torsdag 9. juni 2022

The War on the West - Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray er en kjempe, men få vet det og får tør å stille seg spørsmålet: Hvorfor?

Jeg skal forsøke å svare så kort og godt jeg kan, uten håp om å bli forstått.

Det kan koste de fleste dyrt, spesielt på lengre sikt. På kort sikt blir det bare verre og verre.

Jeg ser for meg Murray stå på en vid stor slette. I bakgrunnen aner man en by på et høydedrag. Dagliglivet går som normalt, dvs døsig og halvt i søvne. Vindmøllene ruller. Solpanelene ser kalde ut, men solen står høyt på himmelen. Fred betyr ingen fare. Vannturbiner er ut.

Med seg har han hundre mann, blant de modigste og mest beleste, kloke, lærde og intelligente i landet.

Mot seg har nå over 100 000 menn i skinnende rustninger fylket seg. De har også mye utdannelse, men de har ikke forstått f eks hva empati betyr. De er sikre på at verden ville ha vært mye bedre hvis bare de selv var den høyeste gud man kan tenke seg og hvis de hadde fått muligheten til å skape jorden, og universet, med alle deres innebygde fysiske og åndelige lover (bare noen få av tror at åndelige lover eksisterer).

De begynner først, de er utålmodige, de har sterke emosjoner, de har følelser som søker hevn, for tung tale: Noen har fornærmet dem ved å påstå at WOK er noe dritt. For sånt går ikke an. Men det går fint an å gå til krig.

Og det er en pågående krig dette skal dreier seg om, spør Douglas Murray: The War on the West.

Wokene har kanskje våknet nå nettopp. Alt går for fort i dag også det som går for seint. Å kaste sine spyd og skyte sine piler, det gir et visst kikke: Emosjoner «takes it all». Millioner av dem. Hvem vil vinne?

Murray har de beste krefter med seg, og de verste mot seg – og disse er blodtørstige, men de er dummere, mye dummere enn Murray og hans 100 menn. Murray har - i hvert fall - ett usynlig våpen som er sterkere enn alle våpnene til fienden til sammen: Ordene, den klare tanke, de klare logisk grunnprinsipper. Fienden har bare magien med seg; de tror de har større magisk kraft, ikke bare større muskelkraft.

Jeg håper Murray vinner, nei, jeg vet, at han vil vinne – på sikt. Men det må gå mye mer nedover før det kan gå – litt – oppover igjen.

Det pågår en kamp om kontrollen, mind you, og om hva og hvem som skal bestemme dine følelser og emosjoner og hvordan du skal emovere, om det skal lønne seg for deg å bli mer servil og mer emosjonelt korrekt, eller om du vil hente ditt fundament fra dypere sjikt i deg selv. Ditt våpenarsenal må hentes frem fra det usynlige dypet Murray snakker om: Ordene, den klare tanke, de klare logisk grunnprinsipper.

Mot seg har nå Murray altså en 10 000 mann sterk hær. Hvem vil vinne?

Noen folk mener at alle ting ville ha vært så mye bedre hvis bare de selv hadde vært Gud. De er både feige og eier ikke empati, og forstår det ikke, at de ikke vet hva empati er. De fremstilles og fremstiller seg selv, imidlertid, svært ofte som nettopp mer empatiske enn de fleste.

Vi nøyer oss med å trekke ut noen sitater i håp om at boken kan ytes i hvert fall en viss grad av rettferdighet og lokke noen til et forsøk på å føle selv, med fornuften, men først må jeg bare si: Noren føler aldri at det går rundt for en. Selv om de går fritt rundt i ring i tåke og dimman. De elsker å gå i sirkel og ikke komme seg av flekken.

Samtidig går jorden rundt og rundt – i dobbelsirkler, faktisk. Det er derfor rart at det ikke går rundt for flere.

Jeg liker å gå litt i ring, og å sirkelforme meg, litt. Sirkelargumentasjon eller selvrefererende argumentasjon og fremstilling, er ikke ueffent, og den er nødvendig, i visse filosofiske sirkler, når man vet at man har noe å gripe fatt i, slik Douglas Murray gjør, på sin eksemplariske, elegante, dyptpløyende, overflatiske, men like vel grundig fornøyelige måte. Han gir oss om ikke nytt, men likevel et nytt håndgripelig fast punkt, et eksistensielt feste, så grip dagen, sier jeg … 

Når jeg leser Murrays, vet jeg at jeg beveger meg i de beste sirkler.

Så til saken:

… in the years before the death of George Floyd, more police officers were killed by black Americans than unarmed black Americans were killed by the police …

… politicians were inveigled into thinking they had to do so to demonstrate that they were against racist killing, that black people were freely killed by policemen, and they should not be. That is why politicians across the West took the knee and gave speaches against racism … s 27

… Racism is not the sole lens trough which our societies can be understood, and yet it is increasingly the only lens used … s 5

… It is now over thirty years since the Reverend Jesse Jackson cried … there was something wrong  with teaching the Western canon and tradition … he chanted “hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go” … s 7

… even “civilization” itself … had to go. Ibram X Kindi put it: CIVILISATION ITSELF IS OFTEN A POLITE EUPHEMISM for cultural racism … S 8

They venerate every culture so long as it is not Western, s 9 … it now gets no credit for having got anything right, s 10.

… white people are one of the first subjects of attack … s 12

… as usual with bad ideas, they originated in the universities … s 16

Academics began looking for hidden mechanisms of racist to account for this … s 16

Derrick Bell – Stanford and Harvard - i 1987 on Critical race theory, CTR: … progress in American race relations is largely a mirage obscuring the fact that whites continue, consciously or unconsciously, to do all in their power to ensure their dominion and maintain control … the more places scholars could see invisible racism, the more popular they became … s 17

… suddenly academic papers were able to be produces, mots famously by Peggy McIntosh at Wellesley, that consisted of nothing more than lists of assertions … At it’s best, the shift from evidence to “me” allowed a stalemate … on the evidence of one’s own perceptions … throughout all fields of education … it not only tries to understand our social situation, but to change it … to transform it … s 18

Their claim is that white people are in their totality guilty of prejudice, specifically racism, from birth … s 20

Michael Moore: You name the problem, the disease, the human suffering, or the abject misery visited upon millions, and I’ll bet you ten bucks I can put a white face on it … s 21

2018: Robin DiAngelo in an interview on Amanpour and Company: White people find racism “exiting” and enjoy “indulging” in it … s 24 (Se om ringvirkningene av dette her I Norge:

… they claimed that there was a specific phenomenon known as “white tears” or “white woman’s tears” … “multiracial whitness”  - Washinton Post … s 25

… it becomes clear that white and black become synonyms for good and bad … s 26.

… 22% of people who identified as “very liberal” said they thought the police shot at least ten thousand unarmed black men in a year … some liberals, 40%, thought the figure was between one thousand and ten thousand. The actual figure was somewhere around ten … more police officers were killed by black Americans than unarmed black Americans were killed by the police … s 27

… the killing of George Floyd has been interpreted as commonplace in American society … 30

Ellen Page: It feels impossible to not feel this way right now … s 35

… people felt they had to come out because they had to voice their outrage at the world’s most powerful and influential country deeming the lives of it’s black citizens so cheaply that it allows it’s police officers to strangle … with impunity … (om protestene I Berlin, Brussels, Stockholm og mange andre byer). s 36

… during the Obama presidency mainstream publishers started to pump out books that seemed intent om radicalizing people from the cradle upwards … s 37.

Adam Rutherford (How to argue with a racist): If you are a racist then you are my enemies”, s 37

Angela Davies, political activist: In a racist society, it is no enough to be a non-racist. We must be anti-racist”. S 37

Ibram X. Kendi: Antiracist baby is bred, not born, and must strive “to make equity a reality”. The nine steps program (in his book) for babies include the suggestions that antiracist babies should “use your own words to talk about race”, “point policies as the problem, not people” and “confess when being racist” s 38

A racist: One who is supporting a racist policy through their actions or expressing a racist idea … s 40

The only remedy to certain forms of racism: specifically white racism for past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy … is future discrimination … We are all either racist or antiracist … s 41

It is also racist not to have anay opinion on the matter … s 42

Othega Uwagba: After the death og George Floyd she claims that her e-mail inbox became “a dumping ground for white guilt” … she tells off friends who asks her how she is and berates those who do not ask. “Everuwhere white shame looms large, sucking the oxygen out of the room, threatening to obscure the issue at hand. Even at their most penitent, white people have a way of making it hard to breath”, s 44

Murray kommer så inn på den storskala rivingen av statuene og han spør: What can have happened to a society for such behavior to have become normal? S 48. Murray går detaljert til verks. Idiotiet og raseriet er til å ta og føle på. Han skriver:

If you created a movement that sought to demonize “blackness”, then that movement would inevitably end up demonizing black people. As it was with old racism, so it is with the new racism. If you are going to demonize whitenss and being white, then it must at some stage mean that you are going to demonize white people. In almost any other realm of race relations, this would be understood. And so the logical outcome of all the antiwhite rhetoric of recent years can hardly be a surprise. The ideology has been pumped into the Western system in recent years, and it has resulted in a surge of antiwhite activities. S 51

I 2021 Paul Rossi, en mattelærer, ”questioned whether it was really right to label “objectivity, “individualism” and “fear of open conflict” among other traits, as characteristic of “white supremacy”. Lærestedet utferdiget en uttalelse om at møtet hvor dette ble sagt, hadde “caused harm». Skolen skrev: «At independent schools, with their history of predominantly white populations, racism colludes with other forms of bias (sexism, classicism, ableism etc to undermine our stable ideals, and we must work hard to undo this history”. Rossi ble etter mye fuss bedt om å slutte å undervise på skolen.

American law schools eliminate «excess whiteness” for their campuses s 55

Sandia National Laboratories have been made to attend male-only reeducation retreats to address their white privilege … Ernst & Yong has sent out e-mails to its employees urging them that “ it’s not enough to be not racist … Coca-Cola employees have been made to go through “ant-racism” training that aimed to teach workers how to be “less white”, s 56 og 57:  

I 2021 Disney told it’s employees that they should reject “equality” and focus instead om “equtity”.

Research showed that children as young as three “understand” that it is better to be white …

Employees at Disney were told that USA has å long history of systemic racism and transphobia and that white employees must work “through feeling of guilt, shame and defensiveness, atone by challenging colorblind ideologies and rethorics, and never question or debate Black collegues lived experiences, s 58.

The state of Vermont actively sought to give vaccine eligibility to certain groups while excluding people who identify as white.

American Medical Association, AMA, critizises the idea that people from different groups should be treated the same, and elevates racist “antiracism” into professional best practise … s 61.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield spoke at the UN General Ambassady in 2021 and told that she had lived racism, experienced racism and survived racism. She told the Un that America had “an original sin” and that this sin was slavery … spoke of sensless killing of George Floyd.  …”Original sin”  weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principples …  s 74

(Vi skrev tidlig om Floyd, her:

Murrays kapittel om Kina bør leses av de fleste; det er for mye å fortette her, jeg vil bare nevne en liten notis: A poll f young Britisk people carried out by Survation in 2016 found that 50 percent had never heard about Lenin, while 70 percent had no idea who Mao was. 41 percent had positive feelings about socialism while just 28 percent felt the same sentiments toward capitalism. 68 percent said they had never learned something about the Russian Revolution. A poll from 2020 found that almost two-thirds of Americans between the ages of eighteen and thirty one had no idea that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. S 80 f

Murray: They believe that we have spent the last generation covering over the dark parts of our past. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. S 84

Nikole Hannah-Jones claimed that the date of the arrival of the first slaves on the continent, USA, should be regarded as the true founding date of America … s 86 … America was not even a democracy until black Americans made it one s 91.

Murray pløyer videre I Columbus, Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant etc og deres skjebne under de nye ikonoklastenes «blodige» hender. Murray følger også Lord Nelson og  Churchill og avslører feil hos kritikere som Noam Chomsky. (A wholsale lack of ability to weigh up good and bad). John McDonnel, medlem av Underhuset, og en svært ubeskjeden kritiker av Churchill, priste Mao og viftet med Maos Lille Røde i House of Commons. S 127.

Murrays skildring av ikonoklasmen mot statuene av historiske personer må nærmest leses ved selvsyn skal man få med seg hele dybden av ondskap og hysteri. Murray: “ … you can begin to wonder whether we are getting into the realms of Narnia-like magic”.

Murray nevner altså magi, men går ikke nærmere inn på det, i motsetning til hva jeg har forsøkt å gjøre her på bloggen ved blant annet å mynte «hypermagi» som en reel «drivkraft» i galenskapen vi opplever. Murray nevner av og til følelser og emosjoner, men han har annet å befatte seg med enn å gå nærmere inn på hva disse kan «bidra» med, spesielt negativt, i form av det jeg kaller «servilt betingede korrekte emosjoner» idet jeg overskrider det heller kjedelige «begrepet» «politisk korrekt», som ikke sier noe som helst, omtrent.

Murray summere opp de betraktninger jeg selv har gjort meg angående dette å drive hypermagi ved å støtte ofre som om de skulle ha fullmakt til det fra offeret selv, men altså uten å ha det:

«In order for true forgiveness to occur, the parties involved must be not only the one who has done the wrong but the one to whom the wrong has been done. s 142.

… if the land you are on is simply stolen (from Indians etc), the Founding Fathers were simply “slave owners”, the Constitution has to be rewritten and no figure in your history de, then what exactily holds, deserves respect, then …

It became dangerous to concede that the West had done anything right. As the West retreated, anti-Westernism advanced. s 97

Han tar en kort tur innom Jean Paul Sartre og Franz Fanon: Sartre mocked the Western Powers for their efforts to create a native elite in the countries they had once ruled. He claimed that the West had imbued these people with “the principles of Western culture”, including “grand glutinous words that stuck to the teeth” leading natives to be “sent home”, whitewashed”. Such people had become walking lies, wrote Sartre. For Sartre, Fanon by contrast offered another way – “Revolutionary socialism all together everywhere”. S 97.

Edward Said bør her nevnes: Said’s central critique in Orientalism, 1978, is an attempt to prove that when Westerns encountered other societies, they did so through the lens of the society they came from … stort lunere kan det ikke bli sagt. “It would be curious indeed to expect Arabs to have looked at Europeans thorough European eyes … he, he. Said lothes essentializing in others, he indulges in it frequently himself … s 101.

Videre: Cecil Rhodes får en behandling han selvsagt ikke fortjener, mener Murray. Studentene ropte: ”Rhodes must fall”.

Ntokozo Qwabe: ”The structurral violence is like the curriculum, the lack of black professors”.

Og gjett hva som skjedde med Bruce Gilley som i 2017 skrev at «the notion that colonialism is always and everywhere a bad thing, need to be rethought in light of the grave human toll of anticolonial regimes and policies”? Jo, bl a at 30 kollegaer av ham sluttet I protest …

Den arabiske slavehandel kan jeg ikke komme nærmere inn på, men Murray peker på at araberne kastrerte sine afrikanske slaver og tok livet av dem nesten – hvis ikke helt - systematisk – og derav så få svarte i muslimske land. s 116

Murray skriver selvsagt også om Religion og om alle kravene som stilles til Vesten om reparasjon eller erstatning for tidligere tiders kolonialisme og imperialisme. Jeg over later dette her og nå til leseren fantasi, men Murray er alltid «fancy». Et gullkorn, som jeg har skrevet om mange ganger her på bloggen: «The opportunity to treat other people badly beneath the guise of doing good». s 156.

Murray skriver om Montaign og Voltair, som ikke akkurat var for høflige i sine replikker. Og også om Rousseau. Antropologen Levy-Strauss once demonstrated his feeling that the people who cams after Rousseau were not worthy of him and had not honored him enough”.

Alan Hanson wrote that white people “have lost the appreciation for magic and the capacity for wonder”. Hanson forstår imidlertid ikke hva jeg mener med “hypermagi», se over. s 161

Men hva med Aristoteles?: I Washington Post finner vi dette: “Aristoteles was the Father of scientific racism. He was transformed into the granddaddy of all racial theorists”. s 165

Stuart Mill: “War, in a good cause, is not the greatest evil which a nation can suffer. War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; tehe decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse”.

Mill og Murray “tenker» altså følelser mer enn man kanskje vil tro.

Hva med Kant? Kehinde Adrews: “It is the enlightenment values which really cements racial prejudice … all of them had a racial theory … but it gets embedded into the way that we think in a way that we don’t even think about it as racist. So we take someone like Immanuel Kant’s universal values of human rights – which is deeply racist – and then we wonder why the world is still racist … “. s 171

Murray: “the European Enlightenments were the greatest leap forward for the concept of objectiv truth … By contrast, what has been worked away at in recent years has been a project in which verifiable truth is cast out. In it’s place comes that great Oprah-ism: “my truth”. “It says that a thing becomes so because I feel it to be so and say that it is so. At its most extreme, it is a eversion to a form of magical thinking”. s 174

Og dermed fikk jeg nok en anledning til å vise til følelser og magi som vesentlige tenkeforutsetninger og konstrualer i dagens diskurs og i hele vårt kulturelle grunnlag i dag, i hele Vesten, som jeg har forsøkt si mange ganger her på bloggen.

Murray tar som en selvfølge også for seg Marx og Foucault, som ikke kommer altfor heldig ut. 

Og kirkene i Vesten? Dette er kanskje den sørgeligste historien av alle. Noen sier at kirken er blitt en forsamling av KKK’ere i felles bønn. Her skal det være mye institusjonalisert «supremacy». «The Episcopal Church has to stop being so white” sies det.

Hørt på maken … The old gospel can hardly be discerned in all of this … skriver Murray, som minner oss på hva Nietzsche skrev og snakket om ressentiment – et favorittord for Lars Gule, skriver Gule selv.

It’s a disgrace to be happy! There is too much misery! Nietzsche mener at “ressentiment is at its heart a yearning for revenge motivated by a desire to anaeshetizize pain through emotion. Someone or other must be to blame that I feel ill”.

Og det er nettopp dette vår elendige elite forsøker å drive oss utenfor stupet med i dag: Via hypermagi og servilt betingede korrekte emosjoner.

Tidligere omtale av Murray:

Diverse, relevante:


Hvordan vil dette ende? Sosialøkonomiske teser:

Bentam, Mill – godhet, hysteri:

Prejudice pluss power:

Et lite alvorlig flaneri:

Om Mill og hypermagi:

Om bl a Nietzsche og Berg Eriksen:

 Se mer om Murray, Collier og Coopmanns her:



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