onsdag 8. januar 2025

Starmer - helt uten "arbeidersjarm", lar stormen seg løye?


Hva hvis en norsk statsminister hadde sagt følgende på en stor pressekonferanse hvor han villl spre sitt budskap, fordi hen forventet at hen ville og skulle bli trodd, uansett:

«De som sprer løgner og desinformasjon fjerne og nært: De tar ingen interesse for ofrene; de er bare interessert i seg selv … «.

Og hva hvis hen hadde gått ut fra at hen hadde rett og snakket sant og at folk bare var ute for å ta hen og få hen fjernet?

Hvem vill denne ministeren ha hatt i tankene? Ville det være muslimene, islam eller enkelte muslimer eller grupper av muslimer i Norge han rettet sine beskyldinger mot?

Nei, utenkelig, ikke sant?

Ville statsministeren i det minste ha blitt bedt om å presisere hvem han hadde i tankene og hvilket grunnlag og fakta han bygget sine påstander på? Og ville han føre var ha presisert dette grunnlag i mer detalj og av egen fri vilje? Klargjorde han om det var løgn om beviselige fakta han mente, eller bare meninger om hvordan fakta kunne tolke, (hvilket jo er en ytringfrihetsrett)?

Nei, ikke hva vi kan se til nå.  

Ville statsministeren ha stolt så mye på seg selv at han gikk ut fra at folket skulle bøye seg for hva han sa – fordi dette vare en kommando fra hen selv, bygget kun på det faktum at statsministeren aldri tidligere hadde fått noe annet enn beste karakter, og at folket derfor bare måtte bøye seg?

Starmer kommer fra arbeiderklassen, men han mangler «klassens» ekte sjarm, innsikt og karisma. Og dermed stryker han, for her gjelder det ikke om å være bare flink, men om å forstå hva islam er og hva islam innebærer, proper, per se. Noe Starmer et al hverken ser eller forstår. Derfor elendigheten som fulgte og den stadig større fare som reiser seg mot de frivillig blinde. Starmer et al savner eleganse. De fascinerer ikke. De er uten visjoner, uten kraft. De tynger ned der de skulle løfte opp. De er petimetre, de får ikke engang pity. De har det ikke, får det ikke.

Da tre småjenter ble myrdet med kniv i en liten by, begynte spekulasjonene å gå om ikke morderen var en «radikalisert» muslim. Det ble opptøyer og folk ble dratt inn til forhør og kastet i fengsel, menge for å ha begått det som heller må kunne kalles forseelser mer enn forbrytelser, (og på bakgrunn av en generell trend som går ut på å beskytte muslimer følelsesliv, ikke den vanlige brites livssyn og «way of life»).

Mange ble anklaget for å ha spredt falsk informasjon (og derfor også på rasistisk eller islamofobt grunnlag) og ble dratt inn til førhør i det lange og breie  og anklaget, arrestert og tiltalt på helt absurde grunnlag, (sett ut fra debattene som fulgte).


Alt dette med Starmers aksept. Han hundset heller demonstrantene og satte i gang det man kan kalle en organisert heksejakt på «islamofobe». Etter hvert viste det seg at politiet – på Starmers instruks -  nærmest hadde fortiet opplysninger som viste at morderen virkelig var påvirket av islamsk fundamentalisme og at islam dermed kunne si å ha noe med rapene å gjøre.




Sir Keir Starmer has accused people of "spreading lies" about grooming gangs … (se under).

The Independent skriver, ble det utløst av at Starmer støttet  minister Jess Phillips avvisning av at innenriksdepartementet skulle lede en offentlig etterforskning av seksuell utnyttelse og grooming av barn i Oldham. ..

Fra Julie Dahle på HRS:

Tidligere parlamentsmedlem Martin Daubney reagerer på det samme som mange andre: Keir Starmers selvforsvar er ikke av det lekreste slaget.

Starmer beskylder dem som ønsker en nasjonal granskning for å «løpe ytre høyres ærend».

Det er den samme unnskyldningsmanøveren vår egen statsminister har gjort seg kjent for; stempling av enhver som sier noe negativt om innvandrere – selv når det man sier er svært alvorlig og enormt viktig for vanlige borgeres liv og sikkerhet.

Nå er det ikke lenger «rasist» som er det mest populære stempelet, nå er det «ytre høyre» som er det flittigst brukte. …

Daubney er ikke alene om å gi Musk rett, det flommer over av historier på X, og for første gang på flere tiår klarer ofrenes stemmer å nå lenger ut enn stemmene fra toppen som forsøker å stilne dem ved stempling. Det er ikke et uttrykk for fascisme og hat, det er snarere et uttrykk for håp.

Tar ofrene

… Keir Starmer … er ikke alene om å ha begått unnlatelsessynder. Mens innenriksdepartementet lenge fastholdt at granskingsrapporten ikke ville være av «offentlig interesse», valgte de i 2020 å offentliggjøre granskingen av hva som kjennetegner grooming-gjengene, etter massivt engasjement i den britiske befolkningen. … departementet konkluderte med at hvite menn begår flest overgrep, og at det var umulig å finne bevis for at et «høyt organisert nasjonalt nettverk» utførte koordinerte seksuelle overgrep i forskjellige områder. Slik omtalte vi funnene den gang:

De grove, organiserte overgrepene mot unge, britiske jenter, inkludert groomingskandalene i Rotherham, Rochdale og Telford, hovedsakelig begått av menn av pakistansk opprinnelse, beviser ikke at det er «sammenhenger mellom etnisitet og denne formen for overgrep», skriver det britiske innenriksdepartementet.

Samantha Smith fra Telford i England stilte opp på TV og fortalte om en oppvekst der hun selv og tusenvis av andre småjenter ble ofre for grooming. Smith snakket om at overgriperne i all hovedsak var menn med opprinnelse fra Pakistan, og fortalte om hvordan politi og hjelpeapparat sviktet. Da hun kom hjem til Telford etter intervjuet, fikk hun politiet på døra. – De har ignorert ofrene i flere tiår, men sendte to offiserer hjem til meg fordi jeg beskrev virkeligheten i offentligheten, fortalte Smith i august i fjor.

Ytringsfriheten vil vinne

… «I en verden med skrikende behov for realpolitikk velger Støre likevel å uttale seg med en verdensanskuelse der realiteter settes på hodet». …

Og så til: Jayne Senior

Nå kommer også historiene om hvordan Keir Starmer ignorerte sin egen partifelle Jayne Senior da hun varslet om hvordan Labour konsekvent forsøkte å forhindre henne i å rette fokus mot groomingskandalens omfang. Hun ble mobbet og frosset ut av partifeller og Starmer skal ha ignorert det hele. På X legger Guy Dampier stadig ut utdrag fra Jayne Seniors bok Broken and Betrayed, der hun beskriver hva barn og unge ble utsatt for og hvordan myndighetene gjorde sitt beste for å dekke over det.

Når det i ettermiddag meldes om at Meta avslutter programmet for faktasjekking da Zuckerberg lover å gjenopprette ytringsfriheten på Facebook og Instagram, kan man forutse med all rimelig tyngde at ikke bare Labours Starmer står for fall, men en samlet venstreside som vil miste kontroll over hva folk skal få vite, tro og mene


Se også: https://jihadwatch.org/2025/01/british-media-and-politicians-must-stop-referring-to-muslim-rape-gangs-as-asian-pakistan-is-not-asia

In one of the earliest high-profile cases reported in 2012, nine men were convicted of grooming and sexually exploiting young girls in Rochdale. The gang members were Shabir Ahmed, Adil Khan, and Abdul Aziz, among others, of Pakistani Muslim origin. Ahmed, described as the ringleader, repeatedly justified his actions with reference to Islamic teaching.

In 2014, a government-commissioned report, commonly referred to as the Jay Report, uncovered the fact that over 1,400 children — some as young as 11 — were abused in the town of Rotherham between 1997 and 2013. Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set on fire; others were threatened with guns and forced to watch “brutally violent rapes.” The perpetrators were of Pakistani descent and had names including Iqlak Yousaf, Nabeel Kurshid, Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, Tanweer Ali, Salah Ahmed El-Hakam, and Asif Ali.

In 2018, investigations in Telford revealed harrowing details about the sexual abuse of up to 1,000 girls over four decades. Again, the majority of the offenders were of Pakistani Muslim origin. Survivors narrated how they were beaten, trafficked, and raped by men who operated through organized networks.

… One has to be exceedingly dimwitted not to identify the obvious pattern here.

By using the term “Asian,” the media and the political elites attempt to distance Islam and Pakistan from these crimes, and in the process, they implicate an entire continent’s population, including Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and others who have no connection to these crimes. …

Recognizing how some perpetrators have invoked Islamic teachings to justify their actions is crucial. For instance, Shabir Ahmed, the ringleader in the Rochdale case, described his victims as “white trash,” and claimed superiority over them due to his faith. … The media reluctance to specify their Pakistani Muslim backgrounds reflects destructive political correctness and shameful fear of offending the ever-delicate sensibilities of Muslims. This ultimately undermines efforts to combat the grooming networks.



… In a 2014 report on rape gang activity in one city alone, Rotherham, investigators found that the gangs victimized 1,400 British children there between 1997 and 2013, and authorities were extremely slow to act. The report noted that “several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.” This is the suicide of a nation mired in leftism.

It was the same story in another city, Telford, where a review established what was true all over the country: the perps were “Asian” (the British euphemism for “Pakistani Muslim”) and authorities were worried that an energetic prosecution “had the potential to start a ‘race riot.’”

Yes, and worse. Noticing the obvious in Britain has been career suicide for years. Back in 2017, Sarah Champion, a Labour MP from Rotherham and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, wrote: “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.” For stating that obvious fact, Labour (which is now in power) expelled her from the Shadow Cabinet, and she faced a firestorm of criticism.

… But British authorities will never do justice to those victims until they fully discuss what happened and why. They’re not even close to doing that because it would involve confronting many within the Muslim community, and British officials are clearly intimidated by that community. So the same fear of “racism” that consigned tens of thousands of British girls to their fate is still very much in play.

Nå kommer også historiene om hvordan Keir Starmer ignorerte sin egen partifelle Jayne Senior da hun varslet om hvordan Labour konsekvent forsøkte å forhindre henne i å rette fokus mot groomingskandalens omfang. Hun ble mobbet og frosset ut av partifeller og Starmer skal ha ignorert det hele. På X legger Guy Dampier stadig ut utdrag fra Jayne Seniors bok Broken and Betrayed, der hun beskriver hva barn og unge ble utsatt for og hvordan myndighetene gjorde sitt beste for å dekke over det.



Journalist Chris Tomlinson notes that “among the things defined as Islamaphobic? ‘… to characterize Muslims as being ‘sex groomers'” Yet while there are rapists of all creeds and races, the industrial-level rape gang activity we have seen in Britain is a uniquely Islamic problem: In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the Qur’an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam. Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur’an. In India, a Muslim gave a Qur’an and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping. And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi rapist recalled: “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God…He said that raping me is his prayer to God.” In India, a Muslim kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old Hindu girl, and forced her to read the Qur’an and Islamic prayers. In Pakistan, another Christian woman recounted that her rapist was also religious: “He threw me on the bed and started to rape me. He demanded I marry him and convert to Islam. I refused. I am not willing to deny Jesus and he said that if I would not agree he would kill me.” Rapists demanded that another girl’s family turn her over to them, claiming that she had recited the Islamic profession of faith during the rape and thus could not live among infidels.

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils close around them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not molested. Allah is always forgiving, merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified ...


Yes, and worse. Noticing the obvious in Britain has been career suicide for years. Back in 2017, Sarah Champion, a Labour MP from Rotherham and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, wrote: “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.” For stating that obvious fact, Labour (which is now in power) expelled her from the Shadow Cabinet, and she faced a firestorm of criticism.

… But no one, and I mean no one, wants to face those facts in Britain today. Now that Elon Musk has focused his massive spotlight on this problem, there is widespread discussion of how fear of “racism” charges protected the perpetrators. But British authorities will never do justice to those victims until they fully discuss what happened and why. They’re not even close to doing that because it would involve confronting many within the Muslim community, and British officials are clearly intimidated by that community. So the same fear of “racism” that consigned tens of thousands of British girls to their fate is still very much in play.

The thousands upon thousands of innocent victims of these gangs deserve better.





Sir Keir Starmer has accused people of "spreading lies" about grooming gangs and said they are not interested in victims after Elon Musk accused him of being "complicit" in the scandal.

"Those that are spreading lies and misinformation as far and wide as possible, they're not interested in victims. They're interested in themselves," Sir Keir said.


Labour Party leader Keir Starmer took aim at the tech mogul on Monday, saying that "the poison of the far-right leads to serious threats" to his ministers.


Here’s a headline sample of the freakout.

Musk accused of ‘politicising’ rape of young girls in UK to attack Starmer – The Guardian

UK Right Warns Trump Allies That Musk’s Posts Have Gone Too Far – Bloomberg

Keir Starmer must slap Elon Musk down – before someone gets killed – The New European

Ministers hit back at Elon Musk as tech billionaire steps up attack on Keir Starmer over grooming gangs – Evening Standard

Elon Musk Faces Fury Over Support for Jailed Fascist Leader – – The Daily Beast


As everyone surely now knows, political correctness is at the heart of Britain’s grooming-gangs scandal. Industrial-scale abuse was carried out in plain sight, and with impunity, because the police, social services and local authorities feared that intervening against mainly Pakistani Muslim men would make them appear ‘racist’.

As things stand, Keir Starmer plans to press ahead with plans to officially adopt a controversial definition of Islamophobia for all public bodies. This definition, formulated by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims, effectively treats criticism of any aspect of Islam, or indeed behaviour by some Muslims and even Islamists, as a form of racial discrimination.








https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/08/03/after-southport-the-rage-against-the-throng/ :

… The slain girls of Southport risk being forgotten in the media rush to denounce the ‘thugs’, the ‘far-right hooligans’ and the ‘fascists’ who they say swarmed the streets of Southport and other towns in the aftermath of the killings. Some even fear that the rioters were stooges of Russia – unwitting stooges, of course, given how dim they are. We’re told that those baseless claims spread by the far right, that the Southport suspect was a Muslim asylum seeker, came from a ‘fake news website’ with ‘links to Russia’, helping to give rise to those ‘violent riots throughout the UK’. This vision of Britain’s great unwashed being marshalled by Russia to spread mayhem across our isles is peak liberal hysteria.

That the elites’ anxiety over the Southport unrest is fuelled by prejudicial dread of the white working class is clear from how differently they respond to riots that don’t involve the white working class. Consider the riot in Harehills, Leeds in July, when largely immigrant communities rose up following the state’s attempt to remove four Roma kids from their family. There was a palpable streak of empathy in the media coverage of that outburst of street violence. There was condemnation from the political class, of course, but it felt perfunctory, nervous even. Our new PM Keir Starmer called the Harehills riot ‘shocking’, which feels positively complimentary in comparison with the seething rage with which he responded to the post-Southport disorder. For those riots, with their low-class white ruffians, he held a special press conference where he denounced the ‘mindless’ brutes and promised to set up a ‘national violent disorder unit’ to smash them. Why didn’t he do that after Harehills?

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Oversikt utenfra, vel verdt en "tour":












Norfolk som var den første til å ta groomingen på alvor:



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