søndag 20. oktober 2024

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… Why We’re Losing to Islamic Terrorism | FrontpageMag

“I recall one instance where we were ordered to turn over a shipping container of captured Taliban weapons to the Afghan government, and I told the Major in charge of the mission “You know these are going right back to the Taliban as soon as we leave, right?” Without hesitation he responded, “Oh yes, I know.”

This story that Jesse Petrilla tells in If It Takes a Thousand Years: From Al-Qaeda to Hamas, How the Jihadists Think & How to Defeat Them’is part of the larger reason why we not only lost Afghanistan, but why we’re losing to Islamic terrorists around the world and at home.

Jesse Petrilla had been an Army Liaison Officer on the ground in Afghanistan and had taken part in the interrogation of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists. He had also witnessed the defeatist politics that foreshadowed the loss of Afghanistan and encroaches on much of civilization.

While Petrilla’s time in Afghanistan is at the heart of the narrative, he moves from Israel to Jordan, visits Egypt, travels to the Balkans and witnesses the incursion of Islam into Europe, and then back home into the United States where he served as an elected official. Along the way he sees Islam in its native environment and in our own, witnesses our growing willingness to appease it and surrender to it, and our refusal to come to terms with what it truly is.

This is an experience that began when he was in Afghanistan and encountered military officers unwilling to understand what they were up against or, like that major, unwilling to rock the boat.

Afghanistan was not lost in any single battle, but in our refusal to understand what we were fighting. And if our civilization falls the way that Constantinople once did, that will ultimately be the tragic epitaph to be carved on its tombstone. In Afghanistan, Petrilla encounters Islam at its most elemental, operating with a heedless disregard for reality and human life, motivated purely by a fiery mix of theological conviction and tribalism. The Muslim terrorists he encountered boasted of their willingness to keep fighting us for generations, even, as in the book’s title, if it takes a thousand years, they were willing to kill, to die and teach their children to kill us. 

As Petrilla succinctly observes, “they just want your entire society to submit or die.”

Islam has already fought for more than a thousand years to force all non-Muslims to submit to Islam. It is willing to fight for another thousand years to make slaves of all mankind.

The Koran has a great deal of value, but human life has almost none. Human beings are mere vehicles for imposing Islam or resisting it. Much like the Marxist view of society, individuals don’t matter, only the movements of history do. In that realm, which one of the Afghans he encounters describes as a “planet”, nothing matters less than a man.

Unless it’s a woman or a child.

“I have seen cases where Taliban have fired mortars from the roof of a building full of children, only to run away before the counter- attack in which several children were killed, at which time the Taliban will play to the media and blame the Americans for indiscriminately killing civilians, further eroding our mission,” Petrilla describes in If It Takes a Thousand Years.

Westerners don’t understand Islam. And they try to deal with Islam on American terms.

After the recent anniversary of our retreat from Afghanistan, Petrilla describes a mission rotted from within. As an Army officer, he encountered a translator who supported the Taliban. “To make things even more unsettling, the pro-Taliban translator was an American citizen who held a Top Secret security clearance. I reported him to my superiors, and when they reported it to theirs, making its way all the way up to the General Officer level, they came back to me and said nothing can be done.” It would have been too politically incorrect to get rid of him.

That story casts new light on the recent arrest of an Afghan guard and his family brought to the United States who plotted an ISIS terrorist attack. And on the worthless ‘vetting’ of Afghans.

When Taliban Jihadis were captured, what was done with them?

Petrilla describes how the Afghans were allowed to run review boards during which “59 percent were recommendations for release” while 93% of older Taliban received recommendations for release. Those who remained locked up received average sentences of 4 years. The prisons were known as “Taliban University” for training and indoctrinating the soon to be freed Jihadis.

Nation building subsumed the mission of defeating the enemy until the enemy were in charge.

How could America’s mission in Afghanistan go so wrong? In If It Takes a Thousand Years Petrilla traces the common failures brought on by our inability to understand Islamic societies. Societies where, as he describes in an Afghan wedding, the husband can kill his new bride on their wedding night if she turns out not to be a virgin “and the bride’s family is obligated to replace her with a sister or other female relative at the same wedding.”

Petrilla urges readers to compare that to an American wedding. “Imagine yourself being at a wedding, and after the ceremony having the groom come out of a tent with the bride, murdering her in front of the guests, and then taking her sister and marrying her while the corpse of the murdered bride still lies on the ground.” That is what morality can be in an Islamic society.

As Petrilla travels through the Muslim world, he sees the degraded status of Christians, and as he travels through what used to be the Christian world, he sees our ignorance about Islam.

If It Takes a Thousand Years: From Al-Qaeda to Hamas, How the Jihadists Think & How to Defeat Them lays out some of the Islamist organizations, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, corrupting America and western nations, and what we can do about it, but the greatest thing that we can do is look at the horrors of Islamic terrorism and the Muslim world. And imagine.

Americans would rather imagine zombies, vampires and space aliens destroying us than look into the darkness and see what is really waiting for us out there. If It Takes a Thousand Years challenges us to look and to confront the threat that Jesse Petrilla saw in his encounters with hundreds of Islamic terrorists and that he increasingly sees rising in the United States.

Americans could retreat from Afghanistan, but where are we going to retreat to from America? 

(If It Takes a Thousand Years: From Al-Qaeda to Hamas, How the Jihadists Think & How to Defeat Them by Jesse Petrilla is now available from Bombardier Books.)


Om Caughlin (skal være Coughlin):





Islamic Scholar …  ‘If Preserving Life Had Priority, There Would Be No Jihad’

By Robert Spencer.

After 9/11, we were inundated with the claims that by this time have become near-universal assumptions: Islam is peace. Jihadis are just a tiny minority of extremists. Jihad means a spiritual struggle and is willfully or ignorantly misinterpreted among jihadis. 

Yet an Islamic scholar has just offered a succinct and telling enunciation of Islamic values that differs sharply from these claims. Is he an ignorant, racist, bigoted “Islamophobe” whose views can be easily dismissed? Hardly. He is an internationally respected Muslim Brotherhood leader whose words should be carefully pondered in Washington, but they won’t be. 

The Kuwaiti Islamic scholar Tareq al-Suwaidan, who has been named among the 500 Most Influential Muslims for the last three years, recently enunciated a vision of Islamic values that differs markedly from what we have been told again and again in the West: “Preserving life is not the only objective of the shari’a – these include the preserving of religion, life, lineage, intellect, and property. These are the main objectives of the shari’a.”

… al-Suwaidan added, “Which one of these objectives has higher priority? It is preserving religion, not preserving life. This is why there is a thing called ‘Jihad.’ If preserving life had the priority, there would be no Jihad – we would abolish it. Preserving religion takes priority over preserving life.” Thus peace, which would preserve life, is not the ultimate goal; Islamization is.

… al-Suwaidan found Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, to be positively inspiring: “By Allah,” he said, “what happened during the Al-Aqsa Flood should be taught in the most prestigious colleges.” The Al-Aqsa Flood is the name that Hamas gave to its Oct. 7 massacre. “The planning,” al-Suwaidan continued, “was unbelievable. People who are experts in planning know that what happened could only succeed with divine intervention and profound and extraordinary planning.”

… al-Suwaidan added: “Can you see how many young men and women in our Arab world – forget the Arab world, in the West – consider [Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman] Abu Obeida a role model?… The Al-Aqsa Flood is the best leadership training course in the world.” 

Al-Suwaidan, who spent several years in Tulsa, Okla., meant to include the West among those who could learn from Oct. 7. Like everyone else, he has seen the thoroughly indoctrinated and propagandized college and university students all over the U.S. praise Hamas and celebrate the Oct. 7 attacks.

… al-Suwaidan was troubled that Allah had not yet granted the Muslims total victory: “Blood is flowing in Gaza like rivers. Where is the victory that we were promised? Why is there no divine intervention to stop the bloodshed of children, women, the elderly, and to stop the hunger in Gaza?” Who promised them victory? Allah. Al-Suwaidan is likely referring to the fact that the Qur’an promises success to the believers in this world as well as the next: “Allah gave them the reward of this world and the good reward of the hereafter. Allah loves those who do good deeds.” (3:148). 

For al-Suwaidan, the fact that this victory has so far eluded the Muslims in Gaza means only that they should dedicate themselves all the more wholeheartedly to jihad for the sake of Allah, even if it would mean that they would die in the process: “Man, I do not cry for them. I am crying for myself for not being among them. This is how a believer should aspire for martyrdom.”

This is not the Islam George W. Bush told us about on June 24, 2002, when he set out a vision of a Palestinian Authority that was a beacon of freedom in the Middle East: “If liberty can blossom in the rocky soil of the West Bank and Gaza,” he asserted, “it will inspire millions of men and women around the globe who are equally weary of poverty and oppression, equally entitled to the benefits of democratic government.”

Bush went on to express his fantasies about Islam in general: “I have a hope for the people of Muslim countries. Your commitments to morality, and learning, and tolerance led to great historical achievements. And those values are alive in the Islamic world today. You have a rich culture, and you share the aspirations of men and women in every culture. Prosperity and freedom and dignity are not just American hopes, or Western hopes. They are universal, human hopes.”

Related: U.S. Soldier Plotted to Ambush His Fellow Soldiers — Yes, He Believes Just What You Think


Se vår egen meget viktige her:



That’s the sort of thing that they still believe …

Will anyone in the State Department, as it continues to press Israel for ceasefires that would let Hezbollah and Hamas survive to murder more Israelis, take note of Tareq al-Suwaidan’s statements and ponder their implications? Sure, right after Kamala withdraws from the race and endorses Trump.



Politikerne har brutt samfunns­kontrakten, (se forfatter i linken under):

«Samfunnskontrakten» er ikke bare en politisk-filosofisk frase som du finner omhandlet i tunge hundrevis av år gamle filosofiske verker av slike som Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau og Immanuel Kant.


Samfunnskontrakten er den kontrakten vi har inngått med hverandre i hverdagslivet. Den ligger til grunn for alt vi foretar oss, selv om vi ikke tenker over det, som å takke for maten eller å vente på at den gamle damen får krysset gaten.

Vi tar for gitt at … Vi tar samfunnskontrakten for gitt.

Avtalen - (Juridico/Religico etc): https://neitilislam.blogspot.com/2015/01/om-hvorfor-det-gar-sa-galt-om-islam-og.html










Se denne artikkelen i sin helhet på Document, (link under);

… Håndteringen

… For å håndtere alle disse samfunnsmessige institusjonene, velger befolkningen politikere til å styre dem. Politikk er nemlig selve håndteringen av samfunnskontrakten i det daglige.

Politikk er i utgangspunktet basert på moralbud om hva vi skal forvente – at alle følger slags moral og hvordan vi garderer oss mot dem som ikke følger dem, hva enten det er forbrytere blant oss eller fremmede makter som vil ta noe fra oss – kort sagt: spillereglene for å omgås hverandre.

Politikerne har derfor blitt gitt et enormt ansvar, som de plikter å forvalte samvittighetsfullt.


Men politikerne har brutt samfunnskontrakten. …


Religion er det viktigste området av livet, fordi vår religion styrer vårt liv, våre valg, våre overbevisninger og våre idealer, enten vi liker det eller ikke. Det er mange som ikke liker Religion med stor R, fordi de ikke ønsker sine impulser eller sitt begjær styrt av religiøse prinsipper eller postulater.

Det er såkalt religionsfrihet i Norge og i vestlige land, og det betyr i praksis at du kan sette dine egne meninger høyere enn de felles religiøse meninger i landet. Det betyr at du kan gi etter for begjær og innfall som det ikke er så lurt å følge – om man tenker igjennom det.

Det betyr i praksis at du utvikler din egen religion etter hva som passer deg.


Av religion følger moral. Vår religion forteller noe om hvordan vi ønsker å ha det, hvordan det ideelt sett skulle vært mellom oss. Derfor er moral uløselig knyttet til religion.

Det betyr dessverre at om du ser noe du oppfatter som umoralsk, så er det slett ikke sikkert at den i dine øyne umoralske personen oppfatter det han gjør som umoralsk. Det spørs på religionen.

Umoral handler om hva man mener man kan slippe unna med, noe som er blant de eldste og mest diskuterte filosofiske tema gjennom historien.


Norge er i navnet et kristent land, hvilket betyr at landet er utformet gjennom tusen år etter idealene til kristendommen. Imidlertid vet vi alle at selv om mange av oss skulle ønske at kristendommen fortsatt sto sentralt for nordmenn, så er ikke det tilfelle lenger.

… påstanden om at den er en privatsak. Dette grep mange mennesker begjærlig etter.

Religion er imidlertid ingen privatsak, fordi den former dine valg og dine handlinger, inkludert dine samhandlinger.


De religiøse idealene forteller om hvordan vi ønsker oss livet. Politikk handler om hvordan vi skal komme dit. Når politikk ikke forankres i en religiøs overbevisning, f.eks. om rettferdighet, lovlydighet, og enda mer: om det skadelige i grådighet og begjær, blir den til et redskap i politikernes hender for å fremme deres egen stilling og hvordan de gjensidig kan hjelpe hverandre.

Politikk er nemlig veien å gå for at en politiker skal oppnå sin egen idealsituasjon, og ikke en felles idealsituasjon.


Mange mennesker hevder at det ikke er nødvendig med religion, bare man har en ideologi å handle etter. Problemet med ideologiene er at de ikke er komplette. De opererer med en forenklet modell av menneskesinnet, og disse forenklingene gjør igjen at ideologien kan postulere religiøse utsagn.

Samtidig har ikke en ideologi et uttalt ritual, men menneskene skaper alltid sine ritualer i alt som er viktig, hva enten det er julefeiring, fotballkamper eller kirkegang.

Kommunismen er eksempelvis en ideologi som bruker egne postulater om mennesket til å innføre et samfunnssystem som fører til et samfunn de fleste ikke vil ha, selv om den fremhever viktige ting som rettferdighet og kamp mot grådighet.


… Først kommer radikalerne og river opp noe med roten og lager kaos. Så kommer de konservative og sørger for at det forblir slik.


Alle nasjoner har en egen kultur, noen særegenheter som man selv tar for gitt og som andre land ikke nødvendigvis tar for gitt.

Vi tar for gitt at kvinnene kan gå alene i byen, men det gjør ikke alle kulturer. Vi tar for gitt at vi kan tøyse med religiøse ting, men det gjør ikke alle kulturer. Vi kan komme i skade for å fornærme mennesker fra andre kulturer uten å være klar over det, fordi vi ikke kjenner deres tenkesett. Vi kan verdsette sider ved andre kulturer, like mye som vi kan se klare trekk ved andre kulturer som ikke er noe å verdsette.

Kultur er et biprodukt av religion, og med forskjellige religioner former man forskjellige kulturer.


… Mange reagerer på bruk av straff, men straffes man ikke når man burde blitt det, blir konsekvensene større senere.


En straff er en konsekvens av å bryte et moralbud. I det daglige er det mange som prøver å omgå dette. Da alle trodde på et liv etter dette, visste man at det vanket helvete eller himmel, straff eller belønning, som konsekvens av ens livsførsel.

Med den nye individualiserte religionen, en blanding av hedonisme og hedensk tro på naturens luner, er det ikke noe liv etter dette, og belønningen blir hva man gjør det til her og nå, mens straffen er noe man kan prøve å unngå så lenge som mulig. …


Når et lands religion forvitrer, forvitrer også moralen og kulturen, og lovverket holdes ikke lenger i hevd. Politikken blir til et spill, og samfunnslivet blir også til et spill hvor det viktige handler om å kare til seg kortsiktige og langsiktige belønninger og unngå negative konsekvenser.

Politikerne sløser – fordi de kan.

Samfunnskontrakten er brutt

… En gang i tiden var politikerne avhengig av den lokale befolkningens velvilje, der de satt under tuntreet i bygdesenteret og fikk rapport om hva deres representant hadde utført hos myndighetene. Ble de sveket, klynget de ham opp i treet.

Men nå er det ingen som sitter under tuntreet og snakker med representanten sin, …

Det er forferdelig å tenke på hvor lite konsekvens det er i politikernes brudd på samfunnskontrakten.

Hva må gjøres?

Nordmenn har tatt religion, moral, ideologi, politikk, kultur og samfunnskontrakt for gitt. … Du kan ganske enkelt ikke stole på hverken politikerne eller systemet; du kan ikke lenger surfe på troen på at andre gjør sitt beste for deg.

… Begynn med begrepene, for begrepene former tankene dine, tankene dine bestemmer hvilke ord du bruker, ordene bestemmer hvilke valg du tar, valgene dine bestemmer hvilke aksjoner du tar, aksjonene dine former karakteren din, og karakteren din former din skjebne.



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