torsdag 26. august 2021

Kabul: Hvordan begrunne «crual and usual punishment»?

Vi har nettopp fått bekreftet at ISIS har påtatt seg ansvaret for selvmordsbombingen i Kabul. Dette for å korrigere vår forrige postering en smule. Men nye vinkler åpner seg:  

 Fins det en spesiell muslimsk logikk og er den gyldig til alle tider på alle steder, og for alle?

 Det kan se slik ut. Logikken går slik, og den er selvinnlysende og uavhendelig: Hvorfor er Allah barmhjertig? Jo, fordi han er barmhjertig – og nådig. Er Muhammed alle menneskers prakteksemplar? Ja, fordi han er alle menneskers rollemodell.

Noen bedre? (Iflg den amerikanske konstutusjonen er det forbudt å håndheve "unusual and cruel punishment, bare for å ha sagt det).

For en taliban er dette læresetninger. Bygget på en egen iboende logikk og med all god grunn fremmed for Vesten, inntil nå. Talibans læresetninger – slik læresetningene lærer - og Talibans ortodoksi, for ikke å nevne doxologi, er selvinnlysende, i den muslimske logikk, og derfor både fruktbare, sunne og valide, som det heter i logikken.

Men er de det? Joda, for en absolutt relativist, kan det nok hende at man tenker nettopp slik også i Vesten. Vesten er full av tankefeil. Men disse er ikke guddommelig forordnet – og kan derfor avlæres.

Vil vi like å tro – ja, det er nødvendig å tro akkurat dette, for hvis ikke, kan Vesten glemme at den noen gang har eksistert, sett i et litt større perspektiv.

Hva med i islam? Hør hvordan en «top-dog” eller alfahann i Taliban sier, og hvis ingen forstår innebyrden i dette, ja vel, så stakkars menneske:

Dr. Mohammad Naim, a spokesperson for the Taliban’s political office, stressed that his movement has sent out assurances within Afghanistan, the neighboring region and international community that the country will not be a platform to threaten the security of other nations ....

Asked how much the movement has changed since it ruled Afghanistan the first time back in 1996 and imposed harsh daily restrictions on the people, Naim replied that the foundations of the movement’s ideology are based on religion.

Kommentar: Det er dette Vesten ikke forstår: RELIGION. I praksis betyr dette Allah. I Vesten tror man at Allah er identisk med den judeokristne Gud. Hvilket ikke bare er en logisk brist å tenke og tro, men også en ontologisk umulighet.

The movement wants an independent Islamic system based on Sharia law, he explained. This system will achieve justice, end oppression, provide security, unite the country, foster fraternity between the Muslim Afghan people, preserve everyone’s rights, achieve economic and social prosperity and establish positive relations with all countries.

These goals have never changed, he stressed. …

Asked when the Taliban will impose Sharia law in Afghanistan, Naim replied that the implementation of Sharia is not limited to penalties against crimes, theft and drinking alcohol.

Sharia means religion becomes a way of life in terms of creed, worship, behavior and morals. It becomes part of the people’s individual, social, political, economic and cultural lives, he stated. The system is responsible for providing the people with security and opportunities in all fields.

The first thing the future system will implement is fulfill the goal the Afghan people have strived for for over 40 years and that is the establishment of an Islamic system under which they can live in security, safety and dignity, he said ….

The new government will meet its expectations and will be the real product of their jihad and sacrifices, he stated.

Looking beyond the Afghan borders, Naim said the Taliban was hoping to establish strong relations with all Islamic and Arab countries and ties of friendship with all world countries. …

Meanwhile, other countries, such as China, Russia and Germany and some members of the European Union, have started to send “positive” messages towards the “Emirate”, which it appreciates, revealed Naim.

… Commenting on the US pullout from Afghanistan, he said foreigners cannot remain in a country that is not their own. The Taliban was confident that the foreign forces would withdraw from the country.

Turning to the Taliban’s approach towards extremist groups, such as al-Qaeda, he stressed that the “Emirate” had pledged to all countries that Afghanistan will not serve as a platform for operations that threaten the security of any country. …

On the role of women in Afghanistan, Naim said the “Emirate” had underscored its keenness on educating women and their right to hold jobs. This should all, however, take place according to Sharia law and the values of the Afghan people.

… the people are Muslim and they know the rules of Islam. The people are proud of their religion, values, morals and nation. Islam is no stranger to the people, who have throughout history made sacrifices for the religion. This is secret to no one.

… Those who have been deceived by these claims have since opened their eyes to the truth.

The war is over, declared Naim. Now is the time for peace, in spite of some lingering problems. Kabul will be ruled by a just and fair Islamic system that meets the demands of the Muslim Afghan people.

Asked if the Taliban will return to the harsh punishments, such as public executions, amputations and stoning, it had adopted when it ruled between 1996 and 2001, he said that punishments outlined in the Quran and Sunnah and agreed to by scholars of the nation are not described as harsh or inhumane.

The “Emirate” does not impose such punishments, but God does, he clarified, citing evidence in the Quran, Sunnah teachings and by scholars….

En annen vri og en annen storpolitisk logikk fremkommer her med all tydelighet, hvis det ikke var tydelig nok fra før:

“Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: The World Will Accept the Expulsion of Israel, Like It Accepted the Expulsion of the U.S. by the Taliban; Gulf Leaders Will Be Forced to Flee like Ashraf Ghani,” MEMRI, August 19, 2021:

Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahhar said that the world has accepted the Taliban’s expulsion of the United States occupation as legitimate and the same will be true for Gaza. He made his remarks in an interview that aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) on August 19, 2021. Al-Zahhar said that a “liberation” enterprise is different from a “terrorist” one. He further said that the leaders of the Gulf countries, who normalized ties with Israel will soon flee their countries like Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled Tunisia and Ashraf Ghani recently fled Afghanistan.



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