lørdag 13. mai 2023

Zelinski, Ukraina, i Roma, - paven på feil planet

 Zelenski, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, besøker paven i Roma. Zelenski mener at ukrainsk kultur er bedre enn russisk, men paven mener at ingen kultur kan hevde at den er bedre enn en annen. Vi støtter Zelenski, og det vi da sier er, at vår kultur eller vår religion faktisk er «bedre enn», - eller ikke? (Sml. islam og Allah og profeten).

Vel, dette svært overflatisk uttrykt, skjematisk, endog, men, men, det kan sies noe mer og her vil jeg legge ut en forkortet utgave av en artikkel av Raymond Ibrahim, som får sagt det meste på kortest mulig tid, med begge beina godt plantet på jorda. Han står med andre ord støtt, mens Vesten vakler under en feig relativisme som alle eller de fleste er bare bra, kanskje i den forstand at de mener at det er bare bra at Vesten går på dunken, så lenge man bare kan smykke seg med at man er relativ, absolutt relativ, hvilket paven etter eget sigende i dag jo er, «at our peril», sammen med alle ateister og krisemaksimerende kommunister som tror at de bare har sett lyset, men at de i sin fanatiske naivisme faktisk også er verdens lys, for all tid fremover.

Se først disse:








Are All Cultures Equal? Pope Francis Thinks So, By Raymond Ibrahim May 11, 2023

Recently, while apologizing to “indigenous peoples” and denouncing Christians — without the all-important historical context — Pope Francis declared that “Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that one culture is superior to others…

… Although the word culture today conjures at best superficial differences like “exotic” dress or food, in reality, cultures are nothing less than entire and distinct worldviews with their own unique sets of right and wrong, often rooted in a religion or philosophy. Indeed, for some thinkers, such as essayist T.S. Eliot, “culture and religion” are inextricably linked and are “different aspects of the same thing.”

Culture may even be described simply as that which makes life worth living. … [N]o culture can appear or develop except in relation to a religion… We can see a religion as the whole way of life of a people, from birth to the grave, from morning to night and even in sleep, and that way of life is also its culture. [From Eliot’s Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, 1943, p.100-101; emphasis in original.]

… Hilaire Belloc: Cultures spring from religions; ultimately the vital force which maintains any culture is its philosophy, its attitude toward the universe; the decay of a religion involves the decay of the culture corresponding to it — we see that most clearly in the breakdown of Christendom today.

… From here, it should be evident that all values traditionally prized by the modern West — religious freedom, tolerance, humanism, monogamy — did not develop in a vacuum but rather are inextricably rooted in Christian principles which, over the course of some two-thousand years, have had a profound influence on Western epistemology, society and, of course, culture.

… there’s a reason why these values were born and nourished in Christian — not Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Confucian — nations.  Even if one were to accept the widely entrenched narrative that the “Enlightenment” is what led to Western progress, it is singularly telling that this enlightenment developed in Christian — as opposed to any of the many non-Christian — nations.

… This is, incidentally, why all secular Western people arrogantly see themselves as the culmination of human history — “enlightened” thinkers who have left all cultural and religious baggage behind with concern only for the material.

… The non-Western world, according to this thinking, is destined to develop just like the West, which is no longer seen as a distinct culture but rather the end point of all cultures.

The folly of such thinking is especially on display in the context of Islam and Muslims, who in this new paradigm are seen as embryonic Westerners. Whatever a Muslim may say — calls for jihad, hate for infidels — surely deep down inside he values “secularism” and appreciates the need to practice Islam privately, respect religious freedom, gender equality, and so on. …

… As T.S. Eliot, who gave these questions much thought, wrote, “Ultimately, antagonistic religions must mean antagonistic cultures; and ultimately, religions cannot be reconciled.”

Portraying what at root is a Christian paradigm as “universal” and then applying it to an alien culture like Islam is doomed to failure. The idea that Muslims can be true to their religion and yet naturally fit into Western society is false and built on an equally false premise: that Christianity somehow also had to moderate itself to fit into a secular society. In fact, Christian principles, which are alien to Islam, were fundamental to the creation of the West.


What, then, of “multiculturalism” — this word that the West is supposed to celebrate and embrace wholeheartedly?  Behind it is the idea that all cultures are equal, and none — certainly not Christian or Western culture — “is superior to others,” to quote Francis. In reality, multiculturalism is another euphemistic way of undermining and replacing the truths of a religion and its culture with relativism.

Earlier Western peoples understood that capitulating to a foreign culture was tantamount to suicide. Again, Eliot:  [I]t is inevitable that we should, when we defend our religion, be at the same time defending our culture, and vice versa: we are obeying the fundamental instinct to preserve our existence [emphasis in original].

… Incidentally, being opposed to “multiculturalism” — that is to say, relativism — is in no way the same thing as being opposed to other races or ethnicities but rather being opposed to disunity and chaos.

… In short, there’s nothing wrong if a nation’s citizenry is composed of different races and ethnicities, but they can only prosper if they share the same worldview, the same priorities, the same ethics, the same sense of right and wrong — in a word, the same culture.


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