søndag 16. juni 2024

Hanvold - den oppstandne doktor og: Hva er tro? Definisjoner ...

Jan Hanvold er nå oppstått fra de døde, han er oppstanden, og så titulerer han seg selv nå som doktor (antakelig i teologi), noe han kan ha gjort lenge, for alt det jeg vet. (Han utbrer dette evangeliet på TV Visjon Norge, for de som ikke har fått det med seg.

Han nevner det litt lattermildt, og alle forstår hva han mener: Han snakker selvsagt i metaforer. Han fikk blodpropp i hjertet i fjor, i USA, og ble lagt i en svært teknologisk utviklet maskin, i koma, i fler uker, men kom seg. Mirakuløst, kan vi se.

Hjelperne eller vennene hans spilte himmelske herlighetstekster ved maskinen mens han lå der og ante ingen ting. Hanvold priser nå legevitenskapen, noe han for øvrig har gjort hele tiden. Det fins visst ikke noen konflikt mellom moderne medisin og tro, i hvert fall eksisterer ikke en slik eventuell motsetning for Hanvold, som selvsagt tror på helbredelse ved bønn, og at vi har en «legal» rett til å bli friske, fordi Jesus sa Det er (objectivt – no hard feelings) fullbrakt på korset, og at vi har legedom ved hans sår, alt I Kristus, altså, fordi det står i Bibelen.

Man kunne tro at karismatikken i dag er helt avhengig av den moderne vitenskap; denne vitenskapen er på sin side selvsagt bare i liten grad avhengig av den karismatiske troslære, og man skulle tro at dette ville skape visse mentale floker, men nei, det gjør det ikke; særlig er karismatikere svært takknemlig for dagens muligheter for å spre budskapet, misjonere, via eter og skjerm.

Men: Denne posteringen skal handle om tro – hva er det? Hva innebærer den? Hva forplikter den til og hva frigjør den fra – og til?

Hvordan er den? Hvordan få tak i den? Hvordan holde ut i den? Kan man bestemme seg for å få den?

Dette er spørsmål som tangerer vårt anliggende i dag. Vi skal etter hvert her møte en sterkt karisma-troende amerikaner som minner sterkt om Jan Hanvold, (se oversikt over «hanvoldartikler» her på bloggen under), - eller er det omvendt? Det begynner å bli mange svært aktive karismatikere på scener og skjermer for tiden og flere skal det visst bli. De ser ut til å «true» Den norske kirke, til en viss grad, (men den tause majoriteten er fortsatt betydelig).

Man biter på det karismatiske nærmest uten videre refleksjon og går inn i det med liv og lyst, mens noen angrer og baler med å slippe ut og fri. Ikke få forteller rystende historier, som nylig på NRK radio om «flukten fra sektlederen) og serien «Flukten fra sekten» på NRK TV. Jeg tror imidlertid ikke disse fortellingene vil senke eller forsinke karismatikernes stadig større grep om store deler av befolkningen nå og fremover. Tro oppfattes nå som noe helt annet enn hva tro var bare for noen få tiår siden, bevegelsen har vært i emning siden rundt århundreskifte og har hatt stort omfang særlig i USA,  redaktør ser skrømt og

Armageddon - wold og fykse tveit hedninger?

Den viktigste forskjellen, det mest dramatiske, er at mens tro tidligere refererte seg til noe spirituelt eller åndelig, så fokuserer den nye troen, de nye trosforestillingene, på det materielle, som underlagt det åndelige. Den gamle tro gikk på evangeliets tale til personen og den enkeltes forhold, til den enkeltes «indre liv», så å si. Den nye troen retter seg mot det ytre: Man kan befale «å gå» om alvorlig sykdom, man kan profetere, tale i tunger til og med med en viljesanstrengelse, og bli helbredet, og helbrede selv ved f eks håndspåleggelse og «kunnskapsord». Man kan proklamere, «si ut», ta autoritet (over djevelen e l) og innta land og metafysiske størrelser, og det skal skje, rent performativt, hvis man har stor nok tro,  – (selv om virkningen kan la vente på seg; man må derfor repeterer bønner og Guds ord «oppatt og oppatt» før det virker.

Man skal fornye sinnet sitt! (Hanvold praktiserer haga, med henvisning til Salme 1, bl a, for å unne bevare kroppens velbefinnende og helse, se andre posteringer). Og alt dette for å gjøre det som er velbehagelig for Gud, (ja, det står i Bibelen) og for å kunne «trenge inn i himmelriket med makt» - se Matt 11.12, oversatt slik i the Passion: … «the realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth, and passionate people taken hold of it’s power”, men the Passion innrømmer I notene at det her kan oversettes med at “heaven is entered into by force”! Med Den hellige ånds hjelp og kraft, selvsagt. Det er, som Ulf Christianssom sier i sangen: Ja har beslutat att følja Jesus. Han brukes mye på TV Visjon Norge.

Det var ikke slik før.   

Den nye lære, som mange benevner som ”et annet evangelium», som Bibelen selv advarer mot, viser seg å være en svært enkel lære: Be om å få. Eller: Befal og proklamer og det skal skje. Det viser seg at «det nye miljøet» eller den nye lære – korrekt eller ikke -  har en forståelse av eller en definisjon av tro som ikke her på linje med tidligere tiders forestillinger om og praksis av «den samme tro».

Hva er det som skjer? Og er det nye som skjer av det skremmende gode eller det skremmende farlige? (se mer under).

Etter min mening et par veldig viktige posteringer:


Om bla Avanzini – nok en karismatiker - og advarselen mot ham:



Så hva er tro? Ulike oversettelser/definisjoner fra Bibelen selv: :

(The) Passion Bible, 2020: Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for, (alle følgende – utvalgte - oversettelser er hentet fra Hebr. 11.1, se under).

NJV: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Jehovas Vitner: Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

Amplified Bible, 2006:  Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed,) of the thing (we) hope for, being the proof of things (we) do not see and the conviction of their reality (faith perceiving as real facts what is not revealed to the senses).

Bibelselskapet 1987: Troen er sikkerhet for det som håpes, visshet om ting en ikke ser.

Bibelforlaget 1997: Tro er full tillit til det en håper på, overbevisning om det en ikke ser.

Jerusalem Bible 1987: Only faith can garantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of realities that are unseen.  

The New American Bible, 1887: Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.

King James, Dakes annotated, 2001: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

New Living translation:  Faith is confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

The Message: The fundamental fact of evidence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.

English standard version: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Sainte Bible: Or la foi, ce’st l’assurance des chose qu’on espere, la demonstration celle qu’on ne voit pas.

Das neue Testament: Es ist aber der Glaube eine gewisse Zuversicht des, das man hofft, und ein Nichtzweifeln an dem, das man nicht sieht.

Det norske bibelselskap: Troen er et pant på det vi håper, et bevis for det vi ikke ser. Troen er sikkerhet for det som håpes, visshet om ting en ikke ser.

1930 utgaven: Men tro er full visshet om det som håpes, overbevisning om ting som ikke sees.

Gresk grunntekst, (fra The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Hebrew/Greeek Scriptures, 1985):
כי האמונה היא חסן הבטחון במקוה והוכחת דברים לא נראים/εστιν δε πιστις ελπιζομενων υποστασις πραγματων ελεγχος ου βλεπομενων http://scripturetext.com/hebrews/11-1.htm

Bokstavelig: It is but faith (of things) being hoped for substanding (hypostasis) of things (pragmaton) reproof (elegxos) not things being looked at … oversatt slik: Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. (Fra gresk I henhold til NWT).

John MacArthur: … The faith described here involves the most solid possible conviction, the God-given present assurance of a future reality, “evidence of thing not seen”, - not based on empirical evidence, but of Devine assurance, and is a gift of God (Ef 2. 8).

Fra The Health and Wealth Gospel – Heresy or “What?”, Mark Stevens Willis, PhD, 2019:

… such faith is not sorta hoping something is true, but our confident reliance upon God’s Word containing His great and precious promises …

Faith believes God’s word, despite what we can perceive wit our 5 senses (sight smell, touch hearing etc), comprehend with our intellect or intuition, feel with our emotions, consider to be factual, relevant, normal, socially acceptable or politically correct in this natural realm.

… the curse of poverty was redeemed at the Cross alongside our sins and physical sicknesses … by the New Birth through the blood of Jesus and the finished work of the Cross …

 We walk trough this life obeying His Word and listening to the Holy Spirit; as we do so, whenever He directs us to give something or some amount away, we respond in faith and obedience; over time, both our faith and our finances will grow; everything else, frankly, is a lie and a trap of our adversary. s 260 ff. God will open doors and opportunities which will require steps of faith, bur His reward is sure. We need to avoid limiting God as to how and when He can bless us -  when we do, He will change things up to refocus us on Him and His Word, rather than the means He uses to bless us. He is solely in charge of methods and timing.

Our lives will be prolonged by many years; we will have peace; we will have prosperity: we will win favor; we will win a good name: our paths will be straight …

A non-charismatic trying to properly exegete the charismatic experience is like a born-deaf person to explain music, s 291.

A good sign we are on that road is when we start thinking that God hates the same things and people we do. Selah!

We are to deliberately choose to place our full faith and reliance on God, not ask Him for the gift of faith. We received all the faith we were ever going to have back when we were born from above, so the issue is whether or not we are going to obey God and use it (Prov 3. 5-6).

We are responsible for deliberately choosing to believe God’s word as The Truth etc …

Because fulfilling the conditions causes us to emulate some character attributes of God. After we have engaged in that behavior or attitude for an extended period of time, it becomes a habit, then a character trait. This is how God develops our Christ-likeness in any specific area. s 302.

Our faith is founded upon our personal relationship with an almighty, gracious, merciful, and loving God who Is faithful to keep His Word

… A religious economy is based upon the idea that if I do this, don’t do that, cut this off, grow this out, eat this, don’t eat that, observe this holiday, light this candle, pray X number of times, make a pilgrimage tils om “holy” place, dress a certain way etc, to appease whatever false deity I worship, then perhaps he/she/it will bless me, my family, my crops etc, and/or not smite me and my loved ones with sickness, calamity, or death, s 258.

Easton's Bible Dictionary:

Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true (Philippians 1:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:13). Its primary idea is trust. A thing is true, and therefore worthy of trust. It admits of many degrees up to full assurance of faith, in accordance with the evidence on which it rests.

Faith is the result of teaching (Romans 10:14-17). Knowledge is an essential element in all faith, and is sometimes spoken of as an equivalent to faith (John 10:38; 1 John 2:3). Yet the two are distinguished in this respect, that faith includes in it assent, which is an act of the will in addition to the act of the understanding. Assent to the truth is of the essence of faith, and the ultimate ground on which our assent to any revealed truth rests is the veracity of God.

Historical faith is the apprehension of and assent to certain statements which are regarded as mere facts of history.

Temporary faith is that state of mind which is awakened in men (e.g., Felix) by the exhibition of the truth and by the influence of religious sympathy, or by what is sometimes styled the common operation of the Holy Spirit.

Saving faith is so called because it has eternal life inseparably connected with it. It cannot be better defined than in the words of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism: "Faith in Jesus Christ is a saving grace, whereby we receive and rest upon him alone for salvation, as he is offered to us in the gospel."

The object of saving faith is the whole revealed Word of God. Faith accepts and believes it as the very truth most sure. But the special act of faith which unites to Christ has as its object the person and the work of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 7:38; Acts 16:31). This is the specific act of faith by which a sinner is justified before God (Romans 3:22, 25; Galatians 2:16; Philippians 3:9; John 3:16-36; Acts 10:43; 16:31). In this act of faith the believer appropriates and rests on Christ alone as Mediator in all his offices.

This assent to or belief in the truth received upon the divine testimony has always associated with it a deep sense of sin, a distinct view of Christ, a consenting will, and a loving heart, together with a reliance on, a trusting in, or resting in Christ. It is that state of mind in which a poor sinner, conscious of his sin, flees from his guilty self to Christ his Saviour, and rolls over the burden of all his sins on him. It consists chiefly, not in the assent given to the testimony of God in his Word, but in embracing with fiducial reliance and trust the one and only Saviour whom God reveals. This trust and reliance is of the essence of faith. By faith the believer directly and immediately appropriates Christ as his own. Faith in its direct act makes Christ ours. It is not a work which God graciously accepts instead of perfect obedience, but is only the hand by which we take hold of the person and work of our Redeemer as the only ground of our salvation.

Saving faith is a moral act, as it proceeds from a renewed will, and a renewed will is necessary to believing assent to the truth of God (1 Corinthians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 4:4). Faith, therefore, has its seat in the moral part of our nature fully as much as in the intellectual. The mind must first be enlightened by divine teaching (John 6:44; Acts 13:48; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Ephesians 1:17, 18) before it can discern the things of the Spirit.

Faith is necessary to our salvation (Mark 16:16), not because there is any merit in it, but simply because it is the sinner's taking the place assigned him by God, his falling in with what God is doing.

The warrant or ground of faith is the divine testimony, not the reasonableness of what God says, but the simple fact that he says it. Faith rests immediately on, "Thus saith the Lord." But in order to this faith the veracity, sincerity, and truth of God must be owned and appreciated, together with his unchangeableness. God's word encourages and emboldens the sinner personally to transact with Christ as God's gift, to close with him, embrace him, give himself to Christ, and take Christ as his. That word comes with power, for it is the word of God who has revealed himself in his works, and especially in the cross. God is to be believed for his word's sake, but also for his name's sake.

Faith in Christ secures for the believer freedom from condemnation, or justification before God; a participation in the life that is in Christ, the divine life (John 14:19; Romans 6:4-10; Ephesians 4:15, 16, etc.); "peace with God" (Romans 5:1); and sanctification (Acts 26:18; Galatians 5:6; Acts 15:9).

All who thus believe in Christ will certainly be saved (John 6:37, 40; 10:27, 28; Romans 8:1).

The faith=the gospel (Acts 6:7; Romans 1:5; Galatians 1:23; 1 Timothy 3:9; Jude 1:3).

Noah Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language

1. (n.) Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting solely and implicitly on his authority and veracity; reliance on testimony.

2. (n.) The assent of the mind to the statement or proposition of another, on the ground of the manifest truth of what he utters; firm and earnest belief, on probable evidence of any kind, especially in regard to important moral truth.

3. (n.) The belief in the historic truthfulness of the Scripture narrative, and the supernatural origin of its teachings, sometimes called historical and speculative faith.

4. (n.) The belief in the facts and truth of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them; especially, that confiding and affectionate belief in the person and work of Christ, which affects the character and life, and makes a man a true Christian, -- called a practical, evangelical, or saving faith.

5. (n.) That which is believed on any subject, whether in science, politics, or religion; especially (Theol.), a system of religious belief of any kind; as, the Jewish or Mohammedan faith; and especially, the system of truth taught by Christ; as, the Christian faith; also, the creed or belief of a Christian society or church.

6. (n.) Fidelity to one's promises, or allegiance to duty, or to a person honored and beloved; loyalty.

7. (n.) Word or honor pledged; promise given; fidelity; as, he violated his faith.

8. (n.) Credibility or truth.

9. (interj.) By my faith; in truth; verily.

Easton's Bible Dictionary, forts:

This word seems to require explanation only in the case of its use by our Lord in his interview with "Simon, the son of Jonas," after his resurrection (John 21:16, 17). When our Lord says, "Lovest thou me?" he uses the Greek word agapas; and when Simon answers, he uses the Greek word philo, i.e., "I love." This is the usage in the first and second questions put by our Lord; but in the third our Lord uses Simon's word. The distinction between these two Greek words is thus fitly described by Trench:, "Agapan has more of judgment and deliberate choice; philein has more of attachment and peculiar personal affection. Thus the `Lovest thou' (Gr. agapas) on the lips of the Lord seems to Peter at this moment too cold a word, as though his Lord were keeping him at a distance, or at least not inviting him to draw near, as in the passionate yearning of his heart he desired now to do. Therefore he puts by the word and substitutes his own stronger `I love' (Gr. philo) in its room. A second time he does the same. And now he has conquered; for when the Lord demands a third time whether he loves him, he does it in the word which alone will satisfy Peter (`Lovest thou, ' Gr. phileis), which alone claims from him that personal attachment and affection with which indeed he knows that his heart is full."

In 1 Corinthians 13 the apostle sets forth the excellency of love, as the word "charity" there is rendered in the Revised Version.

Easton's Bible Dictionary (forts):

The resurrection of Jesus (Acts 17:31) is the "assurance" (Gr. pistis, generally rendered "faith") or pledge God has given that his revelation is true and worthy of acceptance. The "full assurance [Gr. plerophoria, `full bearing'] of faith" (Hebrews 10:22) is a fulness of faith in God which leaves no room for doubt. The "full assurance of understanding" (Colossians 2:2) is an entire unwavering conviction of the truth of the declarations of Scripture, a joyful steadfastness on the part of any one of conviction that he has grasped the very truth. The "full assurance of hope" (Hebrews 6:11) is a sure and well-grounded expectation of eternal glory (2 Timothy 4:7, 8). This assurance of hope is the assurance of a man's own particular salvation.

This infallible assurance, which believers may attain unto as to their own personal salvation, is founded on the truth of the promises (Hebrews 6:18), on the inward evidence of Christian graces, and on the testimony of the Spirit of adoption (Romans 8:16). That such a certainty may be attained appears from the testimony of Scripture (Romans 8:16; 1 John 2:3; 3:14), from the command to seek after it (Hebrews 6:11; 2 Peter 1:10), and from the fact that it has been attained (2 Timothy 1:12; 4:7, 8; 1 John 2:3; 4:16).

This full assurance is not of the essence of saving faith. It is the result of faith, and posterior to it in the order of nature, and so frequently also in the order of time. True believers may be destitute of it. Trust itself is something different from the evidence that we do trust. Believers, moreover, are exhorted to go on to something beyond what they at present have when they are exhorted to seek the grace of full assurance (Hebrews 10:22; 2 Peter 1:5-10). The attainment of this grace is a duty, and is to be diligently sought.

"Genuine assurance naturally leads to a legitimate and abiding peace and joy, and to love and thankfulness to God; and these from the very laws of our being to greater buoyancy, strength, and cheerfulness in the practice of obedience in every department of duty."

This assurance may in various ways be shaken, diminished, and intermitted, but the principle out of which it springs can never be lost. (see FAITH.)


mandag 8. april 2024

Jan Hanvold på sitt beste for de verste?


fredag 7. juni 2024

Hvor høyt elsker Den norske Kirke Jan Hanvold og Naser Khader?



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Hanvold, Hagin, Nietzsche og Maslow m fl - en nær sammenheng?



onsdag 1. mai 2024

Jan Hanvold er jøde. Og erstatningsteolog.



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Hanvold, Ragnhild og Gøril - underdanige disipler i klemme?



torsdag 18. april 2024

Frykt og redsel for Endetid og Trengseltid på "Hanvold": Hvordan slippe unna?



mandag 8. april 2024

Jan Hanvold på sitt beste for de verste?



lørdag 6. april 2024

Jan Hanvold - endelig ut av skapet?



søndag 31. mars 2024

Om Hanvold, belgiske kjemepkaniner og troens enfold, mot et bakteppe av krig og gru



fredag 29. mars 2024

Hanvold, Eidsvåg og et fullsatt Oslo Spektrum - og tidsånden



orsdag 29. februar 2024

Hanvold vil ha militante kristne. Det er for mange dvaske "frelste".


redag 23. februar 2024

Jan Hanvold irettesetter Job og løser lidelsens problem?



lørdag 24. februar 2024

Ungjente reddet på Visjon Norge - vil det holde?



torsdag 8. februar 2024

Vil Hanvolds karisma makte å stanse eller moderere islam?



mandag 5. februar 2024

Karismatisk tordentale på TV Visjon Norge



tirsdag 2. januar 2024

Kristne stjeler 8 milliarder kroner i året fra Gud


tirsdag 26. desember 2023

Tillegg, supplement til "theurgen" Hanvold



mandag 25. desember 2023

Karismatikeren og "theurgen" Hanvold - og Fosse, en sammenligning i tiden?



mandag 4. desember 2023

Den norske kirke - ikke lenger helt norsk, men allerede halvt islamsk?



mandag 22. mai 2023

Jan Hanvold - en mektig høvding



irsdag 26. oktober 2021

Kristen karismatikk og forbønn mot islamisering?



tirsdag 20. juni 2023

Jan Hanvold nede for telling?


søndag 15. mars 2020

"Rikets tilstand": Religion over magi? Eller: Magi over religion?



tirsdag 17. november 2020

Er alle troer like tolerante? Eller like intolerante? Selvsagt ikke ...



onsdag 3. november 2021

Om hvorfor vi åpner for mer og mer makt for islam



lørdag 18. september 2021

Psykologien inn i religionen?



fredag 19. november 2021

Religionen - en vanskjøttet og neddopet, men våknende gigantisk møy?


lørdag 4. februar 2023

Religion, flere spennende definisjoner



Denne posteringen er et «nødvendig» supplement til denne:


onsdag 22. november 2023

Religionskrig - the weaker takes it all



lørdag 30. juni 2018

Tilføyelser om hypermagi og hypermoral



onsdag 25. juli 2018

Mer om hypermagi, emosjoner, følelser, spor og villspor


onsdag 5. desember 2018

Ytterligere klargjøring av hypermagi og det juridco-religico mennesket






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