Vi må være klar over at «München» nå bare er en etappe på den lange veien mot en ny vidunderlig verden, - eller det motsatte. Fri fra imperialisme, kapitalisme, Gud og «common sense» og – essensialisering, (som vi har skrevet en del om tidligere). Obs: Husker du Lars, Lars Gule? Han så ethvert snakk om demograi nærmest som om det i seg selv var en slags demoni (ikke verst for en ateist å være!). Se under om hva Ayan Hirsi Ali nylig har skrevet om, basert på myndighetene egne utgreiinger).
For det er det «vi» til nå har bestemt oss for. Vi har sagt at islam egentlig ikke eksisterer (for alt er individuelt betinget og emosjoner er sannhet, (jfr Jærpe, som vi også har skrevet om tidligere), og da må vel dette også gjelde om 150 år? Eller i og under de neste 150 år, eller mer?
Mange tror ikke noe på at muslimer tror på Allah, fordi de ikke klarer, vil eller evner å tro på gud selv, eller hans nåde, rett og slett. De lever bortenfor alt forsyn. De er henvist til å forske for å skaffe seg empiri (noenlunde objektiv sannhet) for alt mulig og umulig, uten at de noen gang når den store tilfredsstillelse, enn si glede og fryde seg, på «orntli». Disse forstår ikke noe som helst.
Det er en enorm tabbe, en feilslutning, en pervers og nedlatende holdning, som kun har rot i perverse følelsesliv. Følelsesliv som identifiseres med toleranse, men som er det motsatte.
Vi skrev til om «New Orléans» for bare kort tid siden. Nå er det altså «München».
Denne er «følsom», dvs tvilsom, ja, farlig, for noen. Lider man av islamofobi? Står dt seg, er det tillatt? Eller kan jeg nå vente noen uniformkledde på døren?
La afghanerne bli, ikke sant - typisk norsk? Hjerligst:
Hvilken etapper smakker vi om – har vi snakket om - nå,
i snart 30 år, nærmest uten stans, men uten å bli hørt? Uten at noe skjer? Så
hva skulle da skje? (Vel, det har skjedd mye, nærmest litt for mye, men … ). Noen
med universalløsningen? Vi går fra hendelse til hendelse og dette er selve
virkeligheten, uten noen sammenhengende teori, strategi (annet enn at vi må
bevare og styrke vårt demokrati). Vi er blitt en virkelighet som bare hender.
Uten noen felles skjebne, det bar skjer, Vi er blitt en stabil tilstand. Enhver
sjel sin skjorte. Gudbrand i Lia.
Jo, se en viss historikk her, hvis du er glemsk, for glemsk
skal du være, for hver etappe, for hver «hendelse», du skal ikke ha lov til å
tenke prinsipielt, bare ad hoc, og du skal tenke på enkeltindivider, ikke på
samfunnet, sivilisasjonen, kulturen, historien, - din egen identitet, når det
gjelder deg selv. Med de andre, - mondo cane -, gjelder noe annet,
selvsagt. Det er en dyd å være hyklersk, når det kommer til «oss selv». Og vår
godhet. Vårt Emokrati.
Det er egentlig de som har Den store fortellingen,
som resten av verden bruker for å ta oss, med et smil. De dumme kan ha det så
godt, lissom. Ja, det er utrolig så dumme vi er blitt. Så lett vi lar oss
utbytte, bytte ut.
Og noen har bestemt det, tro du meg, fordi de ønsker å være
bedre, og fordi de trenger en spesiell mekanisme for å holde seg flytende:
Hypermagi; vær du sikker: de har snakket sammen; de har forbudt oss å være alt annet
enn glemske. Og vi har bestemt det, over hodene på oss selv; vi tror
ikke at vi kan la oss dupere, styre, suggerere inn i dumhet, blindhet, hypnotisere;
vil har selv valgt det – fordi vi ikke holdt ut å være mindre enn bare
supergode, superdydige, - en godhetsposør er bedre enn ingen posør, ikke sant? Og
de servilt emosjonelt betinget korrekte? De lever godt på sine gjennomsnittløgner.
Seierherrene skriver nå Den store
fortellingen. De serverer oss sannheten, selve myten, urfortellingen, den som
alt snurrer rundt, et faktum (som alltid må skjules), for diktaturet står rett for
døren, mens tyranniet får slippe inn og til, (jfr Rødhette og Ulven – I’m not a
shark, I’m just a Dolphin).
Vi lar det bare skje, fordi vi må, (men uten noen teologi om predestinasjon og forsyn).
Det er genetisk, nei, vi bestemmes visstnok nå ikke av gener, men barnslig snillhetsmoral for alle penga. Om 70 år sendes hele Oljefondet «hjem» til Afghanistan, litt om gangen, 2000 millioner er et musepiss i lunket badevann, og andre trengende steder, steder som til sammen begynner å ligne hele kloden. Noen bisper ønsker å innføre obligatorisk fotvasking over hele kloden, fordi Jesus vasket sine disiplers føtter … !.
Og samtidig: Det anses nå nærmest som en katastrofe at bare
30% av østlendingene her i landet bruker refleks i nattemørket! (Kilde: NRK).
Men se disse:
På tide med Frank Ferudi, igjen: On Tolerance, A Defence
of Moral independence, 2011. og dette bare for å anslå en grunntone i
bruddstykker fra en realist, som også er sosiolog, (så glem for øyeblikket det
jeg tidligere har skrevet om SAP … ).
… it becomes evident that the meaning of the term tolerance has
radically altered, mutating into a superficial signfier of acceptance and
affirmation … tolerance is used as a desireable character trait more than a way
of managing conflicitng beliefs and behaviour … so one can be tolerant without
any ferference to a set of beliefs or opinions. The idea that tolerance means
not interfeering with, or attempt to supress, beliefs that contadict one’s own
setntimentes has given way to the idea that tolerance has become a way of not
taking them seliously. In stead of serving as a way of responding to
differences of views.
… the connection between tolerance and judgement is in danger of beeeing lost …
The reluctance to judge other people’s behaviour has its
attractive qualities, it is not necessareligly a manifestation of social
tolerance …
… it is based on the strategy og branding intolerance as the cause of all forms of dangerous conflicts …
… differences in views are invariably represented as a
colutural accomplishment rather than as linked to individual conscience,
revelation or discoverey of reflection, education as it is an attribute of
identity … the beliefs and opinions aquire the fetishistic form of a cultural
value that is fixed and not susceptible to a genuin conversation …
Les også: Wha’s Happened To The University – a sociological exploration … 2017.
Se denne først:
Se egne:
Erna Solberg uttalte dette, den gang, ifbm terroren på New Zealand, som alle kjenner til:
Hun har nettopp sagt dette om terroren på Sri Lanka:
Esam Omeish:
Enhver som bruker de følgende termer, uttrykker islamofobi:
Islamsk terror
Islamistisk terror
Voldelig jihad/jihadisme
Muslimsk terrorist
Islamistisk ekstremist
Islam er ikke en religion
Islam hater oss
Radikal islam
Forby shharia lov
Sharia er uforenlig med Den amerikanske konstitusjon
Ferudi-aktuelt, utdrag:
Why am I not surprised that in the United Kingdom children
as young as nine are being referred to a so-called far right deradicalisation
charity? Because I have learnt that increasingly the supposed threat of far
right radicalisation and terrorism is routinely used to deflect attention from
the challenge that Islamism poses to the nation’s security.
… the deradicalisation charity in question explained that
the children referred to his organization were often well-educated,
middle-class white children “who feel lost” ...
The obsession with the radicalisation of white middle-class
children ‘who feel lost’ is not only irrational but totally counterproductive.
Cold hard statistics tell us that white middle-class children do not represent
a threat to the security of British society.
As the think tank the Policy Exchange reported,
Islamist-based attacks are responsible for 94 per cent of all terrorist
killings in Great Britain since 1999. Last year, Islamic extremism took up 80
per cent of the police counter-terror workload. Yet even Prevent, the UK’s
national programme, which is a cornerstone of the government’s anti-terrorism
policy seems more interested in incel extremists than is the activities of
radical Islamist. Since 2021, the number of so called ‘Right-wing extremists’
referred to Prevent has outnumbered Islamists two to one.
Last year, Islamic extremism took up 80 per cent of the
police counter-terror workload.
Unfortunately, there are very few public figures who are
prepared call out the appeasement of the Islamists. Instead, they prefer to
ignore or dance around the issue. Last November, the National Association of
Muslim Police (NAMP) asked
the Home Office and the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) to stopping using
terms as “Islamist,” “Islamism,” and “Jihadism” in their public statements[iii].
The group suggested that terms related to Islamism should be replaced by terms
such as ‘Daesh-inspired terrorism’ and ‘anti-Western extremism’.
The APPG’s report refers to grooming gangs several times, warning that it is a ‘racist’ trope designed to smear Muslims. There is a danger that the British Government will introduce plans to officially adopt an illiberal definition of Islamophobia for all public bodies. This definition, formulated by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims, warns that any criticism of Islam or the behaviour of Muslims constitutes a form of racial discrimination.
And that’s not all. Home secretary Yvette Cooper and security minister Dan Jarvis have both vowed to extend the recording of non-crime hate incidents to tackle Islamophobia[v]. In effect the expansion of the Orwellian notion of non-hate crime is in part designed to insulate Islamism from criticism. Its increased use would turn the police and the courts into enforcers of Islamic blasphemy law. …
Les hele, se link over …
I utdrag, (se hele: Ayan Hirsi Ali på hennes Restoration: "Restoration, with Ayaan Hirsi Ali" <> Dato: 10/02/2025).
… Britain’s demographic revolution continues apace, as new population projections are released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). By 2032, net migration alone will add 4.9 million to the UK population — a 7.3 percent increase, to 72.5 million. That’s due to 9,914,000 foreign nationals immigrating here within a decade. However, like previous estimates by the ONS and Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), this is likely to be an underestimate. If net migration remains at record levels — rather than halving to 340,000 per year, as projected — then we could see more than 11 million foreign nationals immigrating to Britain by 2032.
Britain’s demographic revolution continues apace, as new population projections are released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). By 2032, net migration alone will add 4.9 million to the UK population — a 7.3 percent increase, to 72.5 million. That’s due to 9,914,000 foreign nationals immigrating here within a decade. However, like previous estimates by the ONS and Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), this is likely to be an underestimate. If net migration remains at record levels — rather than halving to 340,000 per year, as projected — then we could see more than 11 million foreign nationals immigrating to Britain by 2032. The original source can be found here. This also obscures the true extent of demographic change. While births and deaths are both expected to be 6.8 million, there is an ethnic disparity between births and deaths. The total fertility rate for British-born mothers has fallen to 1.54 children-per-woman; but the rate for foreign-born mothers has risen to 2.03. One in three children is born to a foreign mother, and one in four to a foreign mother and father. In more than one in 10 local authorities, over 50 percent of children are born to foreign mothers. Babies born to West African women are up 32.5 percent; Indian women, 21.2 percent; and Bangladeshi women 12.6 percent. |
Nelson – se artikkelen - argues that,
“Only one major European nation is forecast to escape decline. The good news was confirmed this week — except no one, anywhere, saw it as good news. A third of this country’s babies are now born to immigrant mums, says the Office for National Statistics. New arrivals will make sure our working-age population growth proceeds at the normal, healthy pace. But the idea of 5 million more working-age Brits by 2050 has been treated as a kind of self-invasion, a crisis that our islands might not survive.”
What Nelson means by “decline”, or indeed by “working-age Brits”, begs many questions. He appears to think that if the raw population figures of Britain continue to rise, this is “good news”. Nelson admits that “Demography is destiny”, but fails to understand it is a qualitative, not a quantitative statement.
Only 15 percent of post-Brexit migrants came principally to work. Of those on skilled worker visas, the OBR admitted that 60 percent make less than the median British salary. (Both the Centre for Policy Studies and Centre for Migration Control estimate more than 70 percent.) 50 percent of “skilled workers” earn less than half the average salary — costing British taxpayers £151,000 each by the time they retire. If they live to life expectancy (81), they cost £465,000 each; and over £1 million by age 100. Karl Williams of the Centre for Policy Studies calculated that only 5 percent of visas issued in 2022 – 2023 were to likely tax-contributors — meaning 95 percent of migrants are net-dependents. For every £1 paid to the Treasury in tax by these high-earning immigrants, the more numerous net-dependents take out £1.60.
This article was first published on Ayaan’s new platform Courage.Media.
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