fredag 26. juli 2024

Hvorfor brenne katedraler og kirker?


En katedral er en ruvende stolthet, vil de fleste mene. Noe å undre seg over. Hvordan fikk de det til, for f eks tusen år siden? Og hvorfor får ikke vi det til i dag? At man reiste en jordisk himmelstrebe mot horisonten, er en ufattelig fremmed tanke for Vestens mennesker av i dag – vi har ikke råd til det, ja, det er mye vi ikke har råd til i dag, som de hadde råd til – og et must for - for lenge siden. Uten katedralene hadde vi kanskje ikke vært så mye å bli husket for.  

Men hva er vi stolte av? Noen vil si: Kolonialisme, imperialisme – slaveri, med «oss» på toppen.

Selvsagt er slike forestillinger sludder. Men for noen år siden kunne man på en nettside lese at en yngre, svensk rå- riking skrive: Endelig (tydelig begeistret)! Da Nortre Dame i Paris tok fyr, og ingen visste hvorfor. Hva var han begeistret for?

Sine egne fortapte forestillinger.

Nå var ikke denne svensken ganske alene om sine «synspunkter»; han sitter vel og sturer på ett eller annet bortgjemt sted, in splendid isolation.  Men han har neppe gått i kloster, og han sitter ikke på en katedral, et bispesæte. Han vil kanskje foretrekke, dessuten, å bli begravet utenfor enhver kirkegård, han som mange andre nordboere i dag.

Når katedraler og kirker brenner, fordi de tennes på, bør det begynne å brenne for noen og enhver. Men, nei, vi går bare i gang med «opprydnings» eller restaureringsarbeidet. Hva vil visse muslimer si? Hvor mange imamer vil forkynne at så mange som mulig av katedralene og kirkene bør brennes helt ned, en gang for alle?

Ikke mange. Men se her:

How many French synagogues and cathedrals can burn due to 'incidents'?

The authorities talk of "involuntary destruction by fire": I suspect that these fires have the same source as the desecrated cemeteries and synagogue burnings of Bondy, Clichy, Trappes and many other Jewish places of worship in France. Opinion. Giulio Meotti, Jul 20, 2024 …


November 24, 2018: Pontoise Cathedral burns.

February 6, 2019: Lavaur Cathedral burns.

March 18, 2019: the cathedral-basilica of Saint-Sulpice burns.

April 15, 2019: Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burns.

June 12, 2020: Rennes cathedral burns.

July 18, 2020: Nantes Cathedral burns.

Six great cathedrals of France set on fire.

Now another is added: Rouen, the city which, said Maupassant, "cannot be described, you have to know it". The city of Madame Bovary's forbidden loves with Leo, her "Babylon". The cathedral city painted thirty times by Monet. The city of the “hundred bell towers”​​and the Place du Vieux-Marché, where Joan of Arc was burned alive during the Hundred Years' War.

In 2018, 32 churches burned.

In 2019, the year of Notre Dame, 22 churches burned.

In 2023, 23 churches on fire.

In 2024 so far, 12 churches on fire.

And often multiple churches burn in the same city. The Basilica of Saint-Nicolas in Nantes was almost destroyed by fire.

These numbers are not a coincidence, but a clue.

Like that three churches were burned in ten days in Paris. At the church of Notre-Dame-de-Fatima, in the 19th arrondissement of the capital, they used a flammable liquid. At the church of Saint-Martin-des-Champs, in the 10th arrondissement, pieces of wood.

In 2024 alone, churches burned in Viarme, Neufchâtel, Agneuax, Dannevoux, Poitiers, Bioussac, Revel... And just to name a few. A number similar to the churches burned in Pakistan, where however we know who the arsonist is, while in Europe we blow the whistle with impunity.

Incredible numbers and not to mention the desecrations and acts of vandalism. And it scares me that no one, except for very few, are scared.

In France dozens of cathedrals, basilicas and village churches are burning but we say: "Maybe there was a problem with the electrical system, maybe someone left a cigarette butt, maybe the alarm was faulty and even if it was criminal we don't know who it was."

For Nantes, three fire outbreaks but the authorities favor the cause being an "accident". The prosecutor's office is still "investigating" the fire at Notre Dame. They talk about "involuntary destruction by fire": interesting definition.

Instead, I suspect that these fires have to do with what happened at the synagogues of Bondy, Clichy, Trappes and many other Jewish places of worship in France.

I remember those Islamist posters that said about Notre Dame: “Its construction began in the year 1163 and ended in 1345. It is time to say goodbye to your oratory of polytheism.”



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