lørdag 18. november 2023

Når historien blir historie - fordi islam sier det

Historiefaget og historieskrivingen er ikke den samme I dag som for 50 år siden og sannheten er da heller ikke den same, I dag. Og heller ikke I morgen.Vi vil ha radikalt annerledes historiker, helt andre tenkemåter og helt annnerledes tenkende og følende menesker om 50 år enn vi har i dag. Og det er - på en måte - vår egen feil i dag.

Det vil alltid være sånn, men noen ganger mer enn andre ganger. Jeg tør ikke tenke på hvordan historieskrivingen og narrativet eller anektdoten om sannheten blir om 50 år fra nå.

Den vil ikke være til å kjenne igjen. Med mindre du blir muslim, vil jeg si. Narrativet bygger på det vi kaller anektdotisk historieskriving, anektdotisk sannhet.

Tror du det ikke?

Tenke hvis du tenker slik, på følgende premisser: Du tilhører ikke er folk, du har aldri hatt et land, men nå sier du at jo, du har det, du har et land, og du tilhører et folk.

Ja, men historien sier noe annet, innvender du. Jamne, jussen er ikke den samme. Kan ikke være det. Må ikke være det. Og dette er en sannhet du bør ta inn over deg – før det er for sent … !

Disse er sterkt å anbefale, mustread:



Det spiller ingen rolle, sier du. Vi føler nå at vi er et folk og at vi har et land. Det er det som teller, fordi bl a FN sier det, og mange mener det, som ikke har noe forhold til landet og folket i det hele tatt. Vi har lykkes i vår propaganda og fortjener derfor vårt eget land, og vi har propagandert fordi vi føler at vi har hatt et land, selv om det ikke var der, selv om det ikke var sant eller reelt. Poenget er at vi har vunnet – media-krigen og klart å overtale alle politikere i Vesten om at det er sånn. Og disse har føyd seg, som lam og uskyldigheter selv.

Du gir deg. OK. Nå har du landet, du har et land, du tilhører et folk og du har en historie. Du har et land med alle rettigheter, presumtivt også med alle plikter.

Hvorfor? Jo, fordi «vi» har blitt enige om at slik er det og slik skal det være – for all fremtid.

Hvis du er enig, har du skrevet historie, og bidratt til å skape et narrativ, uten grunnlag i historiske fakta, men like fullt bli du tatt opp i FN og betraktet som et land og et folk.

Faktisk uten at du har rett til det, etter en helt tradisjonell, fornuftig og common sens oppfatning av hva juss er for noe. Juss er noe som skapes mens du går, sier de da. Og vipps! Så har du tapt din fremtid. For alltid.

Tror du det ikke? Vel, spør en professor og en ekspert på Midt-Østen. Hun ble intervjuet på NRK for en uke siden, omtrent, hvor hun la ut om hvorfor palestinerne er et folk og Palestina er et land.

Uten forbehld, uten noen annen forklaring enn den jeg nettopp ga over.

Ble du redd nå? Bare vær sikker på at det kommer mer.

For å få muligheten for en viss samtidshistorie, se følgende linker, og les dem gjerne i sin helhet, med det klare håp at en eventuell tåke vil demre litt, og i det håp om at du ikke går i ring inn i fremtiden.

Vi øyner imidlertid et ørlite håp om bedring, dvs et nærmere forhold til – virkeligheten:

Følgende er tatt fra Holvor Fosli på hans Face:

… "(...) blir stadig tydeligere for en hel verden at ingenting kan bli som før etter Hamas sitt terrorangrep og den etterfølgende krigen. Verken for Israel eller for palestinerne."

Hamas er en slik type organisasjon som bruker demokratiet til å avvikle demokratiet. De vinner et valg, og så trekker de stigen opp etter seg og innfører et brutalt diktatur basert på islam. …

Dette har "verdenssamfunnet" godtatt. UNWRA, Leger uten grenser og mange stater har pøst penger inn i "Palestina, både Gaza og Vestbredden. 36 sykehus på Gaza alene, mange av dem er sponset av islamske stater. …

Den arabiske verden har i alle år sviktet palestinerne. Nå må også de stille opp. Med penger. Med politisk støtte. Med press og kreativitet. Det må tenkes nytt og annerledes."

Jeg vet ikke hvor mye disse betyr, mange peker jo nå på at det er Iran som spiller hovedrollen for palestinerne. Regimene i arabiske stater er også redd for egen befolkning, som lett lar seg fyre opp med anti-jødiske slagord. De kan ikke la Iran være palestinernes eneste eller beste venn.

Med støtte i Mona Juul mener Skartveit at partene ikke må se tilbake, men kun framover: "For de kan aldri bli enige om hva som faktisk har skjedd tidligere, og hvem som har ansvar for hva."

Her vil jeg heller anbefale at partene danner en felles historikerkongress for å søke en mest mulig sammenfallende forståelse av historien. Det bør være mulig. Ogs hva som skjedde 8. oktober må man kunne ha en felles forståelse av, ellers vil avtaler om fred og forsoning bygge på sandgrunn.

Det er umulig for Israel å leve videre med en forståelse av Hamas' massakre 8. oktober som for eksempel leder av Muslimsk Dialognettverk, Basim Ghozlan i Rabita-moskeen, har ytret. Hans konklusjon, basert på at han tilsynelatende mener at alt som IDF formidler er propaganda og løgner, var slik:

«Hamas har ikke bevisst siktet mot sivile. Hamas har aldri voldtatt noen kvinner. Hamas har ikke angrepet eller slaktet barn.»

Her bør også venstresiden, LO, Amnesty og Palestinakomiteen kjenne sin besøkelsestid, og ta klar avstand fra konspirasjonsteoriene til Ghozlan, som vi får anta har bred oppslutning blant muslimer i Norge.

Jonas Gahr Støre kan også si at det ikke finnes noe "vi" mellom folk med slike synspunkter og oss andre her i landet. Derimot er det lett å lage et "vi" mellom oss andre og Det mosaiske trossamfunnet.

Fosli: Tilbake til Skartveit. Hun avslutter slik:

"Det må komme nye ledere på begge sider dersom det skal være noe i nærheten av et håp. Det synes åpenbart at det blir et oppgjør i Israel etter krigen. Det er det store flertallet av israelerne enige om.

Også palestinerne må ta et oppgjør med sine ledere. Det har ikke vært valg i Palestina siden 2006. Demokratiet må gjenopprettes.

Bare slik kan det oppnås en tostatsløsning, et sted langt der fremme. Israel må ha sikkerhet og trygghet. Palestinerne må ha frihet - i en egen, selvstendig stat. Så enkelt er det. Og så vanskelig."

Israel har i 75 år vist at de kan drifte et demokrati, med frie valg og regjeringsskifter. De har også vist at de er en pålitelig part for nabostater. De holder fredsavtaler. Israel truer ikke eksistensen til noe annet land i regionen. Palestinerne har ikke vist noe tilsvarende. I Norge ble et forsøk på å symbolsk opprette et velfungerende Palestina nedstemt i Stortinget.

Problemet er "suksessen" i 1967, da de erobret mye mer land enn hva delingsplanene hadde lagt opp til. Noe er gitt tilbake mot fred (Sinai), noe er annektert (Golan-høydene, av sikkerhetshensyn og Øst-Jerusalem), og så har vi "the disputed areas", Gaza og Vestbredden/Judea og Samaria. Disse hadde Egypt og Jordan kontroll over før 1967. Egypt ønsker ikke å innlemme Gaza i eget land, de har problemer nok med Brorskapet og radikale islamister (man antar at 60.000 politiske fanger sitter i fengsel).

Jordan ble skilt ut av det britiske mandatområde Palestina og Det hasjimittiske kongerike Jordan ble erklært i 1946, to år før Israel erklærte seg som et fritt land i mai 1948. Jordan har et flertall med palestisnk opprinnelse, og kunne kanskje ta imot flere. Det ville vært del av en varig løsning, tror jeg. Kongen Abdullah II har imidlertid sagt nei.

Vestbredden som del av en tostatsløsning kunne fungert dersom et demokratisk og avmilitarisert Palestina kunne håndtere en jødisk minoritet, slik Israel håndterer en arabisk. Det er det få som tror er mulig, ikke minst etter det folkemorderiske jødehatet som ble vist fram i all sin gru i oktober.

Å fjerne alle jøder fra Vestbredden, vil ikke bli akseptert av Israel. Uavhengig av statsgrenser, ser de på Judea og Samaria som del av deres tradisjonsrike hjemland. Jøder har blitt deportert fra en lang rekke byer og land der de har hatt tilhold i to tusen år. Omfanget og karakteren av dette overgår Nakba. …

The Islamic Domino Effect:

Support for Hamas will plant the seeds of the Islamic threat to American society from within, creating a Domino effect. Op-ed.


 Profiles in Cowardice at Harvard, The fallout of brainwashing and propaganda.


Where are the women’s rights organizations? Is it #Me too-unless you're a Jew?

'Where were you when Israeli women were raped, paraded and slaughtered by Hamas terrorists? Feminists in the Jewish state demand answers.


Fighting the Hamas supporters’ lies

The sooner we wake up and expose and marginalize evil, the better it will be for humanity.


‘Allahu Akbar’ and Oct. 7


Middle Eastern history in a chickpea shell,The appalling ignorance of Hamas supporters.


Londonstan celebrates the fall of London

Some in Parliament appease them because they want their votes. Others fear confrontation. The door is closing. Op-ed..


The ‘genocide,’ ‘colonialist’ and ‘racist’ lies

If you resent Jewish and Israeli success, you have nothing left but baseless slanders.


Five weeks after October 7 attacks, words still fail to capture their extent - opinion

"Inhuman," "savage," "barbarian," "Nazi" - none of these can adequately describe the level of depravity Hamas committed.


Genocidal ‘Khaybar’ Chant Sounds Again in London

A portent of things to come.


The approach is patronizing, insulting, and antithetical to the role that journalism is supposed to play.

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NR Daily is delivered right to you every afternoon. No charge.

Øverst i skjemaet

Nederst i skjemaet

The coverage in the United States of the war between Israel and Hamas is comically lopsided in the Palestinians’ favor. That much is not in question. But the reasons for the disparity are worth teasing out.


Muslim Antisemitism and the Western Left

The pro-Hamas demonstrations are driven by the identification of Israel with “colonialism” and the idea that the Palestinians are anti-colonialists. This approach is based on ignorance.


No one can deny Hamas’ aim is to kill Jews — it fully admits it


 Anne Akbar. In Europe, the Palestinian Arabs are the new Jews

How did we come to erase the Jewish girl from Frankfurt who hid in Amsterdam while "new Germans” attack Jews? Masterstroke, Doktor Goebbels!


“Proportionality” in response to terror - antisemitism by another name

Though goodwill would be welcome from those who recognize the existential threats routinely faced by the Jewish nation, it’s not a prerequisite for the exercise of Israeli strength. Op-ed.



Exposé : How Western intellectuals greeted Khomeini’s Islamic apocalypse

The ayatollah left behind piles of corpses while building a 'paradise on earth', like the communists, but elite Western fools called it 'democracy' and 'progress,' bringing Islamic hell upon Iranians and the world Op-ed.


For most of the 20th century, Sweden was held up as the very model of a modern welfare state: prosperous and peaceful, a example of social cohesion that was the product not of “diversity,” but of the very lack of “diversity.” That homogeneous Sweden is no longer. The description of quite a different Sweden, the result of more than 1.2 million immigrants, mostly from Muslim countries, can be found here: “Suicidal Sweden: Woman Gang-Raped in a Park by Five Teenage Syrian Muslim Migrants,” by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation, December 26, 2022 (also, a Jihad Watch report on this incident, featuring a translation from a Swedish news source, is here).



When the word “Islamophobia” first became current many years ago, I was sure it wouldn’t catch on. People, I thought, would quickly see that it was a gimmick—an obvious attempt to capitalize on “homophobia.” It was also an obvious attempt to stigmatize discussion and/or criticism of Islam as hateful.



Brussels: Capital of Europe or Eurabia?

by Giulio Meotti, July 10, 2022 at 5:00 am

  • "Molenbeek would love to be forgotten, because it is the very example of the failure of the multicultural society, which remains an untouchable dogma in Belgium". — Alain Destexhe, honorary Senator in Belgium and former Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders, Le Figaro, May 3, 2022.
  • "[I]n the Brussels region as a whole only a quarter of Belgians are of Belgian origin.... Molenbeek is in fact only the tip of the iceberg of the progressive Islamization in all the major Belgian cities. Islam is increasingly visible in the public space of Molenbeek, and in the month of Ramadan almost all the shops and restaurants in the city are closed during the day. In many neighborhoods, women are no longer able to dress however they want or go out at night, and homosexuals have no right of citizenship. There are, however, hardly any voices to worry about this development, as if French-speaking Belgium, anesthetized in unison by the multicultural media, had resigned itself". — Alain Destexhe, Le Figaro, May 3, 2022
  • "Today the Muslim Brotherhood... continues its lobbying and blame games with its imaginary Trojan horse: Islamophobia". — Assita Kanko, Belgian MEP, who fled Burkina Faso to look for freedom in Europe; Euractiv, December 20, 2021
  • "The aim is clear: normalise radical Islamic codes and ways of life in order gradually to transform our Western societies instead of adapting to our European way of life. As a black woman and a secular Muslim, I know what it is to live under Islamic pressure and I know what it takes to emancipate oneself in order to finally live in dignity.... Europe must urgently pull itself together and reaffirm its commitment to its own values...." — Assita Kanko, Euractiv, December 20, 2021.
  • "Where will we be in 50 years? All of Europe - inshallah - will be Muslim. So, have children!" — Brahim Laytouss, president of the Islamic Cultural Center of Belgium, dhnet.be, March 5, 2019.
  • The greatest form of cultural racism in Europe today is that of EU elites who censor or support this spectacular change of civilization.
  • "Of all the European capitals, Brussels is the one through which the Islamist project intends to spread to Europe. Their lobbies are powerful there, so it is much easier for Islamists to break into the system and gradually transform it". — Djemila Benhabib, Canadian journalist, lecho.com.
  • "[I]n exchange [for oil], the Saudi king asked the Belgian king Baudouin to grant Arabia a monopoly on representing Islam and appointing imams in Belgium". The Belgian government officially recognized the Islamic religion. It was the first European country to do so. There followed the inclusion of the Islamic religion in the school curriculum. — Alain Chouet, former "number two" of the DGSE, the French counterintelligence service, from his new book: "Sept pas vers l'enfer" ("Seven Steps to Hell").
  • "Eurabia" was born in those years, the years of an energy crisis, European weakness and the great rise of Islam. Sound familiar?


… since when did Islamic terrorists that regularly preach hate for the other ever need a reason or excuse to make the lives of non-Muslims, chief among them Christians, miserable? Since July 2011, for instance, I have been compiling monthly "Muslim Persecution of Christians" reports (published by Gatestone Institute). In virtually every one of these monthly reports, Muslims bomb, burn, or ban churches and generally terrorize Christians. Are we seriously to believe this is all due to Muslim "grievances" against the disempowered Christian minorities in their midst?

Even the Muslim terrorists who cite "grievances" often let out the truth behind their actions. For example, in 2021, Muslims videotaped the murder of yet another Christian, Nabil Salma, in the Sinai region. In the video, the terrorists falsely accused the Copt of building a church which was "cooperating with the Egyptian army's and intelligence's war on the Islamic State." Yet, immediately before murdering Salma, the speaker standing behind him said this:

All praise to Allah, who ordered his slaves [Muslims] to fight and who assigned humiliation onto the infidels [this latter part was said while the terrorist contemptuously pointed at the bound and kneeling man before him] until they pay the jizya while feeling utterly subdued.

This, of course, is a paraphrasing of Koran 9:29, which commands Muslims to wage jihad against the "People of the Book -- Christians and Jews -- until they pay tribute and feel themselves utterly subdued. Note: the Koran does not cite any grievances against Christians and Jews -- except, of course, for the fact that they are Christians and Jews, that is, infidels, who reject the authority of Muhammad, and are therefore the enemy.


On ‘Palestinian Privilege’

The idea is based on the presumption that there are groups of people who gain advantage or become entitled—unearned, exclusive and socially conferred—to the detriment of others.

The concept of privilege has become a principled pillar of contemporary discourse. It is based on the presumption that there are groups of people who gain advantage or become entitled—unearned, exclusive and socially conferred—to the detriment of others. This privilege creates a hierarchy of oppression that furthers an unjust status quo simply by belonging to a group. This privilege provides dominance, identification and centeredness.

Most often, it is directed at persons perceived to be “white.” Recently, Jews are being targeted as possessing “white privilege” as a replacement anti-Semitic trope to blame all Jews as being smart, rich or simply somehow superior. Remarkably, it was Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, who was quoted in 2016 as observing, “There’s no doubt that the vast majority of American Jews live with what we would call white privilege,” thus lending credibility to the canard.


 ... Sami al-Arian was born in Kuwait to Palestinian parents and spent the latter part of his childhood in Cairo, Egypt. He arrived in the United States as a student, in 1975. Four years later, he was back in Egypt to marry his best friend Mazen al-Najjar’s sister and help lay the groundwork for what is known today as “Palestinian Islamic Jihad.” Both al-Arian and al-Najjar would create a PIJ infrastructure within Temple Terrace, consisting of a think tank, World and Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE), a charity, Islamic Concern Project (ICP), a mosque, Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), and a children’s school, Islamic Academy of Florida (IAF).

In February 2003, al-Arian was indicted along with seven others – half of whom were overseas and not subject to extradition – on charges of “operating a racketeering enterprise… that supported numerous violent terrorist activities associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.” Following a long-drawn-out trial, al-Arian and one other defendant, Hatem Naji Fariz, were convicted of providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

According to the indictment against him, Fariz “was a PIJ member” and did “conspire… to commit offenses against the United States… by making and receiving contributions of funds, goods, and services to or for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.” Among other things, the indictment discusses how Fariz laughed and made light of a June 2002 PIJ suicide bombing that had just taken place in northern Israel, which ended the lives of 17 people and which his PIJ colleague described to him as being “successful.”



Profiles in Cowardice at Harvar, The fallout of brainwashing and propaganda.


 Israel is Always to Blame, Which side are you on?


Still Delusional After All These Years, Obama, Hamas and the venerable doctrine of Islam.

November 15, 2023 by Bruce Thornton



Hamas Supporters: Residing in a Neighborhood Near You, The sooner we wake up, the better it will be for humanity. November 15, 2023 by Dr. Shmuel Katz 20 Comments

Deception, misinformation, and incitement are even being promoted by some members of Congress. Rashida Talib, Cory Bush, Ilhan Omar, and others are disseminating lies and deception to incite their audiences and advance the agenda of the radical Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations. These organizations and many others are being nurtured, financed, and trained by the biggest supporter of international terrorism: the aggressive Iranian regime.

One of the most blatant recent examples of the psychological warfare they are employing is the blood libel against Israel. Promoters of this blood libel accuse Israel of intentionally bombing a Gaza hospital and causing hundreds of casualties, despite the overwhelming evidence, which was documented by both Israeli and US intelligence services, that the rocket in question was launched by Islamic Jihad terrorists. This rocket hit the parking lot of the hospital and caused a limited number of casualties.

Obviously, the current attacks on the State of Israel and its citizens are not distinguishing between Jews, Christians, Muslims, or anybody else. But it should not be ignored that the entire free world is also facing the serious long-term risk of incitement of ignorant individuals by the leadership of Radical Islam and other groups promoting radical ideologies.

It was very well-documented that multiple anti-Western entities have been promoting worldwide unrest by exploiting the ignorance of students, journalists, politicians, and others. Hopefully, once all these people realize that their own skin may be in the game, they will wake up and stand up against evil, and support a peaceful coexistence among all people.

As documented by Ben Shapiro and others, some of the most oft-used deceptive claims against Israel include:

1. The lie that the land of Israel was always a Muslim territory.

The land of Israel was historically a Jewish territory, documented clearly in the Bible and with archeological evidence. The Jews entered the land of Israel in 1400 BCE. They established there the kingdoms of King David and King Solomon, they built their two Temples, and much more. The latest Exile of the Jews from their ancestral homeland occurred after the defeat of the Jews by the Romans in about 130 CE. Despite the Exile, throughout the centuries there were always Jews in the Land of Israel. In an attempt to disconnect the Jews from their land, the Romans renamed the Land of Israel “Palestina” and they renamed the city of Jerusalem “Aleah Capitoline.” Islam was founded only during the 7th century CE, which is many hundreds of years after the documented Jewish presence in the land of Israel! The fact is that never, in the history of the world, did a country by the name of “Palestine” exist in the land of Israel!!

2. The lie that Israel refused the partition of the disputed Land of Israel with its neighbors.

In the 1917 Balfour Declaration Britain endorsed the “Zionist aspirations” to reestablish the Jewish homeland in Palestine and promised to “facilitate” the effort. In 1920, the Covenant of the League of Nations adopted this promise and turned it into International Law. In 1920, the Arabs instigated deadly anti-Jewish riots in the city of Jerusalem out of anger at the British presence in Palestine. In 1922, Britain cut off about 77% of the territory of the Palestine Mandate to Jewish people and gave it over to the Hashemites, who, in turn, created the state of Trans-Jordan in 1946. This was essentially a two-state solution, whereby most of the original territory of the British mandate to Palestine, which was supposed to become the modern homeland of the Jewish people, became the state of Trans-Jordan.

In 1937, the Peel Commission recommended a further partition of the remaining 23% of the Land of Israel. In 1939, under Arab pressure, the British further restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine (even from Nazi Germany) on the eve of the Second World War. Despite all this, the Jews supported the British, and most Arabs supported Nazi Germany. In 1948 the British Mandate to Palestine ended. In accordance with the United Nations Partition Resolution, and in accordance with the legal favorable vote by the United Nations, the State of Israel was established on about 10% of the land included in the original British Mandate to Palestine and became an official member of the United Nations. Israel asked the local Arabs to become a part of the reestablished Jewish state in its ancestral homeland, but on the same day, surrounding Arab states, along with many local Arabs, started a war to destroy it.

In 1964, while the Arabs were still in control of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and Gaza, the Palestine Liberation Organization was founded, with the intent to destroy the State of Israel. In 1967, Arab countries tried again to destroy Israel, but they were defeated in what was later called the “Six-Day War.” Following the war, the Arab League announced the famous three No’s: No Peace, No Negotiation, and No Recognition of Israel. In 1973, during Yom Kippur, Arab countries launched another all-out war with the intent to destroy Israel once again. Since then, peace agreements were achieved with Egypt in 1979, with Jordan in 1994, and with the UAE, Sudan, Morocco, and Bahrain in 2020 via the Abraham Accords.

Despite the “Oslo Accords,” which were signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority in 1993, the Palestinians continued their traditional hostilities and refused to recognize the Jewish State within any borders. The Palestinians continued with multiple destructive and indiscriminate terror attacks despite very generous peace offers, which included relinquishing to the Arab Palestinians more than 95% of the disputed land. These generous offers to settle the dispute were made by various Israeli Prime Ministers and mediated by various American Presidents, but the Arab Palestinians refused to accept any of them. In 2005, Israel left 100% of the land of Gaza hoping that the Arab Palestinians would create the Singapore or Monaco of the Middle East there, but instead, they created a vicious terror state that did not care about their own people or about any other people. Under the guidance and financial and political support of the biggest sponsor of international terrorism, the Iranian regime, Hamas, and Hezbollah became its ruthless proxies and helped to undermine international stability. Israel was defined as “The Little Satan”, while the USA was crowned “The Great Satan!”

3. The lie about Israel expelling most of the Arab Palestinians from the territories that were held by the British Mandate.

Upon the creation of the modern State of Israel, local Arabs were offered to become equal partners in building the country. In fact, many thousands of Arabs accepted the offer and became citizens of Israel with equal rights, but too many listened to the corrupt Arab leadership’s propaganda and instead became involved in a brutal military confrontation with Israel. Many others just left the country, even before the escalation of the military confrontation, hoping to return after the destruction of the Jewish state. The estimated number of these Arab refugees from the 1948 War was about 500,000. At the same time, the State of Israel absorbed about 800,000 Jewish refugees from Arab lands.

4. The lie that Israel is an apartheid state.

In Israel, all citizens, should they be Jews, Arabs, Christians, or others, have equal rights under the law.

Israel has Arab members of the Parliament. Arab citizens of Israel have served on the Supreme Court and are employed in government positions. Arabs have freedom of speech, can vote freely in parliamentary elections, and can practice any profession they choose.

At the same time, the Palestinian Authority practices real apartheid by not allowing Jews to live or buy any property in any area under their control. The Palestinian Authority will give money to terrorists and their families as a reward for killing or injuring Israelis. Despite political differences, the Palestinian Authority supports terror attacks against Israelis, including the most recent unprovoked vicious terror assault on Israel that claimed the lives of more than 1,400 innocent civilians and the abduction of about 240 innocent people. These innocent victims included babies, women, and the elderly.

The bizarre broad international support for the recent unprovoked atrocities that were perpetrated by Hamas terrorists and their supporters is a very clear sign that deception and misinformation are influencing too many ignorant individuals. Unfortunately, many of these people are unknowingly supporting evil, which may ultimately put themselves in danger. We must know the facts and address this problem wisely and as soon as possible in order to save the future of the free world.

The following are a few first steps that we can take to help the free world address these dangerous trends: …


 American Jews on the Left Are Just Shocked by Their Fellow Leftists Betrayed and abandoned.


Hamas top dog: ‘I hope that the state of war with Israel will become permanent’


Kirken oppfordrer til bønn som demoniserer israelernes motiver:

Israels "mur" er "ikke til forsvar, men til isolasjon og adskillelse, uvitenhet, diskriminering og drap". Slik vil Den norske kirke at du skal be på gudstjeneste i september.


Biskopene lytter til folk som unnskylder Hamas og da blir ordene de bruker helt feil

De norske biskopene lytter til en palestinsk kollega som unnskylder Hamas.



In the past week, anti-Israel protests on college campuses and in the streets of major cities have continued and grown in size. In Europe, the numbers of those expressing “solidarity with Palestine” are even greater as hundreds of thousands marched as Israel began its ground offensive inside the Gaza Strip.

The images of massive throngs of individuals waving Palestinian flags and yelling insults about Israel and Jews have been widely published and broadcast. So, too, have accounts of incidents in which Jews were subjected to intimidation or worse in public venues as aggressive opponents of Israel, who claim to be defending the Palestinian people, vented their spleen and sought to chase those who disagreed with them …


… It seems that more and more, when the reality of virulent Islamist antisemitism comes up, the fearful reality and consequences of this are deflected, and a disgusting false parallel of “Islamophobia” is brought up, hijacking the very reality of Jew hatred. 

Part of the problem is virtue signaling. Of course, no good person wants to be accused of hating Moslems. Part of the problem is that Islamists have hijacked the dialogue, and people now broadly equate Islamophobia and antisemitism as the same, just directed at different people.  Part is the perverse fear that unless we recognize that Moslems are also persecuted in the same breath as acknowledging the scourge of antisemitism, we worry they will hate us more.  

But the parallels between Islamophobia and antisemitism are about as accurate as the lawless Sharia “no-go zones” in many European cities where average Europeans and even law enforcement are afraid to go and the European ghettos in which Jews were once herded and forced to live because of persecution from non-Jews. 


Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’s massacre

Ninety-eight percent of respondents said the Oct. 7 slaughter made them feel "prouder of their identity as Palestinians."


… On the one hand, you have Hamas hunting down, torturing, raping and murdering Israeli civilians in their homes and at a music festival. On the other, you have the destruction of the military infrastructure of Hamas in Gaza, which Hamas—funded by Iran and Qatar—has deliberately placed under the homes and streets of the civilian population, who have been transformed by the terror group into human sacrifices. …

If you can’t see the difference, stop reading now.


What’s the federal government doing in response to a massive surge in antisemitism on American streets and college campuses since the Oct. 7 atrocities on Israel by Hamas terrorists? It’s getting serious about stopping Islamophobia.

The announcement that President Joe Biden has assigned Vice President Kamala Harris to work on developing “the first-ever U.S. national strategy to counter Islamophobia” can be dismissed as nothing more than a political gesture. It’s clearly intended to counter the bitter criticism he has received from his party’s left-wing intersectional base that is deeply upset about the president’s support for Israel.



UNRWA’s terrorists:The U.N. agency teaches mass murder to Palestinian Arabs.

What the Arabs cannot counter: Clear presentations of lethal indoctrination to murder Jews by the U.N.’s Palestinian Arab refugee agency UNRWA, as we at the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research have documented for 36 years.

Our footage and studies of UNRWA schools show that UNRWA arms and brainwashes Arab children as young as nine years old with a curriculum of premeditated genocidal murder.


The satanic alliance between the Ummah and the Western depraved: Now we see a surreal alliance taking shape in the name of civilizational chaos.The West is called to step aside. Opinion. Giulio Meotti:

And while the once unthinkable happened in Dagestan, the same is happening, but this time in London, where Islam is also replacing the old European culture.

Today Churchill's London no longer exists, there is Londonistan. In front of Westminster Abbey, hundreds of thousands of people marched chanting slogans against Israel and for Hamas.

“These are shameful times for the West, a point of no return from our descent into nihilism and depravity,” writes Alister Heath in the Telegraph. Meanwhile, the University of Cambridge canceled a performance of Handel's opera, “Saul”, about David and Goliath .

The cancel culture party is Hamas' natural ally.

In the aftermath of the Hamas attack on Israel, many were worried about the possible "importation" of this conflict into Europe. The formula was nothing short of delusional, because the conflict had been introduced into Europe a long time ago due to the rate at which Arab, Asian and African immigration was reshaping it demographically. Throughout the West, from London to Paris via Montreal and Milan, people stood in solidarity with Hamas in the minutes following the massacres.

And now we see a surreal alliance taking shape in the name of civilizational chaos.

Practically all the poles of the Islamic Umma have launched an assault on Israel which still has over 1,400 dead and many more wounded:

-Qatar, a very rich two-faced Janus, with American military bases and Ismail Haniyeh, who from the hotels in Doha from which he asks of the Gazan Palestinian Arabs a great pledge of blood of “women, old children”;

-Iran, which is pulling the strings of Jihad on Israel's borders, isfirmly in power after impressive internal uprisings and repression;

-Turkey, the second Nato army, which supports Hamas as "liberators"

-The theological sages of al Azhar, who call the Ummah to join Hamas; Pakistan and the other Muslim poles, with their oceanic pro Hamas gatherings.

-The UN, the corrupt body weak with tyrants and strong with democracies, justified the massacres of 1,400 Israeli civilians in their beds and homes by saying that it did not take place in a "vacuum".

-China and Russia are delighted to see the Middle East reconfigured for the first time in half a century. An axis of chaos whose leaders think their time has come. They do not hesitate to invoke "democracy", an argument aimed only at sublimating political and military impotence. And to delegitimize Israel, they play at relativism and put a state and an Islamo-terrorist movement on the same level, thus building bridges with European squares.

The West is called to step aside in the face of the "Global South" and to withdraw, geographically and symbolically.

In the West, the Israeli Jew is seen as a "super-Western".

And so "weak thought" - postmodern, relativist, liquid - allies itself with strong regimes.

The front of the old European Union has already cracked. Just look at how they voted at the UN for the resolution that doesn't even condemn Hamas: Italy and Germany and others choose abstention; Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic (the latter also proposed to leave the United Nations) and Croatia voted against, saving what little honor we have left, and countries such as France, Spain and Belgium took sides in favour. The second because the left is in government and the left rejoices when Israel bleeds. The first and third because they have a gigantic problem of Islam in their countries.

It is like when the United Kingdom refused to offer asylum to Asia Bibi - the Pakistani Christian on death row for ten years on charges of "blasphemy" - because it could have caused "violent uprisings" by fringes of the Muslim population English.

The Ummah, the nihilistic Westerners, the European countries afflicted by Stockholm syndrome, the corrupt UN, the new geopolitics of chaos...Who will save Israel (and us) from this satanic alliance?

October 7 will be remembered as a great test of civilization.



BBC touts Hamas as reliable source for casualty figures in Gaza

Nov 17, 2023 5:00 pm By Robert Spencer 8 Comments

The BBC article in question is here. Trusting Hamas for casualty figures today is like trusting the National Socialist Propaganda Ministry in 1943 for reliable information about World War II.


Dr. Taha Abdelrahman sees the “Al-Aqsa Flood” [the name given to Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israeli civilians] as a new beginning for civilization, a new rise for the nation, and a new birth for humanity. It involves discovering new values where individuals delve into their depths, connecting the apparent with the hidden, the immediate with the future.

The Moroccan thinker Taha Abdelrahman adds in an interview published on the Center for Civilization Studies and Research website: “Today, Palestinian resistance is writing the history of the nation and leading humanity towards enlightenment through the brilliance of its self-reviews, both individual and collective. It is truly a mature resumption of continuous giving, a creative inheritance of renewable energy in the paths of Islamic and human history.

As the “philosopher of ethics” adds, though few in number [those who took part in the attacks] it is significant in its trustworthiness and noble in its will because it re-establishes values based on divine qualities, re-establishes Islam on a sacred tint[sic], and re-establishes the spirit on divine proximity. The nation’s survival today and in the future is contingent on the resistance’s survival, and God forbid, its defeat signals the demise of the nation.

Taha Abdelrahman says: I witnessed this battle through the jihadists’ excellent preparation and planning, the innovation of means for attack and defense despite limited resources and tremendous challenges.

The Moroccan thinker believes that resistance is the act that contributes to building Islamic civilization and constructing human civilizations. He adds: The way our nation can contribute today to civilizational construction and human renewal is through “jihad” and no other path.

According to the philosopher, the vigilant Palestinian resistor has risen to carry this trust with skill, bearing this responsibility virtuously. He has undertaken it as the best burden and performed it as the best performance. Indeed, he is unique in this time.



Muslim prof at UC Irvine: With 9/11 and Oct. 7 massacre, ‘Allah has tried to wake us up, waking the Muslims’ spirit’

Nov 17, 2023 3:30 pm By Robert Spencer 6 Comments

We were told after 9/11 that the Muslims who supported such an instance of mass murder were extremely few, just a “tiny minority of extremists.” Now they seem to be everywhere. How strange. If only there had been someone who warned us at the time.



Mozambique: Islamic State jihadis kill three Christians, president says ‘this is not a religious conflict’

Nov 17, 2023 3:00 pm By Robert Spencer 3 Comments

What does he think it is? “The brutality with which the terrorists operate has made it clear that this is not a religious conflict, but a phenomenon driven by factors such as money laundering, drug trafficking, the squandering of mineral resources, among other types of crime.”

What makes Nyusi think the brutality of the Islamic State is against Islam? And what makes him think that “money laundering, drug trafficking, the squandering of mineral resources, among other types of crime” are incompatible with religious objectives? Can he explain why, if this is not a religious conflict, Muslims killed Christians and not, say, fellow Muslims?


“Muslim leader ‘Brother Ismail’ insists ‘jihad is the solution’ as he compares Palestinian ‘freedom fighters’ with white colonialism in Australia at Sydney’s Al Madina Dawah Centre,” by Padraig Collins, Daily Mail Australia, November 5, 2023: […]



Israel’s Far-Left Haaretz Asks: ‘Why Is the Cruel Sexual Violence of the October 7 Hamas Attack Being Ignored?’

Nov 17, 2023 12:00 pm By Robert Spencer 9 Comments

The answer lies with the Left’s alliance with Islam. Leftists don’t want to hear about atrocities that are rooted in Islam. That would be “Islamophobic.” And that’s women’s rights organizations are turning a blind eye as well. For jihadis, rape is a means to express conquest and domination, and to inflict humiliation upon the conquered people. But such assumptions are rooted in Islam, so the Left will never discuss them.


 Kosovo: Prosecutors investigate Movement for the Abandonment of the Islamic Faith for ‘incitement to hatred’

Nov 17, 2023 11:00 am By Robert Spencer 3 Comments

Kosovo is ostensibly a secular state, but the fact that this group is being investigated is yet another indication of how Sharia hangs over all majority-Muslim states, with many believing that it constitutes a law above whatever the constitution or other relevant law may say.



Macron’s Flip-Flop on Israel Is the Result of ‘Domestic Politics,’ That Is, Pressure from Muslims

Nov 17, 2023 10:00 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 6 Comments

On October 7, French President Emmanuel Macron was among the first to declare his solidarity with, and support for, Israel as it began its war to root out Hamas from Gaza.. Three weeks later, his tone had changed, and he has now been lecturing Israel on the need to “stop bombing,” which, if Israel were to agree to do so, would constitute a victory for Hamas and a defeat for Israel.


UK: Muslim activist once declared ‘We are all Hamas’

Nov 17, 2023 8:30 am By Robert Spencer 5 Comments

Imagine how embarrassed British authorities will be when they discover that what they think is “extremism” among Muslims is actually the broad mainstream.


Al-Azhar fatwa committee top dog: ‘Rejoice in the demise of the descendants of the pigs’

Nov 16, 2023 5:00 pm By Robert Spencer 16 Comments

Pope Francis and Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb signed an agreement a few years back about how violence in the name of religion is a perversion of religion. Is the pope naive, or evil?


India: Muslim mob attacks Hindus on Diwali

Nov 16, 2023 3:30 pm By Ashlyn Davis 10 Comments

There is virtually no Hindu festival that passes without rabid Muslim mobs mounting unprovoked attacks against unarmed and innocent Hindus. Last week, Hindus celebrated Diwali with joy and grandeur worldwide, but in their home, India, they were ambushed and assaulted by a violent Muslim mob. On Monday, November 13, a disturbing incident unfolded at the Kanifnath temple in the Rahuri region of Maharashtra’s Ahmednagar. A group of Muslims identified as Rajjak Sattar, Raju Sheikh, Ibrahim, Nasir, and forty others unleashed an unprovoked and violent attack on Hindu devotees. This attack occurred as the Hindus were performing rituals of the Diwali celebration and singing devotional prayers. Photos and videos of the Muslims physically assaulting the unprepared victims have since gone viral.


 George Galloway, Antisemitic and Demented, Denies October 7 Atrocities Ever Happened

Nov 16, 2023 2:00 pm By Hugh Fitzgerald 8 Comments

George Galloway, a former Labour MP who was booted out of the party in 2003 for encouraging Arabs in Iraq to attack British troops, and later lost his job on TalkRadio for his antisemitism, has now become an “October 7 denier,” claiming that the atrocities committed by Hamas never happened, and that anyone who claims they did is a “war criminal.” His early-onset dementia is reported on here: “Believing Israeli accounts of Oct. 7 makes you a ‘war criminal,’ ex-UK MP says,” by Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Jerusalem Post, November 11, 2023:


Osama bin Laden’s 2002 letter to America goes viral on TikTok, Guardian takes it off its site



UK: Pro-Hamas protesters surround parliament for hours, also menace prime minister’s residence


Six Capitol Police Officers Injured After Pro-Hamas Capitol Hill Insurrection


Virtue-Signaling Run Amok: Massachusetts and Michigan Cities Display Palestinian Flag in ‘Solidarity’

Nov 16, 2023 7:30 am By Robert Spencer 4 Comments

New in PJ Media: How crazy are leftists? This crazy: a couple of American cities have decided to display the Palestinian flag to show their solidarity with the bloodthirsty jihad terrorists who murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7 — no, wait, that’s incorrect. The preening moralists responsible for the flag displays in both cities would […]


BBC falsely claims Israel targeting medical personnel and Arabic speakers, then retracts and apologizes


Godhetsmenneskene har innført menneskerettighetene i krigføring og krever forholdsmessighet. Hvis dét hadde vært kravet under andre verdens­krig, ville de allierte måttet ta hensyn til sivile ofre for bombingen av tyske byer. Det ville selvsagt Hitler-Tyskland visst å utnytte. Akkurat slik Hamas gjør.


Oslos byråds­leder Eirik Lae Solberg (H) vil heise det palestinske flagget


Gaza-saken: Enda et blikk inn i «flyktning-svindelen»


Frankrike forsøker å skjerpe migrasjons-lovgivningen


 Tusenvis av britiske barn får fri fra skolen for å demonstrere for palestinere


Tyskland: Lands­omfattende razzia mot islamsk organisasjon


IDF finner granater gjemt i barnehage


Dansker som jobber med integrering, mister troen på integreringen


Hevder Hamas angrep Israel for å blåse nytt liv i Palestina-saken


 IDF finner tunnel på Shifa-sykehuset og våpendepot


 Alan Dershowitz: – Hamas myrder babyer på sykehus i Gaza.

Medier rundt om i verden viser døde og døende palestinske barn på sykehus – men hva de ikke formidler, er hvem som myrder dem, skriver Alan Dershowitz. Han bruker Tromsø-legen Mads Gilbert som eksempel på doktorer som videreformidler propaganda fra Hamas.

Advokat og jusprofessor Dershowitz er demokrat og kjent for sitt arbeid innen amerikansk forfatnings- og strafferett.


Storbritannia: Rwanda-planen under­kjent av høyeste­rett. Rishi Sunak lover kriselov


Jesus var ikke muslim, han var en jøde fra Israel


Se disse som vi posterte for mange år siden, fullt bevisst at dette bare var begynnelsen:





 Demonstranter i likposer utenfor Stortinget krever anerkjennelse av Palestina


Journalist frykter at terror­lignende «gerilja­krig» kan spre seg fra Sverige til Norge


Douglas Murray tar de verbale silke­hanskene av


 De lyver om trusselen utenfra, de benekter trusselen innenfra, og de vil kneble deg


Står Europa over for borgerkrig?


Hvordan kunne venstresiden bli nazister?



 Hamas-intervjuet til NRK-Wolasmal viser at virkeligheten ikke kan avlyses


Fellesskapskrav på feil premisser:

"Er det norske 'vi' et bedrag? Er det norske vi i oppløsning i kjølvannet av krigen i Midtøsten?" spør kommentator Shazia Majid i VG. Vitnemålene hun gjengir fra innvandrere om forståelsen av begrepet "vi" synliggjør et stort, innvandret fellesskapskrav der premisset er ensidig omstillingsevne fra etniske nordmenns side. Det er et helt urimelig krav, men ingen bør la seg overraske av at det framsettes. Selv statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) bøyer av og kaller krigen mellom Israel og Hamas "krigen mot palestinerne". 



Vil kreve tilpasning til svenske verdier for å få trygd

Det ser ut til å foregå en liten revolusjon i Sverige. Nå vil Regjeringen Kristersson kreve bestått kurs om Sverige og verdier for at man skal kunne få utbetalt diverse trygder. Å leve videre som om Sverige er en "minibank", åpent døgnet rundt, kan være forbi.


Britisk nei til Rwanda-asylsenter må ikke stoppe andre land

Britiske høyesterett har enstemming slått fast at en avtale om å sende migranters asylbehandling til Rwanda er ulovlig. I medier uttrykker flere lettelse, for de tror det er kroken på døra for asylsentre utenfor Europa. Men dommen gjelder ett land (Rwanda) og én modell (den britiske). Det er andre land og det er andre modeller.


Mangelen på kritisk journalistikk er smertelig

De fleste av oss følger nok med utviklingen i krigen mellom Israel og Hamas, men medienes dekning er nedslående. Det mangler ikke på informasjon om krigen, men hva som er sant er langt vanskeligere å få tak i. Hvorfor studeres ikke det "bevismaterialet" som foreligger? Hvorfor stiller man seg ikke langt mer kritisk til kildene? Hvorfor gjør ikke journalistene jobben sin?


Det er typisk norsk å synes synd på

Nordmenn er et merkelig folkeslag. Vi er så drillet i å forstå ethvert lovbrudd som uttrykk for lovbryterens smerte at vi kollektivt synes synd på, forstår og tilgir på ren refleks. Det bikker over i ren psykologisering, der vi til slutt fratar lovbrytere ethvert ansvar for å håndtere egne følelser og der alle ikke-kriminelle må bære ansvaret i stedet. Ingen er raskere enn norsk presse og publikum til å dele ut psykiske lidelser. Det gjøres i stort og det gjøres i smått, og det er typisk norsk å si «Jeg ser deg». Klokt eller produktivt er det dog ikke. 


Hvem er de indre fjender af Europa?

Den 7. oktober 2023 har vist, at selv på det europæiske kontinent har europæiske værdier stærke fjender.



De hånler av de drepte ungdommene: 

Det er rimelig sjokkerende å følge med i sosiale medier nå etter Holocaust 2. På norske personers Facebook-sider florerer det med arabere som trykker latter-emojer på statuser om de drepte ungdommene 7. oktober. Helt hemningsløst opptrer de i flokk uten snev av anstendighet, tvert om de fremstår som totalt empatiløse. Adferden reflekterer det havet av kulturforskjeller det er mellom oss i Vesten og den muslimske verden. Islams maktbegjær er umettelig.


I moskemiljøene spres en tanke om at Hamas ikke begikk terror mot Israel den 7. oktober. "Hamas har ikke bevisst siktet mot sivile. Hamas har aldri voldtatt noen kvinner. Hamas har ikke angrepet eller slaktet barn", framholder Rabita-moskeens Basim Ghozlan. Han er ikke alene. Marianne Sætre, en av hovedarkitektene for å hindre overfallsvoldtekter å bli omtalt i mediene, mener også at det er misvisende å referere til 7. oktober som "Hamas' terror". Hun peker på helt andre aktører enn Hamas - og tror 7. oktober skjedde med israelsk medvirkning. 


Det utenkelig er en realitet:

Over hele Vest-Europa og i USA meldes det om eksplosiv vekst i hets, trusler og overfall mot jøder. Vendepunktet kom med utviklingen i Gaza og de mange demonstrasjonene med et budskap som ikke er til å ta feil av. Vest-Europa blir dratt inn i jihad. 

Rita Karlsen Publisert: 09.11.2023 - 19:16

Det som var utenkelig i flere tiår er nå en realitet. Davidsstjerner og hakekors malt på bygninger. Organiserte trusler og hat mot jøder. Demonstrasjoner der først og fremst innvandrere og etterkommere har ropt antisemittiske slagord. Historien gjentar seg.


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