søndag 12. februar 2023

Forsvinner sivilisasjonen når helligheten forsvinner?


De fleste vil bli ydmyke over et møte med universets skaper. Syndere kan ikke se Guds herlighet og overleve. Gud er hellig i sitt vesen, en allmektig Gud som ikke tåler synd. Derfor krever han den aller største respekt.

Bjørgvin bispedømme har fått sin første kvinnelige biskop, Ragnhild Jepsen, og hun sa til Vårt Land at hun anså den kirkens vigselsliturgi for likekjønnede som en velsignelse.

Biskop Anne Lise Ådnøy var ikke fornøyd med vedtaket og dro paralleller til amerikanske Rosa Parks, som nektet å reise seg for hvite busspassasjerer i et system som krevde at svarte gjorde det. Hun våget også å bruke Gud som argument, og sa:

Det er min overbevisning at de som kjemper imot at likekjønnede skal ha samme rett til stillinger i bispedømmet er på kollisjonskurs med Guds frigjørende vilje. Jeg tenker at dette er noe som historien kan komme til å dømme oss for. Så alvorlig synes jeg det er. Nå har jeg sagt det.

I Bibelen er det er nevnt over seks hundre ganger at Gud hellig, og det var en hellig Gud disiplene traff på forklarelsens berg. Dagens kirke liker imidlertid ikke tanken på en hellig Gud. Den forstår at det som er hellig ikke kan forandre mening, men deres egen vilje teller mest. En hellig Gud har blitt erstattet av en Gud med verdier som raushet, toleranse og inkludering. Og nå også frihet. Disse verdiene kan vi selv bestemme hva skal inneholde, og der ligger altså vår frihet.

Disse verdiene bygger imidlertid ikke på forståelsen av Gud som hellig, og dermed sann, men det motsatte. Derfor kan vi påstå at det Gud sa for to-tre tusen år siden, ikke gjelder lenger, vi har nemlig gitt oss selv makten til å definere hva Gud mener.

(Gjengitt i utdrag av en artikkel av Kjell Skartveit). https://www.document.no/2023/02/12/sannhet-og-frihet-springer-ut-av-guds-reelle-herlighet-ikke-menneskers-innbilte/

Kommentar: Veldig få vil føle noen relevans for dem i det som Skartveit her peker på over. Det er dem «knekkende» likegyldig, kan vi få inntrykk av.

Hva vil dette ha å si for Vesten? Vil Vesten så å si forsvinne av seg selv, selv-villet, i mangel av en hellig Gud, ja, i mangel av noe hellig i det hele tatt?

Mange vil kanskje sette sin lit til at Allah fremdeles er hellig og konvertere til islam.

Disse har kanskje ikke stilt seg spørsmålet om Allah virkelig er hellig. Mange vil kanskje forbauses over svaret. Se denne: https://neitilislam.blogspot.com/2012/04/allah-er-ikke-hellig.html

(Denne posteringen følges opp i denne mustreaden:https://neitilislam.blogspot.com/2023/02/kjre-russland-og-kirill-som-spion.html)

Videre: Ingen hellighet i sikte, med andre ord? La oss gå litt ut over landegrensene:-

a Gallup survey released over this summer found that 81 percent of U.S. adults still believe in God. The bad news is that this number represents the lowest percentage ever reported in that survey:

Up until 2011, over 90 percent said they believed in God, but the number has continued to drop, now down eight points from the 89 percent who expressed belief in God in 2016. The previous low was set in 2014, when 86 percent said they believed in God.

When Gallup asked the same question in 1953, 1954, 1965, and 1967, 98 percent said they believed in God. Ninety-eight percent. As recently as 55 years ago.

And the decline is most precipitous in young people. A Survey Center on American Life report from March of this year found that “over one-third of Generation Z, 34 percent, consider themselves unaffiliated from religious groups. That figure decreases to 29 percent among millennials, 25 percent among Generation X, 18 percent among Baby Boomers, and nine percent of the Silent Generation.”

The decline is also steepest, perhaps unsurprisingly, among those on the political left. The Survey Center report noted that 57 percent of them were members of a church or other type of religious organization in 1998. By 2021, that figure had dropped to 35 percent. That’s a 22 percent drop in as many years. A December 2021 analysis from Gallup found that one-quarter of the political left indicated that religion is “not very important” in their world.

… England and Wales: Only 46.2% of the population described themselves as Christian in the 2021 census, down from 59.3% a decade earlier. More than 37% claimed no religious affiliation at all, up from 25% in only ten years.

... A soldier-turned-evangelist there named John Dunn was charged two years ago with using “threatening or abusive words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby.”

Apparently Dunn told two lesbians he encountered on the street that the Bible says “homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

In court recently, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) argued that such language “has the potential to cause harassment, alarm or distress.” Indeed, the CPS went so far as to assert, “There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public.” [Emphasis added]

David Smyth, head of the Evangelical Alliance in NI, said in response:

… UK: to suppress expressions of Christian faith and to marginalize the Christian community. Try to imagine the British authorities taking a similar line with the Koran.

… a video recently emerged in which Birmingham police are seen interrogating and eventually arresting a pro-life activist who was silently praying alone across the street from a U.K. abortion clinic. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, director of the U.K. March for Life, was standing in an area Birmingham authorities call a “censorship zone” near the BPAS Robert Clinic when police approached her after an onlooker complained she might be praying outside the abortion facility.

Fox News notes:

The clip shows the woman silently standing on a curb across from an abortion clinic as British law enforcement officers approach her. One asks why she is standing there and responds that she’s there because of the abortion clinic. She denies that she is part of any protest.

The officer then asks, “Are you praying?” to which she responds, “I might be praying in my head.” The officer then asks her if she’d be willing to go to the station for questioning about her actions. “If I’ve got a choice, then no,” she responds, after which the officer states, “You’re under arrest” and claims she’s charged with “suspicion of failing to comply with Public Spaces Protection Order.”

… Social media lit up in protest over the video. Anglican priest Rev. Calvin Robinson tweeted, “This is terrifying. What have we become?!” Pro-life advocate Emily Rarick wrote on Twitter, “This is absolute madness. How can someone be arrested for praying?” Conservative pundit Lauren Chen tweeted, “People are literally being arrested for thought crimes in the UK. Free speech is NOT a western value, it’s a uniquely American one.”

The word “religion” comes from the Latin ligare, “to bind” or “tie together.” Faith in God is the force that binds a community, a society, a nation, a civilization together. When we dissolve that bond – in other words, when we believe that we, and not God, are “each other’s answers” – society will disintegrate too, into meaninglessness and fear, lawlessness and chaos, and an empty sexual libertinism masquerading as personal freedom. When a culture rejects the humility and sense of greater purpose that faith sows in us, and degenerates into hedonism and aimlessness, its end is near. …


Blir Allah og Gud bare gjort mer og mer like av slike som Kirken? Er de ikke allrede identiske? vil mange si. 

Se forøvrig våte tidligere artikler i det siste om religionsdefinisjoner.

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