torsdag 11. mai 2023

Imran Kahn: Sverige som islamsk idealstat

Ja, dette fikk vi høre på Dax 18 mandag og det var professor Elisabeth Eide fra Bergen som sa det, som bevis på at Imran Kahn er, eller var, «moderat».

Professoren var i sin studietid sterkt påvirket av ytterste venstre på universitetet, bare for å ha sagt det.

Hun er vel kanskje påvirket av dette ennå. Jeg vet ikke om hun er klar over at Khan er sterk tilhenger av sharia, visstnok i moderat form – hvis det overhodet er mulig, hvilket er tvilsomt.

Vi kan spørre: Hvor mange flere flyktninger eller asylsøker eller «ulovlige» vil Kahn oppmuntre Sverige til å ta inn? Er han strikt sharia-venn?:

 By India Today World Desk: The cleric who solemnised former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's wedding with Bushra Bibi said the ceremony was not conducted in accordance with Islamic Sharia law, reported The Express Tribune on Wednesday. The cleric said the couple's wedding in 2018 occurred during Bushra Bibi's iddat period.

The iddat period (three months) is a waiting period that a Muslim woman must observe on account of the death of her husband or the dissolution of the marriage.

Eide kom med noen viktige perspektiver på pakistansk politikk og forhold for øvrig. Hun pekte på tre viktige, veldig rike familier som styrer neste alt i Pakistan. Imran Kahn har klart det kunststykke å samle folk under sin paraply i nesten alle distrikter i landet, på tvert av familier og klaner, (men på tvers av sharia? – neppe).

Obs: Les Venstrefløyen og islam av Jørgen Sandemose, 2011, Valdisholm. Se også her:

Se dette panoramaet som belyser – litt nede på siden - Sandemose i forhold til «oikofoben» Gule:

Hørt det før, at Norge er en islamsk idealstat?

Men så over til Sverige:

…The size of the mirgrant population which Sweden is now trying to curtail, has passed the point of no return. Death knell for the EU? Op-ed. Giulio Meotti   Apr 21, 2023

"Rather than leading to meltdown, the migration crisis is leading to the fission of Europe," wrote Stanford historian Niall Ferguson five years ago. "I am increasingly convinced that the migration crisis will be seen by future historians as the fatal ingredient that dissolved the EU".

… half of all residence permits granted by Sweden - nearly 400,000 - have gone to reunite families from various geopolitical disaster areas. Many of these places were in the Islamic world: Yugoslavia, Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan the main ones.

In 2014 then Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt invited fellow Swedish citizens to "open their hearts" to refugees from all over the world: "I ask the Swedish people to be patient and supportive, in the long term we will create a better world in this way". The following year alone, Sweden would welcome 163,000 people. The equivalent of 1.6 percent of the total population.

And so the famous "land of the right of asylum" ended up with suburbs where today only one in ten inhabitants is Swedish and at Lund University academics of Egyptian origin such as Sameh Egyptson publish research on the project of Islamization of Swedish society through demographic and cultural changes.

Now the "most generous nation on earth" acknowledges that it preferred the former world to the "better world" and changes direction. By 180 degrees.

“The 'humanitarian superpower' that former Conservative Foreign Minister Carl Bildt boasted of, welcoming 163,000 refugees in 2015, a record per capita in Europe, is gradually closing its doors after last September's parliamentary elections, which saw a spectacular affirmation of the Democrats of Sweden (SD), an extreme right-wing nationalist party” tells Le Figaro in a chilling report.

… The SD, which became the largest right-wing party and second largest in parliament with 20 percent of the vote, after the Social Democrats, contributed significantly to the right's return to power. In particular, … The pivot of this 'paradigm shift of asylum', as Maria Malmer Stenergard, defines it, is 'determined to drastically reduce the number of irregular migrants'.

… 'We Swedes are already a minority in Malmö,' he says. In fact, in this third largest city in the kingdom, with a population of 357,000, 57 percent were born abroad or of foreign parents, and 184 nationalities are represented."

In Malmö the new figures for the age groups 5-9 and 10-14 are more than 68 percent foreigners.

… The majority of students in Malmö have a migrant background. The news prompts calls for new educational facilities where migrants can study in their mother tongue, Arabic, because Swedish is now a "minority language". As early as 2010, the Wall Street Journal warned that Sweden would become “Eurabia”.

“Jews leave Sweden's third largest city,” writes Swedish newspaper Nyheter Idag. … In Malmö, half of the residents are under 35 and the most popular first name is Mohammed.

And when multiculturalism takes on these dimensions, it becomes impossible for society to not dissolve.

Ta refleksjonsbrillene på og “nyt»:


Fra Wiki:

… He presided over a shrinking current account deficit,[17][18] and limited defence spending to curtail the fiscal deficit, leading to some general economic growth.[19][20][21] He enacted policies that increased tax collection[22][23] and investment.[24] His government committed to a renewable energy transition, launched the Ehsaas Programme and the Plant for Pakistan initiative, and expanded the protected areas of Pakistan. He presided over the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused economic turmoil and rising inflation in the country, and threatened his political position.[25]

Amid a constitutional crisis, Khan became the first Prime Minister to be removed from office through a no-confidence motion in April 2022. In August, he was charged under anti-terror laws after accusing the police and judiciary of detaining and torturing an aide …

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