fredag 8. desember 2023

Why: "The West has got to go"?

Her følger noen «dots» fra «verden den vide», i et forsøk på å danne seg et helhetsbilde, overtydelige tendenser, i det aktuelle bildet, før det er for sent.  

Det må stå virkelig ille til på universitetene jevnt over, i Vesten. Det var spesielt pinlig å «bivåne» en utspørring sendt på CNN, hvor vi fikk vri oss og se og vite, hvor dumt og besatt eller hysterisk akademia har blitt, og fortsatt kommer til å bli. Den som vil, kan se med voldsromantisk tilbakeblikk og sentimentalt betinget fredsfylte øye – i egne øyne - tilbake til 1968 og der omkring, og fremover, men her står vi overfor noe nytt og mye mer ubekvemt og noe som vil kunne skremme noen og enhver på en mer grunnleggende måte enn den gang. 

…The heads of three leading universities – Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – disgraced themselves and their universities during their testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on December 5th.  Asked what their universities were doing to combat anti-Semitism on campus, they gave talking point answers full of fluff and no substance.  Worse yet, rather than unequivocally condemn the pro-Hamas protests on campus calling for genocide of Jews and pledge to discipline the offenders, these university leaders tried to contextualize the hate speech.

In response to New York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik’s question whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” is against the universities’ respective codes of conduct, the university presidents responded that it all depends on the context. And they tried to hide behind the First Amendment.


At voksne folk ikke har bedre vett enn som så, nå, i dag, på universitetene, er i seg selv et skremmeskudd som er mer skremmende enn mildere apokalypser i visse religiøse skrifter, eller snarere enn bekreftelse på sannheten i disse, til en viss grad, bare.  



… Data collected during the 2008 “Six Countries Study” (i.e., The Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, and Sweden) from ~9000 participants (3373 native Christians; 3344 Turkish Muslim immigrants; 2204 Moroccan Muslim immigrants) revealed that 45% of the Muslim immigrants, vs. 9% of native Christians, believed “Jews cannot be trusted.” While such hostility to Jews among “fundamentalist” Christians doubled to ~18%, over 70% of fundamentalist Muslims were hostile to Jews.

“Antisemitism in Brussels’ Schools,” a 426 pp. study, included data on the views within the young Belgian Muslim community, primarily, 12-18 year-olds, during 2011. A 354pp. follow-up study of Antwerp-Ghent youth was published in 2013. 2,837 students in 32 Dutch-speaking Brussels high schools were surveyed. Muslim respondents agreed with the following four statements—i.e., Antisemitic stereotypes—at disproportionate, 3.7-fold, to 7.0-fold, rates!: [I] “Jews want to dominate everything” (Muslims, 56.8%; non-Muslims, 10.5%); [II] “Most Jews think they’re better than others” (Muslims, 47.1%; non-Muslims, 12.9%); (III) “If you do business with Jews, you should be extra careful” (Muslims, 47.5%; non-Muslims, 12.9%); (IV) “Jews incite to war and blame others” (Muslims, 53.7%; non-Muslims, 7.7%). Antisemitic Muslim attitudes were unrelated to low educational level or social disadvantage. The 2013 study of 863 students from Ghent and Antwerp, including 346 Muslim students, confirmed these results. 45-50% of Muslim students evidenced Antisemitic attitudes, versus 10% of non-Muslims, consistent 4.5 to 5-fold excess rates. Gunther Jikeli’s 2011 study yielded concordant results. Jikeli, a Muslim convert, conducted 117 interviews with Muslims from Berlin, Paris, and London, whose mean age was 19 years old. Jikeli affirmed the centrality of Islam, “references to the Qur’an or the Hadith (traditions of Muhammad),” in shaping the Antisemitic views of young Muslim adults in Western Europe.

Anti-Defamation League surveys conducted in Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, The United Kingdom, and France, during 2015 and repeated in 2019, assessed the prevalence of “extreme Antisemitism”, defined as agreement with at least 6/11 Antisemitic stereotypes among Christians/non-Muslims, and Muslims. Both surveys revealed a nearly 3-fold increased rate of extreme Antisemitism within the Muslim, relative to the non-Muslim populations. Updated ADL findings from Belgium and France just published in May, 2023, were identical. The prevalence of extreme Antisemitism among French Muslims was 62%, vs. 15% in French Christians. For Belgium, extreme Antisemitism was observed in 52% of Muslims, vs. 21% of Christians.

Finally, a lone study of its kind, assessing non-lethal violence and violent threats targeting Jews, was conducted by FRA – European Union for Fundamental Rights, in 2012. Uniquely, it queried Jewish victims about the identity of those who attacked them, or threatened them with violence, asking them to recall their past 5-year experiences: “Thinking about the incident where somebody attacked or threatened you in a way that frightened you because you are Jewish–who did this to you?” There was a gross 2.2-fold excess occurrence of non-lethal violence, or violent threats against Western European Jews, by Muslims, relative to non-Muslims, collectively, who held designated, “right-wing”, “left-wing”, or “Christian” views.

Current Al-Azhar University Grand Imam, and Sunni Muslim Papal equivalent, Ahmad al-Tayeb, during an October, 2013 interview, riveting on Qur’an 5:82re-affirmed, authoritatively, the canonical Islamic animus which fuels this global orgy of Muslim Jew-hatred, and violence. When no religious or political leader of stature spontaneously excoriated al-Tayeb for his public endorsement of “sacralized” Islamic Jew-hatred, I appealed to Geert Wilders. Alone, then as now, Wilders not only rebuked al-Tayeb’s statements, he extolled Pope Francis’ antithetical Evangelii Gaudium, which drew “the world’s attention to the indebtedness of Christianity to the Jews and their faith,” and contained a “sharp condemnation of the terrible persecutions which the Jews have endured from Christians in the past.”          her og her


At den kronisk paternalistiske Lars Gule er «sannhetsminister», besservisser og en en mis-moralens høye beskytter, og med en ikke aldri så liten verdensdiktator i magen, og in spe, er vel noe de fleste vil ha fått med seg, i løpet av de siste decennier, hvor hans stemme ut fra Universitetenes median og enfold og u-mangfold, har fått utfolde seg i media, med svært liten vektig motstand. Nå er han ute igjen med drømmer som kan koste mange uskyldige, men realistiske sjeler mer enn bare skjorta, for dette er u-hjelp sett med en postdoktors pannelapper. Man kan spørre seg om «det kommer» fra en innebygget fordom som hviskes ham i øret: «Jødene er hvite» … Poeng: Her skal israelerne og den jødiske staten tydelig vis høres i minst mulig grad … !:

Lars Gule: …  oppskrift på fred og forsoning:

"For i stedet for å gjenoppbygge nye og midlertidige boliger for flyktninger i Gaza, bør byggingen av boliger gjøres innenfor Israels de facto-grenser fra 1949. Dette vil bety en reell repatriering av flyktninger og samtidig avlaste overbefolkningen på Gazastripen.

En slik bygging av hus og leiligheter for hjemvendte palestinske flyktninger fra Gaza vil representere en første og delvis oppfyllelse av den palestinske retten til retur. Det betyr ikke at flyktningene kan returnere til sitt eksakte opprinnelsessted, altså det huset og de gårdene de en gang hadde. Det må bygges nytt i områdene rundt Gazastripen. Av denne grunn vil det være nødvendig for det internasjonale samfunnet å hjelpe til med å finne praktiske løsninger og å finansiere disse. Det vil bli en viktig utfordring for samfunnsplanleggere og representanter for de aktuelle parter å finne gode svar.

Bør palestinerne tilbys egne byer og landsbyer med relevant infrastruktur, eller bør de innlemmes systematisk i eksisterende israelske landsbyer, tettsteder og byer? Dette er spørsmål som må diskuteres av og mellom partene, og med bistand fra det internasjonale samfunnet. I et videre perspektiv handler det om hvordan den faktiske enstatsløsningen som nå eksisterer, skal utformes på en måte som sikrer likeverd og like rettigheter for alle innbyggerne i området.

Den siste runden med israelsk ødeleggelse viser at det må bli en slutt på den kontinuerlige krigen, okkupasjonen og diskrimineringen av palestinerne. En slik politisk løsning krever at respekt for folkeretten og retten til retur ligger til grunn, for uten rettferdighet, ingen fred – bare ny vold, undertrykkelse og terror. Derfor må Israel presses av det internasjonale samfunnet, primært USA og EU, til å akseptere og respektere palestinske rettigheter. Men også Norge må knytte krav til Israel ved et eventuelt norsk bidrag til gjenoppbygging.

Da kan det åpnes for både gjenoppbygging av israelske boliger, ødelagt av Hamas’ terrorangrep 7. oktober, og for bygging av boliger for minst en million palestinske flyktninger i områdene omkring Gaza. Dette kan representere en ny begynnelse for sameksistens mellom to folk som er nødt til å dele samme territorium – fra elven til havet."


Å vike en millimeter fra dagens korrekte woke-ideologi kan føre til at man mister jobben, blir sperret ute fra sosiale medier og får politiet på døren.

Samtidig slipper de som faktisk lever av å produsere løgner fri, gjerne med noen milliarder i subsidier fra skattebetalerne. her

Hvilken galskap får et folk til å oppføre seg slik? Kan folk i de siviliserte landene virkelig synke ned i blodtørstig barbari nesten over natten?

Vi har nå svaret: Ja, det er fullt mulig, og vi ser beviset i form av de antisemittiske massedemonstrasjonene som finner sted i disse dager overalt i de store byene i Vesten. Hundretusener krever død over Israel. Det de egentlig mener, er døden for jødene, som de – i likhet med nazistene – anklager for å stå bak all verdens ulykker. Derfor må de utryddes, og «Palestina fra elven til havet» må renses for jøder. her

Innvandring, u-hjelp og «klimakrise» har åpnet nye områder for ambisiøse politikere som søker anerkjennelse og berømmelse. De må argumentere moralsk og appellere til følelser for å nå sine mål, og utpeking av ofre for påstått utbytting er et effektivt virkemiddel. Det viste erfaringene fra oppbyggingen av velferdsstaten for ellers ville argumentene mot velferdsstaten basert på vitenskap og økonomisk teori ha vunnet. Tilsvarende er argumenter basert på vitenskap og økonomisk teori sjanseløse når innvandringspolitikk, u-hjelp og klima diskuteres. Følelsesladde moralske argumenter for politikk som angivelig skal bedre kårene for de fattige, nødstilte og upriviligerte i verden trumfer realistiske analyser.

Hareide stemmer i med at nestekjærligheten ikke stopper ved svenskegrensen. Hareide som mange andre mener at klimapolitikk er en kamp for en mer rettferdig verden. Politikernes forvaltning av moral er imidlertid per definisjon basert på tvang og vold og er derfor grunnleggende umoralsk da moral angår hvordan individer frivillig bør forholde seg til hverandre. Dette er et faktum som tilsløres av politikere, intellektuelle, journalister og andre og erfaring viser at befolkningen lett lar seg forføre av dette bedrageriet….

Masseinnvandring, u-hjelp og det grønne skiftet er dyre. Noen må betale, og det gjør befolkningen gjennom høye skatter og bedrageri (skjult beskatning gjennom inflasjon). Det er her moralsk argumentasjon som appellerer til følelser og dårlig samvittighet er viktig. Det er trolig umulig å få den vestlige befolkningen med på den vanvittig dyre og negative politikken på disse områdene uten å fremkalle dårlig samvittighet. Vi er priviligerte som angivelig har oppnådd vår rikdom gjennom utbytting av verdens fattige og attpåtil truer vi resten av verden med klimakatastrofer på grunn av vårt manglende bærekraftige levesett. Vi blir derfor avkrevd et særlig ansvar for verden og må betale for vår skyld.

For å spre dårlig samvittighet i Vesten har nye, bisarre påstander dukket opp. «Hvitt privilegium» er et eksempel på det. Dette er en form for omvendt rasisme hvor alle raser er like bortsett fra den hvite som er dårligere. Det hevdes faktisk at bare hvite kan være rasister og dersom Vesten etterligner andre kulturer, er dette utillatelig kulturell tilegnelse. Det foreligger angivelig strukturell rasisme i Vesten til fordel for hvite på bekostning av resten (skjult eller underbevisst rasisme). Alle hvite deltar i denne formen for rasisme selv om de påberoper seg å være antirasister sies det. Den vestlige sivilisasjon motarbeides og beskyldes for kolonialisme.

Se vår egen:

At kolonialismen hadde sine negative konsekvenser, kan ikke benektes, men dette brukes til å svartmale hele den vestlige sivilisasjon (såkalt cancel culture). Den hvite mann har høstet kritikk i mange år for å være en patriarkalsk utbytter, men også den hvite kvinnen er nå under press gjennom LGBTQ+ bevegelsen. Lover mot såkalt hatkriminalitet er særlig ment å beskytte ikke-vestlige kulturer og religioner og rammer Vestens egne borgere. Det er ikke tilfeldig at staten betaler frivillige organisasjoner (NGO’er) for å spre antivestlige holdninger. her


Westerners are not infidels, they are babes in toyland: A treacherous, nihilistic worldview is institutionalized throughout Western academia and celebrating Hamas barbarity is part of it. Op-ed.

… Why go to all the trouble to protect the Churchill statue in London from the hordes of pro-Hamas barbarians?

The Muslims call us "infidels" and the West "unbelievers", prey to the "Judeo-Crusaders", but we are just a gigantic Toyland. Our competitive nihilism always feeds on childish words. How “fluid”!

Once upon a time there were only two sexes. Now even a Roman emperor is “fluid”.

Until now I had agreed with those, such as the French philosopher Chantal Delsol, who said that the West would end up like the Roman Empire. I was wrong.

At Columbia University, the reading of Ovid's Metamorphoses is preceded by a warning to students, because the great book "contains offensive and violent material that marginalizes students' identities."

At Oxford the study of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid has been scaled down to facilitate "diversity".

At the Sorbonne, a performance of Aeschylus's Suppliants was cancelled. In England, the statue of Emperor Constantine has come under fire.

The University of Cambridge has decided that it will review the Classical Studies curriculum: "They have played a central role in modern Western colonial discourses and a significant role in the development of modern racism."

Signs of the fall in our Lower Empire have been growing since in 1988 Stanford targeted the "Western canon" with Homer, Plato and Aristotle, after the black preacher Jesse Jackson mobilized students shouting "Hey hey, oh oh, Western culture has to go”.

The poisonous message of these intellectuals was vividly enunciated by France's leading communist ideologist, Louis Aragon, in 1925: “We will destroy this civilization that you love so much…Western world, you are condemned to death…We will awaken everywhere the seeds of confusion and malaise. We are the agitators of the mind… those who will always reach out to the enemy.”

This treacherous, nihilistic worldview is now institutionalized throughout Western academia.

At Brown University - one of the pearls of the American Ivy League - Lisa Littman questioned whether all transgender people are linked to actual dysphoria. She hypothesized that it could be some sort of social contagion. Littman published her findings in an essay. Littman, the magazine and Brown University have been virtually kicked with accusations of “transphobia” in the press and on social media. In response, the newspaper announced an investigation into Littman's work. Several hours later, Brown University issued a statement denouncing the professor's work. Littman's career was now destroyed. She no longer teaches at Brown and her contract with the Rhode Island state health department has not been renewed.

And, in fact, the student body of Brown University has voted a motion in which the October 7 massacre by Hamas is called a “victory,” while the director of a New York cancer center was fired for posting against Hamas.

The Wall Street Journal is right: "Hamas's barbarity illuminates the crisis in higher education."

So in a large American university you cannot question gender (male and female), but you can define the butchering of Jews as a "victory".

Westerners have seen and re-watched dozens of Hamas’ videos, but many of them responded to such horror by convincing themselves that they were dreaming. And as it has been said, dreams are the guardian of sleep.

… his week we learned that in Madrid, the capital of a former Catholic country, there is a nursery next to the "Retiro", the large central park. “Sometimes we have to remind the owners that they are dogs,” the owner tells Le Figaro. “Because Wag Wag is a… dog daycare. For 7 euros an hour or 22 euros a day, your dog will be walked, entertained and socialised. There are now a dozen of them in the Spanish capital. Today in Spain there are more dogs than children: 9.3 million furry companions, compared to 6.7 million humans under the age of 14."

Hasn't the "hour of closing the gardens of the West", as Cyril Connoly called it, come?

Western civilization, the new Toyland, will not end like the Romans, but like the Olmecs of Mexico and the Anasazi in America: they vanished into thin air, the villages abandoned before the arrival of the conquerors.


Some non-ethnic apologists for Hamas formulate general arguments. Like many “progressive” academics, Laura Mullen, chair of the literature and creative writing department at Wake Forest University, justified the atrocities this way: “So it’s kind of a Duh but if you turn me out of my house plow my olive grove and confine what’s left of my family to the small impoverished state you run as an open air prison I could be tempted to shoot up your dance party yeah even knowing you will scorch the earth.” She went on to explain, “When 9/11 happened, I was asking myself and others, ‘What did we do to make people want to come and do that to us?’ That is how my mind works.”

Finally, Professor Mullen summed up her justification: “despair leads to violence…a human truth.” Note that Professor Mullen’s approach would be like asking an abused wife, “What did you do to deserve being beaten up?”

As both a general truth and as an explanation for Hamas’ exterminationist antisemitism, “despair leads to violence” is profoundly inadequate. As a justification for burning families alive, beheading infants, roasting infants, and violently raping girls and women and then murdering them, it is obscene. The most superficial knowledge of history proves that the causes of violence are multiple, and that despair can lead to a variety of non-violent responses.


We’ve seen this in the Episcopal Church with its growing stable of women priests and bishops that usually comes gift-wrapped with the “obligatory” baggage of theological innovation and political progressivism.

This baggage is essentially the reversal of centuries old orthodoxies.

For some reason, the infusion of the feminine into places of power in Christianity almost always heralds change, innovation, and a turn towards the radical.

This is manifested in many ways, be it BLM banners draped over church doors or around altars, or language purges directed at scared scripture that gives us gender neutral forms of address, such as phrases like Mother God or Goddess. It also comes with the belief that ‘the patriarchy’ is evil because it has caused women nothing but pain over the centuries.  

This tendency to deconstruct, innovate and radicalize has become a hallmark of women feminist clergy.  

The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests (ARCWP), to which Bannan belongs, has been “ordaining” Catholic women to the “priesthood” since 2020 – when 7 women were “ordained” to the priesthood by a rogue (anonymous) Roman Catholic bishop.

In their liturgies—or “Masses”—which can be viewed on You Tube, one can see the reshaping of prayers and the rewriting of traditional ritual that may involve holding hands in a circle (invoking a WICCA-like atmosphere), as well as the incorporation of peace and social justice litanies that could have been written by the DNC.

A photograph of a famous 2012 case involving a 92-year old Jesuit priest who celebrated “Mass” with a woman “priest” in Georgia shows an altar table draped in a white sheet littered with slogans like “Lay Empowerment,” “End Racism,” and “Open Communion.” This is the modus operandi of feminist clergy: social justice as a form of religious dogma as well as looking to non-Christian traditions to formulate a new (feminist) theology.

According to Bannan, counting the number of people who showed up in the rain to support ARCWP as indicative of the lack of support for women priests would be a misnomer since at least two thirds of Catholics believe that women should be ordained.

Two thirds seems to be a hefty majority, so much so that I wondered why some of the hundreds of people packed inside the cathedral celebrating the traditional ordination of six men weren’t out supporting the protesters.  

I asked Bannan about this apparent disconnect.

“I think it’s because of the condemnations from the Vatican,” she said.

“If you are going to be somebody out in your parish supporting women’s ordination, you may engender some difficulty. This happened in the distant past when a choir director was laid off partially because she was a very active member of our group.”

Yet opposition in the Church to women’s ordination is significant despite the two thirds vote of confidence from the faithful.

Writing in The New Oxford Review, Anne Barbeau Gardiner argues that,

“While some feminists have argued that Jesus was conforming to cultural expectations in choosing only men as His Apostles. On the contrary, Jesus’ way of acting did not conform to the ‘religious and cultural norms of first century Judaism. He taught women openly, had them in His company and disregarded the ritual-purity laws. Therefore, He could have chosen women, but freely chose not to.”

Additionally, Metropolitan Hilareon Alfeyev, a theologian and bishop in the Russian Orthodox Church, explains,

“…If the priesthood for women had been possible it would have been introduced at the earliest stage of the Church’s existence. But this did not happen. Up to the present day the Church has maintained the same order as was set by the Apostles.

“The fact that women became equal to men in many spheres of human life, including politics, has nothing to do with the church order. In order to introduce female priesthood we need a new Revelation as powerful as the Revelation of the New Testament, and the creation of a New Testament Church. Since such a Revelation has not happened, we cannot make any radical changes to the established church order.”


 “We re-commit ourselves to proclaim your Gospel of Liberation and Equality, for we are all created in your most amazing image.”

… In Orthodoxy, the work of French Orthodox theologian Elisabeth Behr-Sigel (1907– 2005) has become the ‘go to’ reference for affirming women in the priesthood. Since 2005, a number of (now deceased) male Orthodox theologians have registered their support for Behr-Siegel’s position, including Metropolitan Anthony Bloom, Kallistos Ware and John Zizioulas.

Orthodoxy then, with this fresh injection of feminist thought, is merely a couple of light years behind the Roman Catholic Church. The future will reveal whether the Orthodox Church– the Church that prides itself on being the bedrock of unchanging tradition– will change in order to meet the demands of the secular world.

Feminism in the Orthodox Church is clearly seen in the call for women deacons, even though this is based on the mistaken notion that there were deacons in early Eastern Christianity. While there were women who were sometimes referred to as “deaconesses” in the Eastern Church, they did not serve at the Liturgy and had no liturgical function whatsoever, but rather concentrated on women’s modesty issues during Baptism rituals.

Yet today’s Orthodox feminists like to pretend that the so-called deaconesses of old participated in liturgical rites.

Bannan envisions a future Catholic Church in which every manner of liturgy, traditional, innovative, feminist or Novus Ordo, would be given its due under the Big Tent of Universal Catholicism.

The phrase, “the big tent of universal Catholicism” falls flat on its face when one considers the anti-Traditional politics of the present papal administration.

… Another edition of EqualwRites condemns a number of male Catholic saints such as Padre Pio, Jerome, John Vianney, John Paul II and Augustine.

But special feminist vindictive is reserved for Augustine.

“…A man who used and abused many women for sex until he got religion and discovered that women were even too revolting for that. That man was Augustine and the myth was original sin, a made-up sin so pernicious that it permeated all of humanity and spread through the sexual relations he once could not live without. He, the great Augustine, could not be responsible for his sex addiction. It was those darn women who caused men, who were otherwise holy, to sin through lust.”

And here’s this same woman priest on abortion:

“The language of suffering has been written into the language of the anti abortion movement with the help of churchmen.”

Bannan told me she was optimistic about the future of women’s ordination.

“I think there are many people in the Church who believe in women’s equality, and I believe that some change is inevitable. It may not happen in my lifetime, but it might. But this is definitely a correct movement inspired by the Holy Spirit, I believe, so I think it will happen.

Bannan, at least, said “Holy Spirit” whereas most feminists


Diverse, bl a om at “the west has to go”, (Jackson):

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