

I have always thought, for at least fifteen years, when I began to follow what was happening in that country, since my friend Robert Redeker, a philosophy professor in Toulouse, had to go into hiding, become a refugee in his own country, for having defended Ratzinger from Islamic lynching after his speech criticizing Islam at Regensburg, I always thought that France was playing the game that would decide the fate of this civilization shock in Europe.

I am worried about France, because in the face of this war that has been declared to it, I do not see courage, the will to prevail and moral fiber, but the fiber of an exhausted world. Ours.


Europe will be Islamic: Turkey’s Great Plan

Post-Christian Europe must understand this hegemonic project, anti the individualistic values ​​of the West, before it is too late. Op-ed. Giulio Meotti Jun 3, 2021.

Turkey has built 13,000 mosques since Erdogan came to power. The largest mosque in the world stands on the hill of Camlica, dominating the Asian side of Istanbul. Unsatisfied, the Turkish President just inaugurated a new mega mosque in Taksim Square in Istanbul, realizing the ambition to build a Muslim place of worship in the main public space of the city, which had become a symbol of the modern secular Turkish Republic.

Erdogan joined thousands of worshipers for the first prayers at the towering 3,000-seat mosque in Taksim, which was also the site of mass anti-government protests in 2013.

"The Taksim Mosque was brought to our Istanbul after a struggle of nearly a century and a half," Erdogan said after Friday prayers, insisting that plans for the mosque date back to a Russo-Turkish war in 1877-1878.

It is the third symbolic mosque that Erdogan inaugurated in Istanbul, after Camlica and having converted the Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

In 1997, Turkish military leaders had lobbied an Islamist-led government - to which Erdogan belonged - for undermining secular laws, citing plans to build a mosque in Taksim.

"For years, since my childhood, they said we couldn't do it," Erdogan said. "But Allah has destined us for this".

He believes that Allah is on his side. He wants to export Islam wherever he has power, from the capital of the European Union (the Great Mosque under construction in Strasbourg) to the Armenian mountains, from the Sahel desert to what remains of secular Turkey. Post-Christian Europe must understand this hegemonic project before it is too late.

The investigation by the National Catholic Register, the oldest American Catholic newspaper, gives one the chills. It starts with the funding voted by the Strasbourg city council of 2.5 million euros for the construction of a mosque led by the Islamist movement Millî Görüş in Strasbourg. It will be the largest mosque in Europe.

"The controversy is all the more controversial because the position and size of the mosque have a strong symbolic dimension," writes the journalist, Solène Tadié. "In fact, Strasbourg, seat of the Council of Europe and one of the three 'capitals of Europe' with Brussels and Luxembourg, is also home to the emblematic medieval cathedral of Our Lady, one of the tallest churches in the world. The Ottoman architecture of the mosque, with its imposing minarets, will leave an indelible mark on the landscape of this elevated place of Western Christian culture ”.

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ attended the Strasbourg mosque stone-laying ceremony in 2017. Millî Gorus was founded in 1969 in Germany by former Turkish Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, considered the political mentor of Turkish President Erdoğan. Erbakan, in a speech in Ludwigsburg, Germany, said that “Europeans are sick. ... We will give them the medicine. The whole of Europe will become Islamic. We will conquer Rome ”.

The Turkish confederation claims over 514 mosques across Europe, including the new mosque under construction in Milan. Its infiltration capacity is such that a study of kindergartens in Vienna revealed that Millî Gorus has ties to many of the capital's kindergartens. Turkey expert Ralph Ghadban warns that the Islam that is preached in Europe in Turkish-controlled mosques is "very observant of Sharia law and with strong Turkish-nationalistic tones", such as to require a "clear separation from the individualistic values ​​of the West. ".

According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany, the second largest Islamist movement in Germany is Millî Görüş, strongly opposed to Muslim integration into European society: "The movement believes that a 'just' political order is founded on a 'divine revelation', while those systems developed by men are 'in vain'. At this moment the 'vain' Western civilization is dominant. This 'vain' system must be replaced by a 'just order' based solely on Islamic principles. To do this, Muslims must adopt a certain vision (Görüş) of the world, that is, the national-religious vision ('Milli'), a 'Millî Görüş' ".

The National Catholic Register spoke to Joachim Veliocas, an analyst at the Center des Etudes du Moyen-Orient in Paris, who said that the construction of the Strasbourg mosque is part of the "birth of a Turkish counter-society in Strasbourg". A design made possible only by the permissiveness of local authorities, according to Veliocas, who wrote a book on clientelism practiced by politicians of all parties to buy votes by distributing public funds. "They do everything in their power to appease Muslims", Veliocas said, "even the most radical Muslims, in order to consolidate this electorate, often raising the issue of non-discrimination", which consists in conceding to Islam the same space as Christianity ”.

"Sometimes, we see some bishops at the inauguration of mosques linked to the Muslim Brotherhood," said Veliocas, who published the book L'Eglise face à l'Islam. Entre naïveté et lucidité (prefaced by Father Henri Boulad). " ardinal Barbarin, for example, published a press release in defense of the Institute of Muslim civilization in Lyon, subsidized by the municipality.

Yet, we know that it is led by supporters of Tariq Ramadan and was inaugurated by the secretary general of the Muslim World League, Muhammad Al-Issa, who in his doctoral thesis prescribed the murder of apostates! ”.

Europe does not take their words seriously - yet. Not even when Erdogan says: “Mosques are our barracks, domes our helmets, minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…”. It will pay dearly for its appeasement.


En Marche! Eid Mubarak, France!: The mass gatherings at the end of Ramadan in Europe were the ummah displaying its takeover in public. Giulio Meotti‏, Italy, May 7, 2022.

6,000 faithful celebrated the end of Ramadan at the Delaune stadium in Saint-Denis, outside Paris. When the crowd arrived at the stadium, members of the Amal association directed the men to the entrances of the two main courts, behind the grandstand. "The women at the back."

Even the tennis courts welcomed the devotees. The fences were festooned with green balloons, the color of Islam. The "Allahu Akbar" rang out from the loudspeakers placed in the four corners of the stadium. The same scenes took place in dozens. of other stadiums in France and in small and medium-sized cities: in Garges, Bagneux, Poissy, Créteil, Ivry-sur-Seine, Argenteuil, Athis-Mons, Noisy-Le-Grand ...

At the stadium of Mosson of Montpellier, 10,000 faithful in prayer. In Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, a town of 30,000 inhabitants, 5,000 gathered in prayer at the stadium. Same scenes in Gennevilliers. We would be wrong to think that it is a test of strength for Islam The mayors of these cities showed up at stadiums to nurture their electorate.

Henri Rey-Flaud, psychoanalyst and literary critic, author of "La France séteint, l ’Islam s’embrase", has courage when he says:

"France is in an identity crisis. The same goes for Italy. And the tightening of identity that we observe in Hungary and Poland also reveals an identity crisis. Europe has failed to create a European identity. I think the great European momentum has run out. France has died out, it has lost faith in itself and in God.

"The great strength of Islam is that it is a source of impetus. Today, in France, Islam is practically the only source of spirituality. It develops because there is fertile ground underneath. The only thing that mobilizes our young people today is the celebration. We live in the enjoyment of the moment, while Islam is projected into eternity.

"This also applies to the rest of Europe. Venice, Florence, Rome and Paris are museum cities, while Islam is alive. I fear that Islam is the fruitful vein in French territory. And I believe that a population animated by spirituality is almost certain to win against a population whose young people think of nothing but enjoying the moment ".

In London, thousands of faithful in Trafalgar Square praying at the end of Ramadan, while in Birmingham 30,000 gathered in a park. Large English football fields for the first time hosted Islamic prayers. And also in Italy. Thousands of faithful gathered from Piazza Garibaldi, in Naples, to the Dora Park in Turin (in Tunisia it is forbidden to pray in the street). And then in Freiburg, Germany. And in the rest of Europe.

George Dumas in Causeur, the monthly edited by Elizabeth Lévy, tells what is happening:

"On the day of Eid el-Fitr, on the streets of Aubervilliers, it was realized that the various communities and this much-praised multiculturalism by politicians actually merged into the ummah. When, around eight this morning, I was awakened by a voice as insistent as it was distant, it took me ten seconds to identify it as that of the muezzin. Because here, in Aubervilliers, it is the ummah that shows up. Qami were numerous among men, abayas and hijabs among women.

"My personal experience confirms the diagnoses of de-Christianization or abandonment of religion that I have been able to read from the pen of Marcel Gauchet and Guillaume Cuchet. The show that morning on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the massive participation, the separation of the sexes in the stadium where the 'ceremony' was held and the marked religious clothing of the faithful, is that another civilization has shown itself in the public space, a dynamic, unifying, living civilization, but bearer of values ​​different from ours. A civilization ready to replace ours, which no longer unites people and no longer feeds minds. En Marche! Eid Mubarak! ".

Islam has on its side a cultural force that neither we - minorities of woke nihilists and sleeping majorities - nor the Russian Pan-Slavists have any more. In Le Monde it was even said that for many political leaders in Moscow, including Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov, Russia is on the way to becoming "a great Muslim country".

Any European, like me, who cares about European civilization today, feels like an orphan.


"A country loses faith in its future when its citizens no longer dare to have children", said former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, mindful of being part of the "Flakhelfer" generation, the children used as auxiliaries of the Luftwaffe in the terrible days of the end of the war.

Thirty percent of German women today will never have children. They had thought that the society in transformation, selfish and consumerist, which is satisfied with a BMW in the garage, quiet holidays in Carinthia and in Italy, professional mobility, and silence, was sustainable.

More than a decade ago, the late historian Bernard Lewis warned in German newspapers that if current migration flows continue, Europe will be Islamic by the end of the 21st century. “Europeans marry late and have few or no children. But there is strong immigration: Turks in Germany, Arabs in France and Pakistanis in England. At the latest, following current trends, Europe will have a Muslim majority in the population at the end of the century”. German political elites - moderate (Merkel) and progressive (Scholz) - are at the forefront of making this prediction come true.

There is an extremely naive and childish climate of existential surrender. Think of the priorities of the German ruling class in recent years: gender change, the climate, liberalizing abortion even more, removing Christian symbols from the public sphere, and making society more "inclusive".

Muslims, according to estimates, represent 6 to 7 percent of the German population. By 2050, thanks to migration and demographics, Muslims will make up 19.7 percent of the population. Four out of five German Muslims are of Turkish origin. In the Bundestag, the number of Turkish parliamentarians is growing election after election: 2 in 1994, 11 in 2013 and 19 in 2021… But it is in the schools that we must look to see the future of a country.


Five years ago, the Basilica of Saint-Nicolas in Nantes was almost destroyed by a fire. It had completed a refurbishment and was in perfect condition.

The city is teeming with mosques. “The Malakoff mosque seats 1,200 and has erected a 17-meter minaret,” writes Rioufol. "In addition to this 'cathedral mosque' there are four other mosques, not to mention the neighboring ones. This influence of Islam accompanied the new settlement of the working class neighborhoods, under the encouragement of the socialist municipalities ”. Today there are ten mosques in Nantes.

The Assalam Mosque was built with Qatari money. But not only. As Le Figaro recounts, "the Assalam mosque was built on land sold by the municipality, benefiting from a 'cultural' contribution of 200,000 euros and a loan guarantee of 346,800 euros". The city financed its own self-conquest. And who was the mayor of the city at the time of the financing and the agreement with Qatar? Jean-Marc Ayrault, mayor of Nantes from 1989 to 2012 and socialist prime minister of France from 2021 to 2014 ...

Pierre Vermeren tells it in his book Déni français: "In Nantes, Jean-Marc Ayrault practiced a patronage that led to the construction of three, four, community mosques distributed among the Muslim Brotherhood, Morocco and Turkey, as well as a Salafi mosque on the outskirts of his city. He is accused, like the former mayor of Paris, of violating the cult funding law. In Bordeaux, Alain Juppé (former Gaullist leader and foreign minister) canceled the Great Mosque project when it was discovered that the funds came from Qatar and Azerbaijan… ”.

In Nantes, the old St. Christopher's Church has become a mosque. "In 1984, my last article for Presse-Océan was dedicated to the small and only mosque in the Malakoff district, installed in place of the ancient church of San Cristoforo," says Ivan Rioufol. "Since then, this modest building has given way to the Arrahma Mosque."

Because where we become de-Christian, Islam takes over. In Nantes, many churches have been liquidated. L'Express publishes a report on the Jesuit church in Nantes: now it is a furniture showplace...

"Today in France there is a peaceful destruction of the Christian roots, and the atheist that I am will not go against the evidence", wrote the philosopher Michel Onfray after the fire of the Nantes basilica.

And it goes without saying that demographics are the breeding ground for civilization change.

“The percentage of minors under 18 born to non-European parents has exploded, and often doubled, in the last thirty years” writes Jean-Paul Gurévitch, one of the leading scholars of the phenomenon, in Valeurs Actuelles. “The explosion hits large provincial cities like Nantes…”.

It is not surprising then that the high schools of Nantes today organize visits to mosques ... Or that the Nouvel Obs publishes surveys on the "polygamists of Nantes".

Fearful politicians, demographics that are overturned, Islamic regimes that invest mountains of money, churches that are emptied ... This is the ink with which this postcard was written from the city made famous by the edict with which King Henry IV in 1598 put an end to the wars of religion that had ravaged Europe.

Another religious war is now taking place there, its weapons are propaganda, population, preaching and the conquest of territory and minds, but only a part is fighting it and the only surrender on the horizon is that of the authorities.


Laqueur was one of the first to understand that the current deadlock in which the continent finds itself goes far beyond economics. The point is that the days of European strength are over. Because of low birth rates, Europe is dramatically shrinking. If current trends continue, Laqueur said, a hundred years from now Europe's population "will be only a fraction of what it is today, and in two hundred, some countries may have disappeared."


"Small radical groups create a climate of terror to impose opinions and silence their opponents," Polony wrote. "They enjoy infinite mercy from some political and media circles insofar as they claim to embody the Good. Who would dare to challenge them?"

Others -- for views regarded by some as politically incorrect, even if factually correct -- have, in the last few years, been surgically removed from society, or been threatened with removal:

  • Sylviane Agacinski. A conference with this feminist, scheduled to have been have been held at the Montaigne University in Bordeaux, was canceled by the organizers because "security" could not be guaranteed. Groups of leftist students had attacked the arrival of an alleged "homophobe" and had requested the event's cancellation. Agacinski's alleged "crime" was to have opposed a new French law allowing lesbian couples access to medically-assisted procreation, such as IVF and sperm donation. Le Figaro's Eugénie Bastié calls "submission of the university to the new champions of virtue". The conference has since been rescheduled.
  • Mohamed Sifaoui. Shorly after the cancellation of Agacinski's conference, the "new fascists" took another academic scalp, this time at the famous Sorbonne University in Paris -- that of the Franco-Algerian journalist Mohamed Sifaoui. Sifaoui was forced to flee North Africa in 1999 after death threats from Islamists, and now lives in France under police protection. His course on radicalization was recently cancelled at the Sorbonne. Sifaoui accuses "the pressures of Islamic associations and left-wing unions" for the cancellation. His course had been intended for police officers, gendarmes and officials -- precisely those under pressure after the murder of four police employees at Paris police headquarters by their colleague, a convert to Islam named Mickaël Harpon.

The Sorbonne just so happens to be the same university where Hezbollah, the Lebanese terror group, held a conference. Students, however, however recently caused the cancellation of a tragedy by Aeschylus that was to have been performed by actors in black masks. That, the students claimed, was "Afrophobic, colonialist and racist".

  • Alain Finkielkraut. Last spring, the philosopher of "unhappy identity", Finkielkraut, protected by the police and the DGSI, France's internal security agency, gave a lecture at Sciences Po University in Paris. Finkielkraut is now "afraid to leave his home". "I can no longer show my face on the street," he said in Marianne.
  • Éric Zemmour. The French journalist Eric Zemmour was recently called "vile beast", "virus" and "bastard" by an Islamist during a public rally in Paris.
  • Sophie Coignard. Writing in Le Point, the noted journalist Sophie Coignard has denounced "a dreadful silence on these politically correct militias" and written of a conformism that "trades silence for tranquility. We know where these compromises lead".
  • Stéphane Charbonnier ("Charb"). The former editor at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Philippe Val, speaks about "the territories of expression occupied by Terror". Charb, Val's successor at the helm of Charlie Hebdo, paid with his life. On January 7, 2015, Charb, with eleven of his colleagues, was murdered by two brothers named Kouachi, shouting "Allahu Akbar."["Allah is the greatest!"] . Even Charb's memory is sadly filled with scandal: an academic event about his posthumous book, Lettre ouverte aux escrocs de l'islamophobie qui font le jeu des racistes ("Open Letter to Islamophobic Swindlers Playing into the Hands of Racists"), was censored at both the University of Lille II and the University of Paris-Diderot.
  • Maryam Namazie. An Iranian dissident journalist who moved to England, Maryam Namazie was prevented from speaking in some colleges, such as Goldsmiths and Warwick, on the grounds that her defense of free speech and anti-Sharia discourse might have offended Islamic students.
  • Thilo Sarrazin, a former German central banker and a critic of immigration, who was forced to resign from a management position at Germany's central bank in 2010 after publishing his book, Deutschland schafft sich ab ("Germany Is Doing Away with Itself"). He is presently in court over his new book, Feindliche Übernahme ("Hostile Takeover"), due out this summer. Sarrazin has also spoken amid the protests of students and teachers at the University of Siegen.
  • Bruce Gilley, a professor at the Portland State University, has defended the legacy of European colonialism in general and the British Empire in particular. In London, he lectured at a private seminar for students and took part in a panel discussion, but avoided a public event. "If I gave a public talk to a student group entitled The case for colonialism, the result would have been a shitstorm, and it would have served no purpose", he said. "But it would have shown the extent to which in Britain, of all places, people have stopped thinking about this most central of issues in British history and identity."
  • Nigel Biggar, a professor of moral theology at Oxford, was attacked for being supposedly lenient towards imperialism. "If I want to hold seminars on the topic of empire, I will do so privately," he has said. So he, too, has held a "private" academic conference in order not to be interrupted by activists.

Meanwhile, Islamist regimes are free to continue pouring vast amounts of money into these universities. Research by academics Jonas Bergan Draege and Martin Lestra, published in the Middle East Law and Governance Journal, calculated that between 1997 and 2007, Gulf entities provided at least £70 million to British academic institutions.

An appeal by some French intellectuals, including many Muslim thinkers such as Boualem Sansal and Zineb el Rhazoui, criticized this "intellectual terrorism." It recalls, they wrote, "what Stalinism did to the most enlightened European intellectuals.

"Our cultural, academic and scientific institutions are now targeted by attacks that, under the guise of denouncing 'colonial' discrimination, seek to undermine the principles of freedom of expression and of universality inherited from the Enlightenment".


  • In facing this existential challenge, a downward spiral in which Europeans seem to be slowly dying out by failing to reproduce, it seems that Europe has also lost all confidence in its hard-won Enlightenment values, such as personal freedoms, reason and science replacing superstition, and the separation of church and state. These are critical if Europe truly wishes to survive.
  • In Western Germany, 42% of children under the age of six now come from a migrant background, according to Germany's Federal Statistical Office, as reported by Die Welt.
  • "[I]f you look through history, where the Church slept, got diverted away from the Gospel, Islam took the advantage and came in. This is what we are seeing in Europe, that the Church is sleeping, and Islam is creeping in... Europe is being Islamized, and it will affect Africa." — Catholic Bishop Andrew Nkea Fuanya of Cameroon.


A country loses faith in its future when its citizens no longer dare to have children", said former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, mindful of being part of the "Flakhelfer" generation, the children used as auxiliaries of the Luftwaffe in the terrible days of the end of the war.

Thirty percent of German women today will never have children. They had thought that the society in transformation, selfish and consumerist, which is satisfied with a BMW in the garage, quiet holidays in Carinthia and in Italy, professional mobility, and silence, was sustainable.

More than a decade ago, the late historian Bernard Lewis warned in German newspapers that if current migration flows continue, Europe will be Islamic by the end of the 21st century. “Europeans marry late and have few or no children. But there is strong immigration: Turks in Germany, Arabs in France and Pakistanis in England. At the latest, following current trends, Europe will have a Muslim majority in the population at the end of the century”. German political elites - moderate (Merkel) and progressive (Scholz) - are at the forefront of making this prediction come true.

There is an extremely naive and childish climate of existential surrender. Think of the priorities of the German ruling class in recent years: gender change, the climate, liberalizing abortion even more, removing Christian symbols from the public sphere, and making society more "inclusive".

Muslims, according to estimates, represent 6 to 7 percent of the German population. By 2050, thanks to migration and demographics, Muslims will make up 19.7 percent of the population. Four out of five German Muslims are of Turkish origin. In the Bundestag, the number of Turkish parliamentarians is growing election after election: 2 in 1994, 11 in 2013 and 19 in 2021… But it is in the schools that we must look to see the future of a country.

Of the 2,787 primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia, students with a migrant background make up the majority in 994 schools.

“Segregation in Germany is proceeding rapidly: in cities like Stuttgart half the population is made up of migrants; in Frankfurt the situation is similar ”writes Roland Tichy, a brilliant editor who founded his own non-conformist newspaper. "The suburbs of Taunus, on the other hand, are 'white'. Berlin-Neukölln, on the other hand, is an Arabized neighborhood in which a policeman hardly dares to venture. Society is divided along ethnic lines because the capacity for integration has long been outdated. The vaunted diversity separates itself more and more every day into different monochromatic spots”.

In German cities, 70 percent of the population will be foreigners in less than twenty years. Journalist Michael Paulwitz wrote that one in three people under the age of 18 are of foreign origin and the number rises to 36 percent under the age of five. Paulwitz points to the demographics of Berlin, where people with a migration background account for 30 percent of the total.



Brussels: Capital of Europe or Eurabia? by Giulio Meotti, July 10, 2022 at 5:00 am



  • "Molenbeek would love to be forgotten, because it is the very example of the failure of the multicultural society, which remains an untouchable dogma in Belgium". — Alain Destexhe, honorary Senator in Belgium and former Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders, Le Figaro, May 3, 2022.
  • "[I]n the Brussels region as a whole only a quarter of Belgians are of Belgian origin.... Molenbeek is in fact only the tip of the iceberg of the progressive Islamization in all the major Belgian cities. Islam is increasingly visible in the public space of Molenbeek, and in the month of Ramadan almost all the shops and restaurants in the city are closed during the day. In many neighborhoods, women are no longer able to dress however they want or go out at night, and homosexuals have no right of citizenship. There are, however, hardly any voices to worry about this development, as if French-speaking Belgium, anesthetized in unison by the multicultural media, had resigned itself". — Alain Destexhe, Le Figaro, May 3, 2022
  • "Today the Muslim Brotherhood... continues its lobbying and blame games with its imaginary Trojan horse: Islamophobia". — Assita Kanko, Belgian MEP, who fled Burkina Faso to look for freedom in Europe; Euractiv, December 20, 2021
  • "The aim is clear: normalise radical Islamic codes and ways of life in order gradually to transform our Western societies instead of adapting to our European way of life. As a black woman and a secular Muslim, I know what it is to live under Islamic pressure and I know what it takes to emancipate oneself in order to finally live in dignity.... Europe must urgently pull itself together and reaffirm its commitment to its own values...." — Assita Kanko, Euractiv, December 20, 2021.
  • "Where will we be in 50 years? All of Europe - inshallah - will be Muslim. So, have children!" — Brahim Laytouss, president of the Islamic Cultural Center of Belgium, dhnet.be, March 5, 2019.
  • The greatest form of cultural racism in Europe today is that of EU elites who censor or support this spectacular change of civilization.
  • "Of all the European capitals, Brussels is the one through which the Islamist project intends to spread to Europe. Their lobbies are powerful there, so it is much easier for Islamists to break into the system and gradually transform it". — Djemila Benhabib, Canadian journalist, lecho.com.
  • "[I]n exchange [for oil], the Saudi king asked the Belgian king Baudouin to grant Arabia a monopoly on representing Islam and appointing imams in Belgium". The Belgian government officially recognized the Islamic religion. It was the first European country to do so. There followed the inclusion of the Islamic religion in the school curriculum. — Alain Chouet, former "number two" of the DGSE, the French counterintelligence service, from his new book: "Sept pas vers l'enfer" ("Seven Steps to Hell").
  • "Eurabia" was born in those years, the years of an energy crisis, European weakness and the great rise of Islam. Sound familiar?



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